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Freddeh: 2014-06-13 07:33:49 pm
Freddeh: 2014-06-13 07:31:25 pm
That makes Tiamat so much easier (I thought he was aggro-based)...just running into him basically made him always target vaan for everything but disablega.

Or at least makes his aggro make more sense.

EDIT: Anyway, Vaan can tank just fine, berserk runs out just in time usually, worst case by far is disable on balthier, but that can be rectified by letting him die and PD'ing him (or in your case, resetting XD).
Now that I think about it, the only times I can remember my tank getting hit with Disablega were when I was close to other characters, so that's a good point.  Previously, Vaan wouldn't have had enough LP to do everything he needed to do and have Shielded Armor for Tiamat, but because things have changed there it should work.  That said, I think I'd still leave Pen in (especially for SS/RTA) because Balthier getting disabled would be bad, and as previously mentioned because she can Berserk herself - I just think it would make things a lot smoother.  Though as one final thought: maybe grab a couple Bacchus' Wines for Basch so he could Berserk himself?
You don't actually need to recast Berserk with a Basch Vaan Balthier setup, the berserks run out about when you get to 20%, and then you finish with traveler. Vaan can do the run through Henne just fine and berserk basch before and balthier around the last room before the crystal (need him to cast traveler first). That said, Balthier getting disabled IS bad...
Edit history:
Youkai: 2014-06-15 08:52:30 pm
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Got a little more work done on the run. Here is my notes through jelly farming. At the moment I'm only planning on doing one round of jellies. My biggest concern right now is that I still don't have any magic armor for Ashe or Penelo nor do I have any licensed. I wonder if I'll be able to get through the stillshrine without it.

	Start game.
		Config: battle mode active, battle speed high, cursor position memory
	Battle Remora
	Skip after transition
	Skip before three guards
	Skip, Skip, Skip
	Battle Rats
	Skip, Skip, Skip, Cancel, Next
	Skip Cutscene in front of Migellos
	Skip at The Sandsea
	Get Hunt
	Get Package
	Skip at gate
	Skip on exit
	**Grab all chests in/very close to path until second Dustia. Need the money for PD's
	Battle Tomato
	Skip after Vanquished, Next
	Talk to Kytes at the gate
	Skip, Skip, Skip, Next
	Skip at Dalan's door
	Skip on exit city
	Talk to Masyua
	Skip, Next
	Find Jinn
	Save Giza Plains
	Get Sunstone (Luck manipulate 2 stone fill, the two past Jinn so I can get the chests near the second one.)
		Penelo: remove all
		Vaan: remove all
	Return to Rabanastre
	Skip in Lowtown, Next
	Skip at Dalan, Next
	Skip when leaving
	Miguellos shop to sell items and buy PD's (need 8 total)
	Save Westgate
	Skip on exit
	Damage down to under 10%
		Config: battle speed minimum
		Equip: optimize
	Dustia Leveling - Minimum 5 (prefer 6) loot. 8 dustias.
	Meet Kytes in lowtown
	Touch Crystal
	Go through sewers to stairs
	Skip, Skip
	Chests in room.
	Sneak past imperials
	Secret passage
	Skip, Next, Skip
	Skip, Skip
	Join with Balthier and Fran
		Config: battle speed max
			Vaan: Black magic 1
			Vaan:		1: FPLT - Fire
					2: FNV - Attack
			Balthier:	1: FPLT - Attack
					2: FNV - Attack - disabled
			Fran:		1: FPLT - Fire
					2: FNV - Attack
	Steal from and kill bats/toads on the path. Need to kill for the LP and potential loot.
	At this point Balthier should be leader and stealing from enemies.
	Save before Ashe
	Skip before fight
	Battle soldiers
	Skip after fight
	Skip before Flan
	Battle flan
	Skip after Flan
			Balthier: remove weapon
			Disable fire for Vaan and Fran, enable Balthier's attack
	Skip before Firemane
	Battle Firemane - Position cursor on fire
	Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip
	Fight bangaa - Switch leader to Balthier, Cursor on Cure
	Get Items
	Skip, Skip, Next, Skip
	Touch switch
	Get Fuse
	Install fuse
	Buy Blizzard
	Gate Switch
			Balthier: optimize
			Balthier: Black Magic 1
			Vaan:		1: FPLT - Blizzard
					2: FNV - Attack
			Balthier:	1: FPLT - Fire
					2: FNV - Attack
			Fran:		1: FPLT - Blizzard
					2: FNV - Attack
	Run through passage killing and stealing from Mimics and slimes.
	Skip, Skip, Skip
	Set cursor on Blizzard before Mimic Queen
	Mimic Queen
		Equip: Remove all Balthier, Fran, Vaan
			Vaan: sword
			Vaan: 		1: FNV - Phoenix Down
	Sell items
	Buy Phoenix Downs: need 47 total
	Teleport to Rabanastre
	Skip, next
	Damage down to 10%
		Config: battle speed down 2
		Equip: optimize
	Dustia - to level 21
		By chain 10: avg 5 books
		By chain 20: avg 10 books
		By chain 30: avg 19 books
		Test run 45: avg 36 books / 5 staves
		RTA has 21386G after selling loot
			Test run 1 20895G (37/4)
			Test run 2 23455G (36/6)
			Test run 3 27809G (49/4)
			Battle speed max
			Vaan: Staves 2
			Vaan: Optimize
			Vaan:		1: FPLT - Blizzard - disabled
					2: FNV - Fire
	Warp southgate
	Talk to Dalan
	Skip, Next
	Talk to Balzak
	Skip, Skip, Next
	Skip - before sandsea
	The Sandsea
	Turn in Hunt
	Skip, Next
	Moogle warp to Westgate
	Skip, Skip, Skip
	Go outside
	Skip, next
	Skip at mine entrance
	Into the mine
	Out of the mine
	Skip at end of chase
	Skip on exit
	Skip, Skip, Skip
	Talk to the Marquis
	Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Next, Next, Next
	Party: Vaan, Basch
	Party leader Basch
	Save Leviathan
	Attack Vossler to critical
	Skip before fight
	Defeat Judges
	Get Ashe
	Skip, next
	Sell: Books only
		Cherry Staff x2
		Gambit Self
		Immobilize, Reflect, Protect, Dark
	Skip at Penelo, next, next
		Party: Vaan, Ashe, Penelo
			Vaan: BM2, AM1, TM2
			Penelo: BM2, AM1, TM2, Spellbreaker, Headsman, Staves 1 - 83 LP remain
			Ashe: BM2, Spellbreaker, Headsman, Staves 1 - 26 LP remain
			Ashe/Penelo:		Remove all, Cherry Staff
		Gambits:			Gambits off for both
			Vaan:			1: Ally: Any - Reflect
						2: Self - Dark
			Penelo:			1: Ally: Any - Reflect
						2: Self - Dark
	Battle Judge Ghis - Turn off gambits before end of fight
	Skip, Skip
		Party: Basch
		Gambits: off if missed in fight
	Talk to Ondore
	Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip
	Run through Sandsea
	Party: Vaan, Ashe, Penelo
	Cast dark on self and have ashe and penelo attack once to get them in critical
	Battle Garuda - Turn off gambits before end of fight
	Skip, next, skip
		Party: Basch
		Cypress Pole x2
		Wizard's Robes x2
		Sleep, Oil, Berzerk, Aero
	Run from first Demon Wall
		Party: Vaan, Ashe, Penelo
			Vaan:			1: Self - Reflect
						2: Self - Aero
			Ashe:			1: Off
						2: Self - Aero
			Penelo:			1: Self - Reflect
						2: Self - Aero
	Battle second Demon Wall - Turn off gambits before end of fight
		Party: Basch, Vaan
	Left down, Right up
	Chest: Elixer
		Party: Vaan, Ashe, Penelo
	Battle Belias - Weapon switch to pre-firaja - Turn off gambits before end of fight
	Cursor over Aero
	Get Dawn Shard, Skip, Next
	Skip, Skip, Skip
	Battle Vossler - Turn off gambits before end of fight
	Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip
	Moogle warp to The Sandsea
	Buy: Gambit Traveler
	Moogle warp to Southgate
	Get Chocobo
		Party: Vaan, Balthier, Basch
			Basch: Accessories 8
			Ashe: Accessories 8
			Penelo: BM3, Intersession, Accessories 8
			Balthier: Traveler, Poles 1
			Basch: Poles 1
			Vaan: Heavy Armor 4
			Basch: Heavy Armor 4
		Equip: Optomize Balthier, Basch
			Vaan: Manufacted Nethasite
	Talk to the High-Chief
	Talk to the War-Chief
	Talk to the Elder
	Skip, skip, skip, next
	Buy Chocobo
	Golden Amulet (luck manipulation)
	Skip, Skip before jungle
	Skip at jungle
	Eruyt Village
	Teleport Jahara
	Sell old stuff
	Buy: Shielded armor (equip Vaan)
	Talk to Judge and get stuff
	Buy Chocobo
	Golden Amulet (luck manipulation)
	Berzerk Basch
		Party: Vaan, Balthier
			Basch/Penelo with Golden Amulet
	Skip at mine entrance
	Henne Mines
	Run through mines - Use Traveler at the correct spot.
	Berzerk Balthier
		Party: Vaan
			Vaan: Manufacted Nethicite
	Battle Tiamat - Weak earth - absorb wind - 436
		Vaan equip Dawn shard for magic resist
	Skip, Skip, Skip, next
	Location Eyrut village
	Buy: Golden Amulet, Jackboots, Fira, Cura, Selling salts x10, Phoenix Down x5 (total)
		Party: Basch, Ashe, Penelo
			Penelo: Staves 2
			Ashe: BM3
			Basch: Steal
			Remove All: Vaan, Balthier
			Basch: Remove pole, Shielded Armor
			Penelo: Optimize
			Basch:			1: Ally: Any - Smelling Salts
						2: FNV - Steal
			Ashe:			1: Off
						2: Off
						3: FNV - Fira
			Penelo:			1: Off
						2: Off
						3: FNV - Fira
	Teleport Henne mines
	Jelly Farming
		Ashe:  - Staves 2 and Headsman, ASAP and equip Fire Staff
		Need approx 76k to buy everything from here out
		Test run 1: 120 chain, 91 yellow liquid
	Gambits off at end
	Teleport Eyrut
	Sell: Cypress Pole, Tormaline Ring, Yellow Liquid, Water Magicite
	Buy: Confuse, Decoy, Blizzara, Thundara
I doubt you will, I forgot to do as little as re-equip my flame staff (instead of a cherry staff if i recall) on penelo last run and I was short damage on both vinuskar AND mateus. And after mateus, Bergan is even more of an issue...You could probably buy the wizard hat/robes for pen at dyce but just not equip them til after jellies?
Edit history:
Youkai: 2014-06-17 06:41:58 pm
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Does your reflect timer not count down while you have Ruby Rings on? I'm trying to figure out why the RTA runner keeps swapping the Golden amulets out for Ruby Ring except at the end of fights when Ashe and Penelo already have reflect up.

Oh he gets rid of the Golden Amulets for Ashe and Penelo after the Crystal Core and just has the Ruby Rings so maybe they are worth having. I guess that will depend on how my LP go I'm going to be at least 200 short of his count.
Edit history:
Freddeh: 2014-06-18 05:14:44 am
Another note to help with LP is that you can probably get away with finishing the game on only lvl 2 quickenings for both ashe and pen, with pen getting the two quickenings and Ashe Shemhazai. That will make both of their 'needed' LP routes considerably shorter. The downside to this is that there isn't an easy place to get Basch extra mana, but he shouldn't actually need it (only a couple dispel casts and a couple protects are really needed for Bahamut, and thats far less than his base mana pool at that point).
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Made it past Cid today. So with Mandy's/Ahriman/Cid out of the way I'm starting to think my plan so far is doable. The only issue is I had 120 gil left when I picked up the 5k chest in Balfonhiem. So I think I'm really going to have to luck manipulate the crap out of Dustia and make sure I get 99 yellow liquid on my jelly run (I only got 91 in this test run). I think I'm going to keep playing this practice run until I get to Pharos and then I'll start over from the beginning and try again to make sure my notes are good.
Edit history:
Freddeh: 2014-06-19 12:02:23 am
If you get as little as the black cowl from giruvegan you can come out of balfonheim with no money, so I think you're doin fine if you actually made it to the 5k chest lol.

Did you buy any xpots in balf?
Don't know what to speedrun :(
I'm not sure what you mean by the Black Cowl comment. I wasn't able to buy any X-Potions. So I'm going into Giruvegan with only 10 or so Hi-Potions. It should be interesting. This is part of the issue. If I do some more agressive luck manipulation I can get more healing items and also I still haven't purchased Firaja which I need to get.
Edit history:
Freddeh: 2014-06-19 02:19:40 pm
That should be plenty of hi-pots, you don't actually take all that much damage in giruvegan. I meant black mask, i keep calling it the wrong thing, theres a chest in the first room after you go into great crystal with a 50/50 elixir/black mask chance. Worth 6200 gil.

I went in with 17 yesterday and came out with 8, in a fairly decent run.
Don't know what to speedrun :(
oh nice. I'll have to keep that in mind. If I end up saving before Tyrant it shouldn't be an issue at all to luck manipulate that.
Glad to see this project going on again Youkai Smiley
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Does anybody have a good understanding of how the using magic to damage down works? For some reason I can't really find a configuration that gets them both to critical. I've had this same problem in 3 or 4 spots now. Most of the time if I set it up so the caster (Ashe or Penelo) damages themselves to critical then the other one ends up taking basically double damage and dying flat out. I can set it up to whittle them down so one attack will make them critical but I can't find a way to regularly get them both to critical.
Edit history:
Freddeh: 2014-06-19 04:51:42 pm
You target the other caster first so it doesn't put the caster into critical before casting on the other caster, it doesn't always get them to crit first try due to damage ranges, but 1 staff attack will always finish it, and the range hasn't killed any of them yet with the RTA setup (flame/glacial staves, sorc hat/habits). An alternate possiblity that requires a bit more menu time but is a bit more consistent i think is to equip cherry staff on ashe and have her do fira (does a tad more damage), its what I use for Raffles usually but I haven't tried it as a regular thing outside of that fight.

I don't remember if I used magic crit in my pb, but I've switched to it fully now, and you can check out my strategies in my most recent run: . I didn't quite finish it, but it was a really solid run overall.
Edit history:
Youkai: 2014-06-19 04:57:50 pm
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Seriously the damage is doubling because they are hitting critical before the damage calculation for the other member. WOW. Ok then I should be able to figure it out from there. Thanks. I'm sure that's what I needed. Now that I understand what's going on there and how to counter it I should be able to figure out a way to get them both to critical pretty regularly.
Yeah I was making that mistake of not targeting the opposite person, until someone finally told me. So with the new single segment route we use now, what are some of the major differences going to be between single segment and segmented now?
Edit history:
Youkai: 2014-06-20 11:31:27 pm
Don't know what to speedrun :(
I'm not really sure what the big differences are. From my old run the big differences are no Ba'Gamnon and it looks like I can get by with only one round of jellies. So cutting the LP and gil farming rounds will be most of the time saving.
Probably the biggest difference is all the luck manipulation to cut out a round of jellies. Don't forget the traveler stuff from your old run as well Youkai, that's a fairly significant time save.

In other news: New PB/WR for Single Segment (also actually a SS game overs):
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Wow nicely done dude. I'll definitely watch that through.

I just got through back to Balfonhiem after going through Giruvegan. I had enough money to buy 16 HP and 11 XP. So at this point I'm thinking the run is a go. I'm going to start over from the beginning on a test run and make sure my notes are all good and run through it to the end. Then it will be time to do the run.
Edit history:
Freddeh: 2014-06-23 09:10:53 pm
Thats almost enough to get through the rest of the game if you're prudent with usage...I don't actually buy XPots before giruvegan anymore anyway, just skip that shopping trip altogether.

EDIT: Oh, and something useful for vayne when you get there: You can skip the cutscenes for both of Vaynes big attacks by killing off someone either right after Vortice finishes casting, or right after magick barrier finishes casting, and then waiting for the 'choose new party member' screen to come up as usual. Saves quite a bit of time for only a little setup time. The way I did it in test was killing vaan after gabranth2, then phoenix downing him while the elevator climbs and equipping a cherry staff, and having him cast aero on himself at the appropriate times, throwing another pd on him sometime between vayne novus and undying.
This is exciting guys Cheesy Youkai, would you be interested in participating in some partial or full game races with us in the future? We do them periodically Cheesy
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Oh man. I got through Bergan on my second test run and holy crap LP are tight when you only do one round of jellies to 100.

That's good to note Freddeh do you do that in the run linked above? I'll definitely be watching your Pharos and on for boss strats.

sk8, I'm going to be torturing myself enough as is with this run. I don't need to pile it on with live races Tongue When I get to recording actual segments though I'll be streaming them. Hopefully some of you can watch occasionally or check the clips I'll post here and give me speed tips if I'm missing anything.
Absolutely. What's your streaming channel?
Don't know what to speedrun :(
I'm not streaming right now and won't be until I am ready to start making attempts but my twitch is: