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Nevermind, just tried it.

I don't understand why my car vanishes every time I enter a building and I have to use the flare again.
must be gettin' tired
Yeah that's a little bit stupid. Without that the run could be a few minutes shorter. But this makes it very important when to use the car. Also there is one funny (and useful) trick in chapter 4. Driving with the dlc car into the checkpoint at the Forest Park. Than when you not save and start the next chapter you will be in the dlc car. Even better when you drive at a certain angle into the checkpoint the car will stay exactly in the right direction.
must be gettin' tired

This was an excellent run. Only one real mistake in "Dawn" where i was grabbed by a crawler. Also no "liquid" door in George house. Anything else was unbelievable good. For what i now there is maybe one more minute to save for this route. Until nobody discovers something new i'm done with any%.
must be gettin' tired
I was a fairly big fan of this game (minus the action stuff) just based on seeing your submitted run StiWii, so I'll have to link the creator's Fig campaign for a planned game here. Seems there won't be any of that boring stuff in this one, hopefully?
must be gettin' tired
the last game from Swery D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die was the right direction. For me at least
must be gettin' tired
I planning for an All Sidequest run. Because of the rng involved in this it will be a segmented run. The question is how would the run be timed? My suggestion is stopping the timer when you activate the telephone for saving and start the timer after the loading screen when you back in control or the next cutscene starts.
Dragon Power Supreme
Is there anything else beyond the telephone that you need to do to activate saving? for consoles, we need the last possible player input so that the game will actually save. Regarding starting the timer, once loading is finished then yes, timing will resume.
Edit history:
StiWii Rage: 2017-08-30 09:20:20 am
StiWii Rage: 2017-08-30 09:19:58 am
StiWii Rage: 2017-08-30 09:19:10 am
must be gettin' tired
There are two ways of saving in this game. First is after you beat a chapter the game ask you if you want to save. Also in some cases the game ask you in the middle of a chapter but there is only one spot (before the last boss fight) where this would be useful. The second option is on telephones you find throughout the game. I made a little video where I show the whole process

one thing what I have forgotten is you see first the screen with Save Data and Storage Device this screen only comes up when you have a USB Stick or something else connected.
Dragon Power Supreme
Alright, timing ends for a segment when you press YES because after that it automatically saves the game. If you have nothing else connected I assume it just autosaves?
For next segment: is the "previously during the investigation" is a forced thing that just shows what you did before (and you can skip)?
must be gettin' tired
Yes the "previously" cutscene always shows up when you load your save. Except when a new Episode (it's 7 in total) starts then it starts with a prompt where you must press the A button. So for saving a try to explain it a little deeper.

When you have no save at all the game would save directly without asking anything. There is a option for auto saving but I turn it off because the game would save two times right at the beginning. Also I can decide if I want to save or not depending how good I played without going through the trouble of getting my old file back. This is why I always save on a USB stick so I can after I save make a back up file on my computer because this game only allows for one save file. So when you go to the telephone and press A you get this little animation (which is always the same) then the game would save. The first screen with "Save Data" comes up because I use a USB stick would I not have one connected the game would go directly to the question "Overwrite save data" because you only can have one file.

One last thing for using a USB stick instead of saving on the HDD of the XBOX360. Would I save on the HDD I must quit the game put a USB stick in copy my save file on the stick then put the stick into the PC make a back up file. Then copy the back up file back on the stick put it back into the console copy it on the HDD start the game and hope that the file doesn't got corrupted on the way. Saving directly one the stick lets me skip all this extra time.
Dragon Power Supreme
For the new segment, I'll start timing after loading after you skip the "previously in the investigation" and for new chapters it'll start when the chapter is loaded, where you must press A.

For chapter end, this compilation makes it a disadvantage for you on a segmented run especially due to the extra screen.
I'll stop timing when you pick up the telephone and the screen to save starts to fade in, as it would be identical to any run not using a USB/HDD to save and it will not penalize you or future runners for this.

Sucks this game only has one save file.
Edit history:
StiWii Rage: 2017-09-02 09:16:02 am
must be gettin' tired
Okay this sounds fine for me. Yeah having just the one save file can be very frustrating especially when your save file gets corrupted. What happens not so often but it's possible.

I will start the run in January 2018. The route I'm using is very solid or I just don't find new ways of saving time. The run will have around 52 segments in under 6 hours 15 minutes I hope.
Best of luck!