I'm posting for Stubgaard or whoever as an idea.
I've been playing around with the FlashQuake engine (Play it now in Flash) made by Michael Rennie and have created detailed compiling instructions for it (instructions). And I've played with the source and made a couple of derivative packages like X-Men: Ravages of Apocalypse (play it)
It stores the pak0.pak of shareware Quake within the quakeflash.swf itself:
Seems to me that if the FlashQuake ActionScript 3 stuff were modified to use files in the directory on the server instead of embedded in the Flash itself, an SDA demo viewer could be made.
Something like speeddemosarchive.com/flashquake_demoviewer?name=/quake/demos/ER/bliz_031.dz&map=/quake/maps/blitz_1000.bsp
Or something that effect.
The caveats would be:
1. The FlashQuake would need to have all the registered Quake models and sounds (but no maps at all) in the embedded pak0.pak, obviously. Possibly not legal but this gets into the gray area of whether or not a media viewer is or isn't fair use.
2. Obviously the FlashQuake engine should be modified to solely play demos and rip out the ability to play Quake. So it would be a pure demo viewer.
3. The ActionScript 3.0 would need to be modified to find the file out of the URL and download it.
But the theoretical final product would be a web-based Flash Player / demo browser of SDA's Quake demos.
I'm not familiar with Flash or ActionScript so I'm not sure of the modifications required or how to do them, but I'm just giving you the idea because obviously you have some talented people here and maybe even some that would know how to do this.
I've been playing around with the FlashQuake engine (Play it now in Flash) made by Michael Rennie and have created detailed compiling instructions for it (instructions). And I've played with the source and made a couple of derivative packages like X-Men: Ravages of Apocalypse (play it)
It stores the pak0.pak of shareware Quake within the quakeflash.swf itself:
private function init(e:Event = null):void { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); // entry point _sound = new Sound(); _sound.addEventListener( SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, sampleDataHandler ); //_soundBuffer = new ByteArray; //init swc _loader = new CLibInit; _swc = _loader.init(); //If we havent already got a config.cfg saved in the SharedObjects, then we load the embedded one. //This will override some default controls from default.cfg inside the pak file, which 99% of users will change. //(WASD keys, as well as Always Run). fileSupplyDefaultEmbedded("./id1/config.cfg", EmbeddedDefaultConfig); var pakFile:ByteArray = new EmbeddedPak; _loader.supplyFile("./id1/pak0.pak", pakFile); _swcRam = _swc.swcInit(this); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); }
Seems to me that if the FlashQuake ActionScript 3 stuff were modified to use files in the directory on the server instead of embedded in the Flash itself, an SDA demo viewer could be made.
Something like speeddemosarchive.com/flashquake_demoviewer?name=/quake/demos/ER/bliz_031.dz&map=/quake/maps/blitz_1000.bsp
Or something that effect.
The caveats would be:
1. The FlashQuake would need to have all the registered Quake models and sounds (but no maps at all) in the embedded pak0.pak, obviously. Possibly not legal but this gets into the gray area of whether or not a media viewer is or isn't fair use.
2. Obviously the FlashQuake engine should be modified to solely play demos and rip out the ability to play Quake. So it would be a pure demo viewer.
3. The ActionScript 3.0 would need to be modified to find the file out of the URL and download it.
But the theoretical final product would be a web-based Flash Player / demo browser of SDA's Quake demos.
I'm not familiar with Flash or ActionScript so I'm not sure of the modifications required or how to do them, but I'm just giving you the idea because obviously you have some talented people here and maybe even some that would know how to do this.
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