My feelings on The Demon Rush
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Soviet individual level runs on easy difficulty
Verifier Responses
The verifier had more to say.
The last verifier also rejected the run, I forgot exactly what he said, but it was along the lines of what other people said (suboptimal strategies). I'm sure he'll speak up if he wants to because I know he has the balls to do so
Decision: Reject
Reason: There are hard difficulty runs on youtube with faster strategies, which speaks more loudly than anything I could say.
Soviet individual level runs on easy difficulty
Verifier Responses
The run looks great. I didn't notice any video or audio errors or any form of cheating. The strategies used were well thought out and executed and the times achieved for each level were really good. The only complaints I have were that the runner could have utilized hot keys a little more and sometimes he scrolled across the map slower than he could have. I only think a few seconds could have been saved though unless better strategies were created. There were also a couple missions where he would build up his base when he didn't need to and instead he could have just been micromanaging his Kirov's or whatever he was rushing with a little bit better to save a couple seconds.
Overall : Reject (with some parts which might be acceptable on case to case basis)
Audio Quality: Good
Video Quality: Good
Reasons for rejection
1-Why easy mode? There are better runs out there that are on hard difficulty, and some speedruns even with better timing (, The only saving grace is that some of the missions are using better routes + able to have more starting units and take out enemy units faster due to easy difficulty instead of hard. Most of the amount of time (e.g. 1 min +) shaved off is not impressive enough to make it up. Maybe 2 mins? Otherwise try playing hard difficulty with the same strategy per mission.
2-Use more hotkeys and faster mouse movements for stronger execution. Like e.g H for home. Side scrolling back home can be painful to watch.
3-The runs can a whole lot better with more research from other RA2 speedruns. I am totally confident that the runner can easily beat nearly 1/2 of the youtube videos so long he does research. It would be good that he uses these easy difficulty runs as a good stepping stone.
Mission 01 = Retry
Time is faster at 3:10 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 3:36
Mission 02 = Keep
Time is alot faster at 3:46 since it is a direct run in, but maybe worth keeping. Might be beaten easily thou.
= 9:33
Mission 03 = Reject
Time is slower at 6:37 since the youtube video is a direct run in. This is where I started to half suspect the runner did not do enough research.
= 5:06
Mission 04 = Retry
Time is faster at 7:48 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 9:15
Mission 05 = Reject
Time is slower at 6:37 since the youtube video is a direct run in. Research needed.
= 2:08
Mission 06 = Keep
Time is faster at 6:43. Might be worth keeping.
= 9:04
Mission 07 = Retry
Time is faster at 21:49 but execution can be stronger and smoother. Better execution would had made it so much enjoyable to watch.
+ + = 24:11
Mission 08 = Keep/Retry
Time is obviously faster at 3:22. Worth keeping due to better route. However, maybe collecting the missed crate with better flak track in run would cut 5+ seconds.
= 9:15
Mission 09 = Retry
Time is faster at 1:15 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 1:28
Mission 10 = Keep/Retry
Time is obviously faster at 11:03. Worth watching, good planning. May want to retry using same tweaked strat at hard difficulty.
+ = 17:17
Mission 11 = Reject
Time is slower at 5:29 since the youtube video is a direct run in. Research needed.
= 4:26
Mission 12 = Retry
Time is faster at 9:40 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 10:53
Audio Quality: Good
Video Quality: Good
Reasons for rejection
1-Why easy mode? There are better runs out there that are on hard difficulty, and some speedruns even with better timing (, The only saving grace is that some of the missions are using better routes + able to have more starting units and take out enemy units faster due to easy difficulty instead of hard. Most of the amount of time (e.g. 1 min +) shaved off is not impressive enough to make it up. Maybe 2 mins? Otherwise try playing hard difficulty with the same strategy per mission.
2-Use more hotkeys and faster mouse movements for stronger execution. Like e.g H for home. Side scrolling back home can be painful to watch.
3-The runs can a whole lot better with more research from other RA2 speedruns. I am totally confident that the runner can easily beat nearly 1/2 of the youtube videos so long he does research. It would be good that he uses these easy difficulty runs as a good stepping stone.
Mission 01 = Retry
Time is faster at 3:10 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 3:36
Mission 02 = Keep
Time is alot faster at 3:46 since it is a direct run in, but maybe worth keeping. Might be beaten easily thou.
= 9:33
Mission 03 = Reject
Time is slower at 6:37 since the youtube video is a direct run in. This is where I started to half suspect the runner did not do enough research.
= 5:06
Mission 04 = Retry
Time is faster at 7:48 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 9:15
Mission 05 = Reject
Time is slower at 6:37 since the youtube video is a direct run in. Research needed.
= 2:08
Mission 06 = Keep
Time is faster at 6:43. Might be worth keeping.
= 9:04
Mission 07 = Retry
Time is faster at 21:49 but execution can be stronger and smoother. Better execution would had made it so much enjoyable to watch.
+ + = 24:11
Mission 08 = Keep/Retry
Time is obviously faster at 3:22. Worth keeping due to better route. However, maybe collecting the missed crate with better flak track in run would cut 5+ seconds.
= 9:15
Mission 09 = Retry
Time is faster at 1:15 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 1:28
Mission 10 = Keep/Retry
Time is obviously faster at 11:03. Worth watching, good planning. May want to retry using same tweaked strat at hard difficulty.
+ = 17:17
Mission 11 = Reject
Time is slower at 5:29 since the youtube video is a direct run in. Research needed.
= 4:26
Mission 12 = Retry
Time is faster at 9:40 but would reccommend to retry on hard.
= 10:53
The verifier had more to say.
Also, I do not think he knew about the hard difficulty runs at youtube. It is always good to look around carefully before committing to do a run : aka avoid reinventing the wheel + know your competition.
Those running on hard difficulty achieved slower timings not because they are slower than him at execution. They are actually faster at execution + had to fight a lot harder. If he did knew about those videos and keep his execution on par with theirs, every single run he did would surely exceed by 2-3 mins instead of 1 min. Very confident that he can do it.
Or maybe I am too harsh because of the amount of RTS I personally played and observed at the highest levels? (mainly from Starcraft, Broodwar /Warcraft 1,2,3/C&C and RA series) The really good thing that I do like about his runs are at Mission 02,06,08,10. Shows that he does come up with his own ideas and planning.
Those running on hard difficulty achieved slower timings not because they are slower than him at execution. They are actually faster at execution + had to fight a lot harder. If he did knew about those videos and keep his execution on par with theirs, every single run he did would surely exceed by 2-3 mins instead of 1 min. Very confident that he can do it.
Or maybe I am too harsh because of the amount of RTS I personally played and observed at the highest levels? (mainly from Starcraft, Broodwar /Warcraft 1,2,3/C&C and RA series) The really good thing that I do like about his runs are at Mission 02,06,08,10. Shows that he does come up with his own ideas and planning.
I think I'll have to say 'reject'.
Mainly because I know there is another, better run in the works. Admittedly it's on Hard rather than Easy, which makes some of the strategies in this run impossible, but in general the strategies are much more refined. Make no mistake, the runner is excellent at controlling the game, but I don't think he did quite enough research. Good run but wait a little longer and a much better one will come along soon.
Mainly because I know there is another, better run in the works. Admittedly it's on Hard rather than Easy, which makes some of the strategies in this run impossible, but in general the strategies are much more refined. Make no mistake, the runner is excellent at controlling the game, but I don't think he did quite enough research. Good run but wait a little longer and a much better one will come along soon.
All right. Here are my notes.
Red Alert 2: Soviet Campaign on Easy Difficulty
It would be interesting to see a higher difficulty run on this game and see if
the same strategies work.
I also remember that pressing "H" centers the screen on your
Construction Yard. This may help the player's speed-running should he choose
to improve some runs.
Video quality is good and the sound appears to be fine. What is with that
beeping noise at the end of the videos? I keep thinking I unplugged a
peripheral from my laptop.
I know of no in-game cheats, though I know you can edit the unit values to make
enemy units stronger or weaker. I did not spot any evidence of editing in
this run.
Mission 1: Red Dawn
It appears to have been completed as fast as possible. It looks like the
Pentagon could have been destroyed a second faster if the player managed to
command his western Rhino Tanks to hit the wall and then the Pentagon instead
of going for the Pentagon right away.
Mission 2: Hostile Shore
Out of the missions, I think this one can be improved by commanding the Attack
Subs earlier than the player does in this run. The Attack Subs remain idle
for nearly 20 seconds while he cleans up the remaining ground forces.
Considering that it takes an additional minute to finish off the enemy forces,
20 seconds appears to be a substantial improvement.
Mission 3: Big Apple
That is an impressive rush to the Battle Lab. It looks like it can be improved
by a few seconds by bringing less forces since you can build a Barracks next
to the Psychic Beacon and use the Allied buildings to reinforce yourself.
Mission 4: Home Front
This mission reminds me of the Desperate Alliance in Starcraft thanks to the
arbitrary limit. The player does the best strategy possible, which happens
to prevent the Allies from landing in the first place. I don't see much room
for improvement, if any.
Mission 5: City of Lights
I always found this to be a fun mission to play thanks to the premise. Again,
I don't see much room for improvement, if any.
Mission 6: Sub-Divide
It appears that he lost a few seconds when he missed the Aircraft Carrier on
the edge of the fog of war. It bought enough time for the AI to build a second
naval shipyard, which extended the mission. This might be another candidate
for improvement.
Mission 7: Chrono Defence
Another timed mission. He makes it faster by anticipating the points where
the Allied forces make their move. I can't imagine this one being improved
any further.
Mission 8: Desecration
I didn't think an Engineer rush would survive the defenses around the White
House. With the Rhino and Apocalypse Tanks running as a distraction, I'm glad
to see I was wrong.
Mission 9: The Fox and the Hound
I also used this strategy when I played this game. Quick and efficient. On
a side note, can't you load a Yuri into the IFV?
Mission 10: Weathered Alliance
Essentially, the mission boils down to the fastest possible build for the
Nuclear Silo. Not much else to say here.
Mission 11: Red Revolution
I am impressed. I did not think a Kirov Airship would survive the trip to the
Kremlin. I was expecting the safe, but slow two Nukes.
Mission 12: Polar Storm
Again, the Kirov Airship is the fastest way to finish this mission. I did like
the finishing blow to the Chronosphere.
Overall, it was a well-planned, executed run. I think the mission with the
biggest room for improvement is mission two, with mission six. The rest of the
missions don't have a lot of room for improvement, if at all. I'm going to go
ahead and say that the run should be accepted, and I hope to see the Allied
Campaign as well.
Decision: Accept
Red Alert 2: Soviet Campaign on Easy Difficulty
It would be interesting to see a higher difficulty run on this game and see if
the same strategies work.
I also remember that pressing "H" centers the screen on your
Construction Yard. This may help the player's speed-running should he choose
to improve some runs.
Video quality is good and the sound appears to be fine. What is with that
beeping noise at the end of the videos? I keep thinking I unplugged a
peripheral from my laptop.
I know of no in-game cheats, though I know you can edit the unit values to make
enemy units stronger or weaker. I did not spot any evidence of editing in
this run.
Mission 1: Red Dawn
It appears to have been completed as fast as possible. It looks like the
Pentagon could have been destroyed a second faster if the player managed to
command his western Rhino Tanks to hit the wall and then the Pentagon instead
of going for the Pentagon right away.
Mission 2: Hostile Shore
Out of the missions, I think this one can be improved by commanding the Attack
Subs earlier than the player does in this run. The Attack Subs remain idle
for nearly 20 seconds while he cleans up the remaining ground forces.
Considering that it takes an additional minute to finish off the enemy forces,
20 seconds appears to be a substantial improvement.
Mission 3: Big Apple
That is an impressive rush to the Battle Lab. It looks like it can be improved
by a few seconds by bringing less forces since you can build a Barracks next
to the Psychic Beacon and use the Allied buildings to reinforce yourself.
Mission 4: Home Front
This mission reminds me of the Desperate Alliance in Starcraft thanks to the
arbitrary limit. The player does the best strategy possible, which happens
to prevent the Allies from landing in the first place. I don't see much room
for improvement, if any.
Mission 5: City of Lights
I always found this to be a fun mission to play thanks to the premise. Again,
I don't see much room for improvement, if any.
Mission 6: Sub-Divide
It appears that he lost a few seconds when he missed the Aircraft Carrier on
the edge of the fog of war. It bought enough time for the AI to build a second
naval shipyard, which extended the mission. This might be another candidate
for improvement.
Mission 7: Chrono Defence
Another timed mission. He makes it faster by anticipating the points where
the Allied forces make their move. I can't imagine this one being improved
any further.
Mission 8: Desecration
I didn't think an Engineer rush would survive the defenses around the White
House. With the Rhino and Apocalypse Tanks running as a distraction, I'm glad
to see I was wrong.
Mission 9: The Fox and the Hound
I also used this strategy when I played this game. Quick and efficient. On
a side note, can't you load a Yuri into the IFV?
Mission 10: Weathered Alliance
Essentially, the mission boils down to the fastest possible build for the
Nuclear Silo. Not much else to say here.
Mission 11: Red Revolution
I am impressed. I did not think a Kirov Airship would survive the trip to the
Kremlin. I was expecting the safe, but slow two Nukes.
Mission 12: Polar Storm
Again, the Kirov Airship is the fastest way to finish this mission. I did like
the finishing blow to the Chronosphere.
Overall, it was a well-planned, executed run. I think the mission with the
biggest room for improvement is mission two, with mission six. The rest of the
missions don't have a lot of room for improvement, if at all. I'm going to go
ahead and say that the run should be accepted, and I hope to see the Allied
Campaign as well.
Decision: Accept
Verifier: There are better strategies known for most levels. I suggest the runner to take a look at
Verifier: The runner did not seem to be aware of some hotkeys, specifically the Q, W, E, and R hotkeys. These select the construction tabs, and Q and W also put the building/gun (When they're finished creating) at the mouse pointer.
Verifier: The runner seems to be skilled enough at the game, so by applying better strategies and a bit better execution, some nice runs could be made.
Verifier: The runner did not seem to be aware of some hotkeys, specifically the Q, W, E, and R hotkeys. These select the construction tabs, and Q and W also put the building/gun (When they're finished creating) at the mouse pointer.
Verifier: The runner seems to be skilled enough at the game, so by applying better strategies and a bit better execution, some nice runs could be made.
The last verifier also rejected the run, I forgot exactly what he said, but it was along the lines of what other people said (suboptimal strategies). I'm sure he'll speak up if he wants to because I know he has the balls to do so
Decision: Reject
Reason: There are hard difficulty runs on youtube with faster strategies, which speaks more loudly than anything I could say.
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