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Infinite Combo
Payment sent!!!
Payed to Ludendi's account. See you all in a couple of weeks Smiley
Infinite Combo
Oh crap... I forgot about this. Just sent in full payment at least.
Payed to ludendis account..

See you there!
Hockey enthusiast
Deadline has passed now.

Those of you knowing that you have not payed, do so NOW! I'll go through all Paypal payments and update them tonight, as for bank transfers that's going to be a couple of days.
My bank went MIA, but I paid now
I just paid via PayPal Smiley
I have also just paid via paypal
*praying that bank account is packed with new payments*
$15 per rant/allegory
I'm not on that spreadsheet list, but I'm arrive Friday 2am and leaving Sunday/Monday. Two people, with a bed. Is that 1000 SEK?
Hockey enthusiast
Quote from flicky:
I'm not on that spreadsheet list, but I'm arrive Friday 2am and leaving Sunday/Monday. Two people, with a bed. Is that 1000 SEK?


Strange that I have not added you guys to the spreadsheet. I added you to the bed thread at least Smiley
There is a problem with the payment and the bank is malfunctioning, is it a problem if I pay it tomorrow? >.<
Now sending the payment. o_O
Payment sent to Ludendi's account :3
Hockey enthusiast
Currently updaing the payment document. There is one transfer which came in today without a proper note, so it cant really be traced. (But I guess it's you TinglesPalace?) If some else payed 900 SEK to the Ludendi bank account the last coiple of days, let me know. But for now, I'll assume it Tingles!

There we go! All updated.

I'll be sending out PMs to those who have not yet payed.
Quote from Edenal:
Currently updaing the payment document. There is one transfer which came in today without a proper note, so it cant really be traced. (But I guess it's you TinglesPalace?) If some else payed 900 SEK to the Ludendi bank account the last coiple of days, let me know. But for now, I'll assume it Tingles!

There we go! All updated.

I'll be sending out PMs to those who have not yet payed.

Yeah I think so, I've send in the payment and yeah i'm not so sure if I added a proper note to it or not..
Edit history:
S.: 2013-07-04 08:15:55 am
I have paid on the first of july but am not listed on the doc as having paid.
The Duce
Good to see that my payment was recognised =)