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100% runs=great to watch
Way I see it:

-Not much need to worry for folk being "secretive" in terms of bounty paranoia.  Hell, there's still plenty of folk/runs that wind up on the site without people choosing to make a thread for it, discuss ahead of time what exactly they did/will do, and so forth.

-People will still do speedruns regardless, so this can't retard the progress at filling out the various system's libraries and categories for given games.

-People can use said cash to purchase more games to enjoy/run.  Or on delicious sandwiches to prolong their lifespan to play/run more games.  Or on Mason Jars to help in their long SS endeavors.  It'd be irresponsible NOT to help humans conquer their bladders which predate speedrunning.

-Even aside from money, people could always choose to send games/controllers/etc to folk as a prize/something new to play/something else hoping to see a run for/use.

-Somebody could create some badass 'Wanted' Posters for notorious bounties.

-Depending on the strength of the currency offered, folk could wind up with quite a nice bit to chew on at the right times...

The most important thing to remember though:  SDA won't wind up TG when it comes to bounties---or prolly anything else.
i wouldnt offer any cash, but if i had a paypal and i had money to spare, i'd set up a bounty for an 0:59 Prime.

AngerFist already did that.
Edit history:
slowbro: 2007-02-27 05:15:59 pm
(quote from the thread linked above)
the funny thing to me is that for the amount of time it would take someone to do a 0:59 run, even a $100 reward would end up being like way less than a dollar an hour.

probably if anyone ever does it, they'll do it for the love of the game.

Good point, I think it holds true for most of the rewards offered here so far.  I think if the rewards ever started to creep way over a dollar an hour, like say to minimum wage, that's when bounties would really start to change SDA.  I could be wrong but I think there would be more bad changes than good changes.

But, heh, I don't think we're in any "danger" of anybody offering thousands of dollars for a speedrun.

just rambling
i won't say the site won't ever offer official bounties, but barring unforeseen circumstances, it's safe to say that won't happen for a long time. in this way, the site itself (and, more pertinently, the accompanying peer verification apparatus) remains neutral. the bounties as they stand now are private transactions between members of the community and do not represent the intent of the community as a whole.
Edit history:
Nanovarium: 2007-02-28 07:00:28 pm
Discover new solutions.
New offer for list formatting:

GameGoalPriceOffer byPage
Half LifeSub-55min SS no scripts$50laughing_gas1
Katamari seriesimprove levels or SS's$10 per video $100 maxTom_Batchelor1
Okamirace videos$50Tom_Batchelor1
Prince of Persia - The Two ThronesSS$100Mkt20152
Sonic 212 hits on Death Egg$75stanski1
Sonic 2SS by 15+ seconds imp.$125stanski1
Zelda Twilight Princessfirst 1-dungeon sequence break that works$50 - .05xmwl1
Zelda Twilight Princessfirst useful levitation glitch$50 - .05xmwl1
Zelda Twilight PrincessCave of Ordeals run$50Tom_Batchelor1



[td][u][b]Offer by[/b][/u][/td]



[td][color=orange]Half Life[/color][/td]
[td]Sub-55min SS no scripts[/td]

[td][color=orange]Katamari series[/color][/td]
[td]improve levels or SS's[/td]
[td][color=orange]$10 per video $100 max[/color][/td]

[td]race videos[/td]

[td][color=orange]Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones[/color][/td]

[td][color=orange]Sonic 2[/color][/td]
[td]12 hits on Death Egg[/td]

[td][color=orange]Sonic 2[/color][/td]
[td]SS by 15+ seconds imp.[/td]

[td][color=orange]Zelda Twilight Princess[/color][/td]
[td]first 1-dungeon sequence break that works[/td]
[td][color=orange]$50 - .05x[/color][/td]

[td][color=orange]Zelda Twilight Princess[/color][/td]
[td]first useful levitation glitch[/td]
[td][color=orange]$50 - .05x[/color][/td]

[td][color=orange]Zelda Twilight Princess[/color][/td]
[td]Cave of Ordeals run[/td]

Angered Me, You have!
I offer my life especially to sparky and other sick metroid prime speedrunners. Now it doesnt get anymore priceless than that ladies and gentlemen. We are talking about a human life here!?
I offer my life especially to sparky and other sick metroid prime speedrunners. Now it doesnt get anymore priceless than that ladies and gentlemen. We are talking about a human life here!?

So if I were to win this prize, does that mean I can get you to do my laundry and bake me cookies. I like sugar cookies. Will you make me sugar cookies?
Existence as you know it is over
It means he'll give his kidneys if yours fail.
Edit history:
Nanovarium: 2007-02-28 07:02:10 pm
Discover new solutions.
(Thank you, Neth.)

No worries!

I just modified my suggested list view like I think it even provides more readability. Choose for yourself which one you like more.
Existence as you know it is over
You may not have noticed my edit that said the HL SS has to be done on hard difficulty. Getting sub-55 on easy is trivial.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
What happens if a user decides to not pay when a said run is done?

Only ask because its a stickied topic.
What happens if a user decides to not pay when a said run is done?

Only ask because its a stickied topic.
Free run that helps SDA.
Fucking Weeaboo
I sick my dog Butch after em
Edit history:
slowbro: 2007-03-02 08:21:50 pm
What happens if a user decides to not pay when a said run is done?

Yeah, that is a good question.  I think it's just Runner Beware.  I fully intend to pay up if anyone creates any of the stuff I asked for...
wise fwom yo gwave
Make sure the person you are doing a bounty for is reliable? Probably communicate to them if possible before you do the run?
Hi! I'm andrewg!
I should improve your sonic 2 run. It's so sloppy. Wink

No way anyone's going to improve that soon.
If I was able to,I would pay $100 to the person that found out how to break Kingdom Hearts 1 in under 6 hours!(ultima garden did it...somehow!)
Everything's better with Magitek
If I was able to,I would pay $100 to the person that found out how to break Kingdom Hearts 1 in under 6 hours!(ultima garden did it...somehow!)

Ooh, if you were actually giving out $100 for that, I'd take you up on it.  Still, maybe I'll work on it anyway--I need something to do now that I've finished my FFIX run. Wink
Well...I have $120 in birthday money,I just don't know how to pay from across regions with pay pal being an exception! :-/

edit: Also,congrats on finishing you FFIX run. I'm looking forward to watching it.
spending 5/6 of your birthday money on a speedrun? intense
Long live SF64!
Like some others on here I'd be willing to shell out money to see my runs beaten, but I'm not just not sure how much its worth to me...

maybe there's a sort of supply and demand that can happen here...

does even the prospect of a reward for a Star Fox 64 run sound enticing to anyone?

If so, maybe I'll keep talking...
He's back!
The money has to be proportional to the effort it would take to nail a certain time or strat. Offering $50 for a certain milestone or for beating someone else time is most likely not to be worth the effort, but it probally be worth it for something like 12 hits in Death egg.
I find it interesting that people offer bounties for beating their own runs.
Edit history:
slowbro: 2007-03-13 02:03:30 am
I find it interesting that people offer bounties for beating their own runs.

Very true!  That is interesting.

I'm no psych major, but I guess it looks like a lot of us are more interested in seeing how fast our favorite games can humanly be beaten than in simply having something of our own published.  That and/or we want something to shoot for.
also, when you think you've put out practically the best run that can be made on a game it's cool to see tricks that you didn't think of.