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Yeah we already knew wooden stuff got burnt up, but we didn't know what exactly would happen if you placed something on top of a wooden structure.
Still burns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey, two new strats! (These still need to be tested for console though!)
First, a new Gaspard (Balance Valley) strat. It turns out he can be hit by bombs while he's still on the ground, stun-locking him until you wipe out all his health. This skips having to use Max during this fight.

Second, a Dark Element strat that utilizes Julia's stun effect. We found out that Julia's stun cancels the animations of some bosses, so you can prevent Dark Element from changing color at least twice during the final fight (especially useful since he changes to Monica's color almost immediately after starting the fight).
Her effect actually successfully stuns Sirus and first-form Griffon, but you can't skip any cutscenes for Sirus and it doesn't work on any of Griffon's other forms, so limited use there.
...what. I swear I tried that on Gaspard ages ago and it didn't work. Nice finds!
I tested out some times with all the strats and I've found that against Sirus, usinig a Steal Gun with a Peridot and Dark Coin specced in, it took 3 seconds faster to kill him with Julia's stun, so it's very much not worth it to get her for this fight. It also took about 15 seconds faster if you popped a stam pot.

Against Griffon phase 2, I popped a stam pot with the same steal gun and it took a total of 45 sec to win in a clean fight including the cutscene in the middle. The buff ran out about halfway through Phase 3, so this is a good time to use one if you have a stam pot.

Against Dark Element, Julia saves at least 1 minute, so this is the only time I have found so far that is beneficial to bring her. Using a stam pot with the same Steal Gun I used, I managed to kill DE in about 25 sec. I gave up testing out the fight without a stam pot because DE gave me some terrible RNG and screwed up my Julia uses.

Tested out my Twin Buster + Heavy Hammer strats again and it took me about 2 minutes longer for Sirus and DE took over 1:50 before I gave up. I'd estimate it takes ~6-10 minutes longer now (taking time to invent into consideration as well), so Steal Gun strats are pretty much the way to go, although still a viable backup strat if you're terrible at spheda like me.

So far, it looks like if you have spare pots priorities are DE, Griffon Phase 2, then Sirus. Leveling up the Steal Gun doesn't seem useful since you'd shave off a fraction off a total of ~1.5 minutes of fighting. The Pocklekul from Julia could also help a bit if you end up with terrible RNG and end up having DE switch to Monica weakness on accident. You could do 10-20 hits with Monica, which is equivalent to about 2-3 shots with Max's gun.
Also, I forgot to mention this, but Julia doesn't really help against Demon Gaspard. You can cancel his flight, but he doesn't reset to the ground so he just hovers above you until he uses the attack again, making the SA useless.
Edit history:
Qazplm: 2015-11-22 02:31:30 am
Guess I might as well throw in the new skip found in case anyone interested in the run sees this thread.

In Chapter 1 after Linda when you have to invent the energy pack for the Ridepod, you can actually get a free energy pack.

Invent the energy pack (don't make it) and then delete one of the 3 pictures used for the energy pack to skip directly to Linda. Since you need to belt for the Buggy, in a NG run delete either the pipe or the milk can. In a NG+ run, just delete all your pictures. It'll be faster for inventing anyways if you know the trick for inventing with the photo album.
Edit history:
Qazplm: 2015-11-25 04:29:21 pm
Qazplm: 2015-11-25 03:28:46 pm
I found the tables from that post Acefrog found.

I'm not entirely sure what the numbers mean, but here's all the data organized in a more readable way. There's exactly 8 groups (there's a 9th one that's empty, so who cares) so they probably correspond to the chapters.

Edit: The formatting doesn't look as good on here, so here's a google doc with comments enabled instead.

Edit2: I think these are the ID numbers for items.
By the way, I figured out that you have to be in "range" for Julia's knockout effect to work, so you have to try to get closer to DE before you use her power.  Fortunately, as long as you use it before the orb starts changing color, it will work, so you have until he turns completely black basically.
Hey everyone, Qaz and I are planning on a Dark Cloud 2 Any% race this Friday at around 12:30pm CST and whoever wants to join is invited! This might be one of the few times to get some visibility for this game, so feel free to join in regardless of experience. Unfortunately you can't use emulator due to the rules, but both PS2 and PS4 are legit.
Reminder we in this!
Wondering if someone can help me estimate how many hours a 100% run would be on this? What would actually classify as a 100% run here? All photographs and items max? I am really interested in this. Maybe I should start training on any% ..