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Use \ before commas in usernames
385x337 and 40 fps ? Really weird recording values :s
I'll try to encode it once I get home but I'm pretty sure that I'll come across the same error.
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Spirituosa: 2011-09-26 09:28:17 am
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
yes this game has stupid resolutions (384x336 768x672) and i changed the fps now to 30 ... succes ! it encodes the vid
i also picked the wrong option so i can't choose the video properties (me stupid >_>)

i think i'm done, just changed the codec of camstudio again and no flashing in the sample or in the encoded vids (384x336,30fps encoded to 320x240)
seems all fine now ... man that was hard

but thank you for your help !
I can't seem to get any audio when I run anri on these recorded avis I have
there's the log file

maybe I'm missing something really obvious
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ballofsnow: 2011-10-05 05:00:23 am
Does it work on a short avi clip?

It might be the same problem as Caracarn has/had:
yep, works great for a short avi. So what do I do exactly?
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ballofsnow: 2011-10-05 05:40:36 am
I suspect that anri/avisynth can't handle the single large file. Try splitting it up into smaller files and loading those:

1. Use virtualdub: "C:\Program Files (x86)\anrichan3.3\VirtualDub-1.9.7\VirtualDub.exe"
2. Load avi
3. Video menu -> Direct Stream Copy
4. File menu -> Save segmented avi
5. Uncheck "limit number of video frames per segment"
6. File segment size limit, try the maximum 2048.
7. Save
8. In Anri, load the separate clips together.

Hopefully this workaround will get all the audio loaded. Note that with a long run, you will likely run into the wav limit problem described in the thread I linked to above.
I'll try that

The actual run is under 3 hours, the recording is 8 hours though.
So I'm curious... any plans on creating a (simple) GUI for anri someday? Perhaps with a progress bar to complement the black box so it doesn't overwrite the output in the black box with progress percentage.
Supposed to be Anri 5, I guess based on Anri 4 code. No way am I doing it for Anri 3. Actually, Anri 3.0->3.3 wasn't supposed to happen but progress stopped on Anri 4 unfortunately.
no plans right now.
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IsraeliRD: 2011-11-15 04:45:40 pm
Dragon Power Supreme
I'm using Anri 3.3 and I need to lower the font size for the authors in the StatID. In anti 3 beta 4 I edited a nate.avs file but this no longer exists.
I know about the sda.avs file and have edited the audio commentary lines using it. I will not be surprised if it's for the statID too but I can't tell how to edit the part that actually controls the font for the authors.
If this does not exist or possible (as I want authors only) then I'll just use Anri3beta4, as I have no problems with it.


Edit: figured it out myself. Sadly it's not specific to the authors (instead just global) but whatever works.
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Toothache: 2011-11-15 10:28:04 am
Let the music play!
So, I have a run ready to submit, and I figured I'd make my own encodes and save nate a job. Downloaded anri 3.3, inputted all the relevant settings, and the encodes came out great - except for one small problem, the audio is out of sync. I suspect it is due to the fact the raw capture was using 44.1 kHz and the outputted encodes seem to be 48 kHz. Whatever the reason, the audio is about 6-7 seconds out of sync at the start, and 9-10 seconds by the end. Is there an easy fix for this problem?

Thanks in advance
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UraniumAnchor: 2011-11-15 10:41:20 am
Not a walrus
If it's a gradual desync and not something that wavers back and forth, it's relatively simple to fix (two extra lines in a script), just requires a lot of number fiddling until you find the right values. I find it interesting that it starts off so far out of sync though, are you clipping a small chunk of a large raw source file?
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Toothache: 2011-11-15 11:03:00 am
Let the music play!
Yeah the original raw was just over 50 minutes worth, and it was the last 22 minutes of the file I'm capturing. I think I have it fixed myself though.

EDIT: Yep, got it fixed now. Just need to learn not to be so overzealous with the cropping in future :-)
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gyth: 2011-11-17 08:49:46 pm
Looking through the code, it uses "EXIT /B 0" for function return.
Is that the same as "GOTO :EOF" or is there a subtle difference?

/B keeps it from closing the window, what is the 0 doing?

ah its returning an error code
Would it be ok to use the choice command in anri-chan?
Does anyone have a copy of Vista that can check if it is standard issue?
Pretty sure it's been standard for a long time, before XP.
So, this sortof thing would be ok?

CHOICE /c:IDE /M "(I)mport i(D)entify (E)ncode"
FOR /F "tokens=%ERRORLEVEL%" %%A IN ("import identify encode") DO ECHO %%A.bat
Edit history:
ballofsnow: 2011-11-20 03:10:08 pm
ballofsnow: 2011-11-20 03:07:55 pm
ballofsnow: 2011-11-20 03:07:45 pm
ballofsnow: 2011-11-20 03:05:21 pm
If it makes sense and it works, why wouldn't it be ok? Wink Anri already has some external tools from the Win2K and/or Win2K3 resource kit. Can't remember what they are. Really, anri is just a bunch of tools cobbled together to get the job done.

I'm not sure why 'choice' wasn't included in 2K and XP, but apparently it came back a little stronger in Vista, and I presume 7. You may want to check that you're using the latest version.
It is definitely present in Windows 7, that much I can confirm.
SET statid1=
SET /P statid1=Station ID Line 1 (normally runner name): 
IF NOT DEFINED statid1 (SET statid1= )

statid1 would be undefined if the user hits enter, it is then given a default value of " ".
Any reason not to just set it to " " initially?

(SET statid1= )
SET /P statid1=Station ID Line 1 (normally runner name): 
anri_auto_bat is not defined, calling with auto in the command line crashes immediately.
IF NOT "%auto%"=="y" (
START /LOW /B anri.bat anrilow
) ELSE (
REM need to change this to call this filename, whatever that may be
START /LOW /B %anri_auto_bat% anrilow

Or did the two files get merged and that is why there are all the IF NOT "%auto%"=="y" in anri.bat?
Both branches should call:
START /LOW /B anri.bat anrilow

Why is anri being called at low priority?
Is it preemptive so x264 doesn't swamp the system when it gets called?
Quote from gyth:
SET statid1=
SET /P statid1=Station ID Line 1 (normally runner name): 
IF NOT DEFINED statid1 (SET statid1= )

statid1 would be undefined if the user hits enter, it is then given a default value of " ".
Any reason not to just set it to " " initially?

Don't see any reason not to. The 'if not defined' part was coded at a separate time, and I didn't think of just initializing to " " right away.

Quote from gyth:
anri_auto_bat is not defined, calling with auto in the command line crashes immediately.
IF NOT "%auto%"=="y" (
START /LOW /B anri.bat anrilow
) ELSE (
REM need to change this to call this filename, whatever that may be
START /LOW /B %anri_auto_bat% anrilow

Or did the two files get merged and that is why there are all the IF NOT "%auto%"=="y" in anri.bat?
Both branches should call:
START /LOW /B anri.bat anrilow

You'll have to check earlier posts in this thread, might've been for this.

Why is anri being called at low priority?
Is it preemptive so x264 doesn't swamp the system when it gets called?

Yes. And probably for other programs that are called, but x264 is the main reason.
Fun with recursive batching
@echo off
call :gcd 1280 720 callresult
echo %callresult%
call :gcd 768 1360 callresult
echo %callresult%

SET /a "high=%2"
SET /a "low=%1 %% %2"
IF %low% NEQ 0 CALL :gcd %high% %low% high
ENDLOCAL & SET "%3=%high%"
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from ballofsnow:
I'm not sure why 'choice' wasn't included in 2K and XP, but apparently it came back a little stronger in Vista, and I presume 7. You may want to check that you're using the latest version.

A little late to the party but CHOICE is available in Windows XP 64bit (based off Windows 2003 Server)