glad to hear the police truck works. maybe it's not apparent in my video but i AM brakeboosting like crazy. and yea making the bridge jumps, even with the hotrod, doesn't work half the damn time. this game's physics engine is just plain shit but it's part of the charm i guess.
did you by any chance test my america 1 insanity route to see if the crazy moon bounce off the shield wall works on console?
about that siberia freeze, something that comes to mind is it might have to do with where you're detonating the SCUD missile. that thing is already glitchy to begin with, but for example i found out (with save states) that if you fly it through the portal into siberia 3 and detonate it there, it will straight up freeze the game. maybe if you're always detonating it near the border of another stage it might be freaking the game out and causing you to freeze like that. try shooting it in another direction, near the center of the stage or something? just a thought.
new video for siberia 3, using a new enemy warp boost to reach the processor quicker in the aqua tank. this is a 30 second improvement over my old video and obsoletes the sub lift trick. i think this just about maxes out the possibilities in siberia 3
glad to hear the police truck works. maybe it's not apparent in my video but i AM brakeboosting like crazy. and yea making the bridge jumps, even with the hotrod, doesn't work half the damn time. this game's physics engine is just plain shit but it's part of the charm i guess.
Well considering that youre trying to make a jump maybe 8 times as wide as your hotrod with a landing ramp 20 feet higher than the takeoff point by driving fast and tapping the break repeatedly its no wonder it doesn't work half the time
Quote from bh guy:
did you by any chance test my america 1 insanity route to see if the crazy moon bounce off the shield wall works on console?
A few times with no success. For me it takes 3 minutes per attempt.
Quote from bh guy:
about that siberia freeze, something that comes to mind is it might have to do with where you're detonating the SCUD missile. that thing is already glitchy to begin with, but for example i found out (with save states) that if you fly it through the portal into siberia 3 and detonate it there, it will straight up freeze the game. maybe if you're always detonating it near the border of another stage it might be freaking the game out and causing you to freeze like that. try shooting it in another direction, near the center of the stage or something? just a thought.
I smash the missle into the hillside directly to the west of the building where you get the launch key.
The Siberia 3 warp to processor trick is extremely easy. I tried it like 10 times and pulled it off every time so this pretty much nerfs Siberia 3 difficulty wise.
Something really interesting happened to me. I was practicing Siberia 4 and I picked up the scud launcher and it got caught on the edge of a hillside causing me to drop it and my hangman got kinda of warped forward almost all the way to the shield wall. Major longshot but there is an area in Siberia 2 where there is a hillside right next to the shield wall that connects to the shield tower area. Maybe recreating this next the shield wall will warp you through it? I didn't speed up I was literally warped kind of like the softlock warp to the top of the screen thing but I was able to continue playing afterward so if there is ever gonna be a way to glitch through a shield wall this would probably be it. It would also completely skip the bulk of Siberia 3 and Siberia 4.
Many hours of practice later and I can make both America 1 jumps consistently with the police truck. -The first one stop brake boosting immediately after smashing the fence and you will make it ~95% of the time. -The second one is a little more difficult. To get the speed right I have to use an audio cue that I talk out myself and say the same way so that I can stop brake boosting at the appropriate spot each time. Unlike the first jump I also have to be lined up really well because driving through the wrong part of the Roach Gunner as it warps in will deflect you off course and stop you from making the jump. -Getting the scorpion to do what you want at the beginning is kinda tricky if you don't know what youre doing but once you do its pretty easy to get it to come where you want it to.
This America 1 is harder than the old America 1 but bh guy's Siberia 3 nerf way more than balances things out and the run is actually a small bit easier now so yay for that.
-In America 1 the jump over the 2nd bridge actually has nothing to do with the roach gunner warping in, you can kill him and still make the same jump.
-Can you describe that hangman warp in greater detail like where it happened exactly, etc? maybe i can try to recreate it.
-something you might not know about the scud, it seems to be programmed like a vehicle. so if you brakeboost while flying the missile, it will fly about 3 times faster than normal. flying along the northern shield wall in siberia 4 with the missile normally takes 15 seconds. if you brakeboost it takes 5 seconds. it is seriously the fastest thing in the game.
-In America 1 the jump over the 2nd bridge actually has nothing to do with the roach gunner warping in, you can kill him and still make the same jump.
-Can you describe that hangman warp in greater detail like where it happened exactly, etc? maybe i can try to recreate it.
I know the Roach Gunner has nothing to do with actually making the jump but it can certainly deflect you off to the side and stop you from making it which is why you need to be careful about your line of driving.
The warp thing basically I picked up the scud and it got caught on the wall next to where it was originally and got stuck there and the hangman just warped forward. I spent 2 hours trying to recreate it with no success so good luck.
Finally that Siberia 4 route is more aggressive than mine. I fly around the road for the most part cause it is way to easy to accidently spawn a crap load of those flying helicopter things which essentially screws you over and ends the run. Also the Hoveros spawns, harvester wave that you encountered are spawned by moving through certain areas of the map so my route doesn't spawn them.
i think it would help you to play siberia on an emulator with savestates and you can find exactly where the triggers to spawn those enemies are when you're flying to the scud. it's not hard to avoid them if you have a good sense of where they are.
how consistently can you beat the siberia boss quickly? it took me probably 50 attempts to get this recording and it's still far from a perfect battle. at the beginning sometimes he'll just thrust forward at you and the alpha 1 is destroyed immediately. i have no idea how you could make a quick battle for a single segment run.
I timed your Siberia 4 route versus mine and yours is 30 seconds faster so I am learning it cause in a run that is most likely gonna be less than 65 minutes 30 seconds is a really big deal. There is a point where if I'm too far to the right I spawn a single Hoveros and if I'm a little to far left I spawn a swarm of helicopter aliens so it seems that the best strategy would be to make sure that if I mess up the route that I get the Hoveros cause a single Hoveros isn't really that big of a deal at that point.
I've fought the Siberia boss many many times and I'm actually pretty good at getting him to open with his lasers instead of the ram attack. I believe your position with respect to the boss has an effect on what attack he ends up using. It is a good idea to turn the alpha 1 slightly to the left or right before he warps in so that you are in a better position to dodge if he opens with the charge right off the back cause getting hit with the charge is pretty much RIP run.
As far as the other bosses go the Greece crab boss is by far the worst because being near him causes him to use his claw smash attack and he always chases you tryng to get close enough to use it. The Java boss is the most simple thing ever because he tries to stay a set distance away from you so you can kind of push him around where you want him. This is by far the easiest quick kill. The only hard part about the America boss is quickly finishing him after you knock off both arms and he starts to use his stomping attack. He also can just randomly start charghig at you aver and over but I think that this only happens if you get far away from him.
The first boss in the comet the giant electric thing(Scorpio according to marshmallow) is really interesting cause every attack he does seems to be dependent on how far away from him you are and it seems that there is a blind spot where if you are sitting a certain distance in front of him he will just let him shoot you in the face over and over without retaliating. This is the strategy if you save to try to get him to drop resonater. If you just do the whole comet in one go then the go through his legs and blast him while he tries to turn around strategy is also perfectly viable.
Final Boss Without Resonater at the start. -First thing to do is to take down the eliminater scorpions because they are dangerous and they have a pretty decent chance to drop resonater. You also want the hoveros things to be spawned as quickly as possible cause they also have a real good chance to drop resonater. If you don't get a resonater drop from one of the eliminaters you should try to kill the to arms at as close to the same time as possible basically whittle them both down to critical health then finish them both off quickly because one of the arms will drop resonater 100% of the time which will set you up for the second phase. If he hasn't spawned the hoveros things yet he will do it at the start of phase 2 and you can knock them out with resonater. Unless you get extremely unlucky they will drop another resonater ammo for you which is plenty enough to finish the fight.
getting a clean run of the comet it so insanely hard. in a single segment i dont think it can be nearly as fast as segmented because so much can go wrong so quickly compared to other levels... but here's my strats for the first part
Obviously I still need to practice the comet a good bit but this gives a pretty good idea of what I'm trying to do here route wise. 0:58- I totally should have made it over that hill. Only lost 7 seconds though. 2:45-I hate this part so much. The engines actually went pretty well. There is a slightly faster way to do the engines but I couldn't do it here because I needed a bunch of lazer missles for Scorpio and the final boss. Driving around the city went really well with the exception of me totally failing to get through the last gate. Its worth pointing out that for the finalized run I will be resetting if I don't get the Resonater ammo from the river because having it saves 30+ seconds.
America 1
This is a pretty good America 1. The scorpion manipulation could have been a few seconds faster and the second jump could have been set up a second or two faster as well. 2:59-BULLSHIT I had plenty of room to fly over those bugs!!!!! -At about 3:28 there is a spawn which is a couple of the helicopter aliens. Spawning them that close to the portal saves a ton of waiting and is well worth the extra couple seconds.going out of the way to spawn them. I actually got really unlucky here that the pulse shot knocked me into the shield wall. By standing in the spot I was standing if I hadn't had my position moved by being hit by the shot when I brought down the alien it would have knocked over both cacti making the entrance into America 2 much easier.
The first Java 2 Harvester was in a terrible spot. Unfortunately that wave makes a mutant so fast that I pretty much have to take it out. The other 2 harvesters that I take out only take a couple seconds each and make it so that I have no chance of game overing due to too many people getting eaten(which is a real risk if you don't take them out). The Java Tower regardless of how it goes its faster to just rush it with the crippled Gyro and hope for the best. I want to take our 3 pods before I lose the copter because the fourh pod goes down real fast with the combo of me shooting it and friendly fire and the main tower will usually fall from one grenade and friendly fire. The harvester that I take out in Java 3 is just me trying to quickly get a clear shot on the mosquito thing because it has a pretty good chance to destroy your jeep when your trying to get to the airport if you don't kill it. Also the harvester fell in like 1.5 seconds so that's not really that big a deal. The biggest possible time saver here would be to ignore the first wave in Java 2 and hope that you don't get a mutant but that is really really luck reliant.
On Siberia 2 there is a manipulation that you can do to make it so that you can keep the bulldozer long enough to drive it all the way to the VTOL saving quite a bit of time bit its really finicky and I didn't get it here. Siberia 2 processer wasn't the greatest but that is a really hard fight to do well. The cutscene in Siberia 3 where the rigs blow up only shows the explosions for the rigs where you don't save the workers so using your spare time to save some of them saves a couple seconds. The tower fight was almost perfect and it needed to be because if it had lasted 2 seconds longer I would have died so yeah that tower is insane. Really good boss fight.
Much improved Comet. This is 80+ seconds faster!
Still missed the jump over the wall the first time but the Alien City was really good this time.
So this is including transition to the next stage. Greece 10:50 Jave 13:40 America 11:00?Still need to do a full run of this stage with the new strategy. Siberia 18:00 Comet 10:15
Total time 1:03:45 so sub !:04 seems like a reasonable starting goal with current strats. This would probably be like 51 minutes game time cause we all know how good body harvest is at keeping proper game time
-when getting out of water you should tap Z to enter the shooting animation, this cancels the 'get out of water' animation and saves a half second each time. -in java 1 it should be faster to go for the airboat and drive it through to the kubelwagon. -in siberia 2 i never knew you could step into that shower thing to heal before you go into the reactor room, that's pretty neat. -siberia 3, did you notice in my newer video that you can just set the jet down directly on the surface of the lake? there's a small risk it will explode but you can get a feel for the proper height. maybe in single segment it's not worth the risk though... -siberia 3, interesting point about saving some rig workers to shorten the cutscene, never thought of that -siberia 3, you should use marshmallow's trick to start opening the door with 1 second left on the timer so you enter immediately when the cutscene is over -siberia 4, nice that you're trying the aggressive route but you can still spawn even fewer enemies so you don't need to spend time killing them later -new comet video is much better. clearly the extra resonators will speed up the engines significantly but for single segment you clearly just can't expect it. did you notice in my new comet video that you can go straight over the wall after the acid river, instead of circling around near the save point? i think you'll take more damage from the lightning turret bugs so maybe your route is safer for single segment though
with all of the newest strats, it seems a very clean individual-levels run in 5 segments using the most aggressive strats *should* be able to just barely get under an hour
here's my part 2 of the comet... the first engine was crappy but the rest was pretty good. the resonators save decent time, this is a minute faster than your improved comet video lefty.
I find it extremely satisfying that we're now in the Near Future of the game, and there's still active progress on running it. Maybe someone should get it polished enough to run it at SGDQ?
Basically I'm going to want the extra resonater for 6 ammo. I would use 2 for the dark alpha command fight. I would use 2 more on the first engine I go to(the one with those flying things that use the electric beam attack) and collect a couple lazer missles and the power bombs. Each other engine would basically be power bomb strats as seen in the video picking up the power bomb pickup to use on the next engine. This saves 2 resonater for the first form of the final boss which is very nice cause it knocks the two arms down to pretty much critical health allowing you to quickly finish them with whatever fragcannon/lazer missles you have left.
This strategy significantly lessens the ammo requirement and it may be possible to get away with one tree and one crystal tower(20fragcannon/15 lazer missles).
here's a faster strategy against scorpio, 9-10 seconds faster than in my video above... basically try to circle backwards against the gate, and as soon as scorpio dies you can back straight up the hill and get an instant door entry. it seems if you enter the building at the exact right moment, you can skip daisy's "yeehaw" message. you can get to the door a second or two faster than in this video but you'll get the message which costs a couple seconds anyway so it really just evens out
here's a faster strategy against scorpio, 9-10 seconds faster than in my video above... basically try to circle backwards against the gate, and as soon as scorpio dies you can back straight up the hill and get an instant door entry. it seems if you enter the building at the exact right moment, you can skip daisy's "yeehaw" message. you can get to the door a second or two faster than in this video but you'll get the message which costs a couple seconds anyway so it really just evens out
That is actually a really odd fight because after he shot the lightning at you at 0:10 he just stopped doing anything even though you were far enough away that I feel he probably should have been shooting missles at you. At the end of single segment especially since I will be coming into this fight with sub optimal health moving far enough away from him where he may start shooting missles seems like a proposition that may be too risky to be worth it. The missles do so much damage that it would only have taken 2 of them to kill you at the health you were at(maybe 1 they really hurt). I do intend to position myself as close to that gate as possible where I can still get a safe kill and that figures to only be a few seconds slower than what you did here.
after fighting him a bunch of times it seems rare for him to start shooting missiles if you're positioned near the gate. sometimes he will try to ram you but if you're up tight against the gate it seems like he has a really hard time hitting you. a piece of health seems to always spawn near the gate when scorpio dies too, which you can pick up while you're backing up towards the building or while you're driving down after kicking the brain.
as for resonators it seems to me that 1 against the final boss is best, as it weakens both arms AND takes out the two mantis guys at once. for single segment i think the engines have the most potential for stuff to go wrong with the million enemies chasing you so it's best to take out the engines quick with resonators. the less time you spend up there the better.
as for resonators it seems to me that 1 against the final boss is best, as it weakens both arms AND takes out the two mantis guys at once. for single segment i think the engines have the most potential for stuff to go wrong with the million enemies chasing you so it's best to take out the engines quick with resonators. the less time you spend up there the better.
The difference here is really only one resonater because I am behind using 2 on the engines and you want to use 3. The amount of extra time that it will take to finish the first phase of the final boss without the second resonater is several seconds more than the time you would gain having one extra resonater for the engines.
The plasma bomb strategy against the engines is also pretty easy. The plasma bombs themselves will help thin the crowd a little especially the aliens that warp in at the engines themselves because any alien within any reasonable range of a plasma bomb explosion is dead. The only really dangerous engine is the one where the flying electrical things(Jade Dragons according to marshmallow). That is why I feel that 2 resonaters should be used there. My engine route also makes it so that the last engine has the bike things spawn on the steps in a positon where you can usually run at least one of them over for some quick health.
Its also worth pointing out that there is a very real chance that both of the mantis things with the final boss will drop power bomb ammo which is really hard to use against the final boss effectively.
i found a way to launch into the alien city directly where the engines are. curiously, the gate blocking access to the overmind does not appear until you drive through one of the two gates that lock behind you on the way to dark adam. so just launch into the city, head straight for the overmind, and fight the final boss.
this is only the first spot in found to launch into the city, i'm sure there are more. but even if not, this should save 2-3 minutes i think. you only get one attempt at the launch but i think with practice it can be consistent enough for a single segment run. the key is to get some extra speed by driving forward up the hill before you reverse and start firing fragcannon shots.
unfortunately this launch spot is all the way in the northwest corner of the map so it's quite a journey. the big question will be what route to take. i haven't done any testing yet, but the northern route through the crystal waste is appealing because you can pick up a shitload of resonators and absolutely obliterate the final boss.
fun fact, if you destroy the engines and start the scorpio fight, that gate to the overmind still won't appear. you can drive right up and make the final boss appear--- scorpio will die during the cutscene. it would have been cool to fight both at once though =P
edit: i played around with some speed attempts at a northern route. i can get to the final battle in about 3 minutes with about 10 resonator. unfortunately it seems like this speed route spawns so many enemies that the game likes to freeze when you start that final cutscene where the final boss warps in. not sure how many enemies we'll have to kill along the way to prevent it freezing =/
bh guy you are amazing I think this officially makes sub-hour SS possible.
As far as the enemies go the vast majority of them can be cleared with some properly positioned Resonater use. You only need 3 to start the final boss cause one of his first set of arms will ALWAYS drop Resonater and you need 3 for each phase. I think the final phase is consistently faster with Lazer Missles cause if you try to get near him to Resonater him he might just start warping away from you. While I don't think the jump will ever be 100% it should be easier than crazy bum rushing the Alien City for the engines. It is also worth pointing out that some enemies up to the north can be skipped by avoiding their spawn range(most notably a pair of Suppressors which is awesome cause those things suck).
the last couple days i've spent a shameful amount of time glitching around on the comet. look at my youtube channel for videos of all this, i'm not going to post a dozen videos in a row here. mega info dump incoming:
-- i found several new launches to get straight to the final boss. one at the northeast engine, another one at the northwest engine, one at the southwest engine, and one into the detention center. the northeast or southwest are probably fastest for the speedrun. i'll keep looking for a launch to the southeast engine as that is probably fastest of all.
-- using all of these you can basically go anywhere at any time and cause all of the bosses to appear out of order, with interesting results.
1. destroy all engines to create the trigger for scorpio. then launch into the detention center and spawn dark adam. now the trigger for scorpio extends outside of that central courtyard and a little ways into the detention center, so you can trigger him from there. when scorpio spawns, dark adam will die instantly.
2. you can drive straight into the central tower during the scorpio fight, and when you come back down and trigger the final boss, scorpio will die instantly during the cutscene.
3. the mantis guys that spawn with the final boss can push you through any of the gates in that central courtyard. you can spawn the final boss then get pushed through to the detention center and have dark alpha 1 running around at the same time. if you kill it, the door to daisy still won't unlock though.
4. if you spawn scorpio AFTER the final boss has appeared, the final boss will instantly die, but the game will freeze just as the humanoid dark adam is about to appear mid-air. (insanely convoluted method to do this: park the alpha 1 on the engine-side of the the gates, then run over to the central tower, kick the brain, and start the final boss fight. get the mantis to push you through to where you parked alpha 1. go around and kill all the engines. now get back to the central courtyard, either by launching into the detention center or by using the walk-through-gate glitch at the fundus forest entrance.)
--- if you escape the final boss fight, no enemies will appear anywhere in the entire level.
--- the game apparently auto-saves without telling you after you kick the brain, but doesn't set you to spawn back in the central courtyard. so if you kick the brain then select the file again, you get to watch the comet's beginning cutscene again, BUT: the map screen has daisy's "let's get out of here" message, every rainbow gate in the level is activated, and the boss fight will trigger instantly if you launch yourself back into the central courtyard.
Been messing around with this and it seems that the game really doesn't like it if there are enemies chasing you when the final boss spawns. I think that I have a solution. There is a way I think that this situation can be fixed but it will require one of the resonater routes to achieve. The NW entry is probably going to be most practical for a SS and I can get to the final boss in under 4 minutes consistently but the game freezes because of the enemies so I found out that you can save in the Alien City and reload the game. This does not affect your ability to go straight to the hive mind and saving and reloading despawns every enemy on the map. Now it is merely a matter of driving to the hivemind and using a resonater or 2 at the spawn points you are forced to cross so that there are no enemies.
bh guy you could help out by testing this route and see if it stops the freezing at the final boss consistently cause I'm not very consistent at the jump into the city at all and you would be able to save state it. Resonaters are used very liberally to clear enemies. I also take down 3 suppressors in the beginning of the level. I tried 2 and it still froze at the final boss so maybe 3 is what you need.
So this is including transition to the next stage. Greece 10:50 Jave 13:40 America 11:40 Siberia 18:00 Comet 6:00 These add up to one hour and 10 seconds but there is 30 seconds to be had in Siberia if I get the bug manipulation in Siberia 2 and another 15 if I ignore the first Harvester wave in Java 2 and take my chances with the mutant and that would push it down to 59:25 so sub hour really looks possible now especially if I end up being able to beat some of these estimates by a good deal(looking at you Java and Greece).