Edit history:
curseddolls: 2014-08-29 05:09:55 am
curseddolls: 2014-08-28 11:19:59 pm
curseddolls: 2014-08-10 05:35:21 am
curseddolls: 2014-08-07 11:46:03 am
curseddolls: 2014-08-07 11:45:26 am
OBS: I do not take orders after 25/10-14!
So I made my own shirt design for ESA 2014.
This shirt comes with or without <name> on the right sleeve in white colour.
Want an ESA shirt?
I am now re opening the post in case someone missed the last time to get one of these.
I will keep the orders up till 25/10-14.
You will have till 28/10-14 to give me the payment for the shirt. At the end of same month (31/10-14)
I will collect every order that I get, buy in them all together and then mail them to the address
that you have implemented in your order.
If I have not revived payment at the latest deadline I will not count in your order and will therefor not
order the shirt from the site.
How to order a shirt?
PM me on twitch/sda/facebook or mail me on eem_@live.com
Information required is: size, amount of shirts and if with or without name on the shoulder.
I can warn you that if your name is to long it might get cropped but that's how the site works
and nothing that I can do anything about.
- With your name on the shoulder, 263 + shipping to your address sek.
- Without your name on the shoulder 235 + shipping to your address sek.
The cost is what it cost for me to order them including the shipping fee.
So everything goes to the shirts them selves. If you want to pay more then what it
cost for me to purchase the shirts it's very kind of you.
Orders so far
da00 - 1 XL male (da00)
baballFR - 1 XXL male (Baball[FR])
Robert Brandl - 1 M male (Sunblade)
AMVX - 1 M male (AMVX)
Jokaah - 1 S male (Jokaah)
baballFR - 1 XXL male (Baball[FR])
Robert Brandl - 1 M male (Sunblade)
AMVX - 1 M male (AMVX)
Jokaah - 1 S male (Jokaah)
Thread title: