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DemonStrate: 2015-02-17 08:53:48 pm
DemonStrate: 2015-02-17 08:53:33 pm
If we were you, we would quit now.
Quote from Oginam:
Do blueprints include all the ones that are used to modify weapons? Are any of those random purchases from vendors?

According to this:
some can be bought from shops at a certain point of the game (or level)

So, it doesn't sound like they are random, but you'd actually need to progress in Survivor level to get them. You might be able to dupe different groups of relief packages and force Survivor leveling accordingly to allow the blueprints to be purchased at relatively the same time near the start of the run. Then, you don't need to worry about Survivor level after that point.
Yea the blueprints at the shop(s) are not random, and I think there is only 3 of them to collect. (if i remember from playing thru the game casually)
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DemonStrate: 2015-02-20 11:35:14 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
This is within the 60 FPS guidelines now. It really didn't seem to make much of a difference since I was only getting over 60 on parts of the game that really didn't matter. As always, there is significant room for improvement. I used the new route that Truljin talked about above with the save/load that I recommended. It works great. Could easily save a minute over the old route once I figured out a grapple hook path between the locations.

Also, the video isn't laggy now. I fixed my issues by using Dxtory's FPS counter instead of another application and turning back on Hyperthreading for my processor. I added the run to

RTA: 2:12:20
IGT: 2:09:12
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Oginam: 2015-02-18 12:43:04 am
Just because I forgot to mention it, you made sure that the processing threads box (right above where you limit fps to 60) was set to the highest number yeah? If it's set to 1 it really doesn't do anything.
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DemonStrate: 2015-02-18 01:06:33 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
Quote from Oginam:
Just because I forgot to mention it, you made sure that the processing threads box (right above where you limit fps to 60) was set to the highest number yeah? If it's set to 1 it really doesn't do anything.

No. I didn't change that as it seemed to have no effect on limiting my FPS. I tested using both Dxtory's FPS counter and the other FPS counter (MSI Afterburner), and they were both reporting the same FPS. I removed the Afterburner counter as it was causing part of the issues I was having with OBS.

Edit: What does that processing thread count do? I'm not sure of the specifics and my search results aren't finding relevant information. My 2 priorities were: 1. Limiting FPS. 2. Not having the CPU choke on OBS for recording. I was hoping I fixed these issues with the settings I have. Let me know if I did something wrong.
Truljin @ Twitch
Did you have a download link to the old Dying Light Manager?
I have two different ones but they don't remove everything.
Basically it's limiting some things and not others. In Dark Souls II, even though it will report 60 fps elevators will still move at faster speeds than they should. Stuff like that.

It shouldn't have any effect on performance in any noticeable way.
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DemonStrate: 2015-02-18 04:08:23 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
Quote from lillbrorsan:
Did you have a download link to the old Dying Light Manager?
I have two different ones but they don't remove everything.

Here is the link to .1d. Unfortunately, it won't remove everything. I still have the birds and a few other things in my run. But, it worked well enough for running, so I wasn't worrying about it too much.

Quote from Oginam:
Basically it's limiting some things and not others. In Dark Souls II, even though it will report 60 fps elevators will still move at faster speeds than they should. Stuff like that.

It shouldn't have any effect on performance in any noticeable way.

AFAIK, it is the amount of CPU threads Dxtory uses to capture the video. The reason I was having issues before is that I was giving Dying Light too much CPU. When I removed HT and set Dying Light at a higher priority, OBS needs a certain amount of CPU to do encoding. So, I was basically causing the CPU to not be able to dedicate some threads for OBS.

My fear is that setting all of the threads (logical processors) to 8 for Dxtory will mean that all of those threads will be dedicated to the video capture that Dxtory is doing. This would cause the same effect as before, starving the CPU for OBS to encode. I will test it, of course, but I'd be wary of doing this blindly. Dying Light is a CPU hog, and changing Dxtory to use all 8 processors could hurt performance for Dying Light, and cause the same stuttering issue for OBS again.
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lillbrorsan: 2015-02-18 08:28:27 am
Truljin @ Twitch
It looks like none of the Dying Light Managers remove everything, the latest one works pretty well but still have pigeons, lens-flare and the crap on screen.
To use the settings from the manager and the dev menu I just launched manager first with the settings I wanted, opened the Data3.pak and added the files from the dev menu to it.
During the mission First Assignment be sure to wait by the first light switch for the next dialogue to start, if you don't then you will not be able to trigger the rest of the mission but still flip the switches forcing you to go back to the first switch again.
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Oginam: 2015-02-20 10:55:00 am
I have never had a problem with the setting in relation to OBS or any game. You simply aren't capping the game at 60 if you're not capping all of it at 60. Again, in Dark Souls II one of the ways we could notice this was due to animations being faster or having slight frame drops - so even if you have it cap at 60 on 1, those will still happen.

Also, you need to add all your other programs to dxtory's exclude list, so OBS, Livesplit, and anything else you have open that isn't the game. And the only settings you need to have on are the 60 fps and the max # of processing threads (and the overlay for 60 if you want it). You don't need to record video or anything with dxtory for it to work.
Truljin @ Twitch
I already have important stuff like OBS on the exclude list but Dying Light will always crash if Dxtory is running at the same time as OBS but I managed to cap it anyway so am fine for now.

Completed my second run after coming back after my internet derped out, Broadcast was bad but the rest was actually decent.

2:08:33 RTA - 2:05:37 IGT
For The Saviors where you follow the guide in The Sewers you can just quit out after the cutscene and reload to get him to spawn over to where he walks to. Save yourself like 35 seconds or whatever.
If we were you, we would quit now.
I'm not gonna go into much detail, but I've discovered Challenge Storage Warping.
Unfortunately, it can only be used without Dying Light Manager (or any other mod), because of a bug that exists in 1.4.0:
I've currently found a decent time saver using it during the seizure section after escaping Arena. The largest benefit is that it can be used at any time, as long as you remain on the same map and same game instance (can't save/load or you'll lose the storage). 
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redemption99: 2015-02-21 07:07:08 pm
Love to see a clip of the warping.

*Edit* That's amazing!
If we were you, we would quit now.
Okay. So, I've also realized that there is regular Challenge Warping. Some of the challenges put you at a different location on the map than where you activate the challenge. While in the challenge, you can progress other missions! Then, you intentionally fail the challenge to warp back to where you activated the challenge. Sub-2 is definitely a possibility now.
Truljin @ Twitch
Warping is always a good sign, can't wait to see how much this will change the route and break the game even more Cheesy
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redemption99: 2015-02-22 08:53:49 am
It's a lot of work to find all the possible warping because of how many ways there are to do it and how many challenges there are.

*Edit* Also we should decide on co-op rules for people who want to run that category. I started a thread on the forum at the dying light speedrun board.
If we were you, we would quit now.
Tariq Challenge Warp
1. After entering Old Town, talk to the challenge poster on the way to the Tower. This will start a conversation that initializes all the challenge posters in the area.
2. Do everything as normal until after you meet with Jade in the apartment (that is after the Michael-explosives mission).
3. After talking to Jade, go up the building on the left (red roof). The poster is slightly backwards on the adjacent building.
4. Initiate the challenge.
5. In the challenge, go straight forward and use the zip line.
6. Go to Tariq's place, and advance the main mission.
7. Jump onto the wooden structure at Tariq's place and throw a firecracker. This will cancel the challenge.
8. From the poster location, head to the Museum's underwater entrance.
If we were you, we would quit now.
New PB. I was very close to WR but I died in a few different places for absolutely stupid reasons. This PB did not use Challenge Warping. As I've found by running the game 3 times today, it simply isn't fair to speedrun this game if we are all not at 60 FPS consistently. I lost a lot of time in my non-Manager run because of terrible framerates. The game simply runs slower. So, as Oginam suspected, this game is very biased on higher framerates. I don't plan on making a new PC until May because I'll be in Europe in April. But, I really want it now so I can run this game properly. :-P

RTA: 2:09:52
IGT: 2:06:41
Yea, I enabled V-Sych which seems to cap the FPS at 60 but now my FPS goes between 30-60 and when it's at 30 I can definitely tell the difference especially when before i was having between 60-120 FPS which kept the game much smoother.
If we were you, we would quit now.
Redemption and I made some substantial discoveries related to warping and skipping dialog. He should be able to inform you of all the warps he used in his run. Also, I may have a way to skip the dialog for the call to Rais at the end of Old Town. We are definitely going to be under 2 hours soon if not already with these new strats.
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redemption99: 2015-02-24 12:07:36 am
I'm too tired tonight to write up all my warp strats but they are all in the run i submitted to the leaderboards tonight, i need to work on my routes between missions and not messing up any towers Haha.

*edit* In my run i have about a 6 min RT to IGT difference while everyone else seems to only have a 3 mins IGT difference, this might be due to the warps.
Truljin @ Twitch
Can't wait to take a look at all the new stuff and do a run, the time saved will probably be massive!
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lillbrorsan: 2015-02-24 06:22:19 am
lillbrorsan: 2015-02-24 06:14:05 am
lillbrorsan: 2015-02-24 06:10:58 am
lillbrorsan: 2015-02-24 06:10:08 am
lillbrorsan: 2015-02-24 06:06:37 am
Truljin @ Twitch
After the Deathwarp on the 3rd GRE call on Pact with Rais, accept Gassed Up, Quit & Continue.

After the GRE call at the end of Pact with Rais (tower roof), track Gassed Up, Quit & Continue.

After exiting the school during Siblings, track Mother's Day, Quit & Continue.

(As for the Bolter Tissue, I just Quit & Continue just after picking it up.)

After turning the Bolter Tissue in, track Gassed Up, Quit & Continue.

After Rahim dies, track Mother's Day, Quit & Continue.

After Zere attack during The Pit, Gassed up + Teleport?

After Arena during seizure?

After Arena, on barge, track Mother's Day, Quit & Continue.

After talking to guy by door on Saviours, track Gassed Up, Quit & Continue.
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DemonStrate: 2015-02-24 06:20:49 am
DemonStrate: 2015-02-24 06:17:31 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
Quote from lillbrorsan:
After the GRE call at the end of Pact with Rais (tower roof), track Gassed Up, Quit & Continue.

46:55 is around where he discovers that any dialog will skip mission dialog. He talks to someone in the tower to skip Jade's dialog. Then he uses Gassed Up to meet Jade at the boxcar. That's the first useful Side Mission Warp in his run. He does one before that, but it wastes time.

You can't go from the roof to Gassed Up. You need Jade's dialog to finish to do the warp for it to be useful. So, his random thought, "Let's talk to someone else to see if I can skip this dialog." does result in him skipping her dialog. This discovery may be what allows us to skip the call right before Extraction (when used with a Challenge Warp).