mortyrer45 suggested earlier today that we localize anri and i thought, why not? so i extracted all the english strings and put them in a separate file.
if anyone wants to translate anri just translate this stuff, e.g. if it says:
then you give me (if this is a german translation):
you can submit the translation here, in its own topic or on the kb if you have an account (as e.g. feel free to ask me any questions.
if anyone wants to translate anri just translate this stuff, e.g. if it says:
$lang{FILES_APPEAR_IN} = 'All files associated with this project will appear in: ';
then you give me (if this is a german translation):
$lang{FILES_APPEAR_IN} = 'Alle mit diesem Projekt zugehörige Daten erscheinen unter: ';
you can submit the translation here, in its own topic or on the kb if you have an account (as e.g. feel free to ask me any questions.
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