The Dates: Weekend of April 9th
Games Submissions thread: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/dallas_area_speedrunning_event_game_submissions_thread_april_9th_2016.html - Closes on 1/8
Venue - FX Game Exchange in Plano
Stream - twitch.tv/TourneyLocator
Schedule (WIP): https://horaro.org/dase/main
So I’ve been working to try to organize a local meetup for speedrunners in the Dallas area for the last week, and I’m confident that we can actually make this happen. I’ve met with a venue and with a local event streamer in the area; the venue has already given me positive feedback and the event streamer is excited, although I’m still waiting to hear since they have questions for the future.
My target date would be in April, either the first or second weekend for simplicity’s sake. This shouldn’t interfere with any of the larger marathons (Either GDQ, ESA or RPGLB), and also gives ample time from now for planning, submissions, and setup to make the event as large of a success as I can make it.
The venue I met with was FX Game Exchange in Plano, (Parkwood Shopping Center, 3000 Custer Rd #170,Plano, Texas 75075). It’s a local games store but they also host many of the smash tournaments in the area. They have something like 10 setups consisting of a CRT and a lagless HD monitor, which would allow for practice, side races and anything else that people that go could want to do. Their rules are pretty simple, no outside food or drink, and I’ve only requested to use the store during normal hours, which gives us 10-12 hours per day for a two day marathon (20-24 total hours). There will likely be a small venue fee ($5 per head), but the owner has generously agreed to donate the funds if we decide to make the event a charity event (which I believe would be best for everybody for reasons I’ll outline below). All in all, I would consider it to be a fantastic location for a small marathon, and the fact they’re excited about the marathon is a huge bonus for us.
The event streamer I contacted was twitch.tv/TourneyLocator – they focus mostly on Smash, but they get into the 500 view counts normally for weekly tournaments, and they’ve been looking to expand content. Having them help could simplify tech work on our end, expand our reach, and also, hopefully, introduce speedrunning to different audiences. If for whatever reason, they don’t like the event, I can bring my own streaming equipment, use the store’s internet and we can stream either to a new channel or an attendee’s with a larger install base.
My early schedule for how I’d like things to play out: I’d like to open game submissions at the end of this month, into the first week of January. This should give plenty of time for people to get their games in, get an early schedule in mid- late January so that runners can practice while promotion and setup is taken care of.
My main goals for the marathon are the following:
Strengthening ties within the speedrunning community for the Dallas area – First and formost, I want this to be a fun event for all involved, and I would love to see as many people come out as possible. Speedrunning is, at the end of the day a hobby, and events like these are a way to celebrate that hobby with other people. I’ll try to get at as many viable runs and runners in as I can, and would love to see the community in the area come together. I need help with this though: if you live in the area or know runners in the area please let them know to come out, submit, and I’ll do my best to make this worth their while.
Charity – I like the idea of making it a charity event for multiple reasons. The speedrunning community has a large amount of goodwill with events like the GDQs raising tons of money annually. I also think this makes us unique in the competitive gaming side and it’s something I’d like to see continue. FX mentioned that they have a charity they’ve worked with in the past, and I’m supposed to get the details on it soon; however, they also said they would support us if we decided to use another charity.
Practice – Running at live marathons is rare and difficult; I’d like to see the Dallas area become known for doing it well. Running the event as a full blown charity event allows for the community to get better at runner commentary, allows aspiring hosts to get practice and experience before GDQs and it should be an all-around great experience for everybody
Growth – Working with a streamer should make the tech work easier, but it also has a chance to bring speedrunning to a new audience, no matter how small it is. I believe this will only help everybody; the community at large, the dallas area runners in attendance, and the event streamer.
With all that said, I would like to hear some feedback, and I’ll target opening game submissions on the 20th for now; letting them run through early January. Please let me know if there is interest on your end, and if you have any questions or feedback, I’d love to hear it.
Games Submissions thread: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/dallas_area_speedrunning_event_game_submissions_thread_april_9th_2016.html - Closes on 1/8
Venue - FX Game Exchange in Plano
Stream - twitch.tv/TourneyLocator
Schedule (WIP): https://horaro.org/dase/main
So I’ve been working to try to organize a local meetup for speedrunners in the Dallas area for the last week, and I’m confident that we can actually make this happen. I’ve met with a venue and with a local event streamer in the area; the venue has already given me positive feedback and the event streamer is excited, although I’m still waiting to hear since they have questions for the future.
My target date would be in April, either the first or second weekend for simplicity’s sake. This shouldn’t interfere with any of the larger marathons (Either GDQ, ESA or RPGLB), and also gives ample time from now for planning, submissions, and setup to make the event as large of a success as I can make it.
The venue I met with was FX Game Exchange in Plano, (Parkwood Shopping Center, 3000 Custer Rd #170,Plano, Texas 75075). It’s a local games store but they also host many of the smash tournaments in the area. They have something like 10 setups consisting of a CRT and a lagless HD monitor, which would allow for practice, side races and anything else that people that go could want to do. Their rules are pretty simple, no outside food or drink, and I’ve only requested to use the store during normal hours, which gives us 10-12 hours per day for a two day marathon (20-24 total hours). There will likely be a small venue fee ($5 per head), but the owner has generously agreed to donate the funds if we decide to make the event a charity event (which I believe would be best for everybody for reasons I’ll outline below). All in all, I would consider it to be a fantastic location for a small marathon, and the fact they’re excited about the marathon is a huge bonus for us.
The event streamer I contacted was twitch.tv/TourneyLocator – they focus mostly on Smash, but they get into the 500 view counts normally for weekly tournaments, and they’ve been looking to expand content. Having them help could simplify tech work on our end, expand our reach, and also, hopefully, introduce speedrunning to different audiences. If for whatever reason, they don’t like the event, I can bring my own streaming equipment, use the store’s internet and we can stream either to a new channel or an attendee’s with a larger install base.
My early schedule for how I’d like things to play out: I’d like to open game submissions at the end of this month, into the first week of January. This should give plenty of time for people to get their games in, get an early schedule in mid- late January so that runners can practice while promotion and setup is taken care of.
My main goals for the marathon are the following:
Strengthening ties within the speedrunning community for the Dallas area – First and formost, I want this to be a fun event for all involved, and I would love to see as many people come out as possible. Speedrunning is, at the end of the day a hobby, and events like these are a way to celebrate that hobby with other people. I’ll try to get at as many viable runs and runners in as I can, and would love to see the community in the area come together. I need help with this though: if you live in the area or know runners in the area please let them know to come out, submit, and I’ll do my best to make this worth their while.
Charity – I like the idea of making it a charity event for multiple reasons. The speedrunning community has a large amount of goodwill with events like the GDQs raising tons of money annually. I also think this makes us unique in the competitive gaming side and it’s something I’d like to see continue. FX mentioned that they have a charity they’ve worked with in the past, and I’m supposed to get the details on it soon; however, they also said they would support us if we decided to use another charity.
Practice – Running at live marathons is rare and difficult; I’d like to see the Dallas area become known for doing it well. Running the event as a full blown charity event allows for the community to get better at runner commentary, allows aspiring hosts to get practice and experience before GDQs and it should be an all-around great experience for everybody
Growth – Working with a streamer should make the tech work easier, but it also has a chance to bring speedrunning to a new audience, no matter how small it is. I believe this will only help everybody; the community at large, the dallas area runners in attendance, and the event streamer.
With all that said, I would like to hear some feedback, and I’ll target opening game submissions on the 20th for now; letting them run through early January. Please let me know if there is interest on your end, and if you have any questions or feedback, I’d love to hear it.
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