"I figure I'm going to find the answers to the following questions when these finally load (I'm also too lazy to try and find the answers in the earlier pages of this topic):
-In early segments, are you using Hypers to inflict Fury on your characters (which can be done as early as the Aps fight)? Limit Breaks are too powerful to NOT abuse that early, when there's not a lot of alternate strategies. Problem is, the miss chance imparted by Fury, while not affecting Limit Breaks, DOES affect magic.
-What characters are being used? I'll be surprised if Tifa isn't in the party for at least some bosses where she isn't absolutely necessary - again, this has to do with Limit Breaks.
-Do Vincent and Yuffie play a role in this run at all? I'll be honest, I suspect the answer to this is 'no'.
-Did you think to steal the Hardedge in Shinra HQ? Because of low character levels, stealing the Hardedge adds a fairly large amount of damage, enough that it'll guaranteed make up the time needed to steal the thing. "
Uh yes, but pretty much only for Cloud.
Where applicable... Cloud's alot, none of the other ones are really all that powerful. Sled Fang is used once or twice, Big Shot a couple times, and I think Tifa's is used once or twice. Grenades and other throwable items (Molotovs, Right Arms) are really the way things go early on.
Absolutely. She is the focal point of the run, actually. However, not really because of her limitbreaks, but because of the Powersoul. Watch the Red Dragon segment, and you'll understand why.
Yuffie and Vincent:
-In early segments, are you using Hypers to inflict Fury on your characters (which can be done as early as the Aps fight)? Limit Breaks are too powerful to NOT abuse that early, when there's not a lot of alternate strategies. Problem is, the miss chance imparted by Fury, while not affecting Limit Breaks, DOES affect magic.
-What characters are being used? I'll be surprised if Tifa isn't in the party for at least some bosses where she isn't absolutely necessary - again, this has to do with Limit Breaks.
-Do Vincent and Yuffie play a role in this run at all? I'll be honest, I suspect the answer to this is 'no'.
-Did you think to steal the Hardedge in Shinra HQ? Because of low character levels, stealing the Hardedge adds a fairly large amount of damage, enough that it'll guaranteed make up the time needed to steal the thing. "
Uh yes, but pretty much only for Cloud.
Where applicable... Cloud's alot, none of the other ones are really all that powerful. Sled Fang is used once or twice, Big Shot a couple times, and I think Tifa's is used once or twice. Grenades and other throwable items (Molotovs, Right Arms) are really the way things go early on.
Absolutely. She is the focal point of the run, actually. However, not really because of her limitbreaks, but because of the Powersoul. Watch the Red Dragon segment, and you'll understand why.
Yuffie and Vincent: