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I'll post it as soon as my girlfriend gets done watching her movie. I am satisfied with it. When I am getting attacked by Kalas I remove cards from my hand that will allow me to perform a high damage "straight" attack. I really try for every attack to be a straight or full house or I reset. It is difficult to pull this off and not mix the elements I attack with and negate their power. To defend against Kalas I also use anti-paralysis gear. Xelha has the Golden Bracelet, Lyude has the Amethyst Earrings, and Gabari is supposed to have the Moonlight Creel but I elected not to buy it when I had the chance. Kalas always knows to paralyze Gabari and then use Fangs of Darkness to regain his life. For this fight I was pounding on Kalas for most of the way and when Kalas decided to use Fangs of Darkness I was able to use a defense aura and completely disrupt his attack ending his turn. After that I believe I attacked twice watched Kalas shuffle his deck and then finished him off with some beautiful combos. The final shot I handed him was over 1,000 damage and just put him over the 9,000 damage mark and was enough to kill him. After that it's like 15 minutes of dialouge which is hard to sit through.

Kalas Fight.
Edit history:
Flip: 2011-02-25 12:41:49 am
<3 Lyude

Edit: just watched the battle.  Nice job.  Props for staying alive.
I just finished my new speed run of Baten Kaitos. I defeat Malpercio for the final time in 10 hours and 20 minutes. You'll be hearing from me soon as it will take weeks to edit these videos.
Waiting hurts my soul...
I look forward to watching this after I've played through the game.
Quote from scottimu5:
I just finished my new speed run of Baten Kaitos. I defeat Malpercio for the final time in 10 hours and 20 minutes. You'll be hearing from me soon as it will take weeks to edit these videos.

Wow. Never seriously tried to run this game but I'm surprised you got it this low. Are you submitting this version or are you going to try and beat it?
I will be submitting this for sure. Doing this run made my life hell to get it right. I made it as far as Duhr and then started a new run. I am very satisfied with it. I cut down on a lot of time and made the two videos I posted on this thread completely obselete. It is bad ass.
That time sounds very impressive.  I will be watching this speedrun when it's ready.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Wow. 10 1/2 hours? That's way faster than I ever thought was possible, even without going for the extra stuff for Xelha and whatnot. My first test run was like 18 hours (although that was with a lot of screwing around trying to find useful stuff and not doing segments over), so at least I still have the second-best time ever. <_<;
I did do Xelha's sidequest because it's so fast. I am halfway through editing. There will be over 100 segments. I'll post it on youtube periodically in the next couple of days during the submission process to SDA. I am eager as it will be my first one. I still need to cut a sample but I have in the past with the same video software. I also need to write up the description which I am looking forward to but will take some time as I am in school. I can't wait to get some feedback. I know that I made minor mistakes but overall it's quite good. Probably close to three months and 200 hours. Hang tight, I'll get it ready quickly.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hey small mistakes aren't that bad over such a long game. I said before "Realistically 13 hours, minimum". You blasted that out of the water, so I think small mistakes shouldn't matter.

And if you need any help getting this ready (that I can do of course), just ask. This game is too good not to be shown pushed to its limit.

A taste of what's to come. I am uploading the vids to youtube in reverse order. I don't want to spoil the run but check this fight out. This took me about 5 consecutive hours to pull off. It's the longest segment of the run, except for the very long end segment. I am just awaiting an e-mail from Mike to start submission and am looking forward to the verification process.
Debonair is cool guy, yes?
Nice work!  Looking forward to watching the run soon.
I'm done! The entire run is on youtube. WATCH THE PLAYLIST ON MY CHANNEL SO YOU DON'T GO CRAZY. With 96 videos it takes forever to manage them. Anyway I don't think there will be any mistakes so check them out. I am scottimus432 or search a few pages in on Baten Kaitos. By the way my run needs verifiers for the SDA site to submit this run. If anyone's interested go to the verification link and sign up. Later.
Sup Peteybool
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Damn my visibility! I'm watching the first parts of the run. I don't know if I'll actually have enough time to watch it all right now (finals and whatnot, I shouldn't even be awake), but I will definitely see the rest next week.