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Quote from Reiska:
I think I more or less agree with dangodofthunder that AGDQ should focus solely on the charity fundraising aspect of its portfolio, even perhaps to the exclusion of all other elements, for the sake of efficiency.

I think there's a place for a SpeedGamesCon or something of that nature, for sure - perhaps that's not an ideal name, but the idea would be an actual convention dedicated to the art of playing games at their skill peak, whether that peak is time-based or score-based (for games where speed isn't applicable e.g. shmups) or whatever - but I don't think AGDQ is necessarily the place for that event, for a number of reasons (proximity to MAGFest being a big one, as well as the greater internet community's concerns about the cost efficiency of marathons).

I never said that, I simply said that there's a segment of the community that feels that way. I simply think that in lieu of an event that focuses on the social element of it, convention or not, GDQ's will default to it. Whether or not we see Cosmo teach Speedrunning 101, or Caleb teaching how to grow your channel or whatever, AGDQ and SGDQ are the two biggest locations for runners to meet each other and their fans. Trying to ignore or shutter this is counterproductive without something to fill that void.

Edited Clarification: I think organized events like what I mentioned Cosmo and Caleb are doing are stupid, but would be the closest parallel to what we see in other cons
Edit history:
Elipsis: 2015-01-28 02:17:49 am
Well this thread is bumpin'.  Shocked

AGDQ 2015 was my very first live GDQ - first and foremost I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who invested their time and effort into this event.  It was honestly one of the most fun and amazing weeks of my life.  Full stop.  You guys did a mind-blowing job with this event and I am fully sold on coming back next year.  I feel like a douche being critical of really anything at all when I know some folks in the staff and volunteers were practically killing themselves trying to make this thing a success.  I have enormous respect for all of your efforts, so as I'm doing this write-up please don't think everything you all put into this event is unappreciated.

Hotel Things

So I drove here from Pittsburgh - and I was absolutely sure that my GPS had fucked up as I was being routed around loading trucks and around the back-side of what looked to be an industrial park.  But lo and behold suddenly I'm at what must obviously be the back entrance to the Hilton.  After a bit of senseless circling I finally found a parking spot waaaaay away from the main lobby thinking I must surely be one of the last ones to arrive (it was Saturday).  And so marked my slightly comical arrival at a hotel that, as it turns out, I rather liked quite a bit.

The room was, simply put, pretty nice.  I had one bout of terror for about 45 seconds as I first scoped out the place when I couldn't find the blackout curtains... dread creeping into my mind as the fear went off in my head "Oh god, I might have to see the sun this week."  But thank goodness, I found them hiding in the back of the fancy looking drapes - and so successfully embarked on one of the most disastrous and irresponsible sleep schedules of my adult life.

I had one minor issue partway through the week which hotel maintenance fixed for me pretty much immediately, and beyond that everything about the room was satisfactory.  King bed was super comfortable, TV supported HDMI which was awesome because I brought my Xbox 360, and the sun was not let in.  One other weird praise if I may... I was rather worried when I saw that my room was directly in front of the elevator.  Having this spot before in hotels has been rather deleterious to sleep.  Not so at the Hilton.  Didn't hear the elevator for shit, and for all the hype that I'm sure must have been going on in the hallway intermittently at random hours, nothing woke me up.  I suspect the Hilton has above average acoustic isolation and that's not something to be scoffed at.

Moving out of my room - although I'm pretty sure this was the largest GDQ the thing never felt totally cramped for space.  The main stream room was large, the breakfast had ample seating, and between the tournament room, the practice room, and the casual room, there was always somewhere to relax and socialize without feeling like a sardine.  Having a bar and some food available on site was clutch a couple of times.  It wasn't the best eats, but it got me through a few nights.  That said, I had a car... and went off-site a number of times on the days that I actually remembered to eat.  If you didn't have your own transportation I would imagine it would have been really rough.  I would not want to eat 7 days in a row from the hotel's food options.  I found a couple of 24/7 options available within 15 minutes from the hotel and gathered up those who wanted to come out, but for a lot of people who flew in that's just not an option.  Sometimes I was just sooooo glad that the first floor never ran out of cups of water.  They did a good job being attentive with that.

Random thought, if the event is 24/7, could we by any chance negotiate for the pool to be open 24/7?  Pool hours were meh.

Overall though - if you told me that AGDQ 2016 was in the same hotel and I was staying in the same room, I wouldn't hesitate for one second to say "I'm definitely in."  My best constructive advise on the food matter would be to have something like a poster board for people to car pool maybe.  For example, "Driving to Indian Food - Leaving at 7pm - Max seating 6" and then have people meet there who were interested or something.  I would definitely volunteer as driver for that sort of thing and it would be a great way to meet random folks while simultaneously getting people without transportation something to eat away from the hotel.

AGDQ Things

The Dead horse criticism - one of my biggest criticisms with how the stream was presented was handled early into the GDQ.  I'm not going to be the Nth person to belabor the dead silence during setup stuff.  You guys know, and adjusted, and I felt like there was good energy on the air afterwards.

Twitch Stream Layout - looked fine to me I'm not a fuss.

Twitch Chat - Fucking toxic.  Not sure what to do about it either.  Sub-only mode has some serious drawbacks that others pointed out... but so does a constant stream of vitriol.  There's not enough moderators in the world to actually clean that up really.  Actually... new idea... if you made EVERYONE a moderator they might all time each other out and then the whole thing would just kind of sort itself out.

About Blocks - so I've seen a lot of criticism about "huge blocks of samey games" (mario stuff, mega man stuff, etc...) and ya know what... I disagree with all of it.  I actually like those big blocks and I want to explain why.  Coming to AGDQ I had about 35 runs highlighted that I was intending to see in person, and I was absolutely unprepared for how much fun stuff is going on all the time off-stream in the other AGDQ rooms, in people's hotel rooms, and occasionally off-site entirely.  Everyone's advise to me was "you really really shouldn't try to do it all" - they were right.  I ended up seeing maybe 14 of the runs I had planned on, and I would have missed a lot more of them were they not in a row.  From my perspective, it was most convenient to set aside that block of time for the runs and plan other things like food and sleep around it.  The shit I ended up missing was mostly the stuff not in blocks where I was saying to myself "Okay... so if I want to catch these runs I have to sleep for 3 hours, wake up and run to the stream room, have breakfast, sleep for 3 more hours, wake up again..." - lining up the same type runs makes it so that it's much easier to plan for, and personally I like it that way.  A lot of people watching Mega Man 1 also want to see Mega Man 5, I argue it's the most convenient thing for everyone to leave such things together.  Conversely, the large blocks of games that I didn't care about were great to catch up on sleep, or relax and enjoy a meal off-site.  So I actually really liked the way the schedule was arranged.

Donations / Atmosphere - Maybe almost a dead horse criticism but I felt awkward a couple of times when I was having a great time watching and enjoying a run and then I hear "I'm donating because my wife just lost her battle with brain cancer, then 6 months later I lost our only daughter to leukemia, then 3 months later cancer killed my puppy.  Here's $25."  Like yeah the cause is important, and we shouldn't forget that we're trying to raise money for charity... but my goodness it was a bit of an emotional roller coaster at times between family members dying and then insanely difficult frame-perfect tricks.  At the same time it seems ice-cold to sensor people who have lost so much and just want to express what the GDQ means to them.  It's a difficult balance and I wish I had a suggestion - maybe try to mix in more fun and silly donations than we did this time and save the heavy stuff for in between runs?

Casual / Tournament Rooms - Fucking loved it.  Had some great times here.  It's really good that this space exists and big thanks to anyone who donated their hardware.  I mean, it'd be wonderful to expand on it and have massive libraries of games and controllers waiting to be used, but as is it is awesomely done.  I guess I got away with playing Smash (n64) on Saturday in the casual room?... I didn't actually know about that rule and never ran into anyone enforcing it.  When I wanted to play smash after that it was in the tournament.

Practice Room - This was really well done, and smart to prioritize the runners for obvious reasons.  At first I was anxious about even walking in here as I wasn't running anything at AGDQ, but when I realized there was a separate runner only practice room, and people were mostly relaxed in the main practice room - I went in, watched some great runs, and even had a chance to learn some games from others while in there.  It was a great setup and everyone did a good job with it.

Bonus Stream - As an attendee, Saturday through Sunday was quite sufficient enough of a strain on my finances and vacation days that I was quite okay with driving back Sunday morning.  I imagine a lot of people are in a similar situation, and while I think the bonus stream is "nice" - I don't think it's critical to the GDQ and don't fault anyone for wanting to be rid of it if it's not logistically feasible anymore.

Main Stream Room / Couch / Chair Things - I'm going to be honest, when I first walked in and saw the setup I felt pretty disappointed.  This was because I felt like I had come all of this way and was totally disconnected from the run just kind of watching twitch except on a bigger screen.  I had a great view of the screen in the front row by the door, and as such it took me a few minutes to even identify where the actual run was taking place.  As I had not negotiated to be on anyone's couch or overflow chairs - I was worried this was going to be my AGDQ experience and it really didn't feel like I was there "in person" to me.  (It didn't help that feeling that the first run I walked in on was the run where the output was dropping frames.  Mario Kart I believe.)  I watched a couple runs that clearly had empty chairs in the back and I finally got brave and asked the one person on staff who I sort of knew if I was welcome to come sit behind the couch for his run (remember that I got to AGDQ not knowing anybody at all in person, so the awkward internal monolog was real).  The response was a very friendly assurance (thanks so much!!) that it was okay to join in behind the couch as long as everyone who the runner wanted there had a space too.  Maybe I'm daft - but I feel like this was not clear at all from reading the rules - which I did multiple times.  This just isn't the most clear or inviting line:

-The couch area is off limits to anyone who is not approved by the runner. This includes the rows immediately behind the couch as well if the runner has extra people he or she wants to have there.

The seats behind the couch were also so separated visually and by physical obstructions that I honestly got the impression I had no business back there unless specifically invited.  I am pretty sure that I overheard others puzzling this out as well during the first couple of days and I imagine that someone not as... outgoing... as myself might have really missed out by never feeling comfortable engaging anyone to figure out what the rules actually were regarding this.

Anyway, once I understood that I was allowed to come see the runs in person in person - it was fucking awesome.  I don't know why it was so important to me but I really felt much more connected to AGDQ watching the real television with my own eyes, and hearing the runners and commentary not through a speaker.  That's kind of what I came out there to do, after all.  I saw the runs that I really wanted to see from right behind the couch and it was so hype to be right there for these amazing moments.

There was one other point of confusion - and I'm positive that for this one I wasn't the only one.  This was later into the week and by then enough people had figured out it was okay to go behind the projector.  However, there were more people than chairs and a good deal of confusion surrounding how to handle it.  The first time, a few of us stood behind the last row of chairs - I asked someone (a non-staff member who had been to GDQs before) if this was okay and they said "I think so."  And in fact it went pretty okay.  Lots of staff members were around and nobody said anything about it, we could see the TV and weren't in anybody's way.  So awesome.

But then the second time I ran into this situation it was handled confusingly.  People had added chairs I guess, but they were removed so they ended up standing (after being re-added and re-removed again), then I thought I heard someone say that there couldn't be standing (so I left), but then the run was about to start and people were clearly being allowed to stand (so I came back).  It was all a bit confusing as to what was okay and what wasn't.

My suggestion here is of course to be more explicit in two ways.  The first is to try to be more inviting, avoid obstructing the path to the couch / chairs, and make it clear that it's totally okay to sit in on a run without an explicit invitation so long as runner's selected friends get first dibs.  Maybe even have the announcer say "Hey we still have some chairs open if anyone else would like to come up."  Two, figure out the standing thing conclusively one way or the other so as to avoid confusion.  (Personally I think it just makes the run look more hype - and is totally non-disruptive as long as we don't have a mosh pit going back there.)


Sooooooo yeah.  A few minor suggestions and my biggest meanest criticism is that the rules for the space behind the couch were communicated poorly.  You can contrast that with the praise that this was one of the most fantastic times I've had in my life.

It's worth repeating that what you guys pulled off was fucking amazing.  And while there may be some small ways to make it even better, if you did it all again exactly the same I would be absolutely thrilled to come year after year.
Require email verification.  Use r9k mode and slowmode; have a bot give a 24 hour timeout to anyone that posts phrases like "YSG" "RalpherZ" etc (maybe even "Kappa" at 100k+ viewers).  have several more mods and encourage them to give 24 hour timeouts to anyone that says something stupid (either trolling or excessive misspelling of words, any sort of low-quality/anti-quality content).  Essentially mod that crap like a Nazi.

Use different length slowmodes depending on amount of viewers/chatters, sub-only mode for when it gets really busy.

Mention on stream that if anyone watching has a question they can pm a moderator, that way genuine questions can actually get answers.
Quote from Elipsis:
Well this thread is bumpin'.  Shocked

AGDQ 2015 was my very first live GDQ - first and foremost I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who invested their time and effort into this event.  It was honestly one of the most fun and amazing weeks of my life.  Full stop.  You guys did a mind-blowing job with this event and I am fully sold on coming back next year.  I feel like a douche being critical of really anything at all when I know some folks in the staff and volunteers were practically killing themselves trying to make this thing a success.  I have enormous respect for all of your efforts, so as I'm doing this write-up please don't think everything you all put into this event is unappreciated.

Hotel Things

So I drove here from Pittsburgh - and I was absolutely sure that my GPS had fucked up as I was being routed around loading trucks and around the back-side of what looked to be an industrial park.  But lo and behold suddenly I'm at what must obviously be the back entrance to the Hilton.  After a bit of senseless circling I finally found a parking spot waaaaay away from the main lobby thinking I must surely be one of the last ones to arrive (it was Saturday).  And so marked my slightly comical arrival at a hotel that, as it turns out, I rather liked quite a bit.

The room was, simply put, pretty nice.  I had one bout of terror for about 45 seconds as I first scoped out the place when I couldn't find the blackout curtains... dread creeping into my mind as the fear went off in my head "Oh god, I might have to see the sun this week."  But thank goodness, I found them hiding in the back of the fancy looking drapes - and so successfully embarked on one of the most disastrous and irresponsible sleep schedules of my adult life.

I had one minor issue partway through the week which hotel maintenance fixed for me pretty much immediately, and beyond that everything about the room was satisfactory.  King bed was super comfortable, TV supported HDMI which was awesome because I brought my Xbox 360, and the sun was not let in.  One other weird praise if I may... I was rather worried when I saw that my room was directly in front of the elevator.  Having this spot before in hotels has been rather deleterious to sleep.  Not so at the Hilton.  Didn't hear the elevator for shit, and for all the hype that I'm sure must have been going on in the hallway intermittently at random hours, nothing woke me up.  I suspect the Hilton has above average acoustic isolation and that's not something to be scoffed at.

Moving out of my room - although I'm pretty sure this was the largest GDQ the thing never felt totally cramped for space.  The main stream room was large, the breakfast had ample seating, and between the tournament room, the practice room, and the casual room, there was always somewhere to relax and socialize without feeling like a sardine.  Having a bar and some food available on site was clutch a couple of times.  It wasn't the best eats, but it got me through a few nights.  That said, I had a car... and went off-site a number of times on the days that I actually remembered to eat.  If you didn't have your own transportation I would imagine it would have been really rough.  I would not want to eat 7 days in a row from the hotel's food options.  I found a couple of 24/7 options available within 15 minutes from the hotel and gathered up those who wanted to come out, but for a lot of people who flew in that's just not an option.  Sometimes I was just sooooo glad that the first floor never ran out of cups of water.  They did a good job being attentive with that.

Random thought, if the event is 24/7, could we by any chance negotiate for the pool to be open 24/7?  Pool hours were meh.

Overall though - if you told me that AGDQ 2016 was in the same hotel and I was staying in the same room, I wouldn't hesitate for one second to say "I'm definitely in."  My best constructive advise on the food matter would be to have something like a poster board for people to car pool maybe.  For example, "Driving to Indian Food - Leaving at 7pm - Max seating 6" and then have people meet there who were interested or something.  I would definitely volunteer as driver for that sort of thing and it would be a great way to meet random folks while simultaneously getting people without transportation something to eat away from the hotel.

AGDQ Things

The Dead horse criticism - one of my biggest criticisms with how the stream was presented was handled early into the GDQ.  I'm not going to be the Nth person to belabor the dead silence during setup stuff.  You guys know, and adjusted, and I felt like there was good energy on the air afterwards.

Twitch Stream Layout - looked fine to me I'm not a fuss.

Twitch Chat - Fucking toxic.  Not sure what to do about it either.  Sub-only mode has some serious drawbacks that others pointed out... but so does a constant stream of vitriol.  There's not enough moderators in the world to actually clean that up really.  Actually... new idea... if you made EVERYONE a moderator they might all time each other out and then the whole thing would just kind of sort itself out.

About Blocks - so I've seen a lot of criticism about "huge blocks of samey games" (mario stuff, mega man stuff, etc...) and ya know what... I disagree with all of it.  I actually like those big blocks and I want to explain why.  Coming to AGDQ I had about 35 runs highlighted that I was intending to see in person, and I was absolutely unprepared for how much fun stuff is going on all the time off-stream in the other AGDQ rooms, in people's hotel rooms, and occasionally off-site entirely.  Everyone's advise to me was "you really really shouldn't try to do it all" - they were right.  I ended up seeing maybe 14 of the runs I had planned on, and I would have missed a lot more of them were they not in a row.  From my perspective, it was most convenient to set aside that block of time for the runs and plan other things like food and sleep around it.  The shit I ended up missing was mostly the stuff not in blocks where I was saying to myself "Okay... so if I want to catch these runs I have to sleep for 3 hours, wake up and run to the stream room, have breakfast, sleep for 3 more hours, wake up again..." - lining up the same type runs makes it so that it's much easier to plan for, and personally I like it that way.  A lot of people watching Mega Man 1 also want to see Mega Man 5, I argue it's the most convenient thing for everyone to leave such things together.  Conversely, the large blocks of games that I didn't care about were great to catch up on sleep, or relax and enjoy a meal off-site.  So I actually really liked the way the schedule was arranged.

Donations / Atmosphere - Maybe almost a dead horse criticism but I felt awkward a couple of times when I was having a great time watching and enjoying a run and then I hear "I'm donating because my wife just lost her battle with brain cancer, then 6 months later I lost our only daughter to leukemia, then 3 months later cancer killed my puppy.  Here's $25."  Like yeah the cause is important, and we shouldn't forget that we're trying to raise money for charity... but my goodness it was a bit of an emotional roller coaster at times between family members dying and then insanely difficult frame-perfect tricks.  At the same time it seems ice-cold to sensor people who have lost so much and just want to express what the GDQ means to them.  It's a difficult balance and I wish I had a suggestion - maybe try to mix in more fun and silly donations than we did this time and save the heavy stuff for in between runs?

Casual / Tournament Rooms - Fucking loved it.  Had some great times here.  It's really good that this space exists and big thanks to anyone who donated their hardware.  I mean, it'd be wonderful to expand on it and have massive libraries of games and controllers waiting to be used, but as is it is awesomely done.  I guess I got away with playing Smash (n64) on Saturday in the casual room?... I didn't actually know about that rule and never ran into anyone enforcing it.  When I wanted to play smash after that it was in the tournament.

Practice Room - This was really well done, and smart to prioritize the runners for obvious reasons.  At first I was anxious about even walking in here as I wasn't running anything at AGDQ, but when I realized there was a separate runner only practice room, and people were mostly relaxed in the main practice room - I went in, watched some great runs, and even had a chance to learn some games from others while in there.  It was a great setup and everyone did a good job with it.

Bonus Stream - As an attendee, Saturday through Sunday was quite sufficient enough of a strain on my finances and vacation days that I was quite okay with driving back Sunday morning.  I imagine a lot of people are in a similar situation, and while I think the bonus stream is "nice" - I don't think it's critical to the GDQ and don't fault anyone for wanting to be rid of it if it's not logistically feasible anymore.

Main Stream Room / Couch / Chair Things - I'm going to be honest, when I first walked in and saw the setup I felt pretty disappointed.  This was because I felt like I had come all of this way and was totally disconnected from the run just kind of watching twitch except on a bigger screen.  I had a great view of the screen in the front row by the door, and as such it took me a few minutes to even identify where the actual run was taking place.  As I had not negotiated to be on anyone's couch or overflow chairs - I was worried this was going to be my AGDQ experience and it really didn't feel like I was there "in person" to me.  (It didn't help that feeling that the first run I walked in on was the run where the output was dropping frames.  Mario Kart I believe.)  I watched a couple runs that clearly had empty chairs in the back and I finally got brave and asked the one person on staff who I sort of knew if I was welcome to come sit behind the couch for his run (remember that I got to AGDQ not knowing anybody at all in person, so the awkward internal monolog was real).  The response was a very friendly assurance (thanks so much!!) that it was okay to join in behind the couch as long as everyone who the runner wanted there had a space too.  Maybe I'm daft - but I feel like this was not clear at all from reading the rules - which I did multiple times.  This just isn't the most clear or inviting line:

-The couch area is off limits to anyone who is not approved by the runner. This includes the rows immediately behind the couch as well if the runner has extra people he or she wants to have there.

The seats behind the couch were also so separated visually and by physical obstructions that I honestly got the impression I had no business back there unless specifically invited.  I am pretty sure that I overheard others puzzling this out as well during the first couple of days and I imagine that someone not as... outgoing... as myself might have really missed out by never feeling comfortable engaging anyone to figure out what the rules actually were regarding this.

Anyway, once I understood that I was allowed to come see the runs in person in person - it was fucking awesome.  I don't know why it was so important to me but I really felt much more connected to AGDQ watching the real television with my own eyes, and hearing the runners and commentary not through a speaker.  That's kind of what I came out there to do, after all.  I saw the runs that I really wanted to see from right behind the couch and it was so hype to be right there for these amazing moments.

There was one other point of confusion - and I'm positive that for this one I wasn't the only one.  This was later into the week and by then enough people had figured out it was okay to go behind the projector.  However, there were more people than chairs and a good deal of confusion surrounding how to handle it.  The first time, a few of us stood behind the last row of chairs - I asked someone (a non-staff member who had been to GDQs before) if this was okay and they said "I think so."  And in fact it went pretty okay.  Lots of staff members were around and nobody said anything about it, we could see the TV and weren't in anybody's way.  So awesome.

But then the second time I ran into this situation it was handled confusingly.  People had added chairs I guess, but they were removed so they ended up standing (after being re-added and re-removed again), then I thought I heard someone say that there couldn't be standing (so I left), but then the run was about to start and people were clearly being allowed to stand (so I came back).  It was all a bit confusing as to what was okay and what wasn't.

My suggestion here is of course to be more explicit in two ways.  The first is to try to be more inviting, avoid obstructing the path to the couch / chairs, and make it clear that it's totally okay to sit in on a run without an explicit invitation so long as runner's selected friends get first dibs.  Maybe even have the announcer say "Hey we still have some chairs open if anyone else would like to come up."  Two, figure out the standing thing conclusively one way or the other so as to avoid confusion.  (Personally I think it just makes the run look more hype - and is totally non-disruptive as long as we don't have a mosh pit going back there.)


Sooooooo yeah.  A few minor suggestions and my biggest meanest criticism is that the rules for the space behind the couch were communicated poorly.  You can contrast that with the praise that this was one of the most fantastic times I've had in my life.

It's worth repeating that what you guys pulled off was fucking amazing.  And while there may be some small ways to make it even better, if you did it all again exactly the same I would be absolutely thrilled to come year after year.

elipsis is a moderator, and you are not the owner of this channel.
Edit history:
CBenni: 2015-01-28 06:07:26 am
To anyone requesting super-nazi chat moderation: That will not work and just burn us out within minutes. You need to allow twitch chat to spam, simple as that. If they cant spam YSG, they will spam swastikas or ascii penises - those break twitch chat and make it unmoderatable. Get down from your rage and think please (or leave it to those who know what theyre talking about)
To be honest, I think expecting intelligence out of twitch chat is way out of the question. I don't see a problem with twitch chat being unintelligible either. If all twitch chat did was spam Kappa and and stuff it'd be perfectly fine. It's the other things that twitch chat could do that I have a problem with.
Quote from Naegleria:
Require email verification.  Use r9k mode and slowmode; have a bot give a 24 hour timeout to anyone that posts phrases like "YSG" "RalpherZ" etc (maybe even "Kappa" at 100k+ viewers).  have several more mods and encourage them to give 24 hour timeouts to anyone that says something stupid (either trolling or excessive misspelling of words, any sort of low-quality/anti-quality content).  Essentially mod that crap like a Nazi.

Use different length slowmodes depending on amount of viewers/chatters, sub-only mode for when it gets really busy.

Mention on stream that if anyone watching has a question they can pm a moderator, that way genuine questions can actually get answers.


Quote from Cronikeys:
@presjpolk, dangoofthunder, doicm
reminder agdq is partially funded by pcf (or another charity next year) and that extra things like the smash/casual room or people watching a projector do not raise any funds

less attendees = lower cost = more money for charity, right?

I mean it's to the point where it currently could just be a gaming convention (e.g. supported solely by registration fees, but I'd prefer it stay marathon-focused.

My understanding is the main practice room stuff was sponsored, so that wouldn't be out of pocket for PCF or GDQ Inc.

And more attendees means more fees collected, which means more money to invest in bettering the event to raise more money.  So that equation doesn't necessarily hold up.  In fact, it'd probably be good if GDQ Inc. were able to grow beyond the ability to *need* PCF.  Not saying it's time to break up with PCF, but if GDQs were self-sustaining million dollar raising events, then that would make GDQ Inc. and independent and thriving entity.  Which is good for the hobby if we believe GDQs are good for the hobby.
can't agree with full nazi moderation of twitch chat, that would make it not twitch chat

I think typical twitch chat is stupid, but I wouldn't want to change the character of it substantially.  just get rid of the vileness
Quote from Reiska:
I wouldn't want to change the character of it substantially.  just get rid of the vileness

The nature of large Twitch chats *is* vileness unless you moderate strictly.
Quote from Naegleria:
Require email verification.  Use r9k mode and slowmode; have a bot give a 24 hour timeout to anyone that posts phrases like "YSG" "RalpherZ" etc (maybe even "Kappa" at 100k+ viewers).  have several more mods and encourage them to give 24 hour timeouts to anyone that says something stupid (either trolling or excessive misspelling of words, any sort of low-quality/anti-quality content).  Essentially mod that crap like a Nazi.

Use different length slowmodes depending on amount of viewers/chatters, sub-only mode for when it gets really busy.

Mention on stream that if anyone watching has a question they can pm a moderator, that way genuine questions can actually get answers.

I was on head donation station during the time with the largest viewer count on twitch and I can tell you that our chat about modding it was already similar to this.

CBenni ran with r9k mode on the entire marathon and we moved slow mode timing around depending on the messages per minute (at one point we got upwards of 500-600 messages a minute).

This is in addition to having bots already timing people out for blacklisted words. No human is going to affect chat as quickly as a bot when you have 8-10 messages per second in chat.

Also the few times I had to post something in twitch chat it vanished literally instantly most of the time. The most common place for us to get PMs over there was from irc where chat was much calmer.
Quote from CBenni:
If they cant spam YSG, they will spam swastikas or ascii penises

Then have the bot give 24 timeoutes to that too.
You obviously have never managed a chat like that before (and it seems like thats a good thing), I wont discuss this any further, sorry.
Many words! Handle it!
I guess I'm not really sure what the goal of putting more effort into chat moderation would be. The amount of work you would have to put in seems disproportionate to the benefit gained. What's more, I'm pretty sure you end up pissing off more people than you please, by quelling the masses so the few can speak up (when they could easily just go to the IRC). The gain is relatively small. It could be argued that chat gives the GDQs a bad rep, but I don't think anyone is surprised these days, what you get when you have 100k+ internet folk in one place.

Let me give you a small anecdote. I work in game development. One of the games we made has world chat. The amount of time and effort it took to moderate this chat was enormous. Even with bots and a team of volunteer mods (who made up about 5-10% of the actual active userbase) it took multiple employees anywhere from 1-5 hours (each) every day to keep the chat in a reasonable state. This was considered to be an egregious waste of money, so chat was removed. The game's active userbase saw a steady decline. We brought it back, moderated solely by bots, and the userbase has steadily climbed again. Overall we have ended up with a product that has more satisfied users and requires significantly fewer manhours to maintain. We lost some people that don't like the unmoderated look, but losses are fewer than the number of new and returning users that enjoy shitting up the chat. The dedicated people who really want a moderate chat have just moved to facebook or kik, so in a way, it has actually strengthened the core of our community.
Not unlike how dedicated people who really want a moderate GDQ chat have just moved to Quakenet.
Quote from presjpolk:
Quote from Cronikeys:
less attendees = lower cost = more money for charity, right?.

[...]it'd probably be good if GDQ Inc. were able to grow beyond the ability to *need* PCF.  Not saying it's time to break up with PCF, but if GDQs were self-sustaining million dollar raising events, then that would make GDQ Inc. and independent and thriving entity.  Which is good for the hobby if we believe GDQs are good for the hobby.

My concern was with the focus being shifted off the charity marathon aspect, which is exactly the scenario you're describing.
Edit history:
presjpolk: 2015-01-28 11:19:35 pm
I understand that. I just think it'd be great if it grew big enough to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Also, if GDQ Inc. diversifies then it's more sustainable than having all its eggs in the PCF basket.

I'm a fan of the hobby. I think that the GDQ events have caused tremendous growth in the hobby.  I'm selfish and hope that it continues.
If you're talking about chat, either sub-only or stop putting effort into moderating something that won't affect it much anyways.
Quote from Cronikeys:
Quote from presjpolk:
Quote from Cronikeys:
less attendees = lower cost = more money for charity, right?.

[...]it'd probably be good if GDQ Inc. were able to grow beyond the ability to *need* PCF.  Not saying it's time to break up with PCF, but if GDQs were self-sustaining million dollar raising events, then that would make GDQ Inc. and independent and thriving entity.  Which is good for the hobby if we believe GDQs are good for the hobby.

My concern was with the focus being shifted off the charity marathon aspect, which is exactly the scenario you're describing.

I don't know if that's what he's saying. Right now, GDQ would be hard pressed to exist without the backing of PCF / MSF. If instead of needing to lash our sails with those, we can simply exist as our own entity and then pick and choose what charities we support, or maybe even have charities that work with an array of charities simultaneously (or even let the donors pick!), would be an interesting idea.
Concerning chat:
- It was mentioned, that no human can really keep up with everything
- Bots are probably missing a lot
--> Have a small team of people that constantly updates the bot with things to timeout/ban instead of timing the individuals out themselves? This would include upading the bot with various misspellings of the phrases etc.

The things left to moderate would be context sensitive messages, that in "other context" wouldn't get banned
Quote from Yagamoth:
The things left to moderate would be context sensitive messages, that in "other context" wouldn't get banned

Certain runners / people on screen are magnets for certain kinds of trolling.

I had to ban and timeout more during the Street Fighter 2010 run than in the whole rest of my Best of NES moderation combined.
Quote from Yagamoth:
Concerning chat:
- It was mentioned, that no human can really keep up with everything
- Bots are probably missing a lot
--> Have a small team of people that constantly updates the bot with things to timeout/ban instead of timing the individuals out themselves? This would include upading the bot with various misspellings of the phrases etc.

The things left to moderate would be context sensitive messages, that in "other context" wouldn't get banned

This is something that was already being done. The twitch chat mod team added new words regularly to the blacklist to help with some of the spam.
Couple points I meant to make in my first post but forgot due to general life craziness:

As much as I love reproduction carts they're in a legal grey area (to put it kindly). For a smaller event this is probably fine but an event raising $1,000,000+ that's trying to be more professional should probably shy away from this kind of prize. Perlers that are direct copies of in-game sprites are probably questionable too, but it feels like those would get more of a pass. Realistically, I don't think any of these companies are going to come after you but it also doesn't seem worth the risk for repros.

The event branding was also a bit confusing. My understanding was that GDQ was now its own completely separate thing, but the banners used on stream said "SpeedDemosArchive presents" while the banners in the mega thread and given away as prizes were missing this branding. Maybe just a communication or consistency thing, and extremely minor.
LLK is no speedrunner
Quote from Genocidal:
Couple points I meant to make in my first post but forgot due to general life craziness:

As much as I love reproduction carts they're in a legal grey area (to put it kindly). For a smaller event this is probably fine but an event raising $1,000,000+ that's trying to be more professional should probably shy away from this kind of prize. Perlers that are direct copies of in-game sprites are probably questionable too, but it feels like those would get more of a pass. Realistically, I don't think any of these companies are going to come after you but it also doesn't seem worth the risk for repros.

The event branding was also a bit confusing. My understanding was that GDQ was now its own completely separate thing, but the banners used on stream said "SpeedDemosArchive presents" while the banners in the mega thread and given away as prizes were missing this branding. Maybe just a communication or consistency thing, and extremely minor.

This was a little slip-up here. Basically Mike originally told me "just keep things the same," hence the SDA name on there. But then later it was taken off since GDQ is in fact its own thing now. The old version of the banners ended up in the layout but I didn't notice until I'd already been there a few days. In the future, no iteration of the banners will have SDA on them. Which works out since hey, more room for the rest of the text!
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
PUNCH OUT WII suggestion.

Grettings to the community:

Have any of the expert Wii Punch Out players thought about making a motion run of the game? That is beating the game using the balance board and Wii Remote/Nunchuck combo.

That would be quite impressive and amusing XD
Hello, I'm just a fan of the GDQs and have been watching since 2012. I love the community and how upbeat and positive you guys are and so I do feel bad making a criticism, but as a viewer and (admittedly meager) donator I feel like the speedruns and speedrunners took a diminished priority this year compared to previous years. I'm currently going through all of AGDQ 2015 that I missed and I think the "World of Illusion" run is a good example of what I mean:

The runner cam is entirely too small and both game screens could be blown up too. (Make them half the screen in width all the way up top and put the runner came below as big as possible). In previous years you could even see the layout be adjusted to maximize the game screens and runner screen and watching this I just feel like that focus on the runs and runners is clearly being downsized. I acknowledge that the sponsors are important, and that there are likely many many many considerations that I am simply oblivious to, but I feel that clearly the most important thing is raising money for the PCF and the way that that money is getting raised is through donations for a speedrunning marathon. If you diminish the entertainment value of the speedrunning marathon then you diminish the very thing that all these donators came to see.

The sponsors can be big during all the setups and intermissions, but making them big at the expense of the very core of this million dollar raising charity event to me seems like a bad idea. And although I love you guys and all the hard work you do, it can leave me as a viewer and avid fan frustrated. And if I am frustrated then I cannot be the only one. I don't want frustrated viewers tuning out from such a great cause for such a silly thing as screen layout, which is why I felt compelled to share my feelings about it. I hope this was the appropriate forum to do so.

My thoughts on the layout aside, you are a terrific community doing a great job putting on such an event that I have loved for many years now, so thank you to all of you here who are involved.