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warp glitch run

Verifier Responses

I'm verifying the Donkey Kong Country run. You mentioned that you thought it was an emulator movie. Why is that? I'm very bad at the differences between the video quality between an emulator movie and a movie recorded from your TV. How can you spot this in the DKC speedrun for example?

Or was it possibly gameplay wise you thought it was an emulated movie?

Nate said:

the source is:

(1) 60 fps, not 59.94
(2) 320x224 progressive scan (not 720x480 interlaced or even 320x240 progressive)
(3) on2 vp6 (used for pc streaming from e.g. flash media encoder)

none of these i've ever seen before in any source video for any run in the history of sda. all of them suggest an emulator recording (especially the 224 height). if there's any surefire way to tell dkc on emulator from dkc on console then now would be the time to pull that out. of course we should start by asking the runner for more details about how he captured. that answer should also tell us a lot.

This was a response by yours truly before I told him to rein it in. Read at your own risk. I am not liable for any harm.

Time to serve up the seventh in my unique brand of verifier commentary not seen anywhere else, unless someone decides to be a copycat which isn't too farfetched a possiblity. My goal? To dish out the most unique verifier commentary ever seen.

WARNING: The following commentary is not suitable for all viewers. And I do mean all viewers.




Dear People,

These past couple days...well, actually, since release date is not necessarily the same as the date of writing...or even in the proper order...the point is kinda moot. But hey, I'll have you know that at writing, the past couple days have been wild. Mass PS3 failures. Canada kicking America's sorry ass at hockey. An earthquake in Chile. Some big-ass food recall involving flavor enhancers. All that, and MORE, for the low low price of $0.00. Well, actually, I would've paid to see America lose live, but what are you gonna do? Invent time travel?

But what you can do is be taken back to the past, to play the awesome games that kick ass. And our running man today has decided to play a pretty kickass game...Donkey Kong Country! Now, I love the hell out of that series. I had the first one when I was little, and even though it spontaneously freaked out and believed itself to be an illegal copy despite that not being the case ( it?), disallowing me to play 2-Player Team half the time (usually when selected, but one time going to a blue screen of death right after finishing the first level!) and sometimes 2-Player Contest, I still played it. Since 1-Player was not affected in the slightest! And even though said freaking out disallowed me to save, I still played through to the end. And I beat it 100%! I know every bonus room's location from memory!

I'm sure you all know the history. Miyamoto thought gamers were buying it because it looked nice, then protested by making Yoshi's Island like a drawing, and possibly was poked fun at by the plot of Donkey Kong Land (which I actually might have considered being a running man for myself, had I not lost the cartridge in lala land. quick trick for anyone who does - jump on K.Rool just before he throws his crown and you can get two, maybe three hits in). Then he later was forced to eat his own words. After all, you can have the best graphics in the world, and still be a sub-par game *coughcrysiscough*. But that was not the case, and so DKC lived on...before being wrecked, like so many other of Nintendo's series.

...long winded for something not part of the run much? Maybe, but I think I could do (and have done) worse.

Okay, so let's not dick the dog any more. The running man in question today has, as you know, ran DKC. But! Thanks to regulation changes since the days of the admins of the site crying over death and going into black voids, that glitch is now acceptable. I'm sure you know the one I speak of. Press a bunch of buttons on a turn in a path on World 1, and for some unexplained reason that I could easily deem SEVERE CHEATING, in the "real" sense for once and in my usual sense, you get warped to some part of Oranga-Tang Gang. I'm more interested in just how this works, in assembly language for once, rather than how it's logically possible. It's an any% with warps, baby.

There is one thing to note about all this, however. The great nate, master of video encoding as well as no capital letters (hey, not that I got anything against that), has pondered: could this be an "emulator video"? am I supposed to check that!?!! What am I, some kinda mind reader? Emu-expert? I have no clue, and I almost didn't become me because of it! But I flipped a coin, and it landed on its side, so I decided to shoot it with a high-caliber handgun and flip another. It came up heads, and then I remembered I didn't assign the sides. So I flipped again with tails being to be me, and it was tails, so here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.

And so let's get it on, bitch! On with it! Before it's too late, like that one time it took like a month for some verifiers to verify it up! Though I can't control the others, I can control myself and influence others! Even though the lattermost really only accomplishes driving people insane from reading my words. Am I insane? Yeah, maybe! Or maybe I'm just here to fuckin' amuse you, like a clown funny. At any rate, these words will indeed threat to drive you to either insanity, anger, or liking, and so I will again remind everyone that it is not suitable for all viewers.


World 1: Rumble in the Jungle

1-1: Bungle Hi, Jynx!
What can you expect from the first level of a speedrun? Forgetting potions don't respawn? Nah, we save that for the last levels. This level is done perfectly fine! The utterly useless 95% of the time title character Donkey Schlong is killed quickly to make room for Diddy (who himself would become utterly useless 95% of the time). Everyone knows monkeys are faster than gorillas (though I've never really tested), and unless you're dealing with big-ass blue things, the Donkey who's not a donkey at all is as useless as jumping over the quad laser.



World 3: Frolic in the Forest

I would say my usual line, but I've already covered it, have I not? I can let this slide, because it is so popular. Call me corrupt, call me on overusing it in The Adventures of Link (yeah I said it wrong again, whatcha gonna do?), but I prefer to call me restraint...ifiying...?

Thanks to the top secret teleporter that nobody has explained the mechanics behind, the running man has spawned halfway into the level! Oh, and did I mention that apparently, there's more than one place to do it from? It's true! The running man said so (then again, they've lied to me in the past)! He takes the one that warps you closer to the end than the other! actually really fucking close to the end. Though I actually think there's a closer one, but that would entail taking one through 1-2, and that's NOAHAHAHAHAHA

3-5: Clam it up your ass!
Goes as quickly as an underwaterworld level could be expected to go. The sword fishy is gotten, and shit dies.

3-6: Bee-Haveioral Problems
For whatever reason, Donkey Schlong is slipped in here. I don't know why. Probably to swat the bee from below, though, which is always good cause it's FAST!


World 4: Scamper in the Snow

4-1: I've Never Fucking Gotten The Alleged Blue Balloon In This Level
Though it's really of no use to a running man, someone who can get hundreds of lives in seconds, or...hell, anyone. Especially anyone who knows about the quick and dirty secret shortcut, which is used funderfully.

4-2: My Favorite Level
I always liked Slipslide Ride. I don't know why. Nor do I know why one has to switch to Donkey Schlong in order to jump into the secret warp and why Diddy can't do it. The running man claims that he messed up, which is true, but then he puts down milliseconds. YOU FOOL, .5 SECONDS COUNTS. IT MIGHT NOT MATTER HERE BUT DAMMIT THEY'RE EXISTENCIAL CONCEPTS TOO YOU KNOW.

4-3: Can't Think of a Good Pun For This One
Nor can I think of anything to say. It's done well though.

4-4: Crocktopussy
No Engarde? Uhh...might I enquire as to why? Certainly he would be the slightest bit faster, and the time taken to get'em would make up or equalize it!

4-5: Fuck Squwaks
Not my implication, though I still hate the bastard. Especially the purple one in DKC2. Worthless pile of-hey! I might be verifying that run too, ya know! But as always, this is about the running man! He seems to hate Squwaks too, as he goes through the level...WITHOUT HIM!!!! Fucking showoff. I approve of it.

4-6: Rope Bridge Rumble
Now that I think about it, what's with the out-of-place floating rocks in this level? They look cool, but they're really outta place. It's Rope Bridge Rumble after all, not Tire Bounce Terror. Oh, the level? It's done okay. I only say okay because of a fuckup involving an armadillo at the end, but if that wasn't there, it'd be atrocious! Wait, spectacular. Yeah, spectacular. Actually, that fuckup is used to save time, because like in the real world, cartwheeling through something increases your speed threefold. So I guess it's spectacular after all.

Boss fight,. Don't got much to say.


World 5: Getting Freaky in the Factories

5-1: Oil
Apparently, this is one of the biggest murderers in the history of...this guy's running manation. Observe and have your jaw hit the floor in awe after Enhan-wait, he doesn't do it anymore? What the fuck happened to him? Who's the new guy's name again? Whenever he updates, that's when your jaw hits the floor in awe. I could describe it,, what the hell. He goes, "to hell with you, fire!" and just PLOWS through the oil drums like he doesn't give a FUCK. He accomplishes this arduous task by simply hopping on their very tippy edge to somehow avoid the flames! How is that possible? I don't know! But it was done, so I know it is! Good enough for me!

5-2: Tricky Trek on the Tricked out Tricky Track Trek Track on a Track Trekker
It's a fucking platform ride. What do you expect, him to do a bunch of cartwheels and fly over the whole level? That's stupid! You're stupid! I mean, he tries, but he hits an out-of-sight barrel and warps to the end. Only other thing of note is that I'm unsure which version he has, the pussy version where the track trekker stops at the very end allowing pussy access to the bonus game, or the man's version I had back in the day, where it just falls off all "FUCK YOU IF YOU'RE SLOW!"

5-3: Elevators?
Hilarity at the end with a bouncy tire (what's up with those, anyway? why are so many on donkey kong island? and how did it come to be in the shape of dk's head?), but that's about all she wrote.

Water level is boring.

It's a fucking platform ride. That's not cool, so the running man does bunch of cartwheels and flie over the whole level, save a few spots at the end where you can't for some reason

Power outages? At timed intervals? Pshaw! The running man doesn't give even a quarter shit about those!

Donkey Schlong used again, because fuck armadillos and everything they stand for. Why's this boss a called Dumb Drum, anyway? It tries to crush you directly, which is more than can be said about any of the other bosses, who mostly just fuck around. Even if it just blows up at the end.


World 6: Hey, this world is more mine than cave!

Shouldn't this world be Monkey Mines, and World 2 be Chimp Caverns? Even though that only has one cave level too?

No! Fuck you, motherfucker! When there is an opportunity, and it's knocking, you fucking ANSWER IT. The running man states that he "didn't want to risk the RollJump to skip about a minute". A minute. Doesn't sound like much, but this run is like only half an hour or something! Possibly less! Yeah, it's somewhere around 26 minutes! A minute is a pretty big difference here! Plus, it saves your views from boredom from watching a really slow platform move around at the speed of smell! I'd almost say "REJECT" outright because of that, and...maybe I should...

Better safe than sorry? What the fuck kind of running man mentality is that?

The now running-when-it's-not-risky man does well, though again passes up a risky time saver. This one would've only saved like a second though, so it's not too unacceptable.

"could've been done much better". But he still deems it worthy. Damage control, much? Whatever, there's worse problems at hand.

6-5: Proper Platformation
What? Am I missing something? No I'm not. I'm just commenting on every level the running-when-it's-not-risky man commented on. It's not like he forgot one of the more memorable levels in the game that even has a unique enemy only seen there. Okay, so he did forget, and he actually did do it but forgot to give it a paragraph (or just plain hated it that much, he didn't even give it unique commentary), but never mind that shit for a second.

This level is done well with tricks.

Now you can go back to minding that shit.

Wait, no. Never mind. The running-when-it's-not-risky man now states that he was running-when-it's-not-risky before, but now, he's not! Because he'd crash and BUUURN (his words) otherwise. And HE MEANS BURN. (again, his words). So wait. It's okay to take risks to save time if you'll crash and burn otherwise, but if you won't, you don't? And...wait, back the fuck up. If you crash and burn if you don't take risks, wouldn't not taking risks be the riskier way? And if not taking risks is riskier...JESUS CHRIST, I CAN'T MAKE HEADS OR TAILS OF THIS SHIT. Fuck you, hypocritical mindraping running-when-it's-not-risky man!

6-6: Alliteration Sucks
Done so well, the nut-gobbler doesn't even get a chance to vomit his nuts out on a few hits!


World 7: ...

...wait for it...


The world name, which is really just a level, which is really just a boss, CLAIMS that there is a galleon there. But I see nothing. All I see is water. What the fuck, game. There's no cheating on the part of the running-when-it's-not-risky but still SEVERE CHEATING nonetheless.

Oh, the fight? It goes well. That's all I can say, really. What, you want more? Well, okay. What's up with him being different guys in every game in Japanland? That's just dumb, makes it less epic to be fighting a bunch of guy's family members then the same guy all the time. I mean, it makes no sense anyway. How'd the ship, which no-shows this run, get back to the Kremlings, if King K. Rool supposedly died? And if he didn't (he didn't, see DK64), why didn't he show up in DKC2, Japanland version? Why'd he sent his brother after Donkey Schlong?

Anything else? Nope, I got nothing. Wait, almost forgot. No bad fuckups like missing the last orb AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA there we go.


Final Verdict: it pity, generosity, the good in me, or whatever, but I'll let that gross pussification and hypocricy slide on the part of the...guy who ran this. Really though, there's little excuse not to take risks like that in relatively short runs. But I warn you. If I catch you doing that 101% run you so claim to be doing and not taking almost every single risk possible, ESPECIALLY the really big time savers, I will kick your ass. Or vote to reject if I sign on, whatever.

So yes, light accept! And have what's-his-name update with it. Hey, I will give'em credit for giving us triple servings instead of double, so he's not all that bad!

Yours Truly,
Yours Truly

This run was very good.  The only big timesaver I noticed the runner didn't use was sacrificing Donkey on Really Gnawty to skip his last invincibility period.

This would be an easy accept for me, except there was a note from nate that suggested this was done on an emulator.  I'm not an expert on this, but there was one suspicious thing that I noticed: On the cave-type levels (Torchlight Trouble, Elevator Antics, and Manic Mincers), the music should have kind of an echo to it; however, there was no echo in this run.  Now I'm not accusing the runner of any foul play; it's possible, especially since he's pretty new to the forums, that he just didn't realize that SDA doesn't accept emulator videos.  Still, if this turns out to have been done on an emulator, I'm going to have to reject it.

I figured I would give the runner a chance, so I shot this message at him.

There's one big problem with it, and that's the fact you probably used an emulator for your run for the following three reasons.

(1) 60 fps, not 59.94 (or 50, since you're from Australia and might be using a PAL system)
(2) 320x224 progressive scan (not 720x480 interlaced or even 320x240 progressive)
(3) on2 vp6 (used for pc streaming from e.g. flash media encoder)

Unless if you can somehow prove to me that you didn't use an emulator for your run, then I'm going to have to reject your run.

Runner's response

1) Are you sure you aren't reading a rounded up count? Maybe it's a recorder mishap. I hope not. And yeah I am Australian but it is NTSC system + game.
2) Say what? Maybe something else to do with my DVD recorder? I know lots of products use that method.
3) I am not sure exactly what that is. Explain if possible.

I'll try and find/buy myself a webcam/video recorder and capture myself doing an any% if that's what is needed to verify. Anything else I need to do? Just keep it in run limbo for now I guess till I can get that going.

This is what I said in response:

About number 3, it means you used a codec that's only used for PC streaming and not for console capture, but let's ignore that for now.

In the two and a half years that I've run SDA, I've never seen a NTSC console run with a perfect 60 fps frame rate and a 320x224 resolution. I've had other people (Frezy_Man, the new Castlevania run from Bablo) from PAL regions submit runs on NTSC consoles and they have 59.94 fps and 320x240 resolution. So no, I haven't seen a lot of products use a rounding up method for framerate or change the aspect ratio.

I need less vague answers and more answers about how you recorded the run.

Well, it's been over two months since we discussed this run, but something very interesting happened in the MMX2 topic around the same time I was talking with the runner about the DKC2 run.

First is this post from the runner, asking how to do double damage against Wire Sponge (which is a very basic question). Notice the date is April 7. Then suddenly, 3 days later he suddenly busts out a run that beats Frezy_Man's time here. Look a couple of posts down and see Tiki and RaijinXBlade pointing out how the game sounds different (it does), as if it was on an emulator, how there's less lag than usual, and how LegendofEvil "screwed up" certain tricks that only work on console.

There's also the fact that LegendOfEvil has busted out about 8 runs within a span of maybe 2 months that all beat the SDA records.

Do any these things prove that he cheated on his runs? No. However, there's too many things that point towards using an emulator (missing/different sound effects, less lag, framerate and aspect ratio off), and not enough answers from LegendOfEvil. In fact, he hasn't logged on the site for over a month now.

Though I guess if we really wanted to put things to the test, we could just play an SDA run and his run side-by-side.

Decision: Reject

Reason: Too many things pointing towards emulator/cheating, and not enough answers from the runner.

LegendOfEvil: I'm willing to hear you out, but like I said previously, I need more definitive answers.

If you're interested in downloading this run, ask me for the link. As always, the link will up for about a month.
Thread title:  

wow.... That was an interesting read.
I don't think I've ever seen something like this before...

Has there ever been anyone who tried to get emulated runs verified and claiming they're not? (not looking at this case)?

I guess in the world of weird, desperate and crazy people something like what is suggested here was bound to happen.
I wonder if he'll ever respond (with a proper answer).
We all scream for Eyes Cream
Quote from Carcinogen:


I laughed till I realized it was staged. Sad
....I REALLLLY wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt....

Anyway, and funny enough for me, I'm gonna hopefully maybe possibly submit the run -I- did (I'm not LOE's clone) and didn't submit because it was too close to LOE's time and I didn't get a cool trick I always wanted to do, but I'll upload a SAMPLE VIDEO so everyone can analyze it......

Oh LOE.......LOE..........

Edit history:
andrewg: 2010-06-25 05:01:45 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!
One thought: has anyone ever checked the framerate of those somewhat new FC twin consoles? Just a thought if there was some possible legitimacy to his claims.

But if nate says it's an emulator, it's PROBABLY an emulator.
we have lift off
Yeah I withheld my verification until he gave some answers as there was something about him getting about 5 DKC runs within 1-2 months that just didn't seem feasible. Also his DKC2 run had some stupidly aggressive play at points (toxic tower) where he was about a pixel from getting hit (with 1 kong alive) and I was suspicious then before nate said about the video settings.

If he really did the runs legitimately then it wouldn't take him more than about a week to prove it with a web cam. I'm like 99% sure that he isn't legit though with all this stacked against him.
Fucking Weeaboo
Quote from ZaibirQuild:
Has there ever been anyone who tried to get emulated runs verified and claiming they're not? (not looking at this case)?

Yes, there has been.  If I remember correctly, it was of the original F-Zero on the SNES.  It was several years ago though, I believe.
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Quote from Lord_VG:
Quote from ZaibirQuild:
Has there ever been anyone who tried to get emulated runs verified and claiming they're not? (not looking at this case)?

Yes, there has been.  If I remember correctly, it was of the original F-Zero on the SNES.  It was several years ago though, I believe.

He technically never submitted to SDA, but to mrfixitonline (I believe). I know he fooled many of the f-zero players over there though.
Talk to the Hand
Also, in the Radix era, I think someone tried to submit a Super Metroid TAS as a speedrun. That pissed off just about everyone (The person who submitted it wasn't even the person who did the TAS, if I remember right). Granting that verification standards for SDA weren't as high back then, but that one was caught...rather quickly.
I survived MIKE-Fest 1
I suggest deleting the facts about how Nate discovered the emulater just write nate think it is one, if the runner can't give good answers of nates question reject it.

spelling out the details on how to identification a TAS isn't a good idear IMO because know I know I have to watch the framerate and resulution, I'm not an expert so I don't now if it is even possible to change those thing without being visible.

just my opinion.

btw: good to see there is a control about this thumbs up  Grin
We all scream for Eyes Cream
Ok so I've watched about 4 minutes of the run, and so far I'm definitely saying TAS. I mean..if he was practicing as hard as he probably said he was, then there would be proof of this correct? Well I see no save files when he starts the game. Say what you like but I'm sure this definitely is an emulator run.
Edit history:
Psychochild: 2010-06-30 09:04:30 pm
Ok so I've watched about 4 minutes of the run, and so far I'm definitely saying TAS. I mean..if he was practicing as hard as he probably said he was, then there would be proof of this correct? Well I see no save files when he starts the game. Say what you like but I'm sure this definitely is an emulator run.

Yeeeeah, that's a bit of a stretch. 

Yeah I withheld my verification until he gave some answers as there was something about him getting about 5 DKC runs within 1-2 months that just didn't seem feasible. Also his DKC2 run had some stupidly aggressive play at points (toxic tower) where he was about a pixel from getting hit (with 1 kong alive) and I was suspicious then before nate said about the video settings.

Wooo!  My record limps on for another day!
/drunk post

fuck ye nate rulz
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Quote from ZaibirQuild:
Has there ever been anyone who tried to get emulated runs verified and claiming they're not? (not looking at this case)?

I've wondered that myself too. 

It's also worth mentioning that I became suspect of him after Tiki pointed out he was using turbo on the big, blue bug robots in the intro stage of MMX.  That one was obvious.  I didn't see that referenced yet.
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Quote from ZaibirQuild:
Has there ever been anyone who tried to get emulated runs verified and claiming they're not? (not looking at this case)?

MetalSmasher tried to pass off a TAS as a real speed run a while back.
Quote from mikwuyma:
Do any these things prove that he cheated on his runs?

i agree that any one of these things don't, but i think all of them together do undoubtedly prove he was cheating. this many discrepancies is just ridiculous. this guy should have lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago.
so pro u don't even know
Watch the 2nd level of the run in question side by side with the TAS they are visually and technically IDENTICAL!!! At first I was not sure b/c DKC is a tough game to just look at the screen and know it is emulated but after some watching I would def lean toward this guy using an emulator. It really is a shame that people do that but the one good thing about cheaters is that they usually are greedy too and that gets them caught eventually.

Doing all those runs in such a short time span was LOE's greed biting him in the ass. That, and trying to get one over on Nate and Mike, lol.
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
Quote from andrewg:
Quote from Lord_VG:
Quote from ZaibirQuild:
Has there ever been anyone who tried to get emulated runs verified and claiming they're not? (not looking at this case)?

Yes, there has been.  If I remember correctly, it was of the original F-Zero on the SNES.  It was several years ago though, I believe.

He technically never submitted to SDA, but to mrfixitonline (I believe). I know he fooled many of the f-zero players over there though.

yeah, that's how it went. i ended up getting all the mud on me here because i brought those runs here. i was so pissed off that i deleted all his times from the site and never gave him a second chance even when he showed me pics of slower times on console.
after that, we made much more tight rules. we now require video proof for WRs over there and that the vids must be checked by all top players to see if it has any inconsistency. if anything funny or weird is detected, said player is deleted from all ladders he's in at the time and labeled as a cheater and no second chances are given under any circumstances.
people without ways to recording got the short end of the stick but they should blame these cheaters who try to ruin the competition.
The Running Failure
Tis sad, really, that someone would go to this kind of level.

If he couldn't answer semi-basic questions with a clear, concise response that explained it, then i obviously think he sent in an emulated run. That, and his enormous amount of record breaking runs, considering he got them just by asking one to two questions.

Off topic, i think Yours Truly deserves a spot on every verification. An entertaining read for when one is bored.
that Metroidvania guy
Quote from tjp7154:
I'm gonna hopefully maybe possibly submit the run -I- did


That run (assuming it was the one we saw live on your stream) was amazing, and you know that pulling off a run with ALL the tricks you want is ridiculous and might take a while to complete. You might as well submit what you have now for the time being, because it's easily the best DKC speed run to date.
Complete. Global. Saturation.
Huh, the verifier that is bananas called cheating on a run where it was used. I say promote him to admin of his own board, where he can hold arguments with himself about the flavors of tea when mineral water ice cubes are added and other fun shit like that.
You got a deletion wish?
Quote from Chrno:
Quote from TheQuietMan:
Huh, the verifier that is bananas called cheating on a run where it was used. I say promote him to admin of his own board, where he can hold arguments with himself about the flavors of tea when mineral water ice cubes are added and other fun shit like that.

I say we need to promote TheQuietMan to admin, so we can have some more of his extravigent ideas.

I second that.
Quote from Shuda51:
If he couldn't answer semi-basic questions with a clear, concise response that explained it, then i obviously think he sent in an emulated run. That, and his enormous amount of record breaking runs, considering he got them just by asking one to two questions.

To play devil's advocate here, not everyone is in the know about very specific stuff when it comes to recording.  I know it because I do lots of video editing, but there are plenty of amazing gamers out there that barely know how to hit record.  My good friend's boyfriend speedruns Super Metroid for fun and is ridiculously good at it, and he didn't even know the difference between NTSC and PAL until I explained it to him, which is rather sad.  So if he doesn't have concise, logical explanations for everything, I wouldn't automatically call him a cheater for that.

As for the second part of your post, it's definitely fishy that all of a sudden he had a bunch of record breaking runs, but saying that he got them by only asking one or two questions is a bit silly.  It could just be the final piece(s) of the puzzle.  As an example, I've been fooling around with Symphony of the Night recently because I've loved the game since it came out, and I'm only like two minutes off of Satoryu's run.  If I wanted to take it really seriously, there are three questions I could ask to fully hammer everything out, and then it's possible that in a week or two of having my hand glued to the controller, I could have a run to send in.  Would I get crapped on for only asking a few questions and then magically having a run not long after?

I'm not saying he is innocent here, because I'm definitely leaning towards guilty myself.. but I just think some of the reasoning is a bit silly.  If I was a random person really looking into getting a run put on this site and knew nothing about video and nobody had much of an idea of who I was (well, that's true in this case!), I'd look at this thread and be intimidated by all of this.  And not in the good way.
Quote from ZaibirQuild:
Has there ever been anyone who tried to get emulated runs verified and claiming they're not? (not looking at this case)?

There was one a while back for Sonic the Hedgehog (I think) which resulted in a hilarious post that basically amounted to this:

Dear [guy who did a tas],



I don't remember much of the specifics like who was involved, I just remember that they found out it was a TAS because of how he wasted frames here and there to make the end of the level go by faster or some shit i dunno