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I'm the keeper of Time.
This is going to be good. Grin
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Might be a good idea to post your progress (i.e. the videos) so that the experts here (and on game faqs I guess) can give you suggestions for improvement before you proceed to the next section.
We all scream for Eyes Cream
Only problem with that is I'll have to use a webcam to record it as I don't have a capture card. In other words, seeing what is going on is going to be tough.
King of hearts
Only problem with that is I'll have to use a webcam to record it as I don't have a capture card. In other words, seeing what is going on is going to be tough.

External recording devices are not allowed, especially a webcam.  You can either record to VHS or DVD and send to nate.  Or do you mean you're going to record the samples on webcam?
We all scream for Eyes Cream
Samples on Webcam. Run on VHS.
I'm the keeper of Time.
That's a relief. Buying a capture device shouldn't be too far out of your way, though, right? Huh?
King of hearts
Capture cards are relatively cheap considering the DVD alternative is at least 8 times as costly.  The quality totally kicks VHS's ass and isn't as hard to set up as I once immagined.  I'm glad I got mine even if it did give me some headaches at times.
We all scream for Eyes Cream
I have a job at the moment so I'm making about $145 - taxes a week by working 20 hours a week. I'll only be working for 6 weeks though. Also most of the money is going to next year when I bring a friend of mine(Who is out of state) over to where I live to stay with me during the summer for about a month. In total I'll have about 300-400 left and I'm not sure if it will all be gone with what I get myself. Capture Card may be possible though. Which should I get specifically.
King of hearts
Which should I get specifically.

A cheap one since there isn't much to lose and they have surprisingly high quality captures(my X-2 run is recorded on a cheap caputure card, get the later segments in High Quality).  I would recommend looking through New Egg because they're reliable and have a cheap and fast shipping deal.
We all scream for Eyes Cream
Well I'm not exactly sure how to hook one up and I kinda need a cheap on cause I need the money for my friend. Think you can pick one for me that's around $30? Sorry for asking I just don't want to get one and realize I have no clue what I'm doing or it won't work for me for some reason.

Also you did the FFX-2 speed run?! Awesome job. Very well done. I give it a 5 out of a 5. ^_^
I'm the keeper of Time.
I don't think they're that cheap. maybe 150$ or so.
King of hearts
Well I'm not exactly sure how to hook one up and I kinda need a cheap on cause I need the money for my friend. Think you can pick one for me that's around $30? Sorry for asking I just don't want to get one and realize I have no clue what I'm doing or it won't work for me for some reason.

I looked around New Egg and didn't find the card I got.  Though, I did find something that looks OK.  Of course, if you do get it, never use the crap software that comes with it.  If you don't plan on recording anything else except one speed run, I wouldn't recommend getting a capture card.  But me, I plan on doing more so I like mine.

Also you did the FFX-2 speed run?! Awesome job. Very well done. I give it a 5 out of a 5. ^_^

We all scream for Eyes Cream
Haven't posted in a while. I haven't had much time to play due to my job interfering with my time.  When I got a chance, I tried to get 49 minutes or less by the save point after Sin attacks the Salvage Ship. I keep getting a little over so I'm gonna try one more time soon before saying screw it and continuing on.
Edit history:
DLH112: 2006-07-19 07:13:48 pm
KADFC's run is definately beatable, I just got 0:26 in the baaj  temple before getting the flint and the withered flowers.
EDIT: it is ahead, and it is 0:26 but theres like 3 seconds before it becomes 0:27. So I don't think I'm gonna get 0:48 like i was hoping for at the unknown sea.
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Enhasa: 2006-07-20 05:43:34 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
A little late to the capture card recommendation party, but darkwasabi is right and that card looks like a great deal. The only thing that looks suspect is the mono out, but you can just plug stereo source (might need an RCA to 1/8 cable) into your sound card's line in and it's all the same anyway.

The key is the bt878 chipset. There are a lot of brands with that (ATI TV Wonder, Pinnacle PCTV, Hauppauge WinTV, etc), which will have their own crappy software (which you NEVER want to use), but basically the same exact hardware. So my recommendation for something cheap and good is anything with bt878.

Edit: Don't mind reviews btw. Those people have no idea what they're talking about really.
Is no one continuing this? I really like FFX and have played through it many times.... I'm thinking of doing a test speed run (not refined) and see how things go... if all goes well, I'll likely try a speed run (as long as no one minds... if someone is still working on this, that is fine too)... also... i may be mistaken, but i think a lot of in game cut scenes are skipable in the international version? that might make a reasonable time obtainable...
I'm the keeper of Time.
Well, if you are using the international version, just watch out for the tough battles. I don't think any one will mind if you try a test run for FFX, in fact I think they might appreciate the competition.
Stuck in international... i must be thinking of KH:FM or something else i've imported... as I could't skip the scenes... oh well... I think I will still use International... need to work out the sphere grid and see if expert or normal will be faster... not that much leveling up will be going on >.<
Expert probably would be faster due to the fact it has less nodes (get to an ability quicker) and that if you wanted you could make most of your people have Steal and Use.
I had thought that as well... right now im running through with the expert grid seeing how things go
The expert grid might also be helpful because you can teach Yuna black magic pretty much from the start, which makes her a powerful attacker. That should speed up a lot of early boss battles. 
a lot  of the battles pre-Rikku will likely use Aeons anyways...

on another note... does anyone know for sure if internationals clock is slower than the origional version? I wouldn't figure, but I was following KADFC's speed faq (times) up to kilika port and I was consistantly lower than the times stated... by the port, I was 4 minutes lower (5 on the clock, but I rounded up) and I had just left Tidus on Besaid Beach for a few minutes when I went to get something to eat... I also made a lot of mistakes like going to wrong places and such when looking to progress the story  :-[

What do people think about segments... how long should segments be... I mean, I could easily divide the first few parts of the game up into hour long segments(game clock) to make up for what I believe will happen later in the game which is Boss = segment...

right now I got unknown sea and kilika port as the two segments....

as a final question (what a lengthy post >.< ) does anyone know what causes the chest in the shop at Djose to have a No Encounters weapon? or is it randomly based off of something(time/trials execution/etc...)
It never has a No Encounters weapon. The only spot to get one is in the second fight against Geosgaeno.
I'm the keeper of Time.
Which is kind of out of the way. It's debatable which would be a better time saver: Geosgaeno or 30 Purifying Salts.
Edit history:
Veysey: 2006-09-01 01:06:18 am
Well, if that was the case Ghost in Cavern of the Stolen Faith is the soonest you could easily obtain it (I say it would be easy, but getting it to drop one isn't exactly a simple task not to mention the encounter isnt the most common either)... i seem to remember being able to steal the salt from the warrior monks at your first visit to Bevelle... but getting 30 rare steals is likely too much to hope for... esp in a speed run Sad