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This has already probably been discussed, but i was curious if there's a reason to not just snipe the statue from the doorway after dragon riders to activate the elevator? Easiest for a faith runner who can pick up the binocular from Majula at the start. Doesn't really save any time, unless you got hit/messed up on your run back around. However, it does save you from having to do that trek in the first place.
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old mundane (or what ever it is) scales with your lowest stat so if you were to do a deprived run you could possibly use a mundane dagger with ring of blades since ring of blades has a flat damage boost. but you would need dull ember which waste time but could be nice to watch a run of it.
You also want to pick up Caitha's Chime that is in the next room after the statues.

For the mundane thing you'd need a mundane stone which would be a random drop quite far into the run.
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Noobest can you give me route notes for bkh and club run, I also need the stats.
1.00 or current patch? I'm not sure if I actually have notes for either but I can whip some up quick for you.
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1.00 notes please. current patch is weird, why nerf easy bosses. - 1.00 BKH notes, Distortion might have come up with something new in the route and there's probably some things that can be done better either way. - Vincent's faith route notes, I believe this route is the faster of the two.
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noobest looks popular in the comments.
Concerning the mundane thing,  you can trade a Smooth and Silky stone for a Mundane Stone in the nest in Things Betwixt. Random but you can do it within a minute of startingthe game. I doubt it's worthwhile though.
If anyone is crazy enough I made an initial All achievements route a few days ago, think I got everything, it's mostly hexes
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I found a crazy glitch that im not sure if anyone else is aware of, so the tent opposite of the one near the cat lady, you jump into the corner of it where the rocks are and if you look like your falling in air you did it right, when you die it seems the camera likes to float up in the sky so you can see the void. seems cool. just want you guys to try it out.
Noobest and Distortion's latest runs were amazing to watch. I just saw Noob's all bosses run in my sub box and I'll be watching that soon. Fuck the people complaining about you running 1.00, Noob. The amount of hate you're getting for that is stupid.
No point in hating on Noobest but it is a bummer when one of the more prominent DS speedrunners is running a 1.0 version just for access to a specific glitch. Especially when the PC version comes out tomorrow which is extremely unlikely to have that glitch available. It personally turns me off to watching his runs because it's like he's running a different game. I understand people run 1.0 cuz they run whatever they find fun -- it's just I'm looking forward to seeing people blaze some trails in a version that I actually have access to.
Now Reap The Whirlwind!
Let's not turn this thread into the issue of hating on the 1.00 percent run. Running on different versions of games has been going on for a long time. In this case, it's just another category to be pursued. Let's keep this thread going with more planning and just keep speedrunning. If you want to see a particular category, run it yourself.
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any easy way in drangleic castle, i keeping dying to the huge guys cause im bad.
Run with 2's
Is anyone able to get a patcher to allow PC runners to do Shrine of winter skip? If so a link would be greatly appreciated.
hey guys, is anyone aware of the current record? I'm planning on running the PC version non 1.00 and was just wondering what the current best route and strategy is to see how to improve it.
Noobest did ver 1.00 in 58 minutes.

It's very solid and the only death was from getting a baby jump at Dragon Aerie. I don't know if anyone has figured out how to stop those from happening yet. It still happening even after 4 patches implies either we're missing something or the programmers haven't addressed it.

Distortion also did a million souls run in 1:12 on ver 1.03/1.04 callibraton. The latest patch apparently hasn't changed the balance so technically this run is still current.

Also very solid. It's awesome to see how much they've improved and are going all balls out now.

So that's 2 categories. The others I'd imagine will be all 4 primals, all bosses and then the standard stuff, like low% and such.
would doing the million souls run really credit its own category though? it sounds to me like it should be considered low %
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engraved gauntlets have a glitch where when you crit with them the effect does not override itself if there not equipped so if you take them off after the crit hit they will keep crit hitting. might be good in a all boss speedrun, also if you die with the effect or go through any loading screen the effect will stop so you will have to redo it.
That could actually be interesting, (it's a 50% damage boost) it's a shame that they take such a long time to get. Do the gauntlets work on spells? I don't think so, in which case I seriously doubt that they would be used for All Bosses. The most likely candidate is Current Patch Any%, since it's currently a melee route and you do actually go to Brightstone Cove Tseldora. It looks like you have to go to Earthen Peak to do the quest though, which is very far out of the way.

Thanatos: Million Souls is not really a category, it's just the fastest way to do Any% on the current patch.
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Ill do damage testing with them on any weapon, any way i can contribute more let me know, ill damage test and do other stuff i guess.
so apparently the patched record is 1:06? but i kept asking and no one knew where to find the video, any truth to this?
Edit history:
sshplur: 2014-04-27 03:01:56 am

On the PC version like his 1:08, which was pretty bad in a lot of places. I'm watching it now but I'm assuming/hoping it's his solid 1:12 xbox run but on PC, so 10-12 seconds saved per loading screen.

And about million souls being low%, he's not sticking with the bare minimum he's really pumping his stats and gathering weapons and items so it is still its own category.

-he still hasn't gotten the timing down yet for stun locking the Ruin Sentinels; he's waiting too long before attacking again. Just smash them again when they start rising. He was also annoyed that he used up all of his bombs and urns but it was never necessary in his previous runs since he was still killing them in the same amount of hits. He should just go all out and take on the 2nd and 3rd on the ground. He can destroy both of them without delay or healing once he gets the timing down.

-is it necessary to hit Nahj'ka? Does it make her come out of the sand earlier, if at all? Whatever gain from that might as well be spent enchanting his weapon so he can fight asap.

-since he's not going to run from the Double Dragons he doesn't need to preserve his stamina. Use all of it if you can squeeze in an extra hit. The ridiculously long lock-out only prevents running, not dodging.

-he lost 13 seconds (it takes 53 seconds for the elevator to reach your floor) when he got unlucky with the asshole trio but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

-Shrine of Amana was brilliant. I don't know what he was confused about. :p

-it's awesome that he went balls out on Rotten and Velstadt, squeezing in the killing blows knowing they wouldn't trade.

-major fuckup at Nashandra. I'm sure he knows it but he needs to have a mace in the second slot to knock out one or two of the curse clouds.

Great run, all up.
low% doesnt mean you gotta beat the game at sl1 and starting weapons and items... it means beating the game the fastest way possible, skipping absolutely everything that isnt necessary but gathering stuff that will make you beat the game faster, so i still would consider the 1mill run a low%.

actually im confused, is there a diff between any% and low%? they seem like the same thing.

anyways great find, i'll watch the video, i'm just trying to gather all resources i can before i start attempting on my own.