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This has probably been brought up before but it bugs me every run I do.

Theres a Tidus by the dock for some reason. Always makes me think about 'Midgar skip' possibilities, if there are Tidus' in other cutscenes.
Edit history:
Chubfish: 2013-03-15 07:12:34 am
Chubfish: 2013-03-15 07:12:33 am
Chubfish: 2013-03-15 07:09:38 am
That Rocket Guy
He also can appear out of bounds in some cutscenes (but he seems to be stuck here). I might check for more locations since I didn't know it was in more than one location.

For it to be useful though we need to be able to control Tidus like this, but I don't know if it's possible.
Edit history:
Caracarn: 2013-03-27 02:26:05 am
Caracarn: 2013-03-27 01:57:47 am
Caracarn: 2013-03-27 01:51:31 am
Thunder Plains tutorial skip I guess we could call this:

The two required NPCs are in perfect position to do this skip quickly after the dialogue with Rikku. However, there is not enough time to talk to Auron for the +2 affection, so that affection will need to be gotten elsewhere.  Either the Macalania snowfield agency, or having Rikku get -8 affection by waiting to go in the Thunder Plains agency. If the latter, you can skip talking to Auron in 3 other places as well.

The second half of that video shows that if you return to Guadosalam after doing this skip, you can go out of bounds. Useless, but funny, as you can run out of bounds into infinite nothingness.

If only Kimahri was in that shop when you first enter Guadosalam...  It still saves nearly 2 minutes though.
Finally the Guadosalam skip Chubfish wanted so much. Sure, it's not all of it, but at least that means I can keep my food break, haha.

I haven't done any timing but I think waiting before the Thunder Plains agency is probably faster, and skipping Auron texts before the laughing scene, gui and the one in the thunder plains inn itself is probably best.

It'd be nasty to start skipping Auron affection conversations and not get the skip though, so for now I might take the Macalania agency until I'm confident I'll get the skip
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Caracarn: 2013-03-27 01:21:34 pm
the one before gui is fairly short, I was thinking more of the one in the entrance of Seymour's house, since that one you have to make sure you don't accidentally talk to Rikku instead. The one before the laughing scene and the one in the Thunder Plains agency are definitely the other ones I would skip, as well as the one in Guadosalam that we already have to skip from doing the new glitch.

Even if you miss the skip, you can still do this changed Auron affection route, it may even be faster.
The reason I said Gui was because you have to detour up a bit to get to him. I was just considering travel time rather than length of the conversation. I need to refresh my memory on the Auron before Seymours, I've never had a problem talking to him/accidentally talking to Rikku.

Maybe this is just preference, it's probably less than a second difference.
Here is the practical application of this skip.  If you just do this from a save point after the dialogue with Rikku, the NPCs will not be in the right spot.  So this is what it would look like in an actual run.

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Chubfish: 2013-03-31 02:45:22 pm
That Rocket Guy

Now if only it allowed you to exit the area without triggering Choco eater :/ also it shows off another way to get audio glitch if it ever becomes useful (along with other effects).

Any speedup of the game etc is because of emulator functions.
しあ got a 10:57:33 RTA last night (Power On - The End).

He has some pretty cool new strats that I am almost certainly going to need to implement.  His new route eliminates the need for petrify grenades and makes Auron actually very useful in a speedrun.
Hello, I'm in the process of learning how to speedrun FFX.

Are there any backup strats for when seymour/anima fight doesn't drop black magic spheres and when bribe misses?
For bribe, just follow up with another of 0 gil.  The lack of Black Magic Spheres I'd have to think about, but somebody who actually runs this game could probably just tell you.
As Alec says, you can just bribe again on the same monster, and the previous bribe amount is applied again. All gil given to the monster is counted for each time, until it flees. So if you bribe 10k one turn and it misses, then 10k the next turn, the 2nd bribe is effectively a 20k gil bribe. If bribing again isn't an option, stealing from bombs and maelspikes on Gagazet is your backup.

As for special sphere strats
You can teach Auron Thundaga after Evrae with blk magic (Evrae drops the sphere), then teach it to Yuna when you meet up with Auron in Via Purifico, so you have Thundaga for Natus + Maze Larva.

You can also learn +20MP with Wakka, and use Death with Wakka instead of Rikku

The only fight that's different is Wendigo, who I don't yet have a strat for, I just kinda wing it. You could probably use Shiva, though. Maybe even boost for OD and kill with Shiva, basically the old strat. Saves filling her OD later.

I use the Special spheres to learn Flee with Rikku and Bribe with Tidus. It's nice to bribe/steal with Tidus then flee with Rikku, saves cycling through turns.

And combining the 2 cases together, if Tidus' bribe misses, you could switch in Lulu and bribe 0gil. (I actually do 1 gil, didn't know 0 worked)
Have any of you guys tested out the new HD edition of FFX for differences that might affect speedruns? I for one have noticed one that might prove significant: Zanmato is now easy to reliably use. I used it on Sin's final form and got it on the first try. I also used it on Anima and some other major bosses. Check out the pictures:

Needless to say, this saved a lot of time.
The images didn't work for some reason...

You're trying to embed a page that contains the image, not the image itself. Also, it's generally preferred to use a dedicated image hosting service like imgur.
Edit history:
Vinheimer: 2014-08-13 11:57:24 am
Vinheimer: 2014-08-13 11:56:25 am
Sorry for the confusion, guys.

NOTE: I meant Braska's Aeon final form. Don't know why I said "Sin's" (lack of sleep, perhaps?). Anyway, here are the images.

FFX HD is based on the PAL and International version, which one of the many changes is that it's easier to get Zanmato compared to the original Japanese and NA versions.

I doubt it'd be worth it in a speedrun because you'd need to go through the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, watch the cutscenes there, actually have the money for it, which would probably only happen in a NG+ run with primers transferred. Even in a NG run, you could have the materials needed for Trio of 9999 through the Remiem Chocobo race which is more reliable and also likely saves time when you consider the cutscenes you won't have to watch and even on shortened summon sequences, you'd have to watch the full thing once.
With the current speedrun route you don't even come close to being able to afford Yojimbo (~180'000), you get to Calm lands with about 80'000 usually, and that's before even being able to afford to use him.

As for HD vs SD, I think HD digital on a PS3 Superslim or Vita is faster than SD (but on a fat PS3/disc version is much slower)

HD: Loading times in and out of battles are much faster, and Tidus runs faster
SD: Screen transitions are faster, and you can skip through more dialogue (screen transitions might be faster on superslim ps3)

It's really tough to compare the two, and I can't do any testing because my PS3 is a fat PS3 and I already know it's much slower, probably about 1 minute slower for every hour but that's a VERY rough guess, and would obviously vary a lot depending on which part of the game it is

International/HD version adds a lot more unskippable dialogue (not new dialogue, just that you can't skip what was previously skippable) and probably adds about 10-15 minutes. The cutscene before Yunalesca is a good example, that adds about 5 minutes itself.

tl;dr someone with a superslim needs to test the differences for a more definitive answer, vita is almost definitely faster
I have a Superslim with the digital version. I will capture some screen transitions and upload them tonight.
Here's the video guys. I just recorded Tidus and Rikku's underwater expedition. I wanted something close to the beginning of the game (to allow for easy comparisons) which also featured a lot of screen transitions.

Would anyone like to weigh in on whether or not the PS3 and PS2 disc versions are slower?
Edit history:
Dreamboum: 2014-09-02 12:48:58 pm
There are several issues, the video being on youtube makes it hard when it comes to accurate comparisons and these loading times depicted usually comes with cutscenes and I noticed that fade to black transitions aren't handled in the same way (much faster in the HD version), it was pretty much the same thing timewise but then again my testing was far from being really accurate.

One good loading time would be the switch between different locations, like the transition between Luca and Mi'hen Highroad or Calm Lands to Gagazet. Something like that.
I'm quite convinced HD is faster on Superslim and digital version

That's mostly comparing to Deathtomes runs, who says he plays Superslim digital without SSD.

For accurate comparison of loading times, dreamboum raises a good point (also I can't download the footage in 60fps which is annoying)
It'd be nice to see a comparison of getting battle and 1st-turn fleeing also, since that's the case of about 100 encounters in the run.