Axiom Verge is a retro-styled metroidvania. Currently out on PS4 and coming to PC later this year.
There is a speedrun mode that should be used for all runs - it removes all cutscenes, text boxes, and RNG. There is also a timer which splits after each boss which is very handy. However, all times should be recorded in real time, not the in-game time, as this run takes advantage of warping to save points via quitting to the menu and loading your game.
- There are fast and reliable strats for the majority of bosses, here is a link to YT channel Synophis which has all the current quickest kills uploaded
- Certain guns (eg. nova) can fire through walls and lasers from certain distances, this is a glitch and is not 100% reliable.
- The drone can be fired through 1 block wide walls when you are standing right next to them.
- You can infinitely fly when you get the drone teleport. Shoot your drone up in the air > teleport to it > quickly fire the Address Disruptor (glitch gun) > repeat. This has to be done very quickly. Usually there is a cooldown period between teleporting to your drone and firing another one, but using the the disruptor resets it.
- Teleporting is faster than running. Combine the drone teleporting technique with trench coat/red coat teleports for maximum movement speed.
- If you switch weapons while firing the Shard gun shards continue to fire from the point where you switched (like a turret),
Edit: Seems to stop registering hits after the first hit(?). needs more testing.
Here is the current best time, ran by Synophis:
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