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Quote from Onin:
Quote from Linkinito:
Quote from Cool Matty:
Quote from Linkinito:
(And check on or how the donations slowed down hard after Mega Man X3... Thursday and Friday were abysmal days in terms of donations. Even though some runs were great - look at GTA Vice City, praised by everyone, but very few donations throughout the whole run! And it was in graveyard shift)
I believe the fall of donations happened as soon as the Awful Games Done Quick block happened, which has always been more of an event darling than a, well, good idea. I think AwGDQ has always caused a dip in donations.
The data you were looking at was not updated with the revised tracker donations. Those days were a significant chunk of the $400k that was missing in the tracker.
Alligatr features the revised tracker donations. The missing $400k were spread out all over the marathon, and if we except the bump on prime time Thursday (from Punch-Out to Yoshi's Island), the donations were pretty low between Mega Man X3 and Zelda The Minish Cap. Friday is without a doubt the weakest day, even when counting the missing $400k.
I believe the fall of donations happened as soon as the Awful Games Done Quick block happened, which has always been more of an event darling than a, well, good idea. I think AwGDQ has always caused a dip in donations.
It always did in every edition, however that's quite unusual to have donations that were so low in a day that was supposed to be strong, with Half-Life, Portal, GTA Vice City (adam_ak being one of the most known speedrunners), a very promising PlayStation block, heck, even Werster and Metroid Prime/Zero Mission didn't fare well!
Also remember that the PS4 prize ended right after Mega Man X3... Which was in my opinion a stupid mistake because it was done deliberately. My bet on this.