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Thanks for the posts guys. Thread has been updated. If someone is going to be commentating and doesn't have a forum account, you can also just get them to tweet about it and link the post here. I just need some kind of confirmation before we put names on the schedule because we have had a few situations where miscommunications happened and someone had their name on the schedule for commentary but didn't know they were supposed to.
I don't even know what the fuck this is
confirming jokaah and satoryu for mega man zx. i think flameberger also said he'd be on the couch too, but i'll have to confirm with him.
           never a frown
Posting to confirm myself for Secret of Mana.

I'm also willing to couch for Super Metroid again.
Confirming myself for Kirby Squeak Squad.

Also talked with Studio and he said I'm on couch for Iji, need him to confirm.
Confirming Dragondarch and Skybilz for Low G Man!
Castlevania Bloodlines will be MURPHAGATOR!, PJ, MechaRichter, Satoryu.  This couch is now closed.  Thanks.
Edit history:
Mr_Shasta: 2015-11-24 02:05:11 pm
Mr_Shasta: 2015-11-24 02:04:49 pm
Just to be clear, Kirbymastah is on my couch but he isn't doing full commentary in place of me for Kirby Squeak Squad. From how it's listed on the first page, it makes it seem like that's the case, at least to me. My couch is VB_SRL, GuyBB, and Kirbymastah and I'll be doing most of the commentary myself, so VB and Guy shouldn't be awaiting commentator approval in this case.
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Quote from Mr_Shasta:
Just to be clear, Kirbymastah is on my couch but he isn't doing full commentary in place of me for Kirby Squeak Squad. From how it's listed on the first page, it makes it seem like that's the case, at least to me. My couch is VB_SRL, GuyBB, and Kirbymastah and I'll be doing most of the commentary myself, so VB and Guy shouldn't be awaiting commentator approval in this case.

This is just keeping track of people that will have microphones for the purpose of the schedule. Your name will already be on the schedule, and who gets a microphone is ultimately up to the runner at the event. You won't be locked to any of this.
I'm good for the DKC2 102 couch (I know MrZeraTheMant is as well)

I'm also willing to help with the DKC couch - but v0oid really should be on there for that, as probably should MrZeraTheMant.
Oh okay thank you. Was just confused as to why there were 2 lists is all haha
I spoke with draculantern about commentating Kero Blaster. Need him to confirm.
I am running and commentating Shovel Knight. We have Tohloo doing couch commentary if he is able to attend. I am open to having Vulajin and CyberBotX join us as well.
Confirmed by runner couching for:

Kirby 64

Would like to couch for:

Goof Troop
Willing to do commentary for Azure Striker Gunvolt if there's space available.
DS Dictator
Willing to do commentary for Azure Striker Gunvolt if there's space available.

Azure Striker Gunvolt Commentary with Ajarmar's input:
Yes to
Blechy, Trogdor, cleartonic,

For Azure Striker Gunvolt, the commentators will be Blechy, Trogdor and cleartonic (Greenalink and I discussed it and agreed on those three).

Gunvolt couch is now closed.
We require more minerals
Updated, let me know if I got anything wrong.
Edit history:
Blechy: 2015-11-24 06:18:31 pm
Blechy: 2015-11-24 06:05:19 pm
The updated Strider commentators shows what you really think of me.

e: <3
We require more minerals
Fixed, sorry about that.
Note, Goof Troop is written in a bit of an odd place (a 2nd time) in your list Smiley

Goof Troop - Blechy definitely confirmed. BBForky looks excellent as well Cheesy
Put on the shelves since 2012
Offering commentary for Diablo, Diablo 2, and Left 4 Dead 2. Have already talked with FunkmasterMP (Diablo runner) and he says he wants me to couch.
thank you for those interested in commentating FFIV!  To Raelcun: I would like to choose my commentators and will have them set for you in a couple days.  Thanks!
Confirming commentary slot for Azure Striker Gunvolt
Offering to commentate:

Ocarina of Time Master Quest
Crash Bandicoot

Have always been involved in the Ocarina of Time community (since 2012) and know very well how a lot of the more complicated stuff works. Very likely that there is already a set couch for this, but if you need an extra person who knows his stuff, let me know.

Also, as far as Spyro and Crash go, I know a ton of people in the communities (ssbmstuff, kollin7, etc) and can easily have them mentor me up until the runs goin' on so I can learn all about the runs. Again, probably already confirmed couches, but let me know.
I spoke with Hugo4fun, and confirmed that I will provide couch commentary for DnD: Shadow Over Mystara.

I'll offer up my assistance for Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, though that seems pretty busy already. Runner can take his pick, I'm cool either way.

I'd also like to offer assistance for Lagoon and Vendetta.
SPEEDruns not SAFEruns
Still not 100% if I can make it (I'm registered) but would like to do commentary for Super Mario Bros. 2 Any% race. Talked with Svenne and I'm sure GDF and Whitman can verify
Speaking of SMB2, I apparently missed the 2 key when I posted last time (not that I couldn't commentate SMB, but it was already closed).  If the runners aren't aware of who I am, I did most of the commentary for cak's run at SGDQ '14.