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King of hearts
Guess no one cares about VIII  :bawl:
Ben Goldberg
Hey, if someone wants to go through that gamefaqs thread and update us on the progress of the run, well that would be cool. It's a way to keep this topic going. Sorry, I hate the gamefaqs forums.
Pefectionist wannabe
Guess no one cares about VIII  :bawl:

I'm still looking for the run! I refuse to challenge it because of the cut-scenes, but I'd love to watch it!
Also tenkiforecast
I'd watch this, even though I've never played a FF... either way, I looked at the thread, and I couldn't understand anythign on there... *sweatdrop* so I couldn't really help.
If we got a 7hours run of this game, i twill be the best run of the site (for me)
I'm the keeper of Time.
It would definitely be a respected run, kind of like Ocarina of Time in under 5 hours.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Good luck from a fan of ff7 and sda.

And I tried a test run of ff8.  A little over 5 hours at the end of disc 1.  The cutscenes are indeed LONG.  I wish you could skip them if they do decide to remake that game.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
bump!!! =D
I'm the keeper of Time.
I don't think the bump was necessary. Go to GameFAQS if you want to keep up with the run's progress.
I've been thinking of doing a new speedrun and came to the conclusion that FFVII-SR would fit my new project. So I obvious came to the right place here (also read GFaqs).

A quick question to start with:

Is FMV skipping allowed/can it be done in FFVII?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Cutscenes: If a game lets you skip cutscenes, then you must do so. This is not a cutscene and/or plot site. Runners who have played a game dozens of times to do a run don't want to sit through cutscenes. Unfortunately, some games are lazily programmed and you can't skip cutscenes. In this case the runner goes insane as they count for his or her time.

It is allowed, but as far as I know, you're not allowed to eject the disc, which is the only way to skip cutscenes in a Final Fantasy game.
I'm the keeper of Time.
In MOST FF games. In a few PS2 FF games, you are allowed to skip scenes by pausing and pressing [] or X.
Speed Running Joy-bringer

You sure about that?
Alright, I was pending if I would play it on my PSX or PS2 but since ejecting is not allowed I guess I'll just go for the PS2.

First I'll start with a normal-fast run to rediscover whole FF.
Might map out some difficult-to-remember parts.
Everything's better with Magitek
As far as I know, the only FF where you can actually skip FMVs by ejecting the disc is FFIX.  If you're using a PS2, try using the fast disc option; it should help save some time.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
As far as I know, the only FF where you can actually skip FMVs by ejecting the disc is FFIX.  If you're using a PS2, try using the fast disc option; it should help save some time.

The annoying thing about that though (as far as I've noticed) is that you have to enable it each time you start up, THEN insert your disc and play, because it resets itself every time.
Everything's better with Magitek
The annoying thing about that though (as far as I've noticed) is that you have to enable it each time you start up, THEN insert your disc and play, because it resets itself every time.

True, it is annoying, but if you use it on every segment, it should save some time in the long run.
I'm the keeper of Time.

You sure about that?

I guess I said it wrong.
Edit history:
darkwasabi: 2006-10-24 11:05:32 pm
King of hearts
Annoying, you think THAT is annoying?  You're kidding right?  If it saves time, do it.  Speed runs are never convenient.

Not to be rude or anything, but I hope you don't think your run would be accepted here.  The guys at GameFAQs have been working on this run for over a year, they've come a very long way.  Somebody who needs to rediscover the game again to plan it out, and also doesn't remember if this game can skip cutscenes wouldn't really be able to get a good run done, especially a game of this caliber.

I'm just saying that if you plan on doing a run for this site, then you'll need to put a lot of time and effort into it.  If you're just doing it for yourself, then ignore this post.
The guys at GameFAQs have been working on this run for over a year, they've come a very long way.

Those guys are awesome, lolo26, GarlandG, BrutalAl, the lot of them. Runs that well thought through are extremely rare. I can't wait for GarlandG to finish it, but that'll probably be many months still.

It still amazes me that their central character would be Tifa. What an odd combination they uncovered.
We deal in lead.
Hehe. I just beat this game for the first time tonight. I've read the guy's speed walkthrough FAQ as well.

Very interested and would love to see it.
I will knock you all down!
It's been a while, so I just thought I'd stop by and say something.

Unfortunately, I'm not progressing very fast with my run. I'm still working on the second segment and as of today, I haven't played for almost a month. The main reason for that is FFXII, so I'll get back to the run once I beat it.
secret of mana master.
you can't skip FMV's on FFVII. only IX, you can skip them by ejecting the disc, but not 7, 8, or other FF's.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
And like so many before me I've decided to begin a speedrun of FF7.  I'm not saying I'll ever submit a FF7 speedrun to SDA or anything but I have begun one for this game.  Over the last 2 or 3 days I've spent around 10 hours multi-segmenting Midgar (I use the same save points that Garland uses).  I've currently finished Midgar and my latest save is right when you reach the world map: 2:00:50.  I was 51 seconds away from a sub 2 hour midgar run but oh well. 

I'm playing this game on the NTSC version on my ps2 with disc speed set to fast and the graphics at smooth (or whatever the other option is; you know what I mean).

Can't say for sure that I'll ever finish this run but I am on par with a sub 9 hour finish.  I've also been recording everything along the way (I have 10 or so hours of failed attempts stored on my DVD recorders HDD; though I don't know how to edit video anyways so it's not like I can do anything with it for now; just like to have it there).

I hope to finish the first disc within the next week or so but I can't say for sure If I'll be as excited about this game next week as I am now (it's a long friggin game for a SPEEDRUN).

Anyways I'll update progress when/if it becomes available. 
A Link to the Past = teh ownage
Whats the NTSC version?

good luck with the run, this is one of my favorite games of all the materia system