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The Dork Knight himself.
Since cojo asked, here's how I rebound my mousewheel for grate ripping.

AA keeps multiple different copies of ini files in 2 places. The first is in the game folder itself (Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY\BmGame\Config). The second set, which contains your actual key bindings and command aliases, is located in your My Documents folder (My Documents\Square Enix\Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY\BmGame\Config).

Open up UserInput.ini and search for whatever key you normally have for run/glide/open, which for most is spacebar, and you'll find this line:
.Bindings=(Name="SpaceBar",Command="ContextSensitive | Run | CapeGlide | AcceptConversation | Evade | CancelBatarangCamera", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false):META:COM_RUN_GLIDE_USE,0,-1,-1,"bRunButton",false,false,CI_RunGlide,CI_Interact

Now that we know the command, it's time to change the mousewheel to match. In Unreal, the mousewheel is named MouseScrollUp and MouseScrollDown. Copy/paste the above command at the bottom of the ini file twice, and change the Name="SpaceBar" accordingly. Once you're done, the last two commands should look like this:

.Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp",Command="ContextSensitive | Run | CapeGlide | AcceptConversation | Evade | CancelBatarangCamera", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false):META:COM_RUN_GLIDE_USE,0,-1,-1,"bRunButton",false,false,CI_RunGlide,CI_Interact
.Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown",Command="ContextSensitive | Run | CapeGlide | AcceptConversation | Evade | CancelBatarangCamera", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false):META:COM_RUN_GLIDE_USE,0,-1,-1,"bRunButton",false,false,CI_RunGlide,CI_Interact

Save the file, then set it to read-only to make sure the game doesn't override your change. For some reason the game is set so the mousewheel is permanently set to changing weapons and the UI for changing your controls is set to not recognize the wheel for binds. This little fix just gets around that.

Another thing you'll notice is that Unreal binds are very complex, most of which are a series of situation specific commands bunched together. It is possible to make your own alias that only has 1 specific command in it and not the rest, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be SDA legal to use them.
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OllieJS100: 2014-05-28 11:16:38 am
Arkham Speedrunner
So i think i figured it out guys! I am pretty sure the auto gel detonation upgrade makes croc jump out early in the final croc fight. Ill post a highlight Cheesy

Worth noting that i only tried this once but i certainly seems like this is the reason

EDIT: This is definitly the thing that causes it Smiley saves quite a bit of time
Arkham speed runner.
How strange! but it's a good time save none the less.
The Dork Knight himself.
So we have a new time to beat for the Easy Any% category: 1:41:44. Still a lot of time to clean up from that one. Sub 1:40 looks to be almost possible.
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OllieJS100: 2014-05-31 01:30:00 am
Arkham Speedrunner
Haha just watched your reaction to looking at the timer Jay Cheesy congrats on the time i'm coming for ya! Smiley
The Dork Knight himself.
Robo asked for it, so here it is. This is the Holding Cells fight looks like on Easy. Technically speaking I can save about 2-3 seconds on this but that's about it. The question is whether or not Gordon will begin his convo quicker by getting Batman to "see" the security monitor as soon as possible after the fight is over. If you notice, once I'm out of the cell and look in the direction of the monitor Gordon kicks in with his own dialog and practically cuts off Joker's line.

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cojosao: 2014-07-07 03:31:46 am
Arkham speedrunner
Binding mousewheel is something that can't be done ingame, correct? I don't think I can do it. That seems illegal, at least for SDA submission.
The Dork Knight himself.
It can't be done in-game due to a developer oversight that was corrected with City. Personally I don't see anything wrong with it since it's not a custom bind, just manually bound to a different key. Half-Life and Quake runners are allowed to get away with way more custom binds than people realize and those runs are still perfectly legal.
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cojosao: 2014-08-16 09:55:51 am
cojosao: 2014-08-16 09:54:52 am
cojosao: 2014-08-16 09:54:51 am
cojosao: 2014-08-16 09:54:51 am
Arkham speedrunner
So for the Xbox B button, find dat UserInput.ini in My Documents\Square Enix\Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY\BmGame\Config (maybe it's Eidos Interactive if you bought the game years ago) and add this in the end:

.Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown",Command="HangFromVantagePoint | BlockBreaker | DebugCamMoreSpeed | OnRelease DebugCamNormalSpeed | ExitAgilityMode | SkipCutscene | CancelGadget | DebugMenuSelectB | CancelBatarangCamera")

After that, set the file to read-only (Right click > Properties > Read-only).

So if you have the MouseWheelUp one from Jay's post and the MouseWheelDown one here, you're on your way to mwheel cheating like a motherfucker.

NOTE: You can't use this to skip prerendered cutscenes, those are handled a bit differently.  Convos and in game cutscenes, well those don't exist anymore Tongue
faster, yet just as inebriated
Holy friggin crap. I havent checked this thread in months and now you can SKIP THE BELL!?!?!? Soooo tasty. And Sunday night races? My buddy and I raced so far this year 13 times on asylum. We used to be at the 2:03:00 mark but no bell?!?!? (hard any %) incidentally, the botanical gardens pred room skip both sides was told to Darth by my buddy Tim in an email months ago. He wanted to see an even more amazing official time since we didn't have capture cards or that godly execution. (we are usually drunk. Very drunk.) so excited to get on posting a few vids or our new NO BELL runs. I'm seriously blown away by that
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honorableJay: 2014-08-31 04:37:48 pm
The Dork Knight himself.
Yeah once Diablohead and Ollie got into the mix the game was decimated pretty quickly. If you want to get in on the racing action, join #batman on the SRL irc servers.

And a drunk...very drunk.......race sounds like a cool idea Wink
Arkham speedrunner
Hard 100% in 2:58

I'm still going for a faster time with better fights and such as well as without Steam message noises
nice run cojosao.  sub-3 is fantastic.  seems a few fights are skippable (i think any area you access via grate is skippable once you have the batclaw), and do you need to talk to aaron cash about ivy because of the bell skip causing problems cuz at least in casual playthrough that conversation's skippable as well if memory serves.
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cojosao: 2014-11-10 07:57:05 pm
Arkham speedrunner
Quote from wfp:
nice run cojosao.  sub-3 is fantastic.  seems a few fights are skippable (i think any area you access via grate is skippable once you have the batclaw), and do you need to talk to aaron cash about ivy because of the bell skip causing problems cuz at least in casual playthrough that conversation's skippable as well if memory serves.

Which areas in particular are you speaking about skipping?
And speaking to Aaron Cash in the Mansion isn't required due to bell skip but instead to spawn the three teeth under the sniper guarding Arkham North.  If you skip Cash (like any%) then those teeth don't appear ever.
i think specifically i was referring to the snipers guarding the mansion entrance, the guards in the first room of the mansion, and getting into young's office (though i think you may need to do this fight exiting if you don't entering).  all these fights are between 47-53 minute marks.  there may be others but these three in relatively close proximity were the ones that stood out to me.

and yeah, i figured talking to aaron cash must spawn something critical to 100% (my assumption was that you needed to do something to prevent scarecrow 2 from still triggering when you went back to get the riddles from that area) as i didn't think it was necessary to any%.  been a while since i looked at this game, so i may be off in my observations.
Arkham speedrunner
I took out the guys guarding the entrance for safety, as they occasionally feel the need to look behind them and spot me if I don't (especially coming from that angle since I'm not practiced in 100% as much as any%).

The guys in the entrance: I don't know why I fought them.  Must have slipped my mind Tongue

For the guys at Young's office, I'm pretty sure they would still be there after the fact if you don't take them out earlier, and it's just simpler to get them when their backs are turned to you.
Arkham speed runner.
i'm looking into doing some more console runs at some point, I have a theory which might match loading times closer to the pc then before using external storage as some games load faster from a good usb stick or usb hdd, I want to see if the arkham series does the same thing.
Arkham Speedrunner
Uh oh, if diablo can match our loading screen times then how will i win against you in races
Arkham speed runner.
I don't think a 360 can match a pc in raw loading speeds, but shaving 30 seconds off my console time would be nice.

With the new SRL main page settings we should all be appearing there if you have 1+ hour of race time on your account, so what better time to return then now.
The Dork Knight himself.
So, does anybody remember that really hard Ivy strat for Easy?

Well I did some testing and found out that ANY batarang will work, not just a manually aimed standard batarang. The best way to do it I've found is this:
1. Stand in the center, as far back as you can
2. Between each vine wave you get 5 free shots (quick-multi-quick, quick, quick)
3. After the last two quick rangs, hold down to get Batman to face the camera
4. Just after the first set of vines come out of the ground throw a quick batarang

If you can nail all of them you'll get an extra wave of vine attacks before the second half of phase 1 since her health will be under half. This triggers the two vine attack with the delayed vines (same as in phase 2) and will always start on the left side. This gets in one extra sneak attack before she does the normal orb bombardment.
The Dork Knight himself.

The Dork Knight himself.
This is fun (pay attention to what part of the game I'm at).

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honorableJay: 2014-11-26 07:03:01 pm
The Dork Knight himself.
Ok, so here's what's going on:

Just like Deus Ex, the idea is to grab the item numerous times before the engine can remove it from the game world. This only works on the ? trophies and the maps. Since Asylum will buffer inputs in between frames, everytime you can get the use command in before the next frame, they'll all execute at the same time on the trophy. To test this, I used a macro that would press/release the spacebar with a 1ms delay. Here are the results.

30fps - 15 grabs
60fps - 5 grabs
120fps - not tested

Since the macro let me buffer a use input every 2 ms, the results definitely make sense. 30fps has a delay of 33ms between frames (max would be 16 grabs), 60fps has a 16ms delay (max of 7 grabs), and 120fps has an 8ms delay (maybe 3 max if you're lucky). To do this manually, I used my mousewheel use bind for grate ripping to pickup the first trophy in the game numerous times.

30fps - 9 grabs
60fps - 2 grabs
120fps - 2 grabs

Apparently my mousewheel doesn't input quick enough for 60 or 120 to do it reliably enough. I'm gonna try a test run to see if this will speed up hard mode by letting us run by nearly every trophy instead of stopping to pick up a bunch of extras.

Just to note, this doesn't trick the game into completing the trophy collections early. While the counter will get really messed up, the game still keeps track of all individual trophies and will not complete the Riddler challenge until you've picked them all up.
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Diablohead: 2014-11-29 06:13:00 am
Arkham speed runner.
Does that trick give you extra exp from each trophy?

Only problem I see with this is that it's going to rely on a macro or mouse wheel bind which I already find a little off putting.

*edit* since you can macro fast inputs can you try something for me? play the game on a new file up until you get to the doctors you save in the pred room outside the closed lift, do that part but before going to save the other 3 doctors can you try dive rolling at the left side of the elevator door, straight on from a standing away distance and mash the use/action button?

On the 360 you can make a prompt to press A to grab ledge appear if you dive at the lift but it's only one frame long, i've never been able to grab the ledge through the lift door.
The Dork Knight himself.
Yes you get the 200 experience everytime you pick up the trophy. So if you're able to get 5 dupes you get 1000xp.

As for Medical, I tried testing it at 30fps but I could not get the prompt to show up. It's possible I'm not doing it from the right spot. Do you have a picture or video showing where exactly I'm aiming?