No I have the first edition Playstation and th second edition white slim ps1. But the first ps1 yea it's a brick. Im not playing on my ps2 because the rider cable has a buble in so that's the only reason im doing this speed run.
No that's no the cable im talking about the cable in side the ps2 system that connects to the laser has a bubble in it. even though the cable is cheap to replace, it's just the installtion that suck's and im not that good with electronics, To install is 40 buck's so i'll just play my ps1 for now but next week it should be up and running
I cannot be sure how fast, but it will definately add up with a 8 hour run.
Most of the PS1 game runners should be able to tell you how much the fast loading on the PS2 helps. I personally have only tried running this on PC and I know for a fact I was real, real, fast. Most any loading was instantanious then.
Ok soon I will post my first segment for my final fantasy 8 speed run. My first segment is From Start-Dollet beach save point in 0:35. Is this good or should I restart. Because I did make a mistake but I think some of the other parts that I did will make up for it.
My run was on 0:29 at Dollet beach. Keep in mind there are several things to consider here:
- The Water 'farming' at the beach, it is included in mine. - I played on the PC so it is expected to be faster due to loading. - PAL and NTSC also have different play rates, one basically is faster, can't recall which one. Garland knows for sure.
Mind elaborating on what you did that was a mistake and what you did that was making up for those? Also you did get the Waters? How many fights and how many Waters?
Ok I have noticed the big big difference between the ps1 and the ps2 i made it to Dollet Watch tower ten minutes faster then I did in my last segment. WOW this is great. Peace love chicken greese.
DCrimson, I read your pm and I decided I'd post it here in the thread for anyone attempting a run. I barely come to these forums much since I barely have any motivation to do speedruns anymore. It still pissed off at myself that this run still isn't done after the obscene amount of time this thread has been alive. I think I might actually start this back up tomorrow and force myself to do the run. If I end up taking too many attempts without much luck then I'll probably just end up posting my uber shitty quality soundless(to save space) speedrun that I saved as a reference and let you guys take it and pick at it to see my strategies were good, and to compare times etc...
Dollet- Town Square 0:30 (right when you get to Dollet, not the tower)
B-Garden- Training Center 1:11 (before Granaldo)
B-Garden- Dorm 1:15 (before Quistis card)
Balamb- Alucauld Plains 1:20 (right outside Balamb Town, before Diablo)
Balamb- Alucauld Plains 1:23 (right after Diablo)
Timber- Forest Owls' Base 1:40 (before talking to Rinoa)
Timber- Yaulny Canyon 2:12 (before Laguna dream)
Great Plains of Galbadia 2:36 (right outside Deling City, the save I use to get the passcode in the Tomb and reset to)
Disk 2 save 3:09 (after liek, you get stabbed with ice and shit)
Galbadia- Dingo Desert 3:47 (when you get control of Selphie's party to sabotage the missiles)
B-Garden- MD Level 4:19 (Squall's party, before Oilboyle battle)
Balamb- Alucauld Plains 5:08 (before Dollet incident where you take on Raijin and Fujin)
Centra- Cape of Good Hope 5:32 (before the Balamb/Galbadia epic battle)
Disc 3 save 6:02 (*insert semi humorous yet brief description of game timeline here*)
Esthar- West Coast 6:25 (before entering Esthar for the first time)
Great Plains of Esthar 6:47 (before being shot off to space, literally...)
Ragnarok- Air Room 7:32 (right when you get on)
Centra- Cape of Good Hope 8:00 (outside Edea's house, before you go back to Esthar to attack Lunatic Pandora) (this is also the place where I planned to split off from the normal speedrun and do the Omega Weapon speedrun I was planning, this is extra of course)
Disc 4 save 8:15 ("...holy shit is that a girl or a dude? Whatever, just don't hit Rinoa")
Ultimecia Castle 8:27 (Right before you enter the castle, final fucking save bitches)
23 segments total
As you can see, lots of saves on disk 1 and they keep going down progressively since I get Enc-None. I play NTSC and use the fast disk speed on the PS2 which halves the loading time PSX takes. Many segments are pretty damn long, so yeah that's gonna suck. Although reviewing this speedrun kinda made me want to play again. I guess we'll see tomorrow.
Sounds like it could use a few more segments, despite ENC-none. If nothing else, just to lower the annoyance factor. It's for certain that one more could be used before the final boss fight.
How many fish fins do you really need? Seifer can almost kill the soldiers in one hit with R1 trigger, so perhaps you just need one fight's worth... Unless the original idea was to have Zell and Seifer work in tandem (airhead moment.)
Also, a question about the game mechanics. Do GFs still gain AP even if they're not junctioned to you? I know they still gain EXP and AP if a character is dead. =p
Lastly, what cards can you expect to have by the time you go for the Quistis card on Disc 1?
Also, a question about the game mechanics. Do GFs still gain AP even if they're not junctioned to you? I know they still gain EXP and AP if a character is dead. =p
GF's do not gain EXP or AP when not equiped or dead. There is a funny story about this, I was trying to get the forbid-MED refinement and i didnt realize that Doomtrain was dead (I useally never use my GF only for a defence system. But not for my speedrun.) and I was on Cactuar Island gaining AP I faught about six battles and I couldn't figure out WHY THE FUCK Doomtrain's forbid-MED didn't have EXP he was dead lol Stupid TV Screen.
Quote from darkwasabi:
DCrimson, I read your pm and I decided I'd post it here in the thread for anyone attempting a run. I barely come to these forums much since I barely have any motivation to do speedruns anymore. It still pissed off at myself that this run still isn't done after the obscene amount of time this thread has been alive. I think I might actually start this back up tomorrow and force myself to do the run. If I end up taking too many attempts without much luck then I'll probably just end up posting my uber shitty quality soundless(to save space) speedrun that I saved as a reference and let you guys take it and pick at it to see my strategies were good, and to compare times etc...
You'll have the Zell card probably, the Ifrit and the Diablos cards as your 'owning you' cards by then. This is off the top of my head.
@Darkwasabi: Awesome that you posted your times. This should spark some competition. I need a working FF8 setup darn. And bah I am PAL How does SDA handle that? Since PAL will always be slower.
Sounds like it could use a few more segments, despite ENC-none. If nothing else, just to lower the annoyance factor. It's for certain that one more could be used before the final boss fight.
That would only slow down the run, especially another one before Ultimecia since you'd either have to face another boss to unlock save or go back outside and save. Since I'm trying to either duplicate or improve the run, that's out of the question.
Quote from Carcinogen:
How many fish fins do you really need? Seifer can almost kill the soldiers in one hit with R1 trigger, so perhaps you just need one fight's worth... Unless the original idea was to have Zell and Seifer work in tandem (airhead moment.)
It's not really for Seifer, it's for Squall to kill Elvoret and Granaldo faster. Not getting 5 fish fins instead of 4 equals one more renzo needed to kill both of them, so it does save time.
Quote from Carcinogen:
Lastly, what cards can you expect to have by the time you go for the Quistis card on Disc 1?
The 5 cards you get from that guy and the Ifrit card. It makes the card battle very hard without the Diablos card, but it saves time since it is definitely possible to get it without Diablos.
Quote from Maglok:
You'll have the Zell card probably, the Ifrit and the Diablos cards as your 'owning you' cards by then. This is off the top of my head.
@Darkwasabi: Awesome that you posted your times. This should spark some competition. I need a working FF8 setup darn. And bah I am PAL How does SDA handle that? Since PAL will always be slower.
I guess they'll factor in the 5/6 conversion without including the cutscenes. I don't know exactly how the conversion works though
Wasabi, Do you go to the cactaur island at all in your speedrun? Also about what time do you learn your enc-none for Diablo's. and im having trouble with the elvorett battle, the last time I went through my speed run it was pure luck any pointer's?
Wasabi, Do you go to the cactaur island at all in your speedrun? Also about what time do you learn your enc-none for Diablo's. and im having trouble with the elvorett battle, the last time I went through my speed run it was pure luck any pointer's?
No Cactuar Island because by the time you're at that point in the game, you don't really need AP. The only extra battle I ever get into is when I get the 5 fish fins and Diablos.
Elvoret is really easy, if you have 100 waters junctioned to Squall it only takes 2 Renzos to kill it. Elvoret should have enough time to get in 2 or maybe 3 attacks. Just gotta get lucky and not have Squall attacked with any magic. Its attack shouldn't be enough to kill Squall even at critical. And since you kill him quickly enough he shouldn't be able to get you with that whirlwind attack that hits your entire party.