He's on fire! Keep it up sir. These have been awesome to watch. Best of luck on your next segment. Also I forgot how amazing the Cosmo Canyon music is. <3
Ugh. I'm not very enthusiastic about the segment I need to do next... the 3 Icicle battles. In practice runs, I'm finding it a pain just to get one of those battles to go right, but in a real run, I'll need it to work 3 times in a row.
I think I'll be putting this off until a day when I feel like I have a lot of patience, because that's definitely not today.
Cool, good job. Shizo can be hard according to which strategy you beat him. I never get the best one to work, but the other ones also work great. So have fun
Just posting to let you know that I'm not taking a long break again. I just didn't have time to play last week, but I'm back in business now. This current segment is very luck reliant, but it's not eating up my patience like the Right Arm segments. I'll have it done by the end of the week for sure.
Also, good luck on your run, Nulien! You're gonna finish in less than 9 hours if you keep this up, but you probably knew that already.
Thanks! But to be honest, I'm not really satisfied with the menuing at the end, but I decided to keep it anyway. And I'm wondering too. Only BrutalAl knows right now
After over 100 attempts on Palmer, I've decided that I can't take this any more. This is taking up too much of my life and I really have more important things to do. In other words, I'm quitting. I'm really sorry, but it's the only way I can regain my sanity. I really wish I would have done it sooner, though.
Say, Garland. There is this vid floating on Youtube that shows how to glitch the buggy past cosmo canyon without breaking it. There is rumor that it really doesnt matter because the events would trigger when you visited on disc 2 again. What is this about?
Reverse April fooling :). because this is not a joke.
I've seen it, but that glitch is almost impossible to pull off, and there's no telling how it'll affect the rest of the game. I've skipped some events with gameshark codes (getting a gold chocobo on disc 1) and some times the game crashed.
So you didnt test it? I mean i am to lazy myself, but since you must have played it a hundred times... that could be such a massive timesaver. then again, do you still have the saves before Cosmo Canyon?
Ya I'd really like to see the cosmo cayon trick used if it doesn't screw you over. It should be at least be tested. At least there's always the TAS which could do it.