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Speed Running in Robotnik's Basement
Alright...uhm...there seems to be NOTHING on this game anywhere that has to deal with Speed Running. Is it because there are no helpful, game breaking/Level skipping glitches? Is it because of the horrible levels like Perpetual Fluidity, Hanging Waters, or Transfiguration? Or is it because just...not a lot of people like it?

I've heard that it is the worst out of all the ecco games, which makes me sad because I feel as though it is a VERY beautiful game, both visually and the score. Does that make a Speed running Heck, this game might not be as great as Zelda, Mario, or Metroid when it comes to speed runs, if no glitches are rightfully found.

I am doing some research with my sister, who would LOVE to run the game, as she has a love hate relationship with it. We are playing through the game, doing all the glitches we know possible as well as looking for new ones. Hopefully...we can make it to where this game is very much a Speedrunning game like Ecco the Dolphin and Tides of Time!
Thread title:
Speed Running in Robotnik's Basement
Thank-you Naegleria...but that is also the Dreamcast version. It is great to see that there is/was someone running/ran the game (even if they quit/have already, which always seems to be the case with games I want to run).

Do they have a SDA account or something? The person who ran the game, because I have no idea why they was sitting around in the first level, and how to pull off the glitch in Hanging Waters and stuff like that.

And if this is even POSSIBLE on the PS2 version.

If you could help out, that would be great. :3
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HDL: 2014-07-16 02:00:09 pm
I don't know about speed runs for this game, but I just want to say don't let others deter you from playing what you enjoy.  There are some people who swear by the classic Ecco games and shun this one for whatever reason.  A lot of that has to do with nostalgia and unwillingness to accept something new and different.

I grew up playing the classic Ecco games and I think DotF is great.  Lots of fun levels and tons of variety, at least in a casual sense.

My suggestion is to just contact halfbakedprophet and speak to him about it.  Find out if anyone else plays, what tricks/skips are known, and also do lots of experimenting yourself if you're very dedicated.  You may have to do a lot of the pioneering, as is often the case for games that aren't popular.
i have heard that a lot of the skips don't work on the ps2 version, but you'd have to ask hbp for details.
Speed Running in Robotnik's Basement
Thank-you kindly HDL, it means a lot. I asked him for some advise. Hopefully he'll respond.
And to vorpal, I know that the first glitch he did (I...think) in the second level is in the PS2 version. My sister and I tested it out ourselves. Though, we would have to remember off hand where the two powers are, do to not having that nifty power up.
And we debunked a fun (but useless) glitch that was stated to be a "Eroupe only" glitch, being the swimming out of bound glitch in Ice and Fire. However, we cannot seem to get out of the first level.

I'll ask my sister tomorrow if she is willing to work on the other glitches he did. Though, I really don't think she'll want to actually RUN it, as two of her least favorite levels have to be played. (The two levels that many hated with a passion.)
However...aside from one level, I think I would be cool with running the game. Or, at the very least, get other people to play it.
The waiting around in the first stage is the only major aspect of the DC version that's slower than the PS2 version (the guided rings in atlantis definitely help, but they aren't any faster than getting it first attempt on DC AFAIK).  Most of the glitches involving clipping can't be done on the PS2 version. Namely, clips that allow you to skip some of the worst stages in the game (Anguish of Dearth clip skips all of Anguish and Entrapment, and the swim in the air glitch in Hanging Waters skips most of part 2 and all of part 3 although this one might still work on PS2, haven't tested).

So essentially the PS2 version can't possibly compete with the DC version.  Most of the glitches and which versions they work for can be found here:

I found the Hanging Waters clip on youtube, but I can't find the video anymore.  To activate it get to the sphere where you're intended to activate one of the squid switches through the current tube, and try to jump back into the tube.  The current will push you out most of the time, but once you get a feel for the correct angles/inputs it's not too difficult.  Once in there you have to swing left and sonar the switch.  If your directional inputs are too far/abrupt you'll probably get pushed out of the tube, but it requires a pretty big left push to line up your sonar with the switches.  After the cutscene you're swimming in the air.

Hope that helped.
Hey folks.  Guess I am resurrecting this thread, at least for a bit.  I'm looking for a video of any speed run for this game, but am having a hard time finding one.  The twitch link above is dead and I can't find anything on youtube or any other search engine.  Anybody have any links or vids they can throw my way?  Thanks.