Quote from Poxnor:
Regarding communication: I thought it was clear that she was providing the gaming machine. She obviously didn't think as much. This is a problem, and the problem of who supplies the gaming PC has to change for next year anyway. I'm even open to the (less than ideal) suggestion of returning to a console-only marathon, because PC-gaming was a nightmare.
I'm not sure where you got this idea. Aside from the snafu regarding where the gaming PC was coming from, the PC runs were some of the least problem-prone runs in the marathon. Certainly they had no more capture card freezes than any other run on average, and the PC setup barely made a blip in our day one sprint. Calling the PC gaming portion of the marathon a "nightmare" is a rather curious choice.
Quote from Poxnor:
It's being held on my personal channel because it's Twitch-partnered and Twitch-subbed, which I see as big step in our success moving forward.
We can organize a new channel with partner and sub specifically for the marathon if need be. Romscout could help liaise with Twitch for this purpose.
Quote from Poxnor:
Which is why we attempted to rent a large room at a hotel, instead of a conference centre. And yes, noise was a concern. I'd like to hear more from the people who attended; yeah, we didn't get a direct complaint (in the end), but there were definitely times sitting in the room that I was legitimately worried that we were about to. All of us in the room sure believed that the so-called complaint was legit, because we were being loud on the top floor of a hotel.
We were pretty loud all week and got exactly one complaint. I was not especially concerned about sound complaints and do not consider this a reason to reconsider the Chateau Louis next year. (Certainly not compared to the cost factor.)
Quote from Poxnor:
I think if 2, 5, or 10 hours of a marathon are being planning around you playing a game, there needs to be some manner of: "I'm really signing up, barring life throwing a total, horrific curveball."
There is. If you drop late without good reason [and you were on the schedule], you are blackballed from doing speedruns at the event in the future. For the purposes of a speedrunning marathon, anyone else dropping out needs to be irrelevant to us. This is a charity event that people are participating in on a voluntary basis. Asking for money before final costs are established, effectively holding it as collateral, is likely to prevent many people from volunteering to attend. I guess, in that context, you will certainly have a reduction in drops, because the people who are actually willing to pay the deposit will be the people who know 100% for a fact that they can attend the marathon, and everyone who is iffy will simply choose not to attend (even if they later end up being able to attend). I don't think this is a positive outcome and I think you should reconsider this idea entirely.
If last second drops are causing us this much of an issue, then perhaps we need to consider scaling back the schedule. Unlike a GDQ where they can schedule 150 hours of games and still have over 150 hours of readily-available backups, we barely managed to fill our 5-day schedule even with many-hour RPG runs. Part of planning for a marathon is dealing with drops, and part of dealing with drops is having backup games to slot in. I don't mean backup games like "hey, Puwexil and Essentia, can you guys de-rust a third game in less than a month?" I mean backup games like "hey Vulajin, I know we had cut your Pokemon White 2 run because there were so many other strong runs, but we'd like to add you back in now." Given the set of games that were offered, we only could have done this if the schedule had been significantly shortened. And in hindsight, perhaps that is what should have been done.
As a final point, I just have to really drive home the fact that, until we have some sort of buffer in our budget, having costs be dependent on the number of attendees is going to be a real problem. Not knowing the set-in-stone final costs is going to detract a significant number of people from attending, but not knowing a set-in-stone number of attendees will prevent us from getting that information. It's a chicken and egg problem that we need to solve in some reasonable way if we want to really attract attendees. (Please don't say "I promised we'd match Puwexil's estimate" again. A promise is not the same as a final number and leaves us without needed information.) Essentia and Denton have, extremely generously, offered one way to manage this problem, and I'm sure we can find others if we really make this a top priority for next year.
Also, really finally, I wanted to add that I know Poxnor and our other organizers ate huge costs out of their own pockets to bring this marathon to fruition. Your time, expenditures, and efforts are not at all unappreciated. My hope is that we untangle the knots for next year so we can attract more attendees, raise more money, and reduce everyone's out of pocket costs, including those of the organizers.