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FatalPhantasms: 2014-09-17 01:27:19 pm
FatalPhantasms: 2014-09-17 01:22:04 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm planning to speedrun the console version of Diablo III.  I'm practicing on a PS3 right now (with the game installed to the HDD as downloaded from PSN), and if necessary I may be able to obtain a PS4 if it's proven that a PS4 installation will run faster.  Currently the PS3 version suffers from some known framerate and glitchy\frame-skipping\screen-tearing issues (largely graphical), but it's still mostly playable.

For those familiar with the PC version but not the console, here's a list of console differences:

Some important considerations before even running the console versions:
1. When you create a new character on the console, they come pre-equipped with certain items that give them advantages (namely Infernal Helm, The Hero's Journey, Drake's Amulet, Leah's Ring, among others).  This might be a question for the admins, but will you allow a speedrunner to equip these items, or do you require that speedrunners immediately Junk and sell the items to the vendors as soon as they reach New Tristram towne? IIRC there is no way to drop the items on the ground, but in the Expansion it is possible to junk and sell them which is the only way to get rid of them.  If you allow the usage of The Infernal Helm it will give low-level speedrunning characters a slight EXP boost that might be extremely helpful to speedrunning and make things more manageable, but I can see how you might want it so they don't have this advantage.  Maybe even consider separate catagories for the usage of Console-Only Special Bonus Items.

2. How to track the time: since there is no in-game clock or timer like Final Fantasy, I'm thinking one of the best ways to have verifiable time is, in each segment, use the PS Home button to bring up the system clock.  Note the starting and ending times for each segment and subtract the difference (and maybe apply some kind of rounding penalty) to figure out the time used for each segment.

3. How to verify no cheating has occurred (like unrecorded grinding on the side). At the beginning of each segment, the player opens up their inventory and circles around their equipments using the thumbstick to show each thing equipped for 0.5 seconds.  At the end of each segment, prior to hitting Quit Game, the player repeats the process to show their current state of equipment.  On the next segment, the verifier can verify that they have kept the same things equipped between segments, by using frame-slowing on the verifier's video playback device\software.  I think 0.5 seconds is a reasonable penalty because otherwise without this kind of verification, a player could potentially grind for loot or gamble for weapons in between segments unless he can prove that he didn't do it by showing his equipments\skills\character details stats every time.

• On segmentation, I think ideally there would only be 5 segments, one for each Act, but realistically there'll probably be more due to dungeon randomization.  In particular, I'm thinking a player would have to keep resetting until the pRNG was more favorable for their speed running purpose, like the first cemetary dungeon that you enter contains the Crown of The Black King and you don't have to waste time running through the decoy dungeons.  Segmentation is tricky because you can't just launch a session, play through it, and if you don't like your performance, reload from the last save.  That's now how it works in Diablo.  Your experience will be preserved in between game sessions, so really it has to be optimized.  It doesn't have to be Single-segment, but it's pretty much all or nothing for each individual segment.

Here's how I'd plan the first part of Act I (initial high level plan)
Segment 1: Outlook Road thru rescue Deckard Cain
Segment 2: Black crown through Skeleton King
Segment 3: The Sword Shards
Segment 4: Wortham through Leoric's Manor
Segment 5: Rest of game through Butcher

• On character names, I've heard that longer character names can add fractions of seconds to an overall time, so naturally the character will be named '.' as in dot.

• On character class, I'm in favor of Demon Hunter\Huntress since they can maintain movement while shooting.  Unless you can give me a convincing argument to use another class, I'm going with DH, as I feel the console versions are "biased" in favor of Ranged classes slightly due to the more zoomed-in view.  You can actually target enemies slightly off-screen sometimes by pointing towards their general direction, and the ranged DH is best suited to be able to take advantage of this.  Not to mention, doing stuff like firing a bow and rolling towards the enemy immediately to increase their speed.

• In the Expansion, destroying 7 jars and other items results in a 1:00 temporary speed boost that is significant (I wonder if Blizzard added it specifically for speed-running purposes) so of course the character should be destroy jars and pots and tables to gain this boost whenever possible.  A DH in particular can fire his\her way through enemies and get equipments by clicking on Armor Racks and such while on their way through dungeons.

• I'm thinking for the first Act the DH's primary skills will be Hungering Arrow, Impale, and Rapid Fire.  Hungering Arrow and Impale can be employed in a "one-two punch" method to gain resource and use resource, while Rapid Fire is used for taking down enemies and bosses.  I anticipate the character will probably reach Level 24 by the time they reach Mt. Arreat in Act III, or possibly higher if they are able to equip the Infernal Helm.  Their Strafe skills allows them to move through enemies unhindered, so that may certainly become useful once it is unlocked.

That's all I have for now.  I'd love to get more feedback to create an optimized strategy for speed-running the console version of Diablo III\Expansion.
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Vulajin: 2014-09-17 05:46:24 pm
Hi. Osey889 has been speedrunning D3 vanilla and RoS on Twitch, so feel free to check him out if you're interested in seeing what's been done so far:

About your various concerns. The legendary items you're referring to are pack-in bonuses for the PS3 version of the game, so everyone has equal access to them. In my opinion, you wouldn't just be allowed to use them, but you should be expected to use them, since they'd speed your run up. The only sketchy one is the Signet Ring of the Blizzard, because it requires linking to a account, but I don't think it requires being online so it's not a huge deal.

SDA times from the first moment of character control until the last moment of character control. In practice this can mean different things for a D3 speedrun. The way Osey has been doing it is to start his timer when he gains control at the start of Act 1, and to stop his timer when the achievement appears for killing Diablo/Malthael (depending on game version, obviously). If you were segmenting, you'd do the same thing but stop the timer when you bring up the pause menu to exit at the end of a segment and restart upon regaining control for the next segment.

About cheating, this is obviously only going to be a real issue for segmented runs. I suppose theoretically you could splice out a bunch of item farming in a single segment run, but doing so would almost certainly result in some XP gain, which would be immediately apparent.

About segmentation: unless you are actually retrying segments, there is literally no point to segmentation; and unless you find a way to eliminate progress from a failed attempt, you cannot segment. But you are on a console, and you have access to back up/duplicate/mess with your save file. You should see if it's possible to make a copy of a save file at a particular point and re-copy it over and over to retry a segment. If so, segmentation makes sense. If you can't do this, then you're not doing segmented, you're doing single segment with resets. Play around and see what you can find.

I'd be very interested to know what you've found that indicates shorter character names would save time. All text appears to be instantaneous, and you can skip entire dialogue exchanges by pressing square (X on Xbox), so I can't imagine what effect this would actually have.

DH is the fastest class [as far as we're aware], but not actually for the reason you think. Vault is extremely OP for a speedrun because it allows you to cover distances much more quickly. With Preparation and base discipline regen, you can Vault once every 4.67 seconds, which allows you to move much more quickly than any other class. (Monk is second with Dashing Strike.) Also, it should be noted that SDA would separate each character class into its own category, so you can pick whichever class you want to play, not necessarily only the fastest one. (Of course, if you want to play DH, no problem.)

Honestly, RoS speedrunning is pretty easy, because you really don't need to kill that much. In fact, you intentionally shouldn't. The fastest strat is to get your movement ability ASAP (level 9 for Vault as a DH; level 7 for Dashing Strike as a Monk), then skip as much as you possibly can, because enemy levels are kept in sync with your own. The less you level, the less the enemies level. You'll get more than adequate loot just from killing bosses and the few regular mobs you need to kill, so there's no need to go out of your way to kill elite packs either. You probably won't even get to level 24 in the entire speedrun, let alone by Act 3.

(edit) Also I think it would be cool to turn this thread into a general D3 speedrunning thread for consoles (including both Xbox and PS consoles, and both vanilla and RoS). If you agree, feel free to change the title to reflect that.
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osey889: 2014-09-17 10:38:11 pm
I personally think speed running UEE to be very easy. Unless a coop run would make it more interesting i truly think its not compelling enough to speed run. Speed Running Vanilla D3 is a tougher but more skill based speed run. As for segmented runs i wouldn't want to do them as the only thing you would do them for is Map manipulation and that would get old real fast. Also worth making this a point as to what i like to run the game as a Completely clean save file. No gold or stash items to start with, only the Infernal helm. I could do a run without the infernal helm but it speeds up get the exp needed to survive the late game and purposely take melee damage early on to speed up fights thanks to the helms thorn damage.

My best times with both games are D3 Vanilla 2:46 and D3 UEE 2:58, both ran as Demon Hunter 

Also the proper timing to for runs is from when i control the character to when the last boss is dead and the game says QUEST COMPLETE
I recently got into running this on Console. I can do the run in roughly 2:55 for entire game on a brand new demon hunter. I am attempting to do go faster and figure out the perfect place to level to 9 to get vault quicker. I really would like to see a larger community for the console version of this to speed run. I know the odds of thats happening is few and far between but it would be nice. I am about to attempt to get the footage of a clean almost perfect RNG run and submit it. I was also wondering about the possibility of a NG+ where you compete on speed runs on T4 and above. where the game is hard and will slow you down enough to make it as though you were playing a regular NG but with just all your skills available. These were just my little and short thoughts. Hope to hear from you all about your thoughts on them.
Diablo 3 ps4 speed running is My latest hobby and I have to say that I am surprised that it doesn't have a larger following the RNG enemies and pathing makes this game interesting to speed run . I myself have only done a NG+  Run on normal with the time of 2:08 on monk and 1:28 on dh  oomcow's idea for a t4  speed run is a great idea one that I am going to try
As for a fresh start speed I haven't tried it yet but will in a little while working out my plan still. I time my runs with mobile phone and I start the time from when I push start on menu and end it when I kill matheal. I really hope people get on board and we can finally have some officials rules
The timing for NG any% that myself and vulajin use as there is no in game time is from start on menu till you see the final achievement pop up on screen for defeating the boss. not sure how timing would for NG+ as i personally have no interest in grinding out everything needed for the run. I still stand by my view of UEE being just too easy for a NG run. good luck for the NG+ runs but i will continue to focus on Diablo 3 vanilla.

Current D3 vanilla PB 2:29:30
1. No using stash/artisans/vendors
2. Only use items that drop on the ground
3. No paragon points are allowed to be assigned
4. Show creation of character
5. Start timer on first click/action in game and ends when you talk to Tyrael.
6. Play on any difficulty you want
7. Run invalidated if another person join the game.
8. No use of Infernal Pauldrons
9. Timed via RTA

These are the rules I found for it. I like them and see how it would work out.
I say we should have different times for different classes not just fastest class