Gau's mblock will take a hit since he can't equip weapons, so bosses and especially Inferno will be riskier. It may even be necessary to keep a thunder rod and mimic it as insurance vs Inferno. JD is preferred of course. Money can be gotten in a number of ways; I'll even list a bunch.
Get Rune Edge in Terra scenario
Steal from Commandos during Banquet, Flame Eater
Strip Shadow of his gear
Get Murasame at the beginning of the floating continent
Sell a bunch of junk items
If that's still not enough you can pay a visit to the treasure room at the imperial base before floating cont.
AFAIK nobody really ran Sabinless aside from glitchless. I heard it was tried out and wrote off as being too unsafe.
A couple updates on stuff i posted earlier:
Kefka at Narshe (full game run) I now use this:
Edgar with Genji Glove+Running Shoes and Mythril Blade/Pike
Cyan Atlas+Hyper
Sabin Earrings x2, Mythril Shld equipped from before raft jump.
Gau with nothing and use Exocite rage.
I sell a Tincture to make up for the lost money from not selling Mythril stuff and pick up an extra one in Zozo. You don't actually need to use tinctures until mine cart and you get ample elixirs throughout the run for recovering mp in kefka's tower. The Exocite rage is more consistent in that it always does damage every turn. Brawler is held back by stone throw having a long animation and can miss. As a part of this setup I do Locke's scenario before Terra's to get the Runningshoes so I can equip them on edgar once you get off the raft. Terra gets the sprint shoes and they are automatically unequipped from her after you defeat Kefka. This both sets up Edgar for the Kefka fight and gives faster ATB for Edgar during Terra's scenario.
I've found a consistent way to fight Ifrit shown here:
Basically do this: Bat spd 6, Attack with Locke or Celes, wait for Ifrit to attack with his first turn, queue up the remaining attacks and use wait trick when Ifrit counters with fire.
This sets up Ifrit's 2nd turn to occur shortly after your 5th attack connects and gives you enough time to fill up the remaining atb bar and run. Sometimes it's ambiguous whether or not Ifrit casting fire after the first attack is a counter or not. If Ifrit appears to counter the first attack you do, just wait a couple seconds to see if he attacks again or not. If he doesn't attack again within 2-3 seconds queue up the attacks as normal and do wait tricks on counters.
And lastly I've looked into swapping out Terra during the banquet for Locke for stealing Tents/Mythril Vests as Puwexil suggested. Terra doesn't benefit from the exp or ap gained during these battles since she gets enough from fighting IAF/Atma to learn Bolt2. Ninja/Naughty kills with rods will give extra AP even if you don't have enough.
-Give RunningShoes+Sneak Ring to Locke, Sprint Shoes to Setzer at the beginning of talking to soldiers.
-After talking to everyone give Locke Gale+Back Guard and remove Phantom.
-After banquet Terra swaps RunningShoes for charm bangle. This means she will have sprint shoes on THE BOAT AWWW YEAHHHH
-After Ultros3 Locke gets sprint shoes + charm bangle as in the normal route.
Get Rune Edge in Terra scenario
Steal from Commandos during Banquet, Flame Eater
Strip Shadow of his gear
Get Murasame at the beginning of the floating continent
Sell a bunch of junk items
If that's still not enough you can pay a visit to the treasure room at the imperial base before floating cont.
AFAIK nobody really ran Sabinless aside from glitchless. I heard it was tried out and wrote off as being too unsafe.
A couple updates on stuff i posted earlier:
Kefka at Narshe (full game run) I now use this:
Edgar with Genji Glove+Running Shoes and Mythril Blade/Pike
Cyan Atlas+Hyper
Sabin Earrings x2, Mythril Shld equipped from before raft jump.
Gau with nothing and use Exocite rage.
I sell a Tincture to make up for the lost money from not selling Mythril stuff and pick up an extra one in Zozo. You don't actually need to use tinctures until mine cart and you get ample elixirs throughout the run for recovering mp in kefka's tower. The Exocite rage is more consistent in that it always does damage every turn. Brawler is held back by stone throw having a long animation and can miss. As a part of this setup I do Locke's scenario before Terra's to get the Runningshoes so I can equip them on edgar once you get off the raft. Terra gets the sprint shoes and they are automatically unequipped from her after you defeat Kefka. This both sets up Edgar for the Kefka fight and gives faster ATB for Edgar during Terra's scenario.
I've found a consistent way to fight Ifrit shown here:
Basically do this: Bat spd 6, Attack with Locke or Celes, wait for Ifrit to attack with his first turn, queue up the remaining attacks and use wait trick when Ifrit counters with fire.
This sets up Ifrit's 2nd turn to occur shortly after your 5th attack connects and gives you enough time to fill up the remaining atb bar and run. Sometimes it's ambiguous whether or not Ifrit casting fire after the first attack is a counter or not. If Ifrit appears to counter the first attack you do, just wait a couple seconds to see if he attacks again or not. If he doesn't attack again within 2-3 seconds queue up the attacks as normal and do wait tricks on counters.
And lastly I've looked into swapping out Terra during the banquet for Locke for stealing Tents/Mythril Vests as Puwexil suggested. Terra doesn't benefit from the exp or ap gained during these battles since she gets enough from fighting IAF/Atma to learn Bolt2. Ninja/Naughty kills with rods will give extra AP even if you don't have enough.
-Give RunningShoes+Sneak Ring to Locke, Sprint Shoes to Setzer at the beginning of talking to soldiers.
-After talking to everyone give Locke Gale+Back Guard and remove Phantom.
-After banquet Terra swaps RunningShoes for charm bangle. This means she will have sprint shoes on THE BOAT AWWW YEAHHHH
-After Ultros3 Locke gets sprint shoes + charm bangle as in the normal route.