I'm interested in running games on some older home computers (e.g. Commodore Amiga and BBC Micro). I've read the rules which are more console focussed and it gives the PS2 HDLoader as an example of something you can't do, so I'd assume WHDLoad games on the Amiga are banned, only games that were officially installable to HD could be run in that way. Most Amiga games were strictly floppy only, which is a bit of an issue as the disks for some of the games I want to run are now going to be up to 40 years old and unreadable.
A search for "gotek" on these forums turn up zero results so tldr summary: A gotek drive replaces the 3.5" or 5.25" floppy drive on a device, connecting to its original floppy ribbon cable and then lets you mount a disk image saved on a USB stick (e.g. an adf file on the Amiga). All data transfer is at the same speed as the original floppy drive.
I'd argue that this is functionally closer to a flashcart rather than a HDLoader, since the data is getting in via the original floppy interface, going through the same drive controller etc. For the purposes of video game preservation it's pretty much the closest you can get to the original disk as supplied in the 80s. Some people even mod the gotek with a little speaker so it can make floppy-like sounds as it loads!
The main point of contention I can think of is physically switching disks at the "Insert Disk 2" prompt if it happens mid-game. That can be done faster on a gotek as you just press a button. I'm not sure if SDA timing rules include the time taken for the player to physically swap a floppy disk. Obviously this is a non-issue for single disk games, or games where the disk switch only happens during initial loading.
Pic of a (badly) Gotek'd Amiga 1200 for reference

A search for "gotek" on these forums turn up zero results so tldr summary: A gotek drive replaces the 3.5" or 5.25" floppy drive on a device, connecting to its original floppy ribbon cable and then lets you mount a disk image saved on a USB stick (e.g. an adf file on the Amiga). All data transfer is at the same speed as the original floppy drive.
I'd argue that this is functionally closer to a flashcart rather than a HDLoader, since the data is getting in via the original floppy interface, going through the same drive controller etc. For the purposes of video game preservation it's pretty much the closest you can get to the original disk as supplied in the 80s. Some people even mod the gotek with a little speaker so it can make floppy-like sounds as it loads!
The main point of contention I can think of is physically switching disks at the "Insert Disk 2" prompt if it happens mid-game. That can be done faster on a gotek as you just press a button. I'm not sure if SDA timing rules include the time taken for the player to physically swap a floppy disk. Obviously this is a non-issue for single disk games, or games where the disk switch only happens during initial loading.
Pic of a (badly) Gotek'd Amiga 1200 for reference

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