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Hockey enthusiast
Keeping you all updated! Last weeks has been very busy for all of us involved.

The schedule is coming together nicely for the Arena, which in reality is the first day of the event.

We promise that the a draft of the schedule will be out before this weekend is over!
Allright, I just got Dreamhack weekend cleared. In case you still take submissions I've listed two (well three) below. If not, I'm happy to just hang around. Looking forward to it.

Antichamber | Any% OR No Escape (whatever is preferred)
Any% Estimate: 4 min
NoEsc Estimate: 7 min

First person puzzle game with a pretty unique aesthetic. Run would be Lagless referring to the fact that you don't use alt+tab to intentionally lag the game to bypass certain triggers. No Escape restricts you from returning to the main hub during the run.

Bastion | New Game Any%
Estimate: 20 min

Isometric action rpg. The primary way of speeding up the run is using an item duplication glitch, greatly reducing the number of levels required to complete the run.
Hockey enthusiast
Sorry about the delay!

Here's the schedule draft for the first day:

We would like all runners on that list to confirm their attendance as soon as possible.

And for Super Mario 64 runners. You need to decide if you are playing on Nintendo 64 or Nintendo Wii. We will not mix them.

The schedule for Friday and Saturday will up updates as we go. Everyone who has suggested a speedrun so far will be included in the schedule.
Edit history:
trakilicious: 2014-10-13 04:20:35 am
Quote from Edenal:
Sorry about the delay!

Here's the schedule draft for the first day:

We would like all runners on that list to confirm their attendance as soon as possible.

And for Super Mario 64 runners. You need to decide if you are playing on Nintendo 64 or Nintendo Wii. We will not mix them.

The schedule for Friday and Saturday will up updates as we go. Everyone who has suggested a speedrun so far will be included in the schedule.

All the people who suggested Super Mario 64 here play on Nintendo 64 so that would be the console of choice.

How many runners would be prefered for the race?
Hockey enthusiast
Amount of runners doesn't matter. Upper limit is however 4.
$15 per rant/allegory
Wait, so the arena event is only on Thursday from 2pm?

That's... really inconvenient.
Hockey enthusiast
Unfortunately we can't compete with bigger tournaments with 5000 € prize pools. (YET!) Which are occupying both arenas Friday and Saturday.

We need to start confirming attendance. There are currently 43 runners/crew signed up. Free admission does require some kind of counter performance, like performing one or more speedruns, promotion, helping out on site.

Please confirm your attendance in this thread, send me a PM, Tweet me (@edenalsda) or email me ( fredrik AT lidholt DåT se )

The information Dreamhack's requesting are (You may send sensitive information in private. This information will only be shared with Dreamhack):
Nickname, Favorite game, Stream, Twitter, Full name, Email, Phone number
If a slot opens up I could probably come down and run Portal Inbounds or Super Meat Boy Any%.
Edit history:
Illudude: 2014-10-14 01:13:51 pm
confirming I'll be there, I'll emal the requested info to Edenal then
Confirming that I'll be there, DM'd the info to you on twitter.
Confirmed to be there if you need some more extra staff crew etc Like I said before I would like to sign up for that as well..
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Quote from Edenal:
( fredrik AT lidholt DåT se )

Best spamsafe e-mail address evar xDDD
btw if heinki wants to I would love to comentate his deus run like I did at ESA Smiley
There's x3 35min slots for Goldeneye multiplayer on the suggested games spreadsheet (one for each player I think) it should only be one slot with all 3 of us playing against each other, I think?
I guess we should have only one person submitting everyone who is gonna participate if there is gonna be multiplayer, we all submitted for it separately.

btw if there is extra time for me (my wave race run is only 15mins estimate) I can always go for time trial WR attempts on Wave Race 64, can always be interesting.
What is a man?
Question: Why split up Harmony of dissonance into two segments? Any% SHOULDN'T take more than two minutes, it will actually take a longer time just to plug the Gamecube in and starting the game. To save the setup time, I would advice that Any% and all bosses should be mashed together
im really interested in going but wondering how the free slots work? 500kr is a lot ;_;

If I can manage to gather up the funds I'll confirm here~
fuzzy rob a liqourstore problem solved
I will basically be there

can offer mario 64 and melee adventure mode
Edit history:
Edenal: 2014-10-29 04:37:11 am
Hockey enthusiast

SeductiveSpatula/AlenahXBL: At this time we cannot put in any new games into the schedule. We will keep that in mind. We are currently in the process of confirming all runners and get back to you if there's an opening.

Illudude: Goldeneye's not on the schedule. It's not a speedrun.

charleon: I don't have a good answer as to why they are split up. It made sense at the time when it was a race with Ozzy.

Fuzzyness: Read your PM
What is a man?
I have a minor concern. neither Dxtr or Joka nor Badbrakes will attend dreamhack, and those three are the only ones that had Shadow of the ninja and/or a game/powerpak to NES. Any chance there will be a copy or powerpak available?
Hockey enthusiast
Probably not. How do you feel about Wii VC?
What is a man?
It should suffice, I've triedit out on jinny's wii once and could see no problem with the classic controller. To be in tip top shape though I would probably need to sit down an hour or two before friday to work out the small kinks that comes with controller/console differences.

TL;DR: Good, but I would need minor adjustments