Well, that doesn't sound TOO bad (though we'll see when I actually try it). Thanks! 
Another silly question, what do the people in charge of choosing game lists for the marathons think about Japanese versions of RPGs? Do they feel that it wouldn't be as fun to watch for most viewers as the English version (since the language would be incomprehensible for most, and the glitches are essentially the same)? If this isn't the right place to ask, I'll take the question to the Marathon board.
Another silly question, what do the people in charge of choosing game lists for the marathons think about Japanese versions of RPGs? Do they feel that it wouldn't be as fun to watch for most viewers as the English version (since the language would be incomprehensible for most, and the glitches are essentially the same)? If this isn't the right place to ask, I'll take the question to the Marathon board.