Quote from dxtr:
I know we are all eager to get this event happend and start planning. Maybe we should wait till AGDQ is over and get a different opinion from the guys who are there.
Yes, things goes fast. I think we should wait a week or two before this is definately decided. Until that point all other choices can be brought up. This should be a democratic deciscion as much as it can possibly be, including as many members of this site as possible.
all opinions need to have a chance to say their thoughts. Especially now during the AGDQ, eyes are watching other things then the european marathon thread.
No matter what though, I will still organize a couple of events this year, and I will probably talk with the care taker of the locale on Wednesday because I have a couple of other errands to take care of anyways. I will reserve the place for us (that´s for free). But I don´t know what date would be optimal. What about August 13th. (Monday) Until 20th. (Monday). One day for prepearing and one day for cleaning. And 6 days for marathon. then we can play From 12 PM Tuesday until 12 PM Sunday.
I think we will start planning this thing a little bit anyways, in case it will be done.