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I've been working on a Banjo Kazooie 64 100% speedrun single-segment world record. It's almost complete except i'm not sure whether SDA will accept a speedrun recorded on a video camera(good quality). My best times so far are:
Spiral Mountain- 2:17
Mumbo's Mountain- 6:15
Treasure Trove Cove- 10:09
Clanker's Cavern- 11:54
Bubblegloop Swamp- 15:06
Gobi's Desert- 13:54
Freezeezy Peak- 17:15 (needs a lot of work)
Mad Monster Mansion- 14:38
Rusty Busket Bay- 15:14 (needs improvement)
Click Clock Wood- Haven't finished the level without dying yet Sad
My Speedrun will be completed over these school holidays hopefully...
Any help would be apreciated and there may be a slight chance that I might know something that you won't but i doubt that.
I dont think SDA accepted camera videos, except its Nintendo DS.
Any suggestions/recommendations for other ways to record my speedrun???
Only thing that really stands out for me there is that Gobi's Valley time... and even then it's still not the best thing I've seen. These are your best times ever, right? Not just the times from your best run? If that's the case, watching a few videos or looking around for alternate routes or strategies might be a good idea.
Wow another Banjo Speedrunner. Good to see. 15.06 is very good for Bubblegloop Swamp. Gobi's Valley my best time is 13.53 so pretty much exactly the same. I am planning to submit my run by the end of the year, and all of my best times are superior to yours (except for Bubblegloop Swamp 15.26 is my best). If you happen to have yours ready and superior before mine than good on ya, but either way i'll be submitting one pretty soon, and ive already done a number of failed runs and even successful runs which beat Marsh's time but I wasn't entirely happy with, so my thoughts would be you see how mine turns out then we can all continue to work on better routes and more tricks to wipe off even furthur time.

Kowbrainz. I went through Click Clock Wood thoroughly and refurbished my run. Im completely comfortable with that now, so that's ticked off. Treasure Trove ive decided not to use a particularly risky trick I was using for a while, which may or may not save some time. And Clanker's is the same as the clip I posted on youtube, with one minor change which I adopted from the fastest ever clankers clip route (whoever did that).

So everyhting seems to be in place, im currently doing full length practice runs, i feel in peak form, I got a personal best on rusty bucket bay yesterday, so before 2009 lets hope.

Oh yeh and thanks very much for the motzand thing, that was a really cool find, good on ya Kowbrainz...
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Gibbatizer: 2008-12-18 11:15:48 am
Far out the Motzhand thing really DOES work! Not that I didn't trust you, but I had to do it for myself to really believe it, what a find. Brilliant!! I just did my first full length practice run, it's actually running through the credits prior to gruntilda as I type. I paused and checked the times at one point, and they were pretty much all personal bests. So i'm well and truly on track. I'll post the overall game time after i beat Grunty...

Ok, all done. The overall time was 2.47.17 Which isn't terrible, but not brilliant. Gruntilda's lair somewhere blew out to 38:50. Oh yeh, I died once against Grunty. So that's how the happened. So wipe off possibly upto 5 minutes there. And also Bubblegloop swamp, I lost to Vile once and stuffed up some big things, that was 18 minutes something. So ultimately I could probably, or should probably wipe off another 8 or so minutes in total. So i'd say sub 2.40 is the minimum target. Hopefully something better.
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Play-doh: 2008-12-18 09:59:55 pm
Sorry i'm not up to speed with the game yet but what is the pal version, is it diff to the original and if so, is it easier to do a speedrun???
Is it possible to get sub 6 minutes in mumbos mountain, grunty switch and all???
What times would you need to get 2:40???
Putting vids of SM to TTC. If obvious mistakes in route please inform me.
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Play-doh: 2008-12-18 09:58:55 pm
OK, i think my routes are better now
2:13 on SM
6:05 on MM
9:45 on TTC
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kowbrainz: 2008-12-18 11:27:40 pm
Gibb: If you can post the individual level times for each of your practice runs from now on, that would be good. It's just good to keep a record of where you are and which levels can still be improved. 2.40 would be good, but I'd like to see 2.35 if possible. Not exactly sure which Clanker's route you're talking about... the TAS? My route? Yeah, I don't really know, you'll have to elaborate, but try and aim for something like 11.15 if possible - I managed to get 11.34 even with a rubbish anvil segment and other mistakes, so I think that should be reasonable. If 15.26 is your best in BGS then I'm sure you can improve that.

Play-doh: 2.13 is okay on SM, but you should check out the TAS route if you haven't already. You can get an easy 2.10 with that and even less if you get lucky. Not that it matters too much. 6.05 for MM is quite good; depends on whether you're going with the Termite or without. 9.45 on TTC can be improved by at least 15 seconds, but I haven't done the level in a while so I'm not entirely sure how much further you could take that.
Kowbrainz, My times were:
SM: 2.23  (Best: 2.17)
GL: 38.50 (Best: 35.17)
MM: 6.16 (Best: 6.04)
TTC: 9.14 (Best: 9.14)
CC: 11.27 (Best: 11.19)
BBS: 18.58 (right-off) (Best: 15.28)
FP: 15.10 (Best: 15.10)
GV: 13.55 (Best: 13.53)
MMM: 13.22 (Best: 13.22)
RBB: 13.54 (Best: 13.39)
CCW: 23.50 (Best: 23.50)

Quote from Gibbatizer:
Kowbrainz, My times were:
SM: 2.23  (Best: 2.17)
GL: 38.50 (Best: 35.17)
MM: 6.16 (Best: 6.04)
TTC: 9.14 (Best: 9.14)
CC: 11.27 (Best: 11.19)
BBS: 18.58 (right-off) (Best: 15.28)
FP: 15.10 (Best: 15.10)
GV: 13.55 (Best: 13.53)
MMM: 13.22 (Best: 13.22)
RBB: 13.54 (Best: 13.39)
CCW: 23.50 (Best: 23.50)


SM - You can improve your best time here as I said before by at least a few seconds with a bit of luck, although it doesn't matter too much.
MM - Yeah, it's okay, I know you'll do better in the real thing though. If you can get sub 6 minutes I'll be ecstatic
TTC - niiiiice
CC - Cool, just need a good anvil segment here I think. Better than me to say the least.
BGS - Again, you can improve your best time by about 30 seconds here
FP - again, nice. Need to see this route you're using.
GV - nice
MMM - nice
RBB - Are you using all the tricks we've been discussing before, or are you omitting the beak buster-invulnerability through the fans due to the risk? Either way, 13.39 sounds like a sweet PB, sub 13.30 would be good to see.
CCW - good job on breaking the 24 minute barrier

The other thing I wanted to ask was about your grunty fights. Are you getting all of the item top ups beforehand or skipping some or what? I believe the only one you should need is the egg top up. You can avoid the homing spells with a beak buster attack (jump then Z) and you should have at least 20 red feathers after CCW, I would think. You might want to get the health one also, depends on your confidence and how many honeycombs you usually use up. I would think that you would have full health when the Jinjonator segment starts, so it just depends on how much you get hit there.
Quote from kowbrainz:
6.05 for MM is quite good; depends on whether you're going with the Termite or without.

Is it possible to get everything in the level without transforming to the termite?
Yeh exaclty like you said. In the run yesterday I had about 20 red feathers, and only topped up on eggs and I was fine.

Spiral Mountain I just realised i actually do know the other route to get 2.10 - 2.13, so ill use that from now on. Rusty Bucket Bay I use the walk through the wall glitch, Boom box skip and jump up the poll walls. i don't use jump through the propella's invincibly.

I have mentioned in the past about whether I am allowed to kill myself at one point during the run. In particular just after mad monster mansion i am usually lucky to have more than 1 bar of health,. I don't know why but it has happened a bunch of times. The thing is, there are a couple of places in rbb where i have to intentionally lose health to save time. On top of that in Rusty Bucket Bay im running blind into a lot of the rooms, and enemies are always in a different place so they have a habit of appearing right in front of me. I estimate it costs about 8 seconds to kill myself, and my guess is that that time will be more than made up for by having the confidence of running full pelt, knowing im not gunna die on some random enemy.
Of course the priority will be to make sure I have enough health going into the level, but just in case. Thoughts anyone?
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Play-doh: 2008-12-19 02:01:34 pm
Well after Freezeezy Peak, there is no molehills to refill health anymore, so eventually you find yourself
down to one or two honeycombs. Why I can't get through CCW without dying half-way. Is it worth going out of your way to get health???

I cant see this route taking me under 9:30. What am I doing wrong???

I'm doing something seriously wrong on Freezeezy Peak because i cant get anywhere near the 16 minute mark. Would be good to see a route.
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kowbrainz: 2008-12-19 06:36:39 pm
Gibb: What order are you doing the levels in? GV, FP, MMM then RBB, or GV, MMM, FP, RBB? It sounds like the first one right now, and if so I'd advise against since you need to get the two witch switch jiggies for FP and MMM at once and it's generally easier to do them after FP rather than trekking into the FP room after you've done MMM.

If you're going to die once in the run, you may as well die in other points as well, like BGS after collecting the last items with the croc for example. There's no Brentildas that you can go to without wasting at least a minute after you do MMM - one on Grunty's hat in the FP room, one behind a tombstone in the MMM graveyard and one in the lava room. I'd like to hear where you're losing so much health in MMM, too.

Play-doh:  I have no idea how you're dying in CCW; are you falling off the tree while doing tricky jumps? Otherwise not sure how you'd lose all that health. Take your time around the big clucker birds and make sure you manipulate the camera well everywhere else.

Your TTC route was pretty good, and it's nice to see you've done your research on some of the advanced techniques and timesavers. Just have to wonder about your Jinjo route as well as your flying... are you holding R while flying? It doesn't seem like it since you're making these big loops when you need to turn around. I'd say get the Jinjos like they're done in the TAS - you waste a bit of time on the one under the dock, so I'd go for the blue, green, yellow (pretty much as you're doing already), then pink while talon trotting across the shock spring pillars, then orange how you're doing it already, but collecting the jiggy in midflight while going for the alcove jiggy. Otherwise it looked okay... I mean the shock spring pillars weren't done in the best way but I can't really talk there since I try all these complicated tricks for that segment and 4 times out of 5 mess up... haha.

Edit: SM - Stop using Marsh's route or you probably won't be able to improve past 2.10. I got 2.10 with Sami's route in an average run, so you should give the TAS route a go.

MM - haha, I thought you were going to scale Ticker's Tower with banjo when you did the feathery flap from the platform inside, but no. Anyway, the trick you were trying to pull off near conga's blocks... (hoping it's a trick) I assume it was so that you could pick up the jiggy in the cutscene. How often does this one work? Otherwise the run was pretty good, not much more you can expect from a modified Marshmallow route here.
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Play-doh: 2008-12-19 08:05:41 pm
CCW- I die by not having enough energy left over from rusty bucket bay plus falling off tree high up plus getting hit by too many cluckers.
TTC- I'll try holding R from now on Smiley  I get the blue jinjo last to get past the 10 jiggy dance but half the time the shark gets me first so Ill try your route which probably will be the same time but less risky.
SM- Confused about backflip at start, are u sure its possible without tool assistance
MM- I tried skipping the cutscene at conga's blocks but ive never done it because it bounces it different directions every time.
Thx for all the help
For SM - don't do the colliwobble jump at the same place as the TAS does it or you'll likely fail. Roll into the yellow grass towards the wall then roll flip before you lose momentum, pressing into the wall. Takes a bit of practice but it's not *too* hard.

For TTC, it's just a case of trying a lot of different things and seeing what works. There are so many different ways to go through this level, some associated with more risk than others but finding something that works for you is the only thing I'd really reccommend.
Everything's better with Magitek
Quote from Gibbatizer:
I have mentioned in the past about whether I am allowed to kill myself at one point during the run. In particular just after mad monster mansion i am usually lucky to have more than 1 bar of health,. I don't know why but it has happened a bunch of times. The thing is, there are a couple of places in rbb where i have to intentionally lose health to save time. On top of that in Rusty Bucket Bay im running blind into a lot of the rooms, and enemies are always in a different place so they have a habit of appearing right in front of me. I estimate it costs about 8 seconds to kill myself, and my guess is that that time will be more than made up for by having the confidence of running full pelt, knowing im not gunna die on some random enemy.
Of course the priority will be to make sure I have enough health going into the level, but just in case. Thoughts anyone?

If you die in the run, it will be labeled as such; whether or not you care about that is up to you.  An intentional death would look better than an accidental one, IMO.  You should go with whatever you think will be fastest.
I just watched the current Megaman 9 run, and thought the audio commentary was really nice and might be a neat thing to do with this run if possible, especially since the run is so long and can be a bit boring for people with lower attention spans at times etc. Depends what you want/whether you'd actually want to do the commentary yourself or what...

Not sure if there was anything else I wanted to ask right now really... just hope you respond to my previous questions/answers/whatever, maybe get another practice run going soon and see what still needs work. I'm *really* hyped for this run... can't wait to see something new finally up on the site, especially if it ends up beating Marsh's run by upwards of 15 minutes.
If you're going to die once in the run, you may as well die in other points as well, like BGS after collecting the last items with the croc for example. There's no Brentildas that you can go to without wasting at least a minute after you do MMM - one on Grunty's hat in the FP room, one behind a tombstone in the MMM graveyard and one in the lava room. I'd like to hear where you're losing so much health in MMM, too.

i think ive been losing a lot of health in Gobi's Valley, then an average amount in MMM but anyway, ill try my very best to not have to die unless i'm on 1 bar, might be just as quick to get the honeycomb thingy which gives u 3 health bars just after opening RBB.

After BGS I do Freezeezy (everything except racing boggy with boots), then Gobi's, then MMM then back to Freezeezy, then RBB. As for audio commentary, I wouldn't mind but I'm having enough trouble getting the equipment to record it, never mind audio commentary.
You could always get someone else to do commentary later if you're not up to it.

You mean the beehive near RBB's puzzle? Yeah, that'd be fine I think. It's fairly close to an exit, so you should be able to round up all the energy from it quickly then exit before the bees have a chance do any harm. Or you could use a gold feather or two to be safe, whatever.

Course the other thing you could do, if you really wanted to include deaths to be safe at that point in the run, is use one in the bottom of the well, and another in bubblegloop swamp. Still not exactly sure how you feel about this though.
Nah I think i'll keep it 100% death proof and just use the beehive if need be. It happened again tonight, 2 bars leaving MMM. I think i'm getting hit by the ghost during the Banjo Kazooie puzzle thingy a few times, then skeletons appear randomely in front of me as im running, sometimes a ghost in the maze or in the church. ill just be more careful. If I was going to incorperate Death Abuse i'd have t re-do the whole route planning, I remember a while ago I planned a few routes for a death abuse run, it would all be a lot different.

Had another practise run tonight. It wasn't very good, it was sloppy in fact, but i got 15.07 on BGS with a few mistakes, so at least I know im capabable of say a sub 15 on that world. got 2.11 on spiral aswell (PB). That was the only highlights. Hoping to buy the cable for recording tomorrow...
whoever saw my vid knows how bad quality can be taping with vid cam. how do i tape and get good quality??? PLZ
Play-doh - uh... check the FAQs. There are a tonne of methods available to record and get decent quality, you just need to look for the method that suits you.

Gibb: Nice going with BGS. I agree that keeping the run death abuse free is a good idea, just like you said.
If you guys do commentary, I'm getting in on that =D