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Watch your girl?  No need; that's what cut scenes are for!
Yes, a worthless avatar riding my posts.
Essentia's daughter (forgot her name oops) should be a guest commentator IMO.
You got a deletion wish?
Quote from ShinerCCC:
Essentia's daughter (forgot her name oops) should be a guest commentator IMO.

Oh, lol.  I don't even know her name (or where Ess posted that).
Everything's better with Magitek
Her name is Celise (which is Celes's name in the Japanese version of FFVI).  You know, if/when I actually record something live, I can almost guarantee that at some point you'll hear her in the background. Wink
You got a deletion wish?
I probably wouldn't have guessed that.
Smiley hello again. i just ran over a youtubish side for broadcasting livestreams. quality sucks, though. maybe you want to have a look at it if you still plan to run it live. any news on this?
Alternatives:, I'd also be interested to know if there's any news on this Smiley
Everything's better with Magitek
As you may or may not know, I'm going to be doing this run live at MAGFest, as the finale for SDA's speedrun marathon.  It'll be interesting to see how it goes, especially since I'll be 6 or 7 months pregnant at that time. Smiley

I found all my old notes from when I did this run, and I've recently started practicing it again.  I've found a few improvements; most of them are really small and save only a few seconds, but it's kind of ironic that the biggest timesaver is in the very first battle.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to finally doing this run live!
Please tell me that there will be high-quality live-streams from this historic event.
depends on how you define high quality. the highest quality live stream will probably be like sda mq/"normal quality". you can always watch it later in high quality though.
Everything's better with Magitek
Well, I've started practicing this again for the SDA marathon.  I've made one big change to my route: I'm going to pick up Sabin in the WoR before heading to Nikeah.  I've been testing this out, and this turns one of the most difficult battles in the run - the Tentacles in Figaro Castle - into an almost laughably easy battle.  In addition, it speeds up that battle so much that I'm thinking this way might actually be faster.  I can kill the Tentacles in half as many turns by having both Celes and Sabin using rods on them.  The only reason I waited to get Sabin in my previous run was so that I could go through the collapsing house with the Moogle Charm; however, I only get 3 battles at most without the Moogle Charm.  One drawback to getting Sabin earlier, though, is that I have to go inside the airship to get Mog into my party after he's been recruited, which will take some extra time.

The other main change to my run is in the very first battle.  For some reason, the first battle is the only one in Narshe that you can actually run away from.  If only Vicks and Wedge run away, Terra gets enough experience from that battle that she most likely won't have to fight any extra battles to get to level 5 before Locke shows up.  You can accomplish this by holding L+R while Terra is taking her turn; as soon as she's done, Vicks and Wedge run away but Terra stays there.  I actually saw this trick on the TAS while I was working on my SDA run, but I never tried it because I thought it was TAS-only (shame on me).  This could potentially save a couple minutes.
Everything's better with Magitek
I'm going to be doing some live streaming of this today, starting at about 3:00 EST.  You can watch it here:
Highly Evolved
Bah, don't cater to the East Coast Bias crowd. 

1:00 Mountain.
Damn, I missed it... And I live on the East Coast too :-[
Highly Evolved
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Damn, I missed it... And I live on the East Coast too :-[

It was fun, despite me dominating the chat.  according to mikuyama
Everything's better with Magitek
I'll most likely be streaming again tomorrow at about the same time (3pm EST or 1pm MST).  So if you missed it today, hopefully you'll be able to see it tomorrow.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Quote from Darkwing Duck:
It was fun, despite me dominating the chat.  according to mikuyama

Hey, you have to protect the town from the likes of Megavolt and Steelbeak somehow. And who is mikuyama? Huh?

Seriously though, that stream was a lot of fun to watch, and it was nice having Essentia explain all of her strategies to dummies like me.

You really really really need to sing the opera part during magfest. Grin
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Quote from mikwuyma:
And who is mikuyama? Huh?

The Vocaloid singer who did commentary for Dark Castle, obviously
Highly Evolved
Wow, now I feel kind of bad butchering a name like that.  At least I would if I didn't know this was payback for making Essentia cry in the chat.  Shocked              Grin
The short parts I saw looked good. I disliked not having any sound on the stream during the first parts, but after awhile I realized it was just because I didn't have my headphones on Cheesy

New stream today? That's awesome, no work day tomorrow so I should be able to see abit more this time.
Good job yet again, Essentia!
Everything's better with Magitek
Thanks to everyone who came and watched the live streams yesterday and today!  It gave me some good practice running this game in front of an audience.

Quote from mikwuyma:
You really really really need to sing the opera part during magfest. Grin

Only if you agree to sing Draco's part. Wink  Actually, I was thinking maybe we could use this as an incentive to get donations - say, if the donations get to a certain amount, then I'll sing during the opera.  Just a thought.
essentia´s streaming right now
Hey, can you please give me your speed run route?  It'll be very useful if I ever decide to make a walkthrough of this game one day (I'd like to do that some time).
Everything's better with Magitek
I posted my speedrun route earlier in this thread; you can see it on page 10 (scroll about halfway down).  I've made a few small changes since I posted that, but it's mostly what I followed for my run.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who watched my run of this during the charity marathon, and especially to all those who donated!  I think we got about $3000 just during FF6, which was amazing.  At first I was a little disappointed that the marathon run was so much slower than my SDA run - at the final save it was 22 minutes behind, and that doesn't count my colossal screwup on Tier 1 - but when I thought about it afterward, it made sense.  First of all, renaming all the characters probably cost at least 6 minutes, but it was definitely worth it.  Then we got donations for me to do some other slower things, such as suplexing things and letting Cid die.  And finally, it was harder for me to concentrate with so many people around and talking, but it made the experience a lot more enjoyable.

For those who didn't see, here's what all the characters were named:
Terra - Oglop
Locke - CATS
Edgar - ThaMan
Sabin - Frezy
Cyan - MrThou
Gau - Frezy
Celes - Kefka
Setzer - Poxnor (he donated $500 for this name!)
Shadow - Obama
Strago - Fizban
Relm - JamieJ
Mog - Pimp
Gogo - Over9k

Also, if you missed the live action opera scene, you can watch it here (fast forward to about 36 minutes in, or just click on the tagged part):