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Games submitted.

Thanks for organizing this again Mike and co!
I don't have video footage of me speedrunning the game, so may I send a screenshot instead?
professional speed gamer
I submitted my games xD
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Shadow Jacky: You can edit the days you are staying, and withdraw submissions. You can't edit the submissinos themselves.

Zero you can, but that's not very convincing.
spread the dirt to the populace
submitted! don't have a video for one of my submissions but it will come before too long =)
Quote from Josh the Funkdoc:
submitted! don't have a video for one of my submissions but it will come before too long =)

Why not just submit when you have the video
spread the dirt to the populace
Quote from jymotion:
Quote from Josh the Funkdoc:
submitted! don't have a video for one of my submissions but it will come before too long =)

Why not just submit when you have the video

been grinding the heck out of other categories and wanted to get SDA-submittable runs on them before this one. wasn't sure how long that would take but you're probably right. no takebacks i guess, dang =(
My feelings on The Demon Rush
It's cool that people are submitting, but please don't post that you've submitted, I can see them in the form and they will be viewable once we get that functionality ready. This topic is for questions about submitting.

If people are wondering why submissions aren't immediately viewable, it's to weed out blatant troll submissions in case if they happen.
It seems, if it's at all technically possible, it would be very useful if just the video URL could be updatable.

Not only for giving people time to record a video to attach, but also in cases where there are PB improvements or new discoveries over the next two weeks.
Edit history:
MURPHAGATOR!: 2014-08-17 02:19:22 pm
the purpose of the video isn't to be a final route or something, it's to give an example of gameplay and the general flow as well as showing at least some degree of player skill. There will be opportunities to post improvement videos plenty of times before anything is final.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Honestly the most important part of the video is what murph said, what the gameplay looks like and your overall skill level.
Talk to the Hand
Question regarding that: I know in the past it's been encouraged to post your fastest run, but given this is a marathon and you'll be commenting/etc, wouldn't a no-reset (Or, ideally, a run you've done for another marathon, even if it's online) run be a more accurate representation of what a *GDQ run would be like?
Yeah thanks Mike, my mom'll let me use her webcam tomorrow. ^_^
I completely forgot to submit a game. Am I fucked? that's a little dumb that you cant edit submissions at all, especially if they're still pending.
The suggestion seems to be that if you are active with your game and expect any improvement over the next couple weeks, that it is only to your detriment to not wait until last minute. Is that fair to assume?
Edit history:
Greenalink: 2014-08-17 02:43:52 pm
Greenalink: 2014-08-17 02:43:37 pm
Greenalink: 2014-08-17 02:43:29 pm
DS Dictator
My current situation of attending this 'GDQ is a maybe at the moment.
3 of the runs have good videos ready to be part of the submission.

I still need to record another 3 runs as one of the games has 2 potential categories, they may not be as tight as the 3 already done but I'll practice a lot on the games that do get accepted. Fortunately these "3 need to be recorded" runs I've used to do for fun and have been done in a speed run scenario, so they are not brand new to me if that makes any sense.
Quote from nmaster64:
The suggestion seems to be that if you are active with your game and expect any improvement over the next couple weeks, that it is only to your detriment to not wait until last minute. Is that fair to assume?

What if someone forgets a game they want to submit? that wouldn't change whether they submit right away or at the very end.
Edit history:
PJ: 2014-08-17 02:46:34 pm
Quote from heeheex2:
Quote from nmaster64:
The suggestion seems to be that if you are active with your game and expect any improvement over the next couple weeks, that it is only to your detriment to not wait until last minute. Is that fair to assume?

What if someone forgets a game they want to submit? that wouldn't change whether they submit right away or at the very end.

You've had like a month to prepare your submissions.  If they meant that much to you, you should've written them down or something.  Or you know, write a draft of your submissions beforehand.  It's not like this was a surprise.
Talk to the Hand
Agreed with PJ. It actually WOULD have changed had you sat down and thought about it instead of rushing your submission through.
DS Dictator
^^^These 2 posts!^^^
Edit history:
heeheex2: 2014-08-17 02:59:29 pm
heeheex2: 2014-08-17 02:59:23 pm
Oh yea I agree, I'm not too upset about it because they don't mean that much too me (which is why I forgot). That doesn't mean it isn't a good submission though, and it'd be nice to be able to add in more submissions as a "just in case" ya know?

Edit: I guess this applies more for short games now that I think about it. You finish submitting, then remember that you know how to run another game that's really short but you haven't run in a while. Just because it's not your main focus doesn't mean it's a bad idea for a submission.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Note: I'm nuking posts that say "I submitted" or something similar from now on because they don't contribute anything to the topic.

Emptyeye: Yes it would be, but fastest run is a good representation of good gameplay.

heehee: it's not like you had to submit right away, the due date isn't until September, and like pj said, you had a month to prepare. We're not letting people edit their submissions too heavily (the most I would consider is updating a video) because submission editing would be ripe for abuse, that's why it's mostly a one and one system. Also, if your submission wasn't a bad idea I'd get the impression you'd do a better job remembering what it was.

nmaster64: Yeah, but unless if something drastically changes in the route within those two weeks then I don't think updating the video is incredibly important, since the general gist of the gameplay and skill level will be there.
Talk to the Hand
Okay, so it sounds like you want the representation of highest-quality gameplay in the submission, and trust the runner to make the required marathon adjustments at AGDQ. Got it.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
That's a good way of putting it, emptyeye.
I accidentally pasted a link to the wrong game for one of my submissions. Here is the real link for Magicians and Looters