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lets give this a shot. I was playing the other day myself, and I felt to be playing alright but my times were horrible, I forgot how hard and annoying speedrunning is.

Freezeezy Peak: You go to the world straight after bubblegloop, talon trot jump down the first mound to where boggy is the dialogue will mean you dont get hurt, and you can collect the notes on the way out. run to the right hit those guys who eat the twinkles, i use beak buster, and always let the first twinkle die, then run  back and forth killing immediately as they come up. run around the back get the notes and shoot the switch.

Run to bottles talk to him, get red feathers if you need (you will need a lot), go for a fly, fly through the christmas star, kill the snowman closest to wazzas cave, kill the witch switch snowman, hit the big snowmans buttons, hit the mumbo token snowman, hit the honey comb snowman, hit the last snowman and land where he was.

Run up the scalf to the very top, go right, jump across get the blue jinjo, keep running, dont forget to go around a bit firthur and get ALL the notes. Use the jump pad and get onto the very top, do you beak buster through the icicles if you wish (nice trick). Collect the notes, and make the last one you collect where you have to fall back down.

Fall down and get present if you dont already have it i think we do. Jump into the snowmans pipe then jump out straight onto the ski sled.

Now things get a little hazy but i should be right.

Run toward Mumbo's there are some notes on top of houses, im not sure which ones you need to collect, also the jinjo (green?) you can maybe collect as your doing boggys sled race, as with probably a few of the notes, so theres some experimentation to be done there. Go to mumbo's.

Walrus: Run toward Boggy getting notes in freezing water circling honey comb, race boggy. As you go under the big snowman there should be a jiggy from hitting his buttons or something, get that, also get a note on the right then the left. This saves a few seconds later. Beat boggy.

You will finish near Wazza go in there and get the honey comb and obviousely the jiggy outside. Then kleaving Wazza'a cave juimp in the water theres a mumbo token, don't miss it. Go back and see your mate Mumbo.

Now I think you sprint back to Wazza's cave and get the jinjo, then get the witch switch/red feathers depending. and then go into the christmas tree. Collect the stuff. Leave run back up the ramp getting all the notes see the little kids.

Cya later.

Hope I didn't miss anything, and obviousely later on once you have the running shoes you have to return and beat boggy again. There may be particular things you can easily get the next timne you go in with the shoes, not sure though. Anyway that's how I do it.

Ill write you up another world soon.
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kowbrainz: 2008-07-27 08:43:35 am
Wow, thank you SO much for that. Cheesy

I didn't think you would have done the notes and jinjos in the first trip through the world; for me I've always come back to Freezeezy later after Gobi's and Mad Monster for everything, just like Marsh, then get both the MMM and FP witch switch jiggies at the same time.

I'll give your route a test and see how it goes soon. Sami is doing Freezeezy Peak on the TAS now as well, so I'll see what he does then see if I can incorporate bits and pieces of each; there's always a few parts which you can do easily on the TAS but slow things down when tried on the console, good example is the route for Mad Monster Mansion, as I'm still a minute behind you when using the TAS route.

Oh: just to mention, the shoes will only appear when you accept Boggy's race, from what I recall, so no, you can't use them to run around at your leisure in FP for items. But collecting notes on houses and the green jinjo (and the snowman buttons jiggy) during the boggy races will be fine.

But yeah, if you're able to get a sub-16 minute time, I reckon it's worth a shot in my next run. I'll also be trying out a modified Clanker's Cavern route from a friend and see if I can finally break this 11 minute barrier. It seems like my swimming is a bit off at the moment; I'm probably losing most of my time during the anvil section of the level.

Thanks for the help again.

Edit: I think I might start looking into alternate means of recording now. Up until now I've been recording files in a WMV format, which is okay to see what's going on and is alright if you're uploading stuff to youtube, but it looks terrible when resized to full screen; rather pixelly and whatnot. I might have to see if I can borrow someone's DVD recorder or something... we'll see.

One last thing: you uploaded your vids for RBB and Clanker's; so I'm wondering if you're actually able to upload some vids for other levels from that run; perhaps Mumbo's Mountain since you're saving a bit of time there; plus Gobi's and Mad Monster. Don't bother if it's too much of a hassle, I'm just wondering.
At the moment im trying to find an easy means of uploading files through my mac somehow. Hopefully within the next few weeks ill be able to upload at will.

I can tell you off the top of my head that in MMM I get the jiggy in the well whilst being a pumpkin.
And in Click Clock Wood, the only thing that needs doing in Spring is the Auttum Swamp Switch then I leave.

A couple of footnotes, anyway hopefully theyll be up soon.
Wait, what? In Spring or in Summer? (the summer switch is in spring and the autumn one is in summer)

I'm not sure I follow just yet, but does that mean that you're entering the level, going to spring and up to the summer switch, exitting to summer to find the flower has already sprouted and that eyrie has already hatched...? :/
actually after i posted that I rethought about it and it probably cant be the case. i'll get back to you
I have found another good time saver in Rusty Bucket Bay, along with another few little time savers which I can't recall off the top of my head.

Where you have to shoot eggs into the toll to make the plaforms raise, you can just jump in the water and get up on the other side pretty easily. You do a jump flap onto the slope then quickely do a backflip. Its incredably easy, sometimes though you can slide back down if your not quick enough, or you might do a bang attack accidently, but it still always works out faster.

Hope this is a new trick.

Also in Bubblegloop when you kill the yellow frogs you can leave the jiggy sitting there and get it when your a croc later on, another few seconds. Same as the Jiggy from the flower pots, you can leave it and get it as a pumpkin, however might only work with my run which I shall hope to give you a video of soon.

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kowbrainz: 2008-07-30 08:59:24 am
Ah, cool; thanks for the RBB trick. I'll give it a go this Friday if possible; I'm thinking of practicing my weak areas then.

As for the others, I already use the jiggy jig skip with the pumpkin, but as for the crocodile it depends. Occasionally I'll end up in the jiggy's spawn spot after I kill all the frogs anyway, but otherwise I'll get it with the croc.

Another question I've been meaning to ask: how many (and which) Brentildas do you talk to in the game? Also, do you have a better route for Furnace Fun than marsh (there's a map on gamefaqs you can use to illustrate if possible) EDIT: Bah, the gamefaqs image is wrong; I'll try and get a better image uploaded instead.

I usually go through it collecting as many jokers as I can and skipping timed questions and death squares where possible... but the route I use for the board could be faster I think. I think I read somewhere that you were faster there, but I can't recall exactly.
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Qgstkpnjtp: 2008-08-01 05:58:54 am
Hey guys, good to see Kowz is keeping my thread active (even though he's been yammering on about it to me in MSN for a while now)

I'll be honest - I'm not sure who I'd like to see do the run. Kowz has my CC route and is getting down towards my 10:30 time while Gibb is the reigning WR holder (and is very consistent). I personally am completely screwed over routes-wise now... first three levels are perfect (my CC is the best console run in the world, I believe) and my MM/TTC runs are (were) always beating Marsh's excepting occasions where I'd be screwing around and experimenting with stuff. Vile's made sure I never get any practice runs past BGS though... before I started speedrunning I beat him 100% of the time, and now it's more like 10%.

Oh well.

Just stopping by to give you guys my MSN for route discussion and stuff. I don't play BK any more, but I still know all the theory behind it.
MSN is

Oh, forgot one thing - if you guys are intending to start recording runs, I'd suggest waiting till the TAS is finished >_____>
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kowbrainz: 2008-08-01 08:59:40 am
Very consistant? And I guess the ONLY good thing about me running is that I use your CC route... bah. Tongue

Anyway, I'm going to upload a few videos today of my attempts of some levels using my routes. So far I've recorded a 11.34 Clanker's Cavern (yeck), a 15.14 Bubblegloop Swamp. I've also got a 2.14 SM which uses the colliwobble jump, but I thought it was pretty average, and you guys already know about all that so there's not much point in me uploading.

Hopefully you can help me spot where I'm losing the most time in these routes. There's one obvious cough up in Clanker's Cavern and I take a little bit too much time with the anchor segment, but apart from that I can't put my finger on what's making me do so badly. :/

Bubblegloop Swamp could probably get 15 seconds improvement from all of the minor mess ups in there; maybe a bit more, depends on what you can see when the videos are up.

Edit: Pyro, why in the hell did you have to change username to that stupid MK alias? XD
I'll just call you Pyro now, lol. Not like anything's changed, though. Tongue
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kowbrainz: 2008-08-01 09:31:16 am
Alright, here come the vids. I applied for a director's account ages ago for whatever reason, so that's why I'm able to upload stuff over 10.59. Tongue

1. Clanker's Cavern - 11.34(lol)

2. Bubblegloop Swamp - 15.14

Another thing... still working with means of recording a run of SDA standard. The videos on youtube look alright if you just want to see what's going on, but they're in WMV so they look disgusting if you change the resolution.

I can record as AVI, but for some reason my camera won't let me compress the video resolution, so if I take that path videos will come out with a size of 200mb for every minute... lol. Which is pretty good quality, but it's going to kill my computer. Need to find another way to record soon I guess. :/
Speed is the key.
You do know that recording your run with a camera isn't going to be accepted here at SDA, right? If you haven't read these pages, it would be a good idea to do so. It'll give you some info about how to record and submit your run.

PS. 200 MB per minute isn't bad if it's uncompressed video. When I record pc games with fraps at 60 fps, I usually end up with about 1500 MB per minute files. Wink
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kowbrainz: 2008-08-01 09:31:48 am
Sorry, I was referring to the way I get a direct feed from the telly; I basically connect an older video camera up to the TV's output and hook it up to a laptop via a video card. So no, I'm not pointing something at a screen. Tongue

But while high quality might seem nice, for a 3 hour run, 40gb of footage is going to make my laptop fry when processing it all... ;-;
Gobi's Valley in 14.36 (meh)

Rusty Bucket Bay in 14.47 (yuck!)

RBB's route is pretty much done, unless the TAS has something better which works for console players fairly easily. My best before was 14.04 without the toll skip trick, so if I practice that enough I think 13.40 may be possible. I can't tell, though.

If you have any suggestions for route changes on Gobi's Valley, they'd be appreciated, thanks. The run in the video could have been 10-20 seconds faster using the same route, maybe more, but I think a slight change in route might be a good idea also.
Rue, rue, rue the day...
I think one of the main places that time could be saved is in Sandybutt's tomb, there seemed to be a couple wrong turns; you also missed the witch switch in there (or are you using the glitch to pick up that jiggy?).
Yeah, I don't know what went wrong in there, lol. Normally I get through it fine.
The hesitation at the start of the maze was me trying to do the trick they use in the TAS; I've managed to get it to work once, but it looks like it's just not worth it here. Plus it only saves a few seconds.

And yeah, I use the beak bust glitch for the GV witch switch jiggy. I don't hit the switch in FP either since you can just beak bomb for it.
RBB's route is pretty much done, unless the TAS has something better which works for console players fairly easily. My best before was 14.04 without the toll skip trick, so if I practice that enough I think 13.40 may be possible. I can't tell, though.

I played Rusty Bucket Bay the other day fairly flawlessly, no error causing more than a second or 2 extra time. I used the window glitch, it took me about 5 backflips before i went through though, I didnt use the boom box skip, and I used my new trick jumping up the platforms, and my overall time was..... 13.51. So I think 13.30 would probably be best result possible, unless a different route is around.
I just watched your Bubblegloop and Gobi's Valley runs. Yours and my Bubblegloop route are exactly the same, it was funny, we even camera angle the same ways, and do particuar jumps precisely the same way. One thing I thought of is when your at the top of the mud huts, after you get the jiggy I usually just chuck talon trot on and run down not bothering to jump, that works well. Also i'm not sure if it's possible when you jump over to the croc, to jump off the top of the mud hut and get the mumbo token, onbiousely you can jump across, but f you could get the tken thats more time. And I was incredably confused when you got the health after seeing mumbo. :S:S:S

As for Gobi's, our routes are based on the same idea, but there are some technical differences. You have a couple of tricks (such as getting the notes in the quicksand before bottles etc) which I never thought to use and are very good. But I have a few slightly different idea's which are superior to things which you do, im sure with our combined knowledge we can rip Gobi's to shreds.

Thats all I got for now.... Peace
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kowbrainz: 2008-08-03 09:25:21 am
^ you don't need to back flip through the window, just run into the seam line from different angles. But still, that's cool to know.

It took me a while to get used to the toll skipping, but now I know how to use it properly so I'll definitely be using it next time.

Freezeezy and Click Clock are the only two that need work now I think. I'd like to wait for the TAS to get finished so I know whether I'm missing anything or not, but Sami's taking a while since he doesn't have as much time to finish it as he'd like, and I'm getting a little bit impatient, lol. I don't want to upload a run that could easily have been better by a few minutes... :/

At the moment, I'd say the target time (provided no mistakes were made at all, or minor ones if any) would be 2.36, so 2.40 seems somewhat reasonable as an aim for now.

Edit: Haha, yeah, getting the life after mumbo's was just because I normally do that in a run incase I lose to vile. Which is pretty silly since I'd be resetting after losing to vile anyway... XD
The mumbo token idea from the huts jiggy is nice, I'll try it next time.

There's also a trick for the cactus honeycomb in GV where you can use the shoes to jump up onto the mountain side (the side facing the sand), then up to the cactus, but it relies on having a good health bar and some good positioning - it's quite tricky to pull off consistantly. Hopefully I'll be able to practice it enough to make it natural like the Clanker's Cavern starting pipe jump.
Yeh I was wondering if there was another way to get that honeycomb. I ue the flight pad that is below the first dude who eats 3 eggs. Fall down, fly up and get it then maybe fly to Gobi or something. If you could beak buster Gobi's block that might be anther time saver. Im getting to ahead of myself.

I really need to start getting clips on youtube.
A couple of final things for the night. Firstly I had an old game saved on my cartridge and My Gruntilda's Lair tim was 30 minutes flat, which was a LOT quicker than any of my other times. About 5 minutes actually. I think this is the main area in which we can keep cutting the overall time down.

And finally, I once had a theory that after Gruntilda was beaten, it may be faster to then go to Spiral Mountain and run around with talon trot getting the last honecombs. I don't know how this would work though.
Rue, rue, rue the day...
As long as B-K is timed on the in-game timer (which I think it is), it probably would be faster to get the honeycombs after Grunty like you said. It would be a seperate segment though (wouldn't it?) since it involves opening the save file from the main menu again.

That said, anything I say is based purely on memory and is open to be over-ruled.
^ Are you sure that this Gruntilda's Lair time included beating Furnace Fun and Gruntilda at the top of the tower? It just seems a little unlikely that you would have beaten a time by that much and not noticed it before... :/

As for SM's honeycombs, I'm a little bit iffy. Talon trot wouldn't save enough time to be truly beneficial, IMO (if it does save any time at all, if that). Even if it did save time, there's the issues of it being included as a separate segment as Snafu says, but also it makes some parts later in the game a little bit trickier to perform consistantly. I'd use it in a TAS, but I'd rather have as much breathing space as possible when it comes to health, especially with some of the time savers which require you to take damage and which sometimes don't go 100% according to plan.
Yeh I wouldn't use it in a run, I was mainly just curious if it in fact 'would' save extra time. Anyhow, not only can you beak bomb (while flying) gobi's rock, but it means you collect the jiggy whilst he is running off, both time savers. I had a reasonably good run through Gobi's just 5 minutes ago actually. It came to about 14.15. No big mistakes.

Thats all I have today. Oh I played through click clock wood and it wasnt perfect but again no big mistakes and i got 27.01. Im thining sub 24 is a good target...
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kowbrainz: 2008-08-04 08:12:34 am
Hmm... so, do you pick the jiggy up as you beak bomb through the rock?

I'm just wondering what changes should be made to the route now. Perhaps, at the start of the level, go up to Jinxy, open him up and enter and do all the stuff inside him, then exit and get on top of him before you fly through the rings of the ancient ones, then beak bombing into gobi's rock, then heading back to jinxy, picking up the ancient one's jiggy in flight to skip jiggy jig before beak bombing open rubee's pyramid.
Whew... would that seem ideal? :/

Sub 24 sounds like a nice aim for CCW; as long as the only real time saving there is just using talon trot jumps to scale the tree faster in each season. I'm also wondering whether it would be worth entering the treehouse for the jiggy in summer when it isnt complete rather than in autumn, since there are already notes out the front of it and you'd save a few seconds in autumn by doing so if you perfected it.