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Highly Evolved
I like the new avatar.
Oh, thanks a lot Essentia.  I just wonder though, how do you think this run would've been different if you were playing the Advanced version instead?
Highly Evolved
I do not think you can manipulate Joker Doom to this extent in the GBA version, and I know for sure that Vanish Doom was removed, making a few battles entirely different.
It doesn't need to be manipulated, as I'm pretty sure they screwed up the rigging of the slots. Paging Master ZED...
Everything's better with Magitek
I'm one of the worst people to ask about the Advance version, because I've never actually played it. Tongue
Yeah the GBA version has quite a lot of name changes, especially with items and monsters. Luckily all of the character names (except Vicks) are the same.
Quote from Lenophis:
It doesn't need to be manipulated, as I'm pretty sure they screwed up the rigging of the slots. Paging Master ZED...
Eh, I'd be more apt to use the word busted in this case.  Kaboom:

Set Slot up in your favor, even when it should be impossible -

In all other versions, the majority of this guide is very helpful in attaining what you want, though if it isn't at the start of battle, it could get complicated.  This is no longer the case in the Advance version, as there is now a bug that convinces the game to side with you, even when that's supposedly impossible.  All you have to do is confirm the first reel while either an attack name is on the screen or an initial animation is playing out, such as the red orb that appears before Black Magic or even the double flash enemies go through to signal they're about to attack.  That's it, the game will then help you get the attack you want just as if you rigged it with the old Echo Screen method.  The real kicker is that, unlike Echo Screen, this method also bypasses the triple 7 ban some formations carry, making it possible to use triple 7's Joker's Death against literally anyone instead of having to retarget 7-7-BAR to get around the restriction.

All other methods of Slot manipulation still work, BTW, but there's no need for any of them given how powerful and easy this one new bug makes things (it renders all prior work on Slot a moot point).  In a trivia note, it took me a month to confirm the existence of and release this bug publicly because I thought I was hallucinating when I ran across it at Leafer peninsula.  FFS, it ignores the triple 7 ban AND has unlimited uses!  Nice one, Square.  Most companies respond to players breaking something by fixing it, not throwing the damn thing against the wall so hard that it shatters!

Truth be told, though, I love it.  It's such a backward, wacky response that I can't help but at least smile when I think of Advance.
G'ah, I spent the entire time searching your site for that instead of Gamefaqs.
Quote from Lenophis:
G'ah, I spent the entire time searching your site for that instead of Gamefaqs.
More like blind. Tongue
Everything's better with Magitek
Well, I'm going to announce that I'm now working on a segmented run of this game.  This run will actually be different from my SS run, especially the WoR; my route will follow the TAS more closely.  I haven't gotten the route completely worked out, because there are still a bunch of things I need to test, but I've got a general idea of what I'm going to do.

Here are some of the major differences from my SS run:

1.  Most of the earlier bosses will be killed with desperation attacks.  This will usually save around 30 seconds each time I do it.  (They won't save more because desperation attacks can't be used until about 26 seconds have passed in the battle.)  The bosses I'm planning to use these on are:
Ultros 1
Tunnel Armor (maybe, it doesn't save much time over using thunder rod)
Kefka (Narshe)
No. 024 (I would have liked to use the TAS strategy here, but I won't be able to learn muddle in time)
No. 128
Ultros 3

2.  Vanish/snare is usually preferable to vanish/doom or joker doom because it cancels the boss's death animation (which saves 10 seconds each time).  Gau can use snare with the Rhodox rage, and Mog can use it with the Dusk Requiem dance.  Because of this, I won't have to learn the doom spell, meaning I can skip fighting battles in the Cave to the Sealed Gate (although it will make the IAF part even harder since I'll be on lower levels).  I want to use vanish/snare on the following:
Ultros 4 (maybe, if I can't get reverse joker doom to work here)
Atma Weapon

3.  In the WoR, the only extra characters I'll get are Gau and Mog.  I'll probably skip picking up the Force Shield from Ice Dragon and Force Armor from Fanatics' Tower but still pick up the ones in Kefka's Tower.  In Kefka's Tower, Gau will probably be in a party by himself.

The main thing I still need to work out is who will learn what spells.  I don't think I can follow the TAS exactly, mainly because of Ultros 4: In the TAS, they used a reverse joker doom here, but since Gau was the one who knew muddle, they had to manipulate Ultros to attack Setzer to unmuddle him; that's not something I'll really be able to do.  The TAS also takes Gau to the Magitek Factory instead of Sabin, but I'm not sure I want to do that.

This is still a work in progress, so I'm not really close to doing an actual run yet.  I'd appreciate any suggestions, although there might not be many until I post more of an actual route.

P.S. I'll probably do a 100% run as well, which would split off from my segmented run at the Floating Continent (since the first major difference would be waiting for Shadow).  The only thing this would affect in my segmented run would be picking up Ifrit, but it would only cost a second or two.  I've been working on a 100% route, but I'll post that later.
Quote from Essentia:
meaning I can skip fighting battles in the Cave to the Sealed Gate (although it will make the IAF part even harder since I'll be on lower levels).

During the Terra/Locke bit going to Thamasa, you might be able to offset that just a bit. You could fight a Bug/FossilFang battle (near the base), or a 2x Baskervor for 930 experience. The last alternative is a battle inside the esper mountain, 2x Adamanchyt gives 2900 (if you have spare rods to break, great time to use them here).

Hope it helps.
Professional Second Banana
Quote from Essentia:
P.S. I'll probably do a 100% run as well, which would split off from my segmented run at the Floating Continent (since the first major difference would be waiting for Shadow).  The only thing this would affect in my segmented run would be picking up Ifrit, but it would only cost a second or two.  I've been working on a 100% route, but I'll post that later.

How are you going to define 100% for FFVI?  Completing all WoR sidequests and getting all characters, magicite, and treasure (other than random drops)?

Good luck!  Somehow I knew a 100% FFVI run was only a matter of time - maybe you can raise another small fortune for charity by auctioning off the character names for the recorded run.  8)
My feelings on The Demon Rush
puwexil: There's a topic about 100% and low% here:,8824.0.html

The definition is all characters and all espers, except Odin because he's replaced by Raiden, since that's a nice, easy to quantify definition that covers most of the sidequests (I think everything except for Hidon).
Professional Second Banana
Guess that would rule out completing the Fanatics' Tower too.
Talk to the Hand
Completing yes, going to no. One of the Dragons hangs out about halfway up the Tower.
Everything save for Hidon and Magi Master. The Hidon sidequest sucks, but the Magi Master fight is awesome.

I hope you do decide to take up the 100% run. I want to see the route at least. ^^
In the 100%, do you plan on getting any items from the Coliseum? After all, stuff like the Dragon Horn and the Minerva Bustier could serve some purpose, since you're gonna be going through a few difficult dungeons in the WoR (f.e the Phoenix Cave). It might compensate for the lack of level grinding.
There's a word for that
Thoughts for any% segmented, I guess:

-You explained that the Rune Edge is out for TunnelArmr, but it can still be beaten almost as quickly, in 5 attacks. With a Genji Glove setup for Locke and 2x Earrings + Ice from Celes, it should fall on Locke's 3rd action; that seems like it should take <30 seconds to achieve. This will also mean that the Thunder Rod can be used somewhere else.

-Dadaluma will triple-heal himself after he's taken 1350+ damage; that leaves 1920+ to take with a desperation attack, unless he waits until his next turn rather than using it as a counter.

-I dunno about where you want to use Joker Doom etc. after that, but in the IAF sequence Strago can take care of the Sky Armors with Aqua Rake and boosting gear, while the Spit Fires can be finished off with a quick hit from a ThunderBlade or something. Air Force can be taken down by Terra with a single Morph'd Thunder Rod, and FlameEater probably with a single Morph'd Ice Rod.
Everything's better with Magitek
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
In the 100%, do you plan on getting any items from the Coliseum? After all, stuff like the Dragon Horn and the Minerva Bustier could serve some purpose, since you're gonna be going through a few difficult dungeons in the WoR (f.e the Phoenix Cave). It might compensate for the lack of level grinding.

No, the only reason I'll go to the Coliseum is to get Shadow.  The dungeons are really no problem; I'll have the Moogle Charm for everything except the one party in the Phoenix Cave.  For that, I'll use smoke bombs and keep trying until I don't run into any Phases (which can't be run from).

Quote from DoubleThink:
-You explained that the Rune Edge is out for TunnelArmr, but it can still be beaten almost as quickly, in 5 attacks. With a Genji Glove setup for Locke and 2x Earrings + Ice from Celes, it should fall on Locke's 3rd action; that seems like it should take <30 seconds to achieve. This will also mean that the Thunder Rod can be used somewhere else.

This is something that I'll test out.  However, I most likely won't have strong weapons for Locke at this point, so I might not be able to kill Tunnel Armor that quickly.  And if I don't use the Thunder Rod on him, I won't get it at all because it won't save time anywhere else.

-Dadaluma will triple-heal himself after he's taken 1350+ damage; that leaves 1920+ to take with a desperation attack, unless he waits until his next turn rather than using it as a counter.

At that point in the run, IIRC desperation attacks are usually doing around 2200 damage, so I'll be able to kill him without him healing himself.

-I dunno about where you want to use Joker Doom etc. after that, but in the IAF sequence Strago can take care of the Sky Armors with Aqua Rake and boosting gear, while the Spit Fires can be finished off with a quick hit from a ThunderBlade or something. Air Force can be taken down by Terra with a single Morph'd Thunder Rod, and FlameEater probably with a single Morph'd Ice Rod.

I'll just use Joker Doom for the IAF and a couple Ice Rods for FlameEater.  BTW, I'm not sure that Terra will even be able to Morph since I won't have fought any battles in the Cave to the Sealed Gate.

Below is a list of everywhere you have to go to get 100%, and what you get from each place.  Note that there are two trips to Narshe; that's because you need Mog to get Locke (because of Moogle Charm), but you need to get Locke to get Ragnarok.  I'm not yet sure on which trip I'll get Umaro.

Tzen - Sabin, Sraphim (might do this before getting Edgar, not sure)
Narshe 1st - Mog, maybe Umaro, Ice Dragon, Tritoch, and Terrato
Narshe 2nd - Ragnarok, maybe Umaro, Ice Dragon, Tritoch, and Terrato
Mobliz 1st - Fenrir, part of getting Terra
Mobliz 2nd - Terra
Phoenix Cave - Locke, Phoenix, Red Dragon
Veldt - Gau
Cave in the Veldt - part of getting Shadow
Colosseum - Shadow
Maranda - part of getting Cyan
Zozo - Cyan, Storm Dragon
Fanatics' Tower - Strago, White Dragon
Jidoor - Relm, Starlet, Golem, Zoneseek
Triangle Island - Gogo
Solitary Island - Palidor
Opera House - Dirt Dragon
Doma Castle - Alexandr
Ancient Castle - Blue Dragon, Odin, Raiden
Doom Gaze - Bahamut

As for the route, I don't have an exact one, but I've got a general idea.  I've mainly been trying to limit the number of times I have to go inside the airship and change party members.  So far, I haven't found a way to get less than 2 party changes.  I've found that there are really 4 main party dependencies:
1. You need 3 or fewer party members to get Gau
2. Relm is needed to get Strago
3. Locke is needed to get Ragnarok in Narshe
4. Cyan is needed to do his sidequest at Doma

The first one is easy to do without changing the party.  Either I'll go get Gau right after I get the airship (assuming I don't already have Sabin), or I'll get him right after getting Terra (since Phunbaba removes some party members).  The other three are more tricky, though.  It'd be great if I could do all of them with a party of Relm, Locke, Cyan, and Mog, but unfortunately I need Joker Doom for Cyan's sidequest (Curly, Larry, and Moe) and Narshe if I'm getting Umaro on that trip (Umaro is immune to Vanish).  Because of that, I'll have to have at least two party switches.  If someone can find a way to do it with only one change, though, I'd be really happy. Smiley

By the way, for bosses I'll be using Vanish/Snare or Vanish/X-zone whenever possible (I'll need X-zone for Wrexsoul anyway, so I'm planning to have someone learn it - possibly Mog).  When I can't do that, such as when the boss is immune to Vanish or there are multiple enemies in the battle, I'll use Joker Doom.  If none of those are possible (I think the only cases are Phunbaba 2 and 3), I'll use reverse Joker Doom.
Edit history:
Rakuen: 2010-01-26 12:07:21 pm
Weegee Time
This is completely off the top of my head, there's probably something wrong in this (aside from being crazy), but I figured I might as well post it for the sake of generating ideas.


Get Mog for Moogle Charm
Umaro (benched)
Sabin (benched)
Shadow (benched)

Terra (Mog/Setzer must survive)
Cyan (complete dream sequence)

Phoenix Cave (forced party change, Party 1 is Relm/Mog)
Locke (get Ragnarok)

Gogo can either be obtained with a party change, or just rush for him any time you have a full party.  So this route requires either 0 or 1 party changes, depending on which you think is faster.
Everything's better with Magitek
Thanks for that suggestion, Rakeun, but unfortunately there are a couple problems with it.  First, if I understand correctly, you're saying that the party will be only Mog and Terra after getting Terra.  However, there would be no way to kill Phunbaba 4 quickly; he's immune to Vanish (or at least I can never get it to work on him), so a Joker Doom is needed there, which means Setzer will have to be in the party as well.  Second, after you finish the Phoenix Cave, your party is always changed to just Locke and Celes.  Since I'll need to put Mog in the party for the second Narshe visit, there will have to be a party change after getting Locke, which is why it's not possible to do everything without at least one party change (unless I'm missing something).

Let me post the route that I'm thinking of, and maybe it will help spawn some more ideas.

Celes, Edgar Setzer
Terra (Phunbaba uses Baba Breath on Celes and Edgar, so the party afterwards is Terra, Setzer, Mog)
Shadow (at least the cave part since it's close)
Relm (benched)
Cyan (benched)

change party to Setzer, Relm, Cyan, Mog
Strago (benched)
Cyan's dream sequence
Locke (party becomes Celes, Locke afterwards)

change party to Setzer, Locke, Mog, maybe another person
Ragnarok and Umaro

All the rest of the stuff not listed could be done pretty much anytime with any of those parties, I believe; I just need to make sure X-zone is learned before doing the dream sequence.

Edit: It looks like Rakeun edited his post while I was typing my reply, so some of the things I said might not apply anymore.
Weegee Time
Yeah, I realized after I posted that Phunbaba removes only two characters and then adds Terra into the party.  So you'd end up with Terra/Mog/Setzer and then Gogo has to be shunted off until later.  I forgot that about Locke and Celes though, dang.  The required change there would still let you end up with a party of Locke/Relm/Mog to finish the rest of the characters, meaning only one party change.  Time is a different matter entirely, though.

I think the more important question isn't so much can you do it with one party change, but can you do it without it costing more time for backtracking and flying around.
Everything's better with Magitek
That's true, it's important to look at what costs more time: changing the party or extra flying.  However, I'd rather have some extra flying because it'll give me more of a chance to run into Doom Gaze.  I'd rather encounter him while on my way to somewhere than devote extra time to finding him.  That's why I'm leaning towards having fewer party changes.

I'm kind of liking your improved route.  Right now I don't see any problems with it.  I'll have to test it out to see how it works.
I can't find where it's mentioned, what is required for a 100% run of this game?

Edit:Nevermind, I apparently should have started on page 32 and worked my way backwards instead of the beginning of this thread, found it.
Quote from Essentia:
I'd rather have some extra flying because it'll give me more of a chance to run into Doom Gaze.  I'd rather encounter him while on my way to somewhere than devote extra time to finding him.

Isn't this 100% run segmented? To me it seems like encountering Doom Gaze would be basically finding one airship flight (preferably a longer one) where you have a party that will be able to defeat it quickly, and restarting until you encounter it.