It's always "Oh I got time coming" and then after the time I usually see I haven't gotten as far as I wanted. Good luck with it.
At the moment I am still doubting if I wanna beat the crap out of Diablos right away or not, it should be possible, but it might take to much time. On the flipside there is the fact I will get no-enc later if I fight diablos later.
I´d say bea him right away. It´s not hard and don´t just think of Enc None. Think of Time-Ref to get triples when you have refined the quistis card (which is also easy to get once you have beaten him because you get the Diablos card).
Disc 2 (I think you will have learned Enc-Half till then) is not that crazy about random battles at first (just lagunas 3rd dream), so you have plenty time until you really need Enc-None.
Ah! Yeah that big tank was named BGHF and then a bunch of numbers I think...
Anyway after that fight you don´t have many areas with random encounters anyway. You have Balamb fighting against Fu-Jin & Rai-Jin -> no encounters, then Trabia -> no encounters, then Edeas House -> no encounters, then Galbadia Garden // end of disc2 -> some encounters.
So you basically have some boss fights after F.H. but no real encounter areas, so you don´t need enc-none till then. Enc-half should do the job for Galbadia Garden and at disc 3 you should get enc-none pretty fast. And the beginning of disc 3 is also not so much about random encounters. So I think you can really get along with enc-half most of the time. So I´d say learn time-ref before enc-none
Yep. Prison & Winhill suck at the beginning of Disc 2 - one hell of random battles, but you have to go through it... I think this is one of the most frustrating parts of the game, when speedrunning (right after the tutorial hell on Disc 1)...
Sorry for the doublepost, but this has to be said...
You won´t believe what just happened to me: I made a tryout for my next segment where I get the fish fins - not recording. Got into a battle with the damn fishes and what happens? I get 5 damn Fish Fins! Why am I only that lucky in a tryout when I´m not recording - can´t believe it...
A lot of posts before someone said, that you can get this drop when the camera views the party from behind. Well, in my battle the camera was behind the fishes. So it seems that theese battles have an equal chance of this drop.
I think the camera view is utter guess work. Why would they connect camera view to drops?
Sucks about the fish fins man.
I just had a streak of bad luck as well. First I ran the graduation without recording, went ok. Then I did it again and 4 min before the end I crashed my comp. Finally I reboot my comp and do it all again and realise afterwards that I had forgotten to turn FRAPS on, doh!
I decided to redo my second segment - it can be improved by 20 seconds, which would give a save with a lower timer. But it´s so luck-based there, that I decided to take a break for now. I´ll be replaying it in a week.
Damn the times on computer version & NTSC are so damn great compared to my PAL.
I got:
00.12 Before Fire Cavern 00.23 After Fire Cavern (will be improved to 00.22)
As I said - can´t be done faster in PAL.
I also see that Fish Farming is really time consuming in your run - this is another segment, that is completely luck-based.
Keep in mind once again, PC version runs a bunch faster it seems. I am unsure where the actual speed gaining is. I take it you also turn battlespeed to max?
Oh and I have two notes on my latest segment. First I made a mistake, at the party telling selphie '...' is faster then telling her you'll help out on her carnival, few seconds there. Secondly, I really wonder if there really isn't anything you can do but wait for the results at the 1st floor. It seems like a set time though. Tricky.
Secondly, I really wonder if there really isn't anything you can do but wait for the results at the 1st floor. It seems like a set time though. Tricky.
yep, it takes 1 min. that's a good place to do stuff in the menus, since the timer goes in the menu too.
I explained the little tricky Raldo defense boost in an earlier post. I take care of Granaldo first and then take out the little guys with a boosted Shiva preceded by an attack(mine or theirs) to get them out of that defense boost. I save right after the conversation Quistis and Squall have so I can get right to the battle because it takes many tries to get it with good time.
I also take advantage of the one minute you have to wait for results and do a little junctioning and menu item movements.