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Would anyone like a speed run of the great old school game, Colonization. This classic game is a turn based strategi game.

Of course the map has to be america, but what lvl of dificulty is best, i recommend governor.
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Stupor is as Stupor Does
1) Map does NOT have to be America. It can be any of the standard given maps or a random map.  I would suggest no custom maps (if it is possible in colonization) as this could be perceived as cheating.  America would probably be the best choice, but a lucky random start could prove to make things easier/quicker.

2) I would recommend either the lowest difficulty level for speed, or the highest difficulty level for impressiveness.

And don't forget number 3!

3) Don't start two threads about the same game; just bumb the older thread if you want people to notice it.
sorry about the two threads, but i cant delete it again. 

Lowest difficulty for speed, is maybe the best, but i have to try how much time one gain.

America map, is a fixed map, with some random varieties, indian villages and resources may be placed different each time a new america game is created.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Colonization... I never thought of a possibility of a speedrun here. This game is one of my favorite all-time classics. I suggest America since it's a fixed map layout (which has been said). I'd also suggest using the Dutch since they start with a better ship then the rest AND have better trading values.
Stupor is as Stupor Does

Are you thinking single segment or multi-segment for this run. I would imagine that multi-segment would be a must in all games of this type as I always need some time to think about my next move. SS would be jaw-droppingly amazing to any fan of the series (I consider this a spin of of Civilization).

Also, do you have any estimation on how long a speed run would take? I have not played Colonization in a LONG time and never managed to win so I have no inkling on this one.

Should this run get done I may consider doing a Civ 2 run.

Good Luck,

Hej all

Well im starting with dutch, because the larger ship, and far better trading possibilityes.
The key to win this game fast is a lot of trading with the aztecs because, they pay very high prices up to 2800 gp !!! for tobacco.
America map, is decided as the map to play.
Ill try the easyist difficulty this weekend, and ill remember to time it so i can get an idea of the real time use on this game.

Colonization is a classic i dont know why it is not on this site yet, I would love too see more old turnbased strategy games like Colonization i Civilazation

Just finished a test game. The easyist difficulty, took just under 1 hour to run through the game.
I can reduce this time seroiusly.  Atleast with 20 min.


I did it, I cut 15 min off my first test run, and have reduced the run to 45 min.

this exceeds my wildest fantasy, and i know i can cut more time in the next run.

By the way, easy is easy, BIG TIME EASY.

Stupor is as Stupor Does

If Easy is TOO easy, you may wish to go ahead and raise the difficulty level some.

That being said, you achieve victory in 45 minutes. WOW just wow. I always take a long time to make decisions in games like this, maybe because I am not trying for speed.  Nonetheless, it is a very impressive time. I am looking forward to seeing this run, and am thinking of ways to make a civ 2 run to see if we can't get all the Sid Meier classics run!

*whisles but fails to*

Nice time. I hope that'll eventually turn out into a great run. But, as Stuperman said, if it's too easy it's just plain not hard enough. Increasing the difficulty always increases the impressiveness.

Now only if I still had the game...or if my old Windows 3.1 would still work ><. I remember all those hours fooling around, killing every single thing and building many things...*sighs*
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Peter = Hornsture

About time I register..... So I did  just that.

I think I will increase the difficulty lvl. Because that wouldt simply be more Cool.....

Using most off the night brought my time down to a amazing  20 min.
I never fought it possible.

What program can i use to record the speed run ?

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Nice time... Hell it sometimes took me that long just to fight the war of independence at the end, haha. Anyway, I'd love to see a run of this game, I'd definitely watch it. A Civ2 run would be equally awesome as well.
What program? FRAPs or Camtasia work well for recording runs off the PC Wink
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Programs to record the speed run ?

Camtasia is a opengl or directx record, and cost money, and colonization is a 256 color game, no directx here !

Frabs I wasn't able to find this program anywhere.

Can anyone please link to a site with a free screen recorder.

Stupor is as Stupor Does
Camtasia is a opengl or directx record, and cost money, and colonization is a 256 color game, no directx here !

Camtasia can record your desktop applications as well as opengl and directx programs. It should be able to record civilization just fine, but I can check on this.  It also has a 30 day free trial IIRC.

Frabs I wasn't able to find this program anywhere.

Try FraPs instead.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I have found both programs, and tryed them. But But they dont record the game, ive tryed different settings but they just record the windows bagground.

Camtasia records windows with the mouse courser all jumping around.

Fraps, the same!

What to do, i have testet some other screen recording programs, also the same.

What to do ?

Stupor is as Stupor Does
I have had the same problems when recording Starcraft.  What I had to do to get Camtasia to work was start the game, then start recording using the record key (default is F9 I believe, but this can be set to any key).  This seemed to work for Starcraft and Broodwar so I believe it would work for you.  One note on this, however, is that you need to find out the screen resolution the game gets played at.  If you record the whole screen or a larger area than the game plays at, then you will end up having the windows background appear along with the game.  This just looks ugly and I doubt Radix would accept it.  For Colonization, I would asume it is at 640 X 480. 

Hope this helps,

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

I cant get camtasia to record colonization, i have tryied hole screen record in 640X480, and all others formats.
Also tried record windows, and fixed area, dammit nothing works.

another possibilty is to connect a tv to your graphics card (you need tv-out on it or a DVI-compatible tv for that though).

Then connect a video recorder to your tv and have it record what happens (it shows the picture of the pc now).

then send the tape to radix or get the video off the VHS cassette onto your pc by yourself.