System dir should always be %windir%\system32.
It is better to use fully qualified paths instead of messing with the path variable.
It is better to use fully qualified paths instead of messing with the path variable.
@ECHO OFF SET trimarray= :trimloop ECHO Specify START and END for each range. CALL :get_number start "START: " CALL :get_number end "END: " IF %start% GTR %end% ( ECHO END has to be after START GOTO :trimloop ) IF "%trimarray%"=="" ( SET "trimarray=%start%,%end%" ) ELSE ( SET "trimarray=%trimarray% %start%,%end%" ) ECHO ^(%trimarray%^) CHOICE /M "Add another trim range " IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1 GOTO :trimloop GOTO :EOF :get_number :: %1 - name of variable to return number in :: %2 - prompt string SET s= SET /P s=%~2 ECHO %s%| findStr "[^0-9]" >nul IF %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( ECHO Please enter a number. GOTO :get_number ) SET %~1=%s% GOTO :EOF
IF "%twod%"=="y" ECHO>> "%projname%_LQ.avs" ^(last.framerate ^> 31^) ? changefps^(last.framerate/3^) : last IF "%twod%"=="n" ( ECHO>> "%projname%_MQ.avs" ^(last.framerate ^> 31^) ? changefps^(last.framerate/2^) : last ECHO>> "%projname%_LQ.avs" ^(last.framerate ^> 31^) ? changefps^(last.framerate/2^) : last )