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Use \ before commas in usernames
System dir should always be %windir%\system32.
It is better to use fully qualified paths instead of messing with the path variable.
Well, I mean, it's global. Any program can modify %PATH%.
What happens in something--or someone--modifies it while anri is running? Either anri can run the wrong thing, or it will restore %PATH% to a state it wasn't before running anri.
And if setting it when installing anri, nothing says another program can change %PATH% before.

%PATH% is like something from the DOS era. It's dangerous.
I bet we can save some headaches by just using fully qualified paths.
Edit history:
gyth: 2011-12-03 12:20:04 pm
gyth: 2011-12-03 11:25:48 am
anri only gets a copy of %PATH%, anri can change its copy all it wants, that won't change the systems value.
How about something like this for setting up the trimarray?
SET trimarray=
ECHO Specify START and END for each range.
CALL :get_number start "START: "
CALL :get_number end "END: "
IF %start% GTR %end% (
    ECHO END has to be after START
    GOTO :trimloop
IF "%trimarray%"=="" (
    SET "trimarray=%start%,%end%"
) ELSE (
    SET "trimarray=%trimarray% %start%,%end%"
ECHO ^(%trimarray%^)
CHOICE /M "Add another trim range "
IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1 GOTO :trimloop

:: %1 - name of variable to return number in 
:: %2 - prompt string
SET s=
SET /P s=%~2
ECHO %s%| findStr "[^0-9]" >nul
	ECHO Please enter a number.
	GOTO :get_number
SET %~1=%s%
Source for pgccount in knowledge base is in v0.4
The one shipping with anri says it is v0.1
If MQ is intended to be the compatibility mode then 60fps shouldn't be allowed.
Ipod and other legacy gear can only decode upto 30fps.

I'm going to define the bounding boxes for the qualities at
LQ 512x288
MQ 640x480
HQ 1024x576
IQ 1376x768
i never had any problem playing f1 stuff. that's why it's allowed. i think either the specs are wrong or it's interlacing or something to get the framerate up there.
So should F1 MQ be decimated to F2, ever?
Currently it is depending on 2d/3d.
IF "%twod%"=="y" ECHO>> "%projname%_LQ.avs" ^(last.framerate ^> 31^) ? changefps^(last.framerate/3^) : last
IF "%twod%"=="n" (
  ECHO>> "%projname%_MQ.avs" ^(last.framerate ^> 31^) ? changefps^(last.framerate/2^) : last
  ECHO>> "%projname%_LQ.avs" ^(last.framerate ^> 31^) ? changefps^(last.framerate/2^) : last
you really notice the framerate loss less with 3d stuff because there's no "where's the sprite?" effect. and lower framerate really helps with quality especially considering mq has a bunch of shit turned off for compatibility.
So should F1 D1 2D MQ be deinterlaced to 480p?
good question. i don't think we've assigned that combination to a game. but i don't think mq would fare very well with d1 unless the graphics were really simple.
F1 2D is usually D4, so don't worry too much about the corner case?
i just remembered the ff4 after years. you should check what anri produces. my best guess is mq at d4 f1.
Edit history:
gyth: 2011-12-17 10:41:18 pm
So treat MQ F1 2D as D4 even if it is D1?
yeah, i mean ff4 after years is meant to look like a d4 game.
Ok, so from a D1 F1 HQ =640x480p60
MQ will aim for 1/4 the pixels per second, so 2d=320x240p60, 3d=480x360p30
LQ will aim for 1/8 3d=320x240p30, 2d=320x240p20
yes, a man carrying a gimp
Nice to see this program supports M2TS files so I can use my HD PVR with it. Cheesy

Is there a way for the program's High Quality preset to keep my raw video's original resolution (1280x720)?  The file size for insane quality is a bit bigger then I'd like it to be. 
Fucking Weeaboo
anri-chan attempted to implode the universe.  I'm not sure why it read my VOBs wrong, but then again, I was converting them from MOD (my video camera's format) so I could easily encode to MP4 but they should read as 720x480.  I'm sure due to that I converted my original files to VOB that it goofed up internal info, but I thought I'd share anyways.

what happens if you input the .mod directly to anri?
lol, I suck at programming..? It's still asking you to enter the aspect ratio, try manually entering 4/3 or 16/9 or whatever it's supposed to be.
Professional Second Banana
I'm trying to change my capturing setup to use direct audio input instead of Dazzle audio, but am having a strange issue where my anri-chan encodes have no sound when played with Windows Media Player, but do have sound when played with SMplayer.  If anyone wants to give me a hand, I've uploaded a short capture test to and a ZIP of the encodes/logs to

Could be that the audio is 96 KHz instead of 48 or 44.1 KHz. Can you change the audio frequency in your capturing software? If not, can be changed after manually but then you have to do that every time.
vdub has started defaulting to 96. it's fucking annoying. runs have already been posted on the site like that.
Hi I'm Kryssstal
Quote from nate:
vdub has started defaulting to 96. it's fucking annoying. runs have already been posted on the site like that.

I didn't know that was a bad thing... Should I use 48 or 44.1?