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Vulajin: 2016-12-23 07:28:56 pm
Vulajin: 2014-12-08 12:43:46 am
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:42:37 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:42:13 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:41:08 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:40:41 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:40:21 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:39:45 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:39:12 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:25:58 pm
Vulajin: 2014-10-31 06:19:20 pm
Bastion is a brawler made by Supergiant Games and released in 2011 for the Xbox 360 and, later, PC, Mac, and Linux. There's also an iOS version.

IRC channel: - #bastion

Make an account to submit your times! Note that submissions will have to be approved by a leaderboard moderator before becoming visible.

Everyone plays the PC version, because mouse+keyboard controls ("Mason style") allow you the fastest movement (mouse movement speed is added to your rolls if you are holding the mouse button while rolling). Load times appear to be consistent across versions, 4.4 seconds per load (give or take a few frames).

Time starts when you are able to move the Kid after he gets up at the start of the game. (Set your split program to start at -1.1 seconds and start it when you click to get up; or set it to -18.4 seconds and start it when you click to start a new game.) Time ends when you click either the "Restoration" or "Evacuation" button in the Heart of the Bastion to choose an ending.

Speedrun categories:
NG ASL - complete all story levels (Proving Grounds not required) on New Game mode.
NG+ ASL - complete all story levels (Proving Grounds not required) on New Game Plus mode.
NG any% - complete New Game mode as quickly as possible. (uses core duplication)
NG+ any% - complete New Game Plus mode as quickly as possible. (uses core duplication)

Item duplication:
A major glitch which permits about 2/3 of the game to skipped. To do it, bind the "interact" control to either mouse wheel up or down. When you are within range to pick up an item, scroll your scroll wheel rapidly in the appropriate direction. If done correctly, you will pick up the item twice. Picking up a core/shard twice allows you to access levels earlier than normal and finish the game early by collecting 14 cores+shards without having to progress all the way through Tazal Terminals.

LawyerDog's NG ASL tutorial:
- Parts of this are out of date, but in general this is a great resource that every runner should watch at some point, even if you're only running any% categories.
Vulajin's any% tutorials: NG any% and NG+ any%
- Out of date routes, but lots of detail about individual level strats that are still relevant.
Vulajin's NG ASL tutorial: Link
- Up to date as of September 2014, intended to be a companion to LawyerDog's tutorial.
SnowySnowWolf's NG any% tutorial:
- Up to date as of October 2014, good overview of the current NG any% route.

Make sure you watch the current top runs on the leaderboards to learn the most up-to-date route!

Original post by Wago below:

Quote from Wago:
With the PC release right around the corner. I was planing on doing a run for this game.
I love this game to bits, and i beat the game somewhere around 10 times before i was even thinking of doing a speed run of it.

I did some test runs on the xbla version however, and my personal best is 1:14:50 but with the hopefully shorter loadtimes of the PC version I think a sub 1:00:00 would be possible.

I haven't found to many beneficial glitches either, just a few that save just a few sec. And one I haven't figured out yet. That let me upgrade my weapons more then suggested... If that made sense...

Also, im new hereembarassed
Thread title:  
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
Hello Wago, and welcome to speed demos archive... Smiley  That was probably my 2nd or 3rd welcome this week...

Anyway, Bastion is a great game, and deserves a speed run, that's for sure.  However, you have left out one or two details Mr. Wago...  While the PC will probably have a faster loading time (loading times in an XBLA game seems a bit redundant, I agree) I think someone can do a speed run on both the XBLA and PC due to different versions.  Someone can probably re-clarify this when they get the chance...

You also didn't say if your personal best was based off of a first playthrough or a 2nd...  If we are talking about a first playthrough, then it is pretty straightforward in what you can do.  However, if this is a 2nd playthrough then you have to figure out what weapons to use, upgrades to apply and power up to attach...  I would guess that you can probably make use of 2 or 3 power ups maybe and that's it (like the one that gives you 25% more damage... I'll have to play it again to be sure).

Finally, let's talk weapons...  From what I can tell, there are really only four weapons worth while...
The Hammer- most damage
The Staff- best reach
The Shotgun- spread fire
The Rifle- most damaging ranged weapon

Personally I would go with Staff and shotgun because while the hammer hits harder, the staff feels like a more effective weapon...  Again, can't say for sure, but that's why we have these thread to help each other out...

Finally I wouldn't be surprised if we see a 100%  completion run on this game, after all besides the stages, we also have the trails as well.  And while some are a cake walk with upgraded weapons, other can still be tricky to do in one go...

Personally I would perfer if this was under the Newer consoles, but because this game is coming out next week on steam, no reason to change it now...  If you (Wago) are going to consider perfoming a speed run for Bastion, I wish you the best of luck...
Well I sure am considering it. And I would even consider running both the PC and the XBLA version of it. I just don't have a capture card or any means of recording my console, And i got a limited buget.

And yeah my personal best is a new game+, using mainly the Brusher's Pike and the calamity cannon, With the brusher sweep (mostly)as a secret technique.
My pike and cannon are actually glitched to have extra upgrades (no idea how it happend) so at least the pike is pretty OP and out damages the hammer.

Some levels have triggers when you actually pick up weapons, so your limited to using them. The rifle, and the hand grenade comes in mind.

I've played with several different setups. And this seems most effective as of now.

My new game PR is about 1:20 since i have to change weapons, and have to equip new spirits and weapons as i level up/get them.
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
I went back to playthrough it again, and for a new game plus, I think the best course of action would be just to equip your best melee and range and skip adding a skill for now...  Reason being is that you will have to go through the trouble to add it first off, but it would be replaced anyway once you get the grenades then after you finish the stage, you can add the actual skill you wanted...  I doubt though that the skills are really needed so to speak, or at least in my case...  Regardless, I'll try and remember the other stages that require you to pick up something...  However, I am just slightly concerned about one stage, the one where you get your flamethrower...  would it be faster to skip getting the flamethrower, or to take it for that stage, and then swap out later?

This is how Planning works Wago, we give either advice as to how to approach the run and the best way of getting stuff done... Smiley
Thanks for the input, I'm gonna play the flamethrower level and time my self and see what times i can get. I know some of the bushes(or what ever they are) you can actually roll outside and skip.
That and the quarry is still some of the trickiest levels though.

Only reason i picked a skill to begin with was because the boss in the quarry, With the brush sweep you can just roll up to him and use the brush sweep, and if he is close enough to the edge. he gets pushed down, and insta killed. Saves a decent amount of time. Other then that, i don't use it that much. The grenade is decent and I could probably just have it equipped until then.

I also found one skip on the level with the anklegator, if you stand in the tall grass, she launches you in to the air. and you can bypass some of the barriers. Only managed it on 2 so far though.
Edit history:
Wago: 2011-08-11 05:47:28 pm

This is one of the glitches in the game, you can actually upgrade your weapons to the max, but no one seems to know how to. It just happends randomly. This could be really beneficial though.
This is what I've come up with so far.

Spirits in New Game +, I've been running with

Squirt Cider - +10 Max Health
Dreadrum - +10% Critical Hit Chance / Active only when at full health
Werewhiskey - +100% Critical Hit Chance / Active only when below 33% Health
Black Rye - +2 Black Tonic Capacity
Bull Brandy - +15% Damage Resistance
Stabsinthe - Automatically Retaliate When Injured
Graver Gimlet - +5% Chance to turn zealous after defeating a foe / while zealous, gain +200% damage for 3 seconds
Leechade - Gain some health by striking foes / -66% health tonic potency
Doomshine - +10% Critical Hit chance / -10 max health
Cham-Pain - +25% Damage / -1 chance to carry on if defeated

Others I've considered are
Whale ale - 25% damage using secret skills
Cinderbrick stout - +33% speed while defending (Not defending enough to make this worth it probably)

Regarding buildings i don't really know if there matters to much in which order I build them. But the shrine is the least important. And on the right side the lost and found I would consider the most important.

Upgrading the lost and found gives me some new spirits like the leechade that can really help at points.

In a new game, the distillery and the arsenal is the only once that matter, unless someone would go for a 10/10 idol run of sorts, then the shrine would have to be first i guess.

In a new game I hit level 2 before entering the bastion the first time. And just go with Dreadrum and Werewhiskey
Equipping either Whale Ale, bastion Bourbon (extra potions) or squirt cider when i hit level 3.
Considering weapons in a new game, I don't know if its worth getting the machete in the Workmen ward, would only cost a few seconds, and it appears the machete don't have any form of cool down. So fast button mashing = better damage then the hammer.
Also one of the first upgrade for the machete is a damage over time debuff, that comes really handy later on.

After the Workmen ward i tend to go for The sundown path for the grenade skill, and just stick to that for pretty m
uch the rest of the game.

The melting pot is really straight forward, just get to the switch, activate it avoid picking up the trip mines by accident as they aren't very useful.

The hanging garden is a pretty awful level, because if i roll to fast, i will just out roll the terrain, and fall to my death. other then that there's not much to it.

After returning to the bastion again, I can trade my grenade for a Graver slash, which is a really good single target skill, and easier to use then the grenade. I usually also get the first upgrade for the machete here.

Pyth Orchard, nothing to it, roll in kill Pyth use the shrine, and get out.

Cinderbrick fort, Might be worth getting the musket on this level, I think it is, needs some experimenting.
Other then that its straight forward, kill the trigger enemies. move on to the end.
There is also a bug on this level, that allows you to get to the exit without the core, and break the game, 'til where you can't progress anymore.

Langston river, while on the times boat ride is the perfect time to use a ranged weapon and grind some experiences, I usually hit level 3 around here or the level after prosper bluff, as its not needed to kill anything on this level.

The wild outskirts, first thing you find on this level are the dueling pistols, and i honestly don't think they are worth anyones time in a speedrun.
When picking up the core, there is a few moments before the screen fades to black, and removes the barrier. But there is actually a way to get through the barrier, and get a head start and save a few seconds.

Jawson bug, first enemies here are the stink eyes. and they like to just hide behind cover. This is where the machete debuff is gold. This level also have the first major enemy encounter.

Routhus Lagoon, now this level actually have a known skip, this probably saves more time in a new game then a new game +, as you don't one shot the trigger enemies. I also get the pike that i keep for the rest of the game. And picking up the skill in the level makes the boss much easier, and you can damage her enough in 2 cycles to open the exit.

Point lemain, this is an annoying level, as it forces you to pick up a weapon, in a new game i would just use this until i get the calamity canon anyways. But in a new game + I'd rather not pick it up. And most of the level is auto scrolling, so only think I can do is try to get as much experience as i can during it.

Colford Cauldron, I find the pike to be much better then the flamethrower in this area, even in new game ,and new game +

Mount Zand, avoid the mortar, and don't even bother to kill the boss. Just roll to the exit.

Burstone Quarry, this level is just about knowing what switches to use, and killing the boss. Haven't figured out a way to consistently beat him on a new game yet.

During the siege off the bastion, just die as fast as possible. The Cham-pain spirit helps with this, sadly you don't have it on a first play through

Urzendra gate, being reckless here will easily kill me, when picking up the core, a guy if suppose to steal it back, if he gets killed the game is pretty much broken. And there's no way to progress.

Zulten hollow, pick up calamity cannon wreck havoc! And don't kill your self.

Tazal Terminals, the last and longest level, first section is pretty easy to die when your only level 3, luckily all potions get refilled after the load screen, Next section is my least favorite, in the game, i don't like the jumping mechanics. and being reckless can easily kill me. The next load screen don't refill your potions, but there are some around the "boss" area.
Next section really slows the movement down, with the new weapon. but using the skill here to clear out stuff in the way is faster then  striking me way though, Also potions get refilled after the load screen.

Im pretty sure leaving sulf is faster then saving him.

Probably making some wip videos when its out for pc.

Any input would be greatly appreciated, or if anyone else is thinking of running this game, i'd like your view on this.
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
To be honest Wogo, I think it is faster to actually save the guy instead of leaving him...  Whereas you have to fight your way through and stopping to hit people, you just keep walking forward...  I'll double check to be sure and post a comparison soon... Other than that, you strategy looks pretty good...

As for the skills, I believe those are for the best, although I feel as though you don't really need to equip all ten slots...  I mean, it is very convenient of course, however you may see that you aren't really going to need one or two of them...  Doomshine and squirt cider cancel each other out and gives better critical, cham-pain also helps speed things along well and bull brandy will help to make sure you don't die fast.  However Graver Gimlet seems to be a rarity to get and if you do get zealous, it probably won't last long enough to actually be effective, so I wouldn't use it, while at the same time (as I said in an earlier post) black Rye isn't really useful if you aren't spamming your special skills...  Then there is the Dreadrum, werewhiskey and leechade.  Leechade is good, but I feel that you can make use of either or unless if you see that you are going to be in the critical more often times than time, or at full health.

For order of buildings, you are right, no reason to put it in order because you aren't really going to need to use it too much in either or mode... although if you were going to attempt a "FULL IDOL" speed run, then probably shrine goes first (as you said, although it is hard to say if anyone would be crazy enough to try that)...

It is a bit of nickpicking and for all I may know, you can make it work out, but you should see if there might be a possiblity to not equip all slots to save time.
Edit history:
Wago: 2011-08-15 11:20:11 pm
The spirits I'm still playing around with a lot.

And i've been thinking a lot about if its actually worth equipping them all, and i think your right, it could probably just do with a few.
In a new game + health isn't a problem unless I play real reckless on the last level. But i could probably do with just the damage boosting once. and bull brandy.
So that would be
Bull Brandy
Doomshine (Maybe)
and Dreadrum (Maybe)

Black rye maybe
When it comes to the skills, it seems like at least when using the pike, A skill can cancel out the attack animation. And that's pretty useful someplaces.
Don't know if I'll ever need more then 3 of them at the time though. Ill have to look in to this.

Could probably even go as far as not using the + critical chance once, and relying on chance is nothing i really wanna do.
In a new game + Cham-Pain is the real time saver, as the once extra continue saves time at the seige on bastion.

So well could probably do with just that one.

Regarding the leechade, i did a couple of runs yesterday, and I've decided its not worth it, on the later levels in a new game, reducing the heal from potions is horrible.
But its excellent when doing the who knows where 10/10 idol runs.

Leaving zulf is about 20 sec faster then saving him. could be even more, depends on my luck with guys attacking me.
Edit history:
Caelint: 2011-08-17 04:54:42 pm
Caelint: 2011-08-17 04:50:05 pm
Caelint: 2011-08-17 04:46:45 pm
Caelint: 2011-08-17 04:44:15 pm
Hi, I'm new here as well. I just finished the game today on PC for the first time. Awesome game, and definitely deserves a run, so I already started messing around with a new game. On the way to the bastion, I already found a glitch and a possibly broken script, which saves precious seconds. And the glitch might be used elsewhere.

I'm still familiarizing myself with the game as I just finished it today, so I have no plans on spirits and weapons yet, I'll just go level after level and try as much things as possible. If I find anything I'll post it here.

One thing for sure, keyboard controls are very bad for speedrunning, as the diagonal movement is not parallel to the maps, so a gamepad is a must. Luckily I have one.

So, here is what i found so far:

Sorry about the bad editing, i made this video only to show some stuff i found, this is only a few hours of tries.

I don't pick up any weapons, except the hammer of course and there is absolutely no need for a ranged weapon so far.

Countering the 'big old fella' at 2:05 seems the fastest way to kill it.

The first important move is the double counter at 2:37, sadly I can't pull it off reliably, like 1 out of 10 tries, but it's no doubt the fastest way to open the trigger door.

The rest is nothing special, until 3:20, the next trigger door. This is where a glitch i found comes in handy. Using the big guy who launches you into the air, you can glitch through the door, avoiding the rest of the fight. This is not my best attempt in the video, but getting there was my best try yet, so i decided to edit this one in. Actually, you can get through the door without getting stuck for some seconds. The trick is to recover when you're at the highest point, it's very easy to execute, I get through almost all the time. I'm pretty sure this will be useful at other places, but as I mentioned before, I have just finished the game, so I have no memories of the maps yet.

After grabbing the crystal at 3:50, you just have to walk back and fall down, and you're at the bastion. I doubt that is intended Cheesy

I think getting to the bastion in sub 4 minutes is a good start.
Edit history:
Wago: 2011-08-17 09:51:35 pm
Wago: 2011-08-17 09:50:19 pm
That's a pretty cool skip, ill have to try that. And i noticed the dropping down after the core, and it saves so much time!

Btw, when your waiting for the first squirts to appear, you can go down and get the ranged weapon after using the fountain, and not losing any time. In a new game i grab it since i don't pick up any new weapon untill the scrap musket.

And yeah 4 min is good, my original time until the next level was 7+ min on xbox. So that's a huge save.

Ill post a couple of skips soon, just have to record them Smiley
Edit history:
Wago: 2011-08-18 12:24:56 am
Wago: 2011-08-18 12:18:11 am
Wago: 2011-08-18 12:16:56 am
Wago: 2011-08-18 12:09:40 am
Wago: 2011-08-18 12:08:22 am
Wago: 2011-08-17 11:58:30 pm
Wago: 2011-08-17 11:55:38 pm
Wago: 2011-08-17 11:55:09 pm
But i have to say, Caelint, your the fucking man. I found so many to skip gates and in a new game+ playthrough it takes of so much time. Videos comming when they are uploaded.

Skipping the hand grenade

Routhus Lagoon

It's possible to skip the last barrier too, but I can't get that consistently.

Figured out those gate vaults thanks to Caelints skip.

Have to plan on which are worth skipping with the vault, and which aren't.

Zulten hollow Skips

A bit sloppy, but it shows the skips.
It's possible to fall off the cliff in the grassy area of Roathus Lagoon with the Lunkhead (the one where you didn't pull off the barrier skip to the right in that video) such that you respawn in the area with the shard (at least, it is in the PC version).  When I did it it wouldn't let me actually grab the shard, but I don't know if that's a trigger issue or just the effect of some bug I was having.  If it IS a trigger issue, you might be able to circumvent it in NG+ If you brought the mortar to kill the lunkhead from the other side of the wall (or had some other means to do it), though I'm not sure if all of that would actually save time over just going right and looping around the normal way.
Edit history:
Caelint: 2011-08-18 08:38:44 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 08:32:44 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 08:26:04 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 08:17:58 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 07:20:57 am
These are good finds, especially the Zulten hollow ones, these will save a lot in a new game run. What is this pole vault you're doing? Is it a special to the pike? Is it possible to get it in a new game? If so, it might be worth saving for it. It looks like all the vertical moves can be used for skipping, which is great.

Due to the nature of the game being on Steam, we can only hope these won't be fixed, otherwise we won't be able to use them for a proper run. Let's hope this won't happen.

Workmen ward: Nothing special, just roll straight to the core, although if you roll into the cage where the crystal is the big fella can't hit you. Saves some seconds in a new game.

Melting pot: Didn't find anything to speed up the event, but good for some xp and resource anyway. I picked up the trip mine as well.

Sundown path: Upgraded the hammer for now, +50% dmg is always good. 3 trip mines completely obliterates the big scumbag. The hand grenade skip works very well. Other than that it's just rolling.
Edit history:
Wago: 2011-08-18 08:47:35 am
Im using the skill pike vault, I'm not really sure how i actually unlocked it, its either just free, or from a new game +.
Edit history:
Caelint: 2011-08-18 10:03:43 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 09:59:37 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 09:39:05 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 09:30:07 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 09:22:04 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 09:15:39 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 09:03:54 am
I'm really starting to love the trip mine. For a free pickup (no time loss because of timed event) it really is powerful. Just made a video of the hanging gardens.

Have to be careful with rolling here because of slow building. You can destroy the first trigger turret off the screen, by the time the camera comes back the door is opening already. After that, trip mine fun. You can destroy everything by the time it spawns, only my placement was a bit bad that time. Pretty sloppy rolling overall, and the final trigger can be done with 1 trip mine, so you don't need to pick up that third black bottle. This map is definitely sub 1 minute, even without glitches.

Pyth orchard: Just roll in, trip mine the bull, use the shrine and roll back.

Cinderbrick fort: Managed to get myself launched through the final door flawlessly Cheesy Sadly I didn't record it, but here's a sloppy one. If you get stuck in the door after the launch, if you roll down it spawns you at the other side. The goal is to make a flawless skip of course, I hope I'll record one eventually.

Already found much better routes through the rubble, so don't mind the bad rolling.
Love the skip on cinderbrick, i tried that with the vault, but I only managed to get stuck in the gate.
Good news though, youtube lifted me 15min time limit on videos, so Ill try to upload a newgame+ SS run this weekend. Just have to record a run im happy with.
I also have to practice on your scumbag windbag launches.
Just found two skips on Prosper bluff, which will spare you two black bottles, so you'll be able to vault every other gate.
^This i need to see. Also if your playing on steam maybe we should share usernames?
Edit history:
Caelint: 2011-08-18 11:47:17 am
Caelint: 2011-08-18 11:41:21 am
There you go:

First skip is the first gate at 0:05, second is at 0:54, still don't know how to pull it off reliably tho. Some barrier skips at the beginning and the end you missed too I think. Also, as always don't mind the screw ups at the end Cheesy

I'm not playing on Steam, I play offline.

The first roll into the campfire need to be precise for the skip to work, still trying to figure it out exactly, but definitely doable.
Finally managed to gate vault the gate before the first core, should be able to get to the bastion in 3.5 min with out any problems.
Edit history:
Caelint: 2011-08-18 12:27:18 pm
Caelint: 2011-08-18 12:22:50 pm
Caelint: 2011-08-18 12:03:28 pm
Minor cut at the wild outskirts, not even sure if it's worth it. If it works with pike vault it definitely saves time. Looking at the footage i don't think that's a skip in a new game, but try to pike vault here, maybe it works. Maybe if I could do it in max 2 falls.

Edit history:
Wago: 2011-08-18 12:44:01 pm
Just showing a faster way to get the core.

Even with all the screwups outrunning the terrain, i still made it in under 1 min
So you can grab the core through the barrier? That's a good one.
Pike vaulting don't seem to help with the wild outskirt skip, but I can pretty much reliably get it with just one fall now. Should save some time too.