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Edit history:
Svenne: 2013-05-19 05:45:08 am
Svenne: 2013-05-19 05:44:54 am
Svenne: 2013-05-19 05:44:17 am
Svenne: 2013-05-19 05:39:55 am
Svenne: 2013-05-19 05:39:22 am
Update on Pro_JN's progress, he got 4 different world records this week:
Any% Deathless - 1:01:21 http://www.twitch.tv/pro_jn/c/2281064
Any% Glitched - 20:42 http://www.twitch.tv/pro_jn/c/2285581
100% All Keys - 1:18:19 http://www.twitch.tv/pro_jn/c/2281086
NG+ Glitched - 10:00 http://www.twitch.tv/pro_jn/c/2289587
Edit history:
Partystar: 2013-05-23 05:50:47 pm
Partystar: 2013-05-23 05:28:21 pm
Partystar: 2013-05-23 05:26:00 pm
Partystar: 2013-05-23 05:24:10 pm
Partystar: 2013-05-23 05:22:33 pm
Hi guys. I need a little bit of marathon advise.  It's about two barrel levels with shortcuts, Canopy Cannons and Buttons Bashers in Donkey Kong country Returns. You have these moving barrels, in which you have to shoot from one barrel to the next. In Canopy Cannons, there is one place where you can shoot from one cannon directly to another one, skipping a barrel that you have to do otherwise. I normally don't take this risk, because I didn't knew how to do it consistently and it only saves not more then two seconds. The thing is, that I just gave it a shot and I suddenly seem to get the shortcut right all the time and I know how it works. checked it out at a similar point in Buttons Bashers where after two fails, I also get it working properly there. But the thing is, is it worth taking these kind of shortcuts in a marathon? These shortcuts don't save that much but they do look hot! They are both early in the game. But if the timing is not right, there is a guaranteed death. On the other hand, there are lot of places where I take plenty of risk. I currently feel tempted to do them because they look cool and it is a speedrun after all. A little bit of advice would be appreciated.
My S3K run is basically going to be YOLO the game so I say go for it. The goal in marathon runs isn't really the time as you can't be expected to perform perfectly, it's all about the entertainment.
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Always give it a shot at cool looking shortcuts (or collect money for attempting them, if they're cool enough?) That's why estimates are meant to be generous Wink
We both like money! Friends?

I've been skyping with p_why (current record holder in Braid) and he has tought me some tricks. He is very willing to teach me more as well, so a lot of positive progress has been made. My goal now is to do a sub 30 min run (WR is about 25 min).
Edit history:
Partystar: 2013-05-24 07:08:47 pm
Partystar: 2013-05-24 07:07:48 pm
Partystar: 2013-05-24 01:27:20 pm
Thanks for your encouragements and advise guys. I just also asked a friend (who will also attend ESA) and he said the same.  So it shall be: YOLO! I will do the barrel shortcuts in my runs from now.

edit: Did a practice run and got both micro shortcuts working. They are just very frightening at the moment. Run ended in 1:42:01.
Marathon runs first goal is to be entertaining and if a trick will provide that without too much risk at going over your estimate, it is recommended you at least give it a shot. Ha...a shot...
I finished three Mega Man runs yesterday: 21:50, 20:28 and 20:46 were my times.
Infinite Combo
I just wanted to make a short announcement. MMX and NGII is steady sub 49 and sub 15 but my computer is now officially dead, so I wont be able to stream or watch streams or check up on stuff for a loong time. but I will keep practicin for ESA :x
Personal text
Quote from coolkid:
I finished three Mega Man runs yesterday.

Quote from coolkid:

Well shit
We both like money! Friends?
I finally (after 100 attempts...) pulled this one off:


Hopefully I can get it consistently for the marathon Smiley
I just beat my SDA Half-Life run with 3 save reloads and with loadings included in the time.
Cool story bro Smiley
All the runs from RSM:


I need to practice alot more on CRT TV.
Got some practice in today:
- A few You Have to Win the Game any% at ~5:00 each. Haven't really done any 100% runs of it in a long time, but I saw there was a new glitch found for 100% that I haven't practiced at all... so I guess I'll do any% at ESA. (Meaning that the estimated time will be 10 minutes with setup time, instead of the 30 that's on the schedule right now.)
- A couple of runs of Hydra Castle Labyrinth any% clocking in at 32-33 minutes each, so that one's still fairly consistent as well.
What is a man?
Not that I'll perform in the Official block of ESA, but today I did my first Castlevania: HoD Maxim All Bosses run on a DS Lite (If I go in during Bonus stream I will play on the GameCube). My left shoulderbutton works 10% of the times and my hands cramp up every 2 minutes. Didn't succeed with any flashy things (Jump and attack buttons are reversed, argh!) but still managed a 17:05 run. On Emulator with PS3 Controller i get consistent ~16:0x 's , and this weekend we'll see how consistent I'll be with a GC Controller. Aiming for a sub 16 time for ESA, or maybe even a WR (Sub 15:27), it's good to know that I can perform SOMEWHAT even with a large handicap, haha Cheesy
Sonic 2 sub 17: http://www.twitch.tv/primat91/b/410924142

I had a run going yesterday that was going to be a low 16 and only a couple seconds off the WR, but I died like a jackass as usual. My ultimate goal right now is sub 16 but I'll try to practise sonic 3 too, especially after (if) I get -the- run.
Hockey enthusiast
I feel like there are alot of attendees that not posted anything regaring the state of their gameplay. ESA is only ~45 days away! You don't have to set a new record to post in practice, a post saying that you did a couple of runs and it went really bad which made you unsure about your estimate is better than nothing at all.
We both like money! Friends?
My best Braid times atm are around 31 min. My goal is a to get a sub 30 min run at ESV. SHould be feasable with more practice.
Hockey enthusiast
As for my games:

Super Return of the Jedi is good. Got a new record yesterday clocking in at 29:22.
World of Illusion is also good, at least Mickey. Donald will need to more work for me to remember jump/wait pattern for the third and fifth level.
Goof Troop is solid in 1-p mode. Me and Alko are going to work hard on perfecting our 2-p strats on site.
I had a terrible any% run of Bionic Commando Rearmed that was five minutes slower than my personal best, but that's still slightly more than five minutes below estimate, so, yeah.

Gotta love runs where your Area 10 clear split is already in the red and you haven't even started Area 10 yet. But speaking of Area 10 I had another run where I somehow got past the beginning of that stage without taking any hits, so I need to test that thing I did and see if it actually helps or if I was just lucky as I've never been before.
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Quote from Edenal:
Goof Troop is solid in 1-p mode. Me and Alko are going to work hard on perfecting our 2-p strats on site.

I did a practise run of that, too. Goofy strats on the final boss, so no time recorded ^^' Otherwise what Edenal said.
Penumbra: Easy games, not much skill involved so getting a good time is only takes a bit of luck and knowing the route.

Max Payne 2: Got the WR recently.

Octodad: S is going to wreck me. Need to learn new strats.

Dark Souls: Oh boy... Don't expect this to be a very serious race, but it should still be a good time.
What is a man?
I set a new WR of CV: Harmony Of Dissonance today (on emulator ;_;), 15:24
Currently i'm playing on GC also, on a tv with looooads of lag, I'll see how i do when i find a CRT or two
^Nice! Congrats.

I haven't done much full runs lately, but I'm in the process of looking for improvements of my run (DKCR). These vary from subtle strats to huge time savers.