General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Let's Speed Run Aggressively!
The time is fast approaching for the third annual Contra Conference. This year we are moving from Northern to Southern California and will be hosted by The Gorilla Wrecking Ball, DK28.
This event will be going on the week of September 14th, mark your calendars!
List of expected attendees so far:
Mr K - Master of Contra III
zallard1 - Blinfold SPO Champion
sinister1 - MTPO Champ and Master of the Knee
Mike Uyama - Fighting Masters King and our Mighty Dictator
MURPHAGATOR - Ultimate Coin-Op Connoisseur
Joecoolgames - The New Metal Slugger
As always, the purpose of the Conference is to complete as many co-op runs as possible. Gatherings of speed runners are scarce, thus we come together to produce the best runs possible. There will be several co-op tasks at hand...
Contra III Hard Low%
Contra Any%
Neo Contra
Contra Rebirth
And possibly more...
But don't worry, with this year's roster of participants, there will most likely be plenty of other games, casual/serious co-op and shenanigans.
Street Fighter 2
Metal Slug
Double Dragon II
Double Dragon Advance
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Plus anything else that the group may want to do!
Be sure to tune in!!!
*Card subject to change without notice*
The time is fast approaching for the third annual Contra Conference. This year we are moving from Northern to Southern California and will be hosted by The Gorilla Wrecking Ball, DK28.
This event will be going on the week of September 14th, mark your calendars!
List of expected attendees so far:
Mr K - Master of Contra III
zallard1 - Blinfold SPO Champion
sinister1 - MTPO Champ and Master of the Knee
Mike Uyama - Fighting Masters King and our Mighty Dictator
MURPHAGATOR - Ultimate Coin-Op Connoisseur
Joecoolgames - The New Metal Slugger
As always, the purpose of the Conference is to complete as many co-op runs as possible. Gatherings of speed runners are scarce, thus we come together to produce the best runs possible. There will be several co-op tasks at hand...
Contra III Hard Low%
Contra Any%
Neo Contra
Contra Rebirth
And possibly more...
But don't worry, with this year's roster of participants, there will most likely be plenty of other games, casual/serious co-op and shenanigans.
Street Fighter 2
Metal Slug
Double Dragon II
Double Dragon Advance
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Plus anything else that the group may want to do!
Be sure to tune in!!!
*Card subject to change without notice*
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