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I might have seen it in a WIP or just read about it on a forum.
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JSmith: 2008-04-16 01:43:42 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
This thread at tasvideos links to the WIPs and contains discussion of some of the tricks, although I think the avi of TTC is slightly out of date because it leaves out a trick on the ladders.

The latest version of Sami's run begins on page 20.
Now I remember where I saw it...It was in a BK video quiz.  Tongue

That is not where the slowdown occurs. If it did a PAL run would be faster, not slower.

The problem is that the refresh rate or framerate (I think it's the refresh rate) is slower than the NTSC version at a ratio of 5/6, and a number of N64 games are slower at the same ratio because of this.

As people have said earlier, a good percentage of N64 games make up for it in one way or another, but unless Marshmallow had a brand-new controller with a perfectly rigid joystick when he completed his run there's no reason why I shouldn't be getting the same times using his routes unless there's a time difference.

I'm a tad confused about this now, but it doesn't matter. I understand you don't want to hear this, but there is no version difference. Check out this topic:;action=display;num=1126166363;start=0
Gibbatizer got 2:48:22 and he is also from Australia, just check his profile.
Yes, a bunny riding a towel
being from a PAL country means you can't have NTSC? lol
Hey.. I wanted to post something at the TASVideos topic, but I don't have an account there, and I haven't gotten my confirmation email yet. Could someone who has an account at that site post this for me?

I discovered a funky glitch to save a few seconds when getting Napper's Jiggy in Mad Monster Mansion. If you just barely touch the Fly Pad and hit A as you get the Jiggy, you'll take off and get it without doing the dance, as if you grabbed it from the air. You'll also grab the 1-up in the chandelier for some reason.

It's almost like the infinite speed glitch / flickerballing in Metroid Prime, where you trigger any cutscenes and obtain all items in the room just by activating it. But you don't get the notes and eggs in the room, so it must have just given Banjo a hitbox that extends infinitely upwards or something. It's possible that this could be used in other areas too, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

Also, even though I'm sure all of these tricks have been discovered before, looking at my Video Quiz topic:
Or youtube playlist:
might not be a bad idea.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Is that video quiz still going?  There seems to be a major Freezeezy peak trick missing:  Collect Wozza's empty honeycomb and jinjo on the same trip into the cave.
Edit history:
Qgstkpnjtp: 2008-04-19 11:02:20 am

I'm a tad confused about this now, but it doesn't matter. I understand you don't want to hear this, but there is no version difference. Check out this topic:;action=display;num=1126166363;start=0
Gibbatizer got 2:48:22 and he is also from Australia, just check his profile.

Yeah, I know about this... I'm also fairly certain that it was done on the NTSC version as Wouter Jansen said.

Still, you're partially right - the speed difference is nowhere near a 5/6 ratio (if it was I'd be looking at an average MM time of at least 7:45-8:00), but it's definitely there.

ADDED: Oh, and the amount of time you save through death abuse is pretty enormous. At least two minutes in Clanker's depending on your route (I used to use a death abuse route that ended in Clanker's mouth, killed myself on a Snippet after getting the notes around there), at least thirty seconds to a minute per level assuming flawless execution of routes and no major errors.

Yeah, I know about this... I'm also fairly certain that it was done on the NTSC version as Wouter Jansen said.

Based on what? Wouter states it is possible to have PAL and NTSC version. But I believe his post was a bit of a joke, since he knows (well, should be) I'm aware of the possibility. Plus, it is not likely at all that someone has another version of the game.

Take a look at . Go to the game list, then Banjo Kazooie. If you look at the times and the locations of the players, then there doesn't seem to be any difference.
Yes, a bunny riding a towel
lol, there's hardly any proof there that I know of, and just because times are close is no evidence of the versions being the same at all. there's nothing to discuss here either, it's easily checked by making a TAS of each which are practically identical and compare the results.
Just checking: Is there gonna be any more live runs?
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kowbrainz: 2008-06-07 04:56:04 am
Hey guys, this is Kowz here from

Um, basically today there was a live Banjo-Kazooie face off going on between a few BK fans over at, and three of us managed to get sub-3.10 times; I got a 3.07.55 which basically disproves the whole PAL gamers having a slower game and everything. Rare's been excellent in converting the game's framerate so that both versions work at the same pace, and I'm really glad. Edit: Gah, this was a mis-statement; what I meant to say was that it disproves the 5/6 timing issue, but doesn't mean anything about frame-by-frame gameplay. Nevermind Tongue

Anyway, a few of us have been watching the TAS run over at tasvideos and there are quite a few tricks that can be incorporated into the run to make some of Marsh's times a little bit less godly, lol. A few of us have beaten some of his times on numerous occasions without extra tricks as well, so I think if someone was able to record a new run then we could knock off another 5 to 10 minutes from the 2.55.01 time.

Coolboyman (original submitter of the Banjo Tooie cheats run) was thinking about doing the run this time around. I reckon with enough practice instead of playing around with different routes and just sticking to the same one instead, he could get the time down.

While some levels are more linear in the route planning and the new routes are going to be almost identical to Marsh's (BGS, because of the order you have to hit the crocodiles) others like Clanker's cavern can be done in much better routes resulting in times up to 2 minutes better than marsh's, like Pyro's (fiveleafclover, whatever else you want to call him) 10.5? for CC that he achieved a while ago.

The other thing that might need discussing is whether the new run should allow death and save warping or just be an improvement of the old run under the same circumstances. Not sure on this one.

I think that's all I wanted to say. I'll wait until CBM or Pyro come back for further discussion of new routes, tricks etc.
Yes, a bunny riding a towel
eh.. if that is your reason for why the games are identical in speed, then you really lack game experience. just because you can get around the same time as NTSC, doesn't mean the games are exact the same in speed everywhere. RARE also made GoldenEye's PAL speed ALMOST the same as NTSC, but for the true speedrunners that have been maxing the game, they know there's still a little difference which is in NTSC's favor most of the time. thus, you shouldn't claim games to be identical without truly speedrunning both till they're pretty much maxed on both systems to compare more realistically. or use TAS. There's like a 99% chance there are differences in the two.
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kowbrainz: 2008-06-07 04:50:34 am
I don't really mind either way since CBM's likely to be doing the run and he uses an NTSC copy, but if it needs to be tested someone can put two roms side by side and see if Banjo's idle animation after starting the game matches up after a few minutes.

Tricks and glitches wise, PAL is pretty much the same from what I can see. I can talon trot cancel fine and perform a lot of tricks on the TAS without too much hassle as long as I practice.

Edit: While I'm at it, whatever happened to the run here?

Something I would've wanted to see, yet didn't quite make it onto the web for whatever reason. :/
Everything's better with Magitek
The other thing that might need discussing is whether the new run should allow death and save warping or just be an improvement of the old run under the same circumstances. Not sure on this one.

I think it should definitely use death/save warping.  I can't remember if they're still considered separate categories under the new site rules (changed just recently), but for quite a while pretty much everyone has been using them whenever they can.  If this run turns out to be a lot better than the old run, then it might obsolete the old one even if they're in different categories.
So, would it be wise to make it a single segment run and omit save warps but use death warps? I mean, death warps are good and save a hefty amount of time in levels like Clanker's Cavern, Bubblegloop Swamp, Mad Monster Mansion and Rusty Bucket Bay, but save warps aren't too useful later on in the run, and the idea of turning BK into a segmented run doesn't sound too good since you'd have some short segments, and some really long segments just so you'd be able to use the warp cauldrons in the start of the next segment without wasting too much time.

Save warping is useful for a few seconds after completing Mumbo's Mountain; not so much after completing Treasure Trove Cove and Clanker's Cavern since you have to travel pretty much the same distance to get back to their puzzle room from the lair entrance.

You could probably use it after completing Gobi's Valley then use the purple cauldron to get going to Mad Monster Mansion, but it would only save a few seconds I think. It would definitely save time after raising the water level with the pumpkin (after MMM), since that thing is so slow and you have to travel all the way through the graveyard and down past Gobi's Valley's puzzle.

The next place to use it would be just before Click Clock Wood if you had activated cauldrons, but again I'm not sure if this saves any time at all, or rather simply adds to the clock instead...

Yeah, I'm not entirely sure yet. In either case you'd end up with some pretty weird segment lengths; some under ten minutes, others going for an hour lol.
I do a lot of live runs; check every so often and look for Pyro's blogs.

Also, I have a CC route that will get sub-12 pretty consistently and about 11:10 if pulled off well (I got sub-10 on CC with it a couple weeks ago). Problem is, it takes a lot of risks and relies on a good anvil section (other than that it's just a matter of swimming straight so you don't drown).

I've been having horrible luck with CCW and Vile recently as well, which has done well to piss me off. I've also got a new controller with a decent joystick which should help a bit.
All the same, that's not even using death abuse IIRC so modifying it so that you drown after getting the long pipe jiggy could make for a better run... not sure about how much time that would save though. Perhaps a minute to minute and a half I'd say.
Hey guys, some of you might remember me as the guy who apparently did a banjo-kazooie run then dissapeared off planet Earth. Well for those whoe remember, the reason I never sent the run in is because I always planned to beat it one day quite convincingly but I have trailed off and this won't be happening for a fair while yet.

So I thought I would provide some overdue proof and something worth while and may offer some idea's as i notice this game has gotten a bit of attention lately.

Heres Clanker's cavern in 11:38:
Part 1:
Part 2:

and Rusty Bucket Bay in 14:20
Part 1:
Part 2:

Hope that worked alright. I can upload any of the other worlds or parts of the game upon request also, but thought they would be a good start.

I think Banjo Kazooie, despite how good you become at it, it is still slightly too hard to control to be centimetre perfect. I also found a number of small time saves here there and all over the game which I think are too risky in a single segment.

I think by a human this game could possibly be beaten between 2:32 and 2:35 if everything went flawlessly.

Hope you enjoy and hopefully I can continue to post clips which can help other runners.

Yes, a bunny riding a towel
the BK TAS is still in the making, check it out if you haven't yet, and maybe you can help them perfectionize it even more! also, could you maybe upload some original files? will we see a new BK run on SDA this year?
Edit history:
kowbrainz: 2008-07-08 12:15:57 am
Pyro's (fiveleafclover) already managed to achieve a time of 10.35 (from what I recall) for Clanker's Cavern on console, but the RBB time is something I'll be looking at.

Yeah, the TAS has been rather good so far; I've compiled a bunch of tricks used within it (and from other sources) into two videos - all tricks in the videos are able to be performed on a console with some practice within a speedrun. You can find the first vid here:

I'll be doing a test run with some new routes in the next week or so; hoping to break the 3 hour barrier first. I might try to get my hands on some better recording equipment so I can stream a run live like Pyro has done in the past, too.

2.32 seems a bit hard; I'd aim for 2.45 - 2.40 first then see how we go from there.

Edit: RBB route is superb. Honestly; I thought you would've done a cheap run and not collected any mumbos and paused after getting the last item, but no. Well done.
You can still shave off a few seconds, though; most notably in the anchor room (only kill the grille chompas on one side; if you hug the wall the other ones cant get you) and the boom box fight - fire an egg instead, watch my vid (part 2) for details.

Heh, it was pretty tense during the pink jinjo collect (since you can still drown on the water's surface after surfacing) but I guess you'd have more leeway if you had gotten the propellor jiggy faster and hadn't run into the grille on the way out from the jinjo jiggy.

Edit again: Lol, didn't read your post properly. >_>;
I'd like to see your individual level times and written routes if you were able to achieve a time like that before. I'm sure we'd be able to knock a bit more time off if we knew exactly what you were doing an had an idea of how to adjust the routes accordingly.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm glad I may see another run of this with updated tricks and/or routes. Doesn't seem too long ago that Marsh and I were planning his 2:55 run, and I'm impressed with some of the tricks seen in the Advanced 2 video.

I know about the "beak-bust the ground and use recoil to fall from above and take no damage" trick, but I didn't in time for marsh's run. I also recorded a video of the Boom Box skip for marsh a long time ago, but as you can tell by the run, he didn't get it to work so he had to fight him. I really enjoyed those 3 witch-switch skips. I knew about the sarcophagus one, but the BGS and FP skips were genius! I also liked the Grunty phase 1 skip - that's new to me!

Good luck to whoever attempts a faster run!
Edit history:
kowbrainz: 2008-07-08 01:01:43 am
I've put together a list of times in comparison to Marsh's; these will be updated as better routes are found, obviously, but for now they're the times to aim for. Marsh's time is on the left, with the idealised time in the brackets. All times are based off the best I've seen done, but I might have to get a hand on some routes for Clanker's Cavern and perhaps Click Clock Wood.

Level Times
SM -- 2:19 (2:15)
MM -- 6:33 (6:20)
TTC -- 10:16 (10:00)
CC -- 12:58 {10.40}
BGS -- 16:51 {16.30}
GV -- 14:55 {14.30}
MMM -- 15:17 {15:00}
FP -- 16:19 {16.19}
RBB -- 16:44 {14.20}
CCW -- 27:21 {25.50}
GL -- 35:28 {35.28}
Total -- 2:55:01 {2.47.42}

I also managed to get a time of 6.21 on Mumbo's Mountain yesterday with Marsh's route, but using a few minor timesavers here and there. When the video is uploaded you'll be able to see that it's definitely not the best, and that 6.10 is probably possible.

I've started putting together a list of Mumbo Tokens to collect depending on the route, courtesy of avengah's guide on GameFAQs. Basically there's 115 in the game, and 75 are needed for completion. I've listed all the ones which are must-gets (62) and have another list of 16 more which are fairly easy to pick up depending on your route.

As long as nobody is able to find any huge time savers which are only performable on the NTSC version of the game, then I'll probably try my hand at the run. The differences between the two games as it is seem pretty minor or even unnoticeable, and I'm not about to be picky when a run takes almost 3 hours. I have a means of recording decent quality at least... not excellent per se, but still good enough to watch methinks.

Edit: If Gibbatizer is able to give some level times and/or routes for those times which surpass the ones above, that'd be great. If we can get as much leeway on the ideal times as possible so that beating 2.47 isn't such an impossible feat, then that'd be excellent.

My vid of Mumbo's Mountain is here:
I'm half expecting someone else to already have a time 15 seconds better or something, but oh well.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Well I kinda do. My best MM time is 5:52, but thats for an individual level run, so I basically pause and check my time on the 100th note (same note you collect). Only difference is I dont hit the witch switch (save 3 seconds or so) and save the 12-13 seconds not exiting the world.

So my time is about 6:08-6:10 compared to yours, which basically uses the exact same route. You just had a few hiccups that lost the time. I don't have the video, but I bet Wouter does... not that you'd be interested since I really don't do anything in my runs that would save you much time.

I basically gave marsh the MM/TTC route (CC too?), which is why I guess all 3 of us use the same path  Tongue

BTW, I have 8:52 on TTC. Again, an individual level run, so I don't exit the level or hit the witch switch. Remember, I don't pick up mumbo tokens either! I think my run ended with either the honeycomb floating above the box in the water, or on the island with the treasure chest X. Also, marsh's route is my route, so I'm not sure what timesavers I can think of that the public doesn't already know. I'll have to rewatch his run and see what he does.

The trick to TTC, although really really hard on TAS, is collecting jiggies while flying. You keep your flying and you avoid the jiggy animation (duh!), so it would be awesome to pick up a few jiggies while in the air still.
Hehe, my route for TTC already involves picking up at least 3 jiggies while in the air (lighthouse and alcove jiggies, the lockup jiggy is a bit tricky to pull off) plus some other stuff,  but I still haven't been getting a fantastic time. I guess it's okay to do tricky stuff like that in TTC since it's so early in the game, but that doesn't mean I'm going to change the MM route so to scale Ticker's Tower with Banjo; since it's so hard to pull off consistantly. Plus you'd have to get the Witch Switch jiggy as well, which is also a bit tough.

The CC route Pyro uses got him a time of 10.35 once, including getting Mumbo Tokens and exitting the level; it's basically the route the TAS uses with a few changes here and there.

The BGS route remains similar since you have to hit the Croctuses in the same order each time, but like the TAS it's only that much faster since most of the wading boots are skipped.

I haven't really thought about Gobi's Valley and Freezeezy Peak too much yet; not sure how much time can be saved via alternate route planning just yet. We'll have to see. Same goes with Click Clock Wood, although I presume for the most part that will be left the same as in Marsh's run.