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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Whats the NTSC version?

good luck with the run, this is one of my favorite games of all the materia system

NTSC is the region code for the United states and Canada (To be more specific it's NTSC-U/C; in Japan it's NTSC-J; Europe and Austrlia use PAL).  Games in different region codes have their own little quirks that make them uncomparable with one another.  You can read about them in earlier posts.
You got a deletion wish?
Don't let the Robo Chocobo song drive you crazy if you're listening to it, Duke.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Don't let the Robo Chocobo song drive you crazy if you're listening to it, Duke.

Robo Chocobo?
I think Matrix means Electric De Chocobo Shocked
Isn't it quicker to get a chocobo than running across the marsh? Considering you lose time saving I mean to reset the Zolom's position
pierdole zdejmuje kominiare
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I think Matrix means Electric De Chocobo Shocked
Isn't it quicker to get a chocobo than running across the marsh? Considering you lose time saving I mean to reset the Zolom's position

It'll take 45 seconds just to capture the damn thing (you have to kill the other enemies in the battle and you can't waste your items on them) plus you have to spend 2000 gil on the materia....I don't have 2000 gil period.
Everything's better with Magitek
It's definitely faster to not get a chocobo.  And about the robo chocobo song, I wonder if he's talking about this:
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Just finished my next segment; the Kalm flashback (one of the most boring parts in the entire game; I'm glad that's over).  Used Garlands recommended save point (run for 10 sec once outside of kalm and then save to avoid battles later); 2:21:43.
You got a deletion wish?
Yeah, that's the one.  Thanks, Essentia.  I like Chocobo World from 8 myself.  Funny thing is, the first time I heard a piece of Chocobo music was from Final Fantasy Adventure (Gameboy).
hello everybody,

Just a post to say I would love to download a full FF7 video walkthrough, 15h or 25h, no matter !
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
In my current run I'm at cosmo canyon before entering the Cave of Gi @ 3:31:53.  I'm looking to beat the game in under 8:45.
Are you planing to make it available to download pretty soon ? :hug:
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Are you planing to make it available to download pretty soon ? :hug:

I was hoping too but now it seems as though that won't be possible.  I just found out (literally a few seconds ago) that a segment I previously recorded can't be burnt to a disc.  There was a problem when I recorded that resulted in about an 11 minute segment of the game being recorded without sound.  I didn't think this would be a big deal but when I tried to burn it onto disc a few seconds ago all I got was an error message.  So now it's not possible for me to have a complete speedrun made.  This kind of pisses me off.
100% runs=great to watch
Restart from the segment prior to the one that went awry?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Restart from the segment prior to the one that went awry?

I'm all ready WAY past that.  And you can't save under a new file EVERY time.  The more FF7 save files on your memory card the slower it'll load when you try and save a game so you have to keep the number of saves you have to a minimum (being 2).  I'm several segments past this so there is no going back.  The project is being abandoned.
100% runs=great to watch
Ouch.  Though, wouldn't a way around that to have multiple memory cards for holding a pair of saves each?  Not trying to sound condescending or anything, but with that weird saving mechanic this game seems to have that's the only thing I could think of to offer a "buffer" against rotten luck/technology failure.

This game seems to actively hate folk trying to run it. My codolences on the massive loss with how things went down.
Saaaad Cry
One way around the saving problem is to use a third party memory card with multiple virtual cards on it, such as the "Mega Memory Card" from Performance.  This particular model has not messed up for me in years of playing (except that one time when someone switched it out DURING A SAVE... but I only lost a bit of data).

You can basically switch between virtual memory cards by changing the page using built-in buttons (as opposed to a model I've seen that requires controller buttons to be pressed).  It takes a minute or so, but you could just hit the button in the middle of a segment.

Of course, you could just use a Dexdrive to back up your save files.
Any chance you'll be uploading what segments you have finished to archive?  I'm sure plenty of people would like to see your work.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Any chance you'll be uploading what segments you have finished to archive?  I'm sure plenty of people would like to see your work.

Nope; without a finished product it's not worth it.
Edit history:
Farringa: 2007-01-10 03:56:41 pm
Well, long time no post on the subject. After reading the subject awhile ago, and posting for someone else to do a run, and encouraging GarlandG to do one, I have discussed with him, Lolo26, BrutalAl, and others on a forum on GameFAQs (though they have done almost all of the planning, except for minor things that are decided in the run). The latest topic can be found here:

Following GarlandG's new and completed FAQ, I am doing a "regular" run of this game, on the PC. Some of my work can be seen on YouTube already. Examples are:


Many of the more interesting segments I've completed so far are also on the site. You can just look at all my videos, if you want.

Now, the game clock is different than those on the PSX versions, but not by a whole lot. But as of now, I am on pace to beat the game right around the 9 hour mark. This run is not a "pefect run" attempt. I don't have the patience for a run like that. However, the differences are minor in several cases, and the run should still be pretty fast none the less. I am thinking about posting the run on SDA, even though I suspect it will be replaced when GarlandG finishes his run. However, it might be worth posting, if enough people are interested. Let me know if this is something I should look into, and if the 7-hour time limit can be overlooked?


The 7-hour time limit is only a soft-limit.  Considering the popularity of FFVII, I don't see why it won't be waived in this case.
#1 99 Sorc on Diablo 2 Ladder Season 2, 8/26/04

It still amazes me that their central character would be Tifa. What an odd combination they uncovered.

Gotta love that girl. Tifa > Lara Croft. Too bad this run won't go as fast as a Tomb Raider one would though ::sigh:: But still, I think they use Tifa just cause she's godly with her fists (in more ways than one Smiley ).
Out of curiousity, what are the properties and rules of Slots(the odds of the instant win, how long it takes to happen, how it handles instantly beating multi-form enemies, and against whom it works at all, and how early in the game Cait Sith would have learned it), and where would it have saved time?  I have a feeling that if they didn't decide that using it was lame, Cait Sith would have been even more important, and I'm kinda curious about just how much time they sacrificed by trying to play in a less abusive way.
Agreed, all this "less abusive" bullcrap should be thrown out the window.

It's a speedrun, the object is to use any means possible to finish the game in a speedy manner. If it means Slot, then by all means use Slot.

Though imo Cait Sith is a pretty useless character.