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Heidrage: 2015-04-18 09:31:41 am
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Heidrage: 2010-07-15 02:16:31 am
Willing to teach you the impossible
Original Post
I will be using this post to keep track of the notes I am finding while looking and detailed info on stuff I find so that I have it visually some where rather try and remember way too much right away. Also gives me a reference point during practice runs so I know what I am doing till I can get everything by memory.
Links I am currently using for reference (dont have everything I want, but it is better than nothing)
Very good walkthrough
Enemy stats
Side quest rewards/Generic walk through
Current detailed route
Important Cliff Notes Version under construction
Ever since my discovery of SDA, I have wanted to speed run this game. Yes I can see this being a long project, but I'm up to the task.
I'm starting this topic to see if there is any other people that would be interested in this run. If there really is not anyone then I'm not gunna keep my progress updated on here.
Well I'm unsure what else to put in this post, but I will be doing test runs soon and I believe that I already have great ideas for it too.
Btw, I will be running this on the GameCube, because the PS2 version lags a bit... and I like the clothing better too... for the most part at least.
I'm starting this topic to see if there is any other people that would be interested in this run. If there really is not anyone then I'm not gunna keep my progress updated on here.
Well I'm unsure what else to put in this post, but I will be doing test runs soon and I believe that I already have great ideas for it too.
Btw, I will be running this on the GameCube, because the PS2 version lags a bit... and I like the clothing better too... for the most part at least.
I will be using this post to keep track of the notes I am finding while looking and detailed info on stuff I find so that I have it visually some where rather try and remember way too much right away. Also gives me a reference point during practice runs so I know what I am doing till I can get everything by memory.
Links I am currently using for reference (dont have everything I want, but it is better than nothing)
Very good walkthrough
Enemy stats
Side quest rewards/Generic walk through
Current detailed route
Notes:All petitions have been eliminated from the route. I believe all random enemy drops have have been eliminated due to better routing, some do help though. All skill points are subject to change (WAY too many options/builds to test). The game has an enemy AI hole that I refer to as the "AI bug/glitch" to where if you can get an enemy to attack you and you walk away from them during the animation, they stop following you and just stand still until you attack them. Most things in bold are things that should be tested.
Entering the Tempest
Only thing that really matters here is if Icicle Minor or Teomuran Mace drops. Not a big deal if neither drops. The mace has +2 more strength over a mace that is picked up later on. Scroll only determines how many is needed to be purchased once at the first shop.
Isle of Teomura
-Skill up party.
Set Sangaril's AI to melee. Run through the traps and collect the rings. Equip Flaming Cutlass once the red ghost is dead. Equip Fire Ring and Ice Ring to Maia once you picked up both. Run past the set of pirates just before the bridge and hope either Sangaril kills them or dies. Clear out the bridge and proceed.
Prince Neru's Lair
Kill off the pirates in the main room. Head to grab Neru's Gem with Maia. Open the chest with Maia and switch to Sangaril and head to the main room. Ignore the rest of the enemies in this area. Place the gem and get to Neru.
Palace of Halassar
Talk to the necessary people only to leave the palace. Pick up Khanda then head to the merchant. Sell Energy Ring and buy enough of any "dart" scroll so you have 3 (any 3 will do, if you got one from a drop, stick with them so you dont need to switch items later). Leave after that. [Will edit in a new shopping list later]
Imperial Sepulcher
Kill off first wave of enemies and skill up after.
-Skill up party.
TEST NEEDED: Skip all enemies to the Solo event, play as Taurgis and run past everyone and place the lever then use the AI bug once down stairs to keep all enemies off Taugaris and test the following - 1: kill the last 3 enemies before the summon stone 2: bait the 3 enemies away from the exit and see if the game looks for enemies death or enemies proximity to the exit
Using Taurgis, kill off enemies as you come to them. You can leave them nearly dead and let the AI kill them off. Once getting the set on the stairs attacking Taurgis, switch to Sangaril and proceed to the door and do the solo event. As Taugaris, pick up the chest and kill any straggling enemies and pick up any drops on the way out. Keep an eye on your allies and be sure they follow you through the doors. Kill off all enemies as you come to them.
-Once past the Summoning Stone, you are free to let allies die and you do not need to kill any more enemies except for the ones that hold key items. Head down stairs and grab Key (1 of 3). Head up and take the path closest to the stairs. Kill off the monsters to get Key (2 of 3), some knights might follow you in and join the fight. Head back and go strait. once in the large room, the the right path. Go down to the beach and use your scrolls on the Captain, run around to not get surrounded. Pick up Key (3 of 3) and head towards the boss door. If for any reason you dont have a Teomuran Mace or a Mace by this point, take the chest near the boss door on the small path before the stairs. Be sure to enter the door/fight as Taugaris. Once the fight starts, run off to the corner then switch to Maia. The enemies should surround Taugaris then not move after that leaving Maia free to attack the 3 orbs. Bum rush Krobelus and DO NOT LET HIM CAST ANY SPELLS!!! He will one shot Maia with an energy bolt. Keep Healing Potions as your item and just beat him down. He casts a fire AoE that will one shot all party members unless they have the fire ring on.
Palace of Halassar 2
Talk to who you have to only. Forced petition has no effects on the game that is known. Talk with the Embassy from behind. Talk and skip and he will turn away from you. He can be killed with 2 full combos using the Teomuran Mace. Pick up items and leave. (might need to visit the item shop in SS for safety items)
Miridan's Pass
Enter solo mode as Sangaril and equip the cross bow, head to the Shrine of the White Lady and hit the gongs in the following order: Red > Yellow > Blue, Orange > Green > Yellow > Red, Blue > Orange > Red > Yellow > Green. Touch the shrine and walk back the the exit, may need to leave solo mode to exit area.
Prison of Indubal
Taurgis - Run past everything and use AI bug on last 2 enemies, the game looks for enemy proximity to the button.
Maia - Say no and leave, kill the mage just outside the room with 1 Fire Arrow and pick up the key. Walk past all enemies and open the 2 first gates (AI bug just before the second if necessary). One of the 3 enemies will drop the key (I believe it is one of the melee guys drops the key). Open the door and press the button.
Sangaril - enter sneak mode and open the door and go right (the direction) and pass behind the first guy and hug the wall while walking in front of him, he will not see you. go strait to the opposite corner and hug the right wall (dont need to go into the crevices in the wall) and go strait for the button. If done fast enough (have a few seconds to spare, so timing is not tight at all) you should be able to activate the button)
Trials: Maia - Kill the caster first. Switch to a mace weapon and do the AI bug on the remaining 3 enemies. Fire Arrow the 2 melee guys and mace the ranger.
Trials: Taurgis - Set healing potions and just spam attack. At about 45-50% health he will switch to a charge attack and knock you down, once up dodge his next charge and space yourself so you can react to his charge (the timing is random so it can come out fast or be a few seconds, I do not know if this can be manipulated in any way). When he charges you do a Kick as it deals the most damage per hit. Guide him to the exit door and kill him near it. Once he is dead head for the exit and pick up the ring on your way out.
Munari City
Stop at the armor store and sell unneeded gear and items and purchase 1 set of Munari armor then head to the weapons store and sell the rest of the unneeded items you can and purchase 1 Munari Mace. leave there and head up to the last guy you need to talk to in this area and head for the Arena district and talk with Gadjama and get his bodril . once done go to Mas Ora and start the Arena event. When in the event, run past all enemies and cast Fire Arrow at the Munari with a cross bow names Azraman, it should kill him. Leave the arena an talk with Morbazan then head to the Isis Door to leave the city then reenter. Get the door gem and head to Cadorsu just outside the magic shop. After talking with Cadorsu head back to the harbor and enter the Isis Door.
Adytum of the Unseen, Part 1
Enter solo mode and solve the puzzle, once all the barriers are gone, leave solo mode and watch your mini map for your allies to get to the bottom of the ramp and reenter solo mode. Ignore all enemies and head left and go into the left door and get the Red Gem from the third pod from the left. Head out and enter the next door, go up the ramp and get the gem at the top. Switch to the next character and make your way back to the other path from the entrance and enter the first door on the left. Get the Rough Gem from the pile under the ramp then go up the ramp to cut it and get the Blue Gem. Switch to the next character then leave solo mode. Head out and go left. Enter solo mode once an ally gets near the teleporter. Take the right door, set the gems and get the Purple Gem. switch to the character near the teleporter and activate it.
Adytum of the Unseen, Part 2
Test: What determines the flag to proceed to the next area? Specific creep? Creep proximity?
As Maia, proceed to the solo event. Be sure to equip the Munari gear, energy ring, and summon ring. The unseen guards, both melee and range) can be quickly dealt with using a 2 hit combo rhythm (2 attack combo with a slight delay between each attack then block, they should attack immediately after the 2 attacks. Block and repeat combo). Melee the Red Unseen Beast and cast Fire Arrow at the Blue Unseen Beast.
Once transformed into Eye Summon open the spell menu and highlight Energy Bolt and turn the camera to face the door then select the spell, once the enemy that spawns in front of the door wait a moment until you hear the other enemy spawns then start casting at the enemy in front of the door (should take 2). Collect the item drop and open the door, Guards will spawn and rush you. AI bug them and cast Energy Bolt at them, they should all die in 1 hit. If you are not able to kill them all before the summon runs out, use any Energy Major scrolls you have have collected as they are one hit hills as well. Last resort is to melee them. Once done, activate Iari and check your gold total. If less than 5000 gold get the chest in Iari's room if you have 5000 or more then leave.
Munari City 2
Walk up the ramp and talk with Gadjama and offer to buy his bodril from him but back out, then repeat to get all the gold you need for the rest of the run. Still testing the "optimal" amount needed between time spent vs time save from end game gear/paying for the last Iari clue. Talk with Morbazan then...
Eleh Caverns
Run past everything and activate the Yago event.
Eleh Fragment: Tree
Test: For all fragments, see if a specific enemy triggers the exit or if enemy proximity does. For all fragments: Spells on the fat parasites and melee for the twin headed parasites.
Eleh Fragment: Sand
Do not take Sangaril and Taurgis as they will fight at the exit. Take Morbazan and... take your pick really, both work well I just prefer the attack animations of Taurgis.
Eleh Fragment: Eye
End with Iari
Eleh Fragment: Blood
Might not be the best final team, but I take Maia, Taurgis and Iari. Use Maia/Taurgis to distract the Ezuran Guards and use Iari and cast Energy Bolt to Kill the boss. Test taking both Morbazan and Iari and have both cast spells at boss via micro
Wheel of the PerduellionFun...
-Head to the purple stream and activate the short scene. Head back and talk with the closest Perduellion you see then go back the purple stream and go in.
-Talk Morbazan then leave. Go to the orange stream. Talk with the advocate in the yellow mask near the portal to get the tribunal mask. Go up the ramp and talk with Taurgis then the shop right behind you. Do not sell the Munari Armor set. Weapons to purchase Twilight Halberd, Mace, Hammer, 2 Katanas, Rod, Dagger, and Ushan Warhammer. Armor to purchase 2 Leggings, 2 Boots, 2 Gloves, 1 Cuirass[/i]. Total gold spent: 129880 Buy some Action Tonic? Head up the ramp and talk with any of the Archons at the top then go back to the portal and go to the tribunal. Test getting the Fire or Energy gauntlets for Paludal fight?
-Equip the Tribunal Mask and talk with the guy next to Morbazan, then the Tribunal, then Morbazan. Once done go back the to the wheel and go into the blue stream.
-Equip Maia with the twilight gear and mace. Ignore the enemies and just eat all the energy bolts and talk with Nepenthes. Play her games then head out and take the portal back to the wheel.
-Equip the the Perduellion Mask and talk with anyone there then head to the green portal.
-Talk with the keeper then start the summon stone scene. Once done banish the summon asap, then go to the door opposite from where you came from. Use Vandals Key on the chest in the left corner and then leave and turn left and go the the last door. Go the the far left corner where the chest and get it? Then interact with the bookshelf . Once done go to the portal and go to the tribunal.
-Talk with the Advocate then take the portal to the temple.
-Go to the shop and buy the Iari part, then go back to the portal and go to the ruins.
-Make your way back to Nepenthes ignoring the enemies and play the last game (this one is only a few seconds long and you will have to pay for the clue. How long you take determines how much. If you cant afford the clue you can retry for a better time). Once done attack Nepenthes first as she as should die quickly from melee. Vandal has the same ai as the pirate captain at the beginning of the game. Do not cast spells and just melee him to death. Pick up the items and head to the portal and go to the temple.
-At the start of the area interact with the 2 small statues next to the large head with the long tongue then interact with the large statue where the tongue used to be. Go up to the Archons and show them Vandal's Mask. Head back to the portal and go to the wheel.
-Equip the Perduellion Mask and talk with the closest npc. Head to the purple stream.
-Note: This is a micro heavy fight at the start to do efficiently At the start, get Maia out of range of the melee attacks then cast Fire Arrow at the Blue Judge. When in the casting animation, switch to Taurgis and equip the Twilight Halberd and get hit attacking the Purple Judge. Get Iari out of range and cast Energy Bolt at the Red Judge. Keep casting with Maia and Iari until the red and blue judge are dead. Make both Maia and Iari are set to melee and dog pile the purple judge (DO NOT LET IARI CAST ENERGY BOLT ON THE PURPLE JUDGE, IT WILL HEAL PURPLE JUDGE).
-Talk with any Perduellion then equip the Red Mask then enter the red portal near the center of the wheel.
-Take Maia, Taurgis, and... I use Morbazan, Sangaril might be better? Use Maia with mace and kill off the 2 adds, then switch to Twilight Dagger and attack Ushandul. Let Morbazan cast as he pleases and Taurgis do what ever he wants.
-Take the multi colored portal to exit the wheel.
Paludal's Bridge
Lots of possible combinations for this area. Neru should not be taken. Possible suggested characters: Maia, Morbazan, Iari (set weakness to energy and equip Maia with energy gauntlets once fight begins). *Maia, Yago, Taurgis (set weakness to fire and equip Taurgis with fire gauntlets)* current theoretical best due to Maia and Taurgis amplifying Fire dmg via Fire Discipline skill but the first team has naturally higher spell dmg. Needs to be tested.
-Equip the team with Twilight gear. Talk with Bazing in the hut then use his hammer on the gong. Ignore all enemies except the final set of Rococro just before Paludal's door (test pulling them into the room and away from the door. Grab the flute to the right after entering the first hut then continue on. Once in the room with the terminals, use the center console and set weakness according to the team selected then proceed to the last hut and close the door behind you. Do not leave the hut and switch to the next character and walk them to where Maia is then do the same for the last character then proceed the the last bridge and kill the 3 rococro's then enter the fight.
-Approach Paludal with your teams melee character (Maia with the energy team and Taurgis with the fire team) then micro the 2 spell casters with Energy Bolt/Fire Arrow. Do this for all 5 phases. Once the fight is over, unequip the Twilight armor (leave weapons alone) and be sure the gauntlets are off as well, then leave.
The Wall
-I personally go left at the first split and right at the second, the second split needs to be right as the left is a dead end.
The Interior
Equip the Twilight Katanas. Sneak around and kill all enemies with a back stab, should kill each with one hit.
-NOTE: I recommend killing all enemies. The way this area functions, I dont think any strat will survive unless everything is killed. Proceed slowly as you will die very fast if too many enemies are pulled. a new set of enemies will attack once you pass trigger points, and some enemies do not spawn until specific enemy groups are killed. They attack fast and poison so this area will not be fun.
-Equip twilight gear on Neru and Yago and equip the energy gauntlets on Neru. Set Yago to healer and Neru to melee. Use Neru to pull groups of enemies and use Yago and Iari to cast Energy Bolt at all enemies. Keep Neru alive by playing as Iari for the most part but when the team is well healed use both to cast spells. Do this for both areas. Before finishing the second area, unequip the Twilight gear.
Tower of the Ancient Ones Part 1 and 2
-Equip Maia and Taurgis with Twilight gear with Twilight Dagger on Maia and Twilight Halberd for Taurgis (should be already for him). Set Maia to healer. Keep track of your mini map and be sure to be walking in the proper direction. Do not open any of the side doors. All enemies must be killed in order for the portals to open. Use Taurgis to pull enemies and then use Morbazan and Maia to cast spells on the proper enemies based on color. Fire for red, ice for blue, energy for purple, and dart for green. Most of the time you should be controlling Morbazan and micro Maia when a red enemy is around. Dart can be cast on red enemies as well but for much less damage. The Purple enemies can drop an Regeneration Ring and if you get more than one to drop you have the best run ever going (in a segmented run you will want 3 to drop, 2 will make the next area SIGNIFICANTLY easier). Push on and hope you have good luck with drops.
-For the boss fight, set Morbazan to caster/healer and both Maia and Taurgis to melee. Attack the eye in the center then dog pile the boss. Should take 2-3 rounds. Just before the boss dies, unequip the twilight gear from Taurgis and any regeneration rings except from Maia.
Valley of Khargathalan AKA "The Run Ender"
-Go slow, kill everything. I have tested just running through but the controls of the tower makes it nearly impossible to survive.
Blue Tower
Lots of possibilities for the towers. Mage is weak to energy/slash, ranger is weak to fire/blunt, and the warrior is weak to ice/pierce. Each tower they get more aggressive and cast more spells. Mage and Warriors should take priority. Warriors still take lots of dmg from other spells too. The towers have no set play because how the area's enemies are. Note that enemies in the towers are undead, so necromancy spell Destroy Undead is VERY strong.
-Take Yago and Sangaril. Equip twilight gear and any regeneration rings. Use Sangaril to pull enemies, use snake poison to help out, and switch to Yago to cast spells at everyone. If Yago pulls too many at once, switch to Sangaril and back stab. You could also set Yago to healer/caster and just use Sangaril the entire time while microing Yago for specific casting. Focus mages>warrior>ranger. Be sure to unequip twilight armor and regen rings before finishing.
Orange Tower
Take Maia and Neru. Equip twilight gear and any regeneration rings. Same strat as above just better spell caster for the situation. Neru's protection spell will help out. Maia Destroy Undead spell is good here. Focus mages>warrior>ranger. Be sure to unequip twilight armor and regen rings before finishing.
Purple Tower
Morbazan and Taurgis. Equip twilight gear and any regeneration rings. Same strat as above just better spell caster for the situation. Morbazan's Destroy Undead spell is good here. Kill mages ASAP. Be sure to unequip twilight armor and regen rings before finishing.
Valley of Khargathalan
-pull the tower boss back where you came from, attack and back up slightly then attack again and repeat.
-In FPS mode, when you hear a shot fired at you do a short side step. total of 4 faces. Each take one hit.
Dream of Eleh
Talk with the guy on the steps and leave.
Palace of Halassar
Just leave.
Miridan's Pass 2
Take Maia, Taurgis and... Yago? Equip Maia and Taurgis with the Twilight armor and regen rings and Maia with mace. Set Maia to melee and Yago to Caster Healer Talk with the general, the the vizier then the general again to start the event. Take the left path and kill the 2 enemies quickly. Fire spells for the blue ones, ice spells for the red ones. Once done or with all the enemies very low on health, head over to the far side of the map and intercept the other 2 enemies at the far flag. Once done go to the enemy entrance and wait as Taurgis. Takes about minute, then they all spawn at once. Pull them all with Taurgis and Maia then start casting spells with Yago (might be a good idea to pull most and chase down the others later). Keep an eye out and chase down any that wander off to a flag. Once all enemies are dead, wait near the spawn location and repeat the same process.
Tamirath Citadel
-Ignore all enemies until told otherwise. Take Maia, Taurgis, and Morbazan. Equip Maia with mace and twilight gear and regen ring (Maia gets ring priority), Taurgis with Ushan Warhammer and munari gear and regen ring, Morbazan with twilight gear any rings that are left over. Run into the next room and activate the rune event. Once done, switch to Taurgis and run into the next room and go left. Pick up the dirty frag talisman and then turn around and go right and in the far corner pick up the dirty frog talisman then proceed on to the armor room. Skip the scene then go down stairs and get the chest to the left of the door and move on. At the next room, go left then at the intersection go strait (make you on the right side of the room) and clean both frog talisman's in the bird bath just before the exit. Morbazan gets the Mind Ward priority and Taurgis gets Death Ward priority. If you end up with duplicates then give the second to Maia regardless what it is. Move on to the last room and command Taurgis to help fight. Once the scene is over, kill the enemies in the room and proceed upstairs and interact with the locked door with Taurgis. Let Maia and Taurgis fight and cast Death with Morbazan. Prioritize the Purple Armor (I believe one drops the door key) and enter the boss room.
Tamirath Throne Room
-Set Morbazan to healer/caster, equip Taurgis with Ubenna's Halberd and play as Maia. Keep Death Ward on all allies for the fight. Attach with melee in first phase. When the boss has his bubble back off as he can not be hurt. If Morbazan gets Charmed, ignore him. When the second phase starts cast your strongest fire spells at him. Might be a good idea to micro Morbazan's spells at this point for extra dmg/healing.
Eye of the Storm
- General rule for this area: Ignore all enemies and attack the boss.
-Set the crown on the statue head. Get the chest in the left wall before leaving this room.
-Krobelus: Set Neru to healer. Use Morbazan and stand in the middle of the room where Krobelus is and cast Dart till he is dead. If possible, Unequip gear and rings from Morbazan just before the boss dies.
-Surdama Kir: If you have the gear from Morbazan, give it all to Sangaril. Use Sangaril and chase down the boss and attack the boss when you can. When in the cave, pull the few enemies a bit away from the boss and ai bug them and then attack the boss. Proceed on with the chase and equip the crossbow. Ai bug the last set and attack the boss with the crossbow. Keep up with the chase and just attack the boss.
-Rosalind: testing needs to be done
-Tempest: Testing needs to be done to see if the fight can be triggered faster. Cast Empower and just full melee combo the boss, heal as needed.
WOW that took forever...
Entering the Tempest
Only thing that really matters here is if Icicle Minor or Teomuran Mace drops. Not a big deal if neither drops. The mace has +2 more strength over a mace that is picked up later on. Scroll only determines how many is needed to be purchased once at the first shop.
Isle of Teomura
-Skill up party.
Set Sangaril's AI to melee. Run through the traps and collect the rings. Equip Flaming Cutlass once the red ghost is dead. Equip Fire Ring and Ice Ring to Maia once you picked up both. Run past the set of pirates just before the bridge and hope either Sangaril kills them or dies. Clear out the bridge and proceed.
Prince Neru's Lair
Kill off the pirates in the main room. Head to grab Neru's Gem with Maia. Open the chest with Maia and switch to Sangaril and head to the main room. Ignore the rest of the enemies in this area. Place the gem and get to Neru.
Palace of Halassar
Talk to the necessary people only to leave the palace. Pick up Khanda then head to the merchant. Sell Energy Ring and buy enough of any "dart" scroll so you have 3 (any 3 will do, if you got one from a drop, stick with them so you dont need to switch items later). Leave after that. [Will edit in a new shopping list later]
Imperial Sepulcher
Kill off first wave of enemies and skill up after.
-Skill up party.
TEST NEEDED: Skip all enemies to the Solo event, play as Taurgis and run past everyone and place the lever then use the AI bug once down stairs to keep all enemies off Taugaris and test the following - 1: kill the last 3 enemies before the summon stone 2: bait the 3 enemies away from the exit and see if the game looks for enemies death or enemies proximity to the exit
Using Taurgis, kill off enemies as you come to them. You can leave them nearly dead and let the AI kill them off. Once getting the set on the stairs attacking Taurgis, switch to Sangaril and proceed to the door and do the solo event. As Taugaris, pick up the chest and kill any straggling enemies and pick up any drops on the way out. Keep an eye on your allies and be sure they follow you through the doors. Kill off all enemies as you come to them.
-Once past the Summoning Stone, you are free to let allies die and you do not need to kill any more enemies except for the ones that hold key items. Head down stairs and grab Key (1 of 3). Head up and take the path closest to the stairs. Kill off the monsters to get Key (2 of 3), some knights might follow you in and join the fight. Head back and go strait. once in the large room, the the right path. Go down to the beach and use your scrolls on the Captain, run around to not get surrounded. Pick up Key (3 of 3) and head towards the boss door. If for any reason you dont have a Teomuran Mace or a Mace by this point, take the chest near the boss door on the small path before the stairs. Be sure to enter the door/fight as Taugaris. Once the fight starts, run off to the corner then switch to Maia. The enemies should surround Taugaris then not move after that leaving Maia free to attack the 3 orbs. Bum rush Krobelus and DO NOT LET HIM CAST ANY SPELLS!!! He will one shot Maia with an energy bolt. Keep Healing Potions as your item and just beat him down. He casts a fire AoE that will one shot all party members unless they have the fire ring on.
Palace of Halassar 2
Talk to who you have to only. Forced petition has no effects on the game that is known. Talk with the Embassy from behind. Talk and skip and he will turn away from you. He can be killed with 2 full combos using the Teomuran Mace. Pick up items and leave. (might need to visit the item shop in SS for safety items)
Miridan's Pass
Enter solo mode as Sangaril and equip the cross bow, head to the Shrine of the White Lady and hit the gongs in the following order: Red > Yellow > Blue, Orange > Green > Yellow > Red, Blue > Orange > Red > Yellow > Green. Touch the shrine and walk back the the exit, may need to leave solo mode to exit area.
Prison of Indubal
Taurgis - Run past everything and use AI bug on last 2 enemies, the game looks for enemy proximity to the button.
Maia - Say no and leave, kill the mage just outside the room with 1 Fire Arrow and pick up the key. Walk past all enemies and open the 2 first gates (AI bug just before the second if necessary). One of the 3 enemies will drop the key (I believe it is one of the melee guys drops the key). Open the door and press the button.
Sangaril - enter sneak mode and open the door and go right (the direction) and pass behind the first guy and hug the wall while walking in front of him, he will not see you. go strait to the opposite corner and hug the right wall (dont need to go into the crevices in the wall) and go strait for the button. If done fast enough (have a few seconds to spare, so timing is not tight at all) you should be able to activate the button)
Trials: Maia - Kill the caster first. Switch to a mace weapon and do the AI bug on the remaining 3 enemies. Fire Arrow the 2 melee guys and mace the ranger.
Trials: Taurgis - Set healing potions and just spam attack. At about 45-50% health he will switch to a charge attack and knock you down, once up dodge his next charge and space yourself so you can react to his charge (the timing is random so it can come out fast or be a few seconds, I do not know if this can be manipulated in any way). When he charges you do a Kick as it deals the most damage per hit. Guide him to the exit door and kill him near it. Once he is dead head for the exit and pick up the ring on your way out.
Munari City
Stop at the armor store and sell unneeded gear and items and purchase 1 set of Munari armor then head to the weapons store and sell the rest of the unneeded items you can and purchase 1 Munari Mace. leave there and head up to the last guy you need to talk to in this area and head for the Arena district and talk with Gadjama and get his bodril . once done go to Mas Ora and start the Arena event. When in the event, run past all enemies and cast Fire Arrow at the Munari with a cross bow names Azraman, it should kill him. Leave the arena an talk with Morbazan then head to the Isis Door to leave the city then reenter. Get the door gem and head to Cadorsu just outside the magic shop. After talking with Cadorsu head back to the harbor and enter the Isis Door.
Adytum of the Unseen, Part 1
Enter solo mode and solve the puzzle, once all the barriers are gone, leave solo mode and watch your mini map for your allies to get to the bottom of the ramp and reenter solo mode. Ignore all enemies and head left and go into the left door and get the Red Gem from the third pod from the left. Head out and enter the next door, go up the ramp and get the gem at the top. Switch to the next character and make your way back to the other path from the entrance and enter the first door on the left. Get the Rough Gem from the pile under the ramp then go up the ramp to cut it and get the Blue Gem. Switch to the next character then leave solo mode. Head out and go left. Enter solo mode once an ally gets near the teleporter. Take the right door, set the gems and get the Purple Gem. switch to the character near the teleporter and activate it.
Adytum of the Unseen, Part 2
Test: What determines the flag to proceed to the next area? Specific creep? Creep proximity?
As Maia, proceed to the solo event. Be sure to equip the Munari gear, energy ring, and summon ring. The unseen guards, both melee and range) can be quickly dealt with using a 2 hit combo rhythm (2 attack combo with a slight delay between each attack then block, they should attack immediately after the 2 attacks. Block and repeat combo). Melee the Red Unseen Beast and cast Fire Arrow at the Blue Unseen Beast.
Once transformed into Eye Summon open the spell menu and highlight Energy Bolt and turn the camera to face the door then select the spell, once the enemy that spawns in front of the door wait a moment until you hear the other enemy spawns then start casting at the enemy in front of the door (should take 2). Collect the item drop and open the door, Guards will spawn and rush you. AI bug them and cast Energy Bolt at them, they should all die in 1 hit. If you are not able to kill them all before the summon runs out, use any Energy Major scrolls you have have collected as they are one hit hills as well. Last resort is to melee them. Once done, activate Iari and check your gold total. If less than 5000 gold get the chest in Iari's room if you have 5000 or more then leave.
Munari City 2
Walk up the ramp and talk with Gadjama and offer to buy his bodril from him but back out, then repeat to get all the gold you need for the rest of the run. Still testing the "optimal" amount needed between time spent vs time save from end game gear/paying for the last Iari clue. Talk with Morbazan then...
Eleh Caverns
Run past everything and activate the Yago event.
Eleh Fragment: Tree
Test: For all fragments, see if a specific enemy triggers the exit or if enemy proximity does. For all fragments: Spells on the fat parasites and melee for the twin headed parasites.
Eleh Fragment: Sand
Do not take Sangaril and Taurgis as they will fight at the exit. Take Morbazan and... take your pick really, both work well I just prefer the attack animations of Taurgis.
Eleh Fragment: Eye
End with Iari
Eleh Fragment: Blood
Might not be the best final team, but I take Maia, Taurgis and Iari. Use Maia/Taurgis to distract the Ezuran Guards and use Iari and cast Energy Bolt to Kill the boss. Test taking both Morbazan and Iari and have both cast spells at boss via micro
Wheel of the PerduellionFun...
-Head to the purple stream and activate the short scene. Head back and talk with the closest Perduellion you see then go back the purple stream and go in.
-Talk Morbazan then leave. Go to the orange stream. Talk with the advocate in the yellow mask near the portal to get the tribunal mask. Go up the ramp and talk with Taurgis then the shop right behind you. Do not sell the Munari Armor set. Weapons to purchase Twilight Halberd, Mace, Hammer, 2 Katanas, Rod, Dagger, and Ushan Warhammer. Armor to purchase 2 Leggings, 2 Boots, 2 Gloves, 1 Cuirass[/i]. Total gold spent: 129880 Buy some Action Tonic? Head up the ramp and talk with any of the Archons at the top then go back to the portal and go to the tribunal. Test getting the Fire or Energy gauntlets for Paludal fight?
-Equip the Tribunal Mask and talk with the guy next to Morbazan, then the Tribunal, then Morbazan. Once done go back the to the wheel and go into the blue stream.
-Equip Maia with the twilight gear and mace. Ignore the enemies and just eat all the energy bolts and talk with Nepenthes. Play her games then head out and take the portal back to the wheel.
-Equip the the Perduellion Mask and talk with anyone there then head to the green portal.
-Talk with the keeper then start the summon stone scene. Once done banish the summon asap, then go to the door opposite from where you came from. Use Vandals Key on the chest in the left corner and then leave and turn left and go the the last door. Go the the far left corner where the chest and get it? Then interact with the bookshelf . Once done go to the portal and go to the tribunal.
-Talk with the Advocate then take the portal to the temple.
-Go to the shop and buy the Iari part, then go back to the portal and go to the ruins.
-Make your way back to Nepenthes ignoring the enemies and play the last game (this one is only a few seconds long and you will have to pay for the clue. How long you take determines how much. If you cant afford the clue you can retry for a better time). Once done attack Nepenthes first as she as should die quickly from melee. Vandal has the same ai as the pirate captain at the beginning of the game. Do not cast spells and just melee him to death. Pick up the items and head to the portal and go to the temple.
-At the start of the area interact with the 2 small statues next to the large head with the long tongue then interact with the large statue where the tongue used to be. Go up to the Archons and show them Vandal's Mask. Head back to the portal and go to the wheel.
-Equip the Perduellion Mask and talk with the closest npc. Head to the purple stream.
-Note: This is a micro heavy fight at the start to do efficiently At the start, get Maia out of range of the melee attacks then cast Fire Arrow at the Blue Judge. When in the casting animation, switch to Taurgis and equip the Twilight Halberd and get hit attacking the Purple Judge. Get Iari out of range and cast Energy Bolt at the Red Judge. Keep casting with Maia and Iari until the red and blue judge are dead. Make both Maia and Iari are set to melee and dog pile the purple judge (DO NOT LET IARI CAST ENERGY BOLT ON THE PURPLE JUDGE, IT WILL HEAL PURPLE JUDGE).
-Talk with any Perduellion then equip the Red Mask then enter the red portal near the center of the wheel.
-Take Maia, Taurgis, and... I use Morbazan, Sangaril might be better? Use Maia with mace and kill off the 2 adds, then switch to Twilight Dagger and attack Ushandul. Let Morbazan cast as he pleases and Taurgis do what ever he wants.
-Take the multi colored portal to exit the wheel.
Paludal's Bridge
Lots of possible combinations for this area. Neru should not be taken. Possible suggested characters: Maia, Morbazan, Iari (set weakness to energy and equip Maia with energy gauntlets once fight begins). *Maia, Yago, Taurgis (set weakness to fire and equip Taurgis with fire gauntlets)* current theoretical best due to Maia and Taurgis amplifying Fire dmg via Fire Discipline skill but the first team has naturally higher spell dmg. Needs to be tested.
-Equip the team with Twilight gear. Talk with Bazing in the hut then use his hammer on the gong. Ignore all enemies except the final set of Rococro just before Paludal's door (test pulling them into the room and away from the door. Grab the flute to the right after entering the first hut then continue on. Once in the room with the terminals, use the center console and set weakness according to the team selected then proceed to the last hut and close the door behind you. Do not leave the hut and switch to the next character and walk them to where Maia is then do the same for the last character then proceed the the last bridge and kill the 3 rococro's then enter the fight.
-Approach Paludal with your teams melee character (Maia with the energy team and Taurgis with the fire team) then micro the 2 spell casters with Energy Bolt/Fire Arrow. Do this for all 5 phases. Once the fight is over, unequip the Twilight armor (leave weapons alone) and be sure the gauntlets are off as well, then leave.
The Wall
-I personally go left at the first split and right at the second, the second split needs to be right as the left is a dead end.
The Interior
Equip the Twilight Katanas. Sneak around and kill all enemies with a back stab, should kill each with one hit.
-NOTE: I recommend killing all enemies. The way this area functions, I dont think any strat will survive unless everything is killed. Proceed slowly as you will die very fast if too many enemies are pulled. a new set of enemies will attack once you pass trigger points, and some enemies do not spawn until specific enemy groups are killed. They attack fast and poison so this area will not be fun.
-Equip twilight gear on Neru and Yago and equip the energy gauntlets on Neru. Set Yago to healer and Neru to melee. Use Neru to pull groups of enemies and use Yago and Iari to cast Energy Bolt at all enemies. Keep Neru alive by playing as Iari for the most part but when the team is well healed use both to cast spells. Do this for both areas. Before finishing the second area, unequip the Twilight gear.
Tower of the Ancient Ones Part 1 and 2
-Equip Maia and Taurgis with Twilight gear with Twilight Dagger on Maia and Twilight Halberd for Taurgis (should be already for him). Set Maia to healer. Keep track of your mini map and be sure to be walking in the proper direction. Do not open any of the side doors. All enemies must be killed in order for the portals to open. Use Taurgis to pull enemies and then use Morbazan and Maia to cast spells on the proper enemies based on color. Fire for red, ice for blue, energy for purple, and dart for green. Most of the time you should be controlling Morbazan and micro Maia when a red enemy is around. Dart can be cast on red enemies as well but for much less damage. The Purple enemies can drop an Regeneration Ring and if you get more than one to drop you have the best run ever going (in a segmented run you will want 3 to drop, 2 will make the next area SIGNIFICANTLY easier). Push on and hope you have good luck with drops.
-For the boss fight, set Morbazan to caster/healer and both Maia and Taurgis to melee. Attack the eye in the center then dog pile the boss. Should take 2-3 rounds. Just before the boss dies, unequip the twilight gear from Taurgis and any regeneration rings except from Maia.
Valley of Khargathalan AKA "The Run Ender"
-Go slow, kill everything. I have tested just running through but the controls of the tower makes it nearly impossible to survive.
Blue Tower
Lots of possibilities for the towers. Mage is weak to energy/slash, ranger is weak to fire/blunt, and the warrior is weak to ice/pierce. Each tower they get more aggressive and cast more spells. Mage and Warriors should take priority. Warriors still take lots of dmg from other spells too. The towers have no set play because how the area's enemies are. Note that enemies in the towers are undead, so necromancy spell Destroy Undead is VERY strong.
-Take Yago and Sangaril. Equip twilight gear and any regeneration rings. Use Sangaril to pull enemies, use snake poison to help out, and switch to Yago to cast spells at everyone. If Yago pulls too many at once, switch to Sangaril and back stab. You could also set Yago to healer/caster and just use Sangaril the entire time while microing Yago for specific casting. Focus mages>warrior>ranger. Be sure to unequip twilight armor and regen rings before finishing.
Orange Tower
Take Maia and Neru. Equip twilight gear and any regeneration rings. Same strat as above just better spell caster for the situation. Neru's protection spell will help out. Maia Destroy Undead spell is good here. Focus mages>warrior>ranger. Be sure to unequip twilight armor and regen rings before finishing.
Purple Tower
Morbazan and Taurgis. Equip twilight gear and any regeneration rings. Same strat as above just better spell caster for the situation. Morbazan's Destroy Undead spell is good here. Kill mages ASAP. Be sure to unequip twilight armor and regen rings before finishing.
Valley of Khargathalan
-pull the tower boss back where you came from, attack and back up slightly then attack again and repeat.
-In FPS mode, when you hear a shot fired at you do a short side step. total of 4 faces. Each take one hit.
Dream of Eleh
Talk with the guy on the steps and leave.
Palace of Halassar
Just leave.
Miridan's Pass 2
Take Maia, Taurgis and... Yago? Equip Maia and Taurgis with the Twilight armor and regen rings and Maia with mace. Set Maia to melee and Yago to Caster Healer Talk with the general, the the vizier then the general again to start the event. Take the left path and kill the 2 enemies quickly. Fire spells for the blue ones, ice spells for the red ones. Once done or with all the enemies very low on health, head over to the far side of the map and intercept the other 2 enemies at the far flag. Once done go to the enemy entrance and wait as Taurgis. Takes about minute, then they all spawn at once. Pull them all with Taurgis and Maia then start casting spells with Yago (might be a good idea to pull most and chase down the others later). Keep an eye out and chase down any that wander off to a flag. Once all enemies are dead, wait near the spawn location and repeat the same process.
Tamirath Citadel
-Ignore all enemies until told otherwise. Take Maia, Taurgis, and Morbazan. Equip Maia with mace and twilight gear and regen ring (Maia gets ring priority), Taurgis with Ushan Warhammer and munari gear and regen ring, Morbazan with twilight gear any rings that are left over. Run into the next room and activate the rune event. Once done, switch to Taurgis and run into the next room and go left. Pick up the dirty frag talisman and then turn around and go right and in the far corner pick up the dirty frog talisman then proceed on to the armor room. Skip the scene then go down stairs and get the chest to the left of the door and move on. At the next room, go left then at the intersection go strait (make you on the right side of the room) and clean both frog talisman's in the bird bath just before the exit. Morbazan gets the Mind Ward priority and Taurgis gets Death Ward priority. If you end up with duplicates then give the second to Maia regardless what it is. Move on to the last room and command Taurgis to help fight. Once the scene is over, kill the enemies in the room and proceed upstairs and interact with the locked door with Taurgis. Let Maia and Taurgis fight and cast Death with Morbazan. Prioritize the Purple Armor (I believe one drops the door key) and enter the boss room.
Tamirath Throne Room
-Set Morbazan to healer/caster, equip Taurgis with Ubenna's Halberd and play as Maia. Keep Death Ward on all allies for the fight. Attach with melee in first phase. When the boss has his bubble back off as he can not be hurt. If Morbazan gets Charmed, ignore him. When the second phase starts cast your strongest fire spells at him. Might be a good idea to micro Morbazan's spells at this point for extra dmg/healing.
Eye of the Storm
- General rule for this area: Ignore all enemies and attack the boss.
-Set the crown on the statue head. Get the chest in the left wall before leaving this room.
-Krobelus: Set Neru to healer. Use Morbazan and stand in the middle of the room where Krobelus is and cast Dart till he is dead. If possible, Unequip gear and rings from Morbazan just before the boss dies.
-Surdama Kir: If you have the gear from Morbazan, give it all to Sangaril. Use Sangaril and chase down the boss and attack the boss when you can. When in the cave, pull the few enemies a bit away from the boss and ai bug them and then attack the boss. Proceed on with the chase and equip the crossbow. Ai bug the last set and attack the boss with the crossbow. Keep up with the chase and just attack the boss.
-Rosalind: testing needs to be done
-Tempest: Testing needs to be done to see if the fight can be triggered faster. Cast Empower and just full melee combo the boss, heal as needed.
WOW that took forever...
Important Cliff Notes Version under construction
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