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Commenting as someone who only got into speedrunning in the last year or so and has only been watching marathons since SGDQ13, but whatever. I'll try providing suggestions that have come to mind while reading through the thread that I haven't yet seen to problems that have already been mentioned.

Overly-long setup times

We all know this was a problem, and it's very easy for romscout and Matty to say that they'll try to be more on top of it come SGDQ. It's already been established that these events don't have the budget for twice the equipment, and a dual-couch setup just won't work. But that doesn't mean that you can't set up more games than just the very next one.

Say you start the event with games 1 and 2 already set to go. Game 1 goes ahead, then there's the setup/takedown phase of game 1. In the same time that the first game's setup is being dismantled enough for that TV/PC to be freed up, the runner/couch crew to take off any mics and get the game out of the console, and get out of the way, game 3 begins setup. As long as the technical requirements for whatever game is being run (CRT, PAL/NTSC, etc.) are well-defined and understood by the runner and organisers, people work quickly and communicate with each other, and games aren't scheduled in such a way that two games that require the same setup where there are only enough supplies for one aren't run back-to-back, in theory this should allow for a fairly quick setup time. In that time, game 2's runner gets mic'd up, has their levels set, the game is started and confirmed to be working and appearing on-stream, and the host has had some time to do the general marathon info/sponsor/bid war/prize callouts and a few donations.

This solution requires everyone to be on their game; considering the air of professionalism that GDQ wants to have now, that's hardly asking much. But when I say "everyone", I mean the runners as well. They'll need to be available to set up their game one run in advance, be expressly clear when submitting their runs about what they need, and not mill about once their run is done. Runners may not be volunteering for any behind-the-scenes work or organising, but they are still volunteering to help with the event by way of running games.

Regarding orientation on day one that some runners missed due to arriving partway through the marathon: just send an orientation infopack to all known (and maybe even potential, i.e. incentive runs, bonus runs) runners by email a couple of weeks before the event, informing them of their responsibilities as runners, how to do things like mic themselves up quickly, not to swear, and so on. Basic info. If a runner screws up on one of these things, they didn't read their copy and should get flagged for it as a less-desirable runner for future events.

No crowd behind the couch

The solution other people have come up with so far of switching from the couch cam to the crowd cam during runs to give the viewers at home a sense of the atmosphere and hype at the venue is a good one; the best time to use it would likely be while a donation is being read, with a slow pan across the crowd (slow pan means hand-controlled, don't use a robocam). Of course, like a lot of things, it would need to be used with intelligence, not just automatically switching cameras as soon as any donation starts, recognising when the couch is actually worth looking at (suspense at a blindfolded run, for example), but it would go a long way towards making things feel as lively as they did in previous GDQs. The matter of actual attendees feeling like they paid several hundred dollars to watch what they could have from the comfort of their own home is something I'll leave to smarter people to solve.

Bonus stream as training

If the bonus stream does live on as a method for tech volunteers to be properly trained, please let it also apply to hosts. I don't know if it was just me, but it seemed like a lot more new people were hosting than previous events, and the combination of people who clearly aren't as comfortable with public speaking/announcing and the constant recitations of scripted sponsor messages made it really boring to listen to after awhile. Let the hosts of the bonus stream be people who haven't done any/much hosting before, give them the chance to practice some basic radio techniques like the channel callout, the upcoming schedule, ad-libbing, reading donations, screening donations themselves to make judgement calls about what should be read out, when.

At the same time, I'm sure the organisers want to avoid having volunteers working super long shifts, but I think the main stream's hosts should be kept to people who can prove to some degree that they can do more than just read words off a page. The hosts this year who sounded like they had some personality, or actually interacted with the runners, asking them questions about the game, the run, or speedrunning in general, actually made those runs more enjoyable to watch. If that results in fewer people being required to host for longer periods of time or more frequently, that'll suck for them, but the alternative is an event that's putting on airs, wanting to look and sound professional, yet being presented by people who aren't. At the very least, recommend that people who volunteer for hosting seek out their local community radio station and try getting a bit of radio training.


I think a general problem with the way the GDQs are evolving is the western business mentality that you must always be growing, getting bigger (read: better) with each successive turn. I've seen comments throughout the thread about how things are hard as AGDQ continues to grow, and I keep asking myself "Does it actually need to get bigger?"

Bigger doesn't automatically equate to more money raised, and more money raised does not automatically mean things have to get bigger. Some questions I have just out of curiosity, since I just don't know: was there an attendee cap on the marathon? Are there any plans for one? I assume the hotel changes each year to try and give people who can't afford the travel expenses to one location might be able to make it somewhere else; are there any hotels that have been whitelisted that you could use a second time, knowing that they are capable of handling the load a GDQ brings?

I especially don't think AGDQ or SGDQ need to keep getting bigger currently, since multiple times in the thread I've been seeing comments from staff that show that GDQ's ambitions far outstrip its abilities, particularly the fact that almost every single person involved with running the events is a volunteer, which means putting your faith in an unknown quantity. Punching above your weight can sometimes lead to fun and memorable events, but this event just seemed like things were going wrong left and right in one way or another. With the cleaner stream layout and better knowledge of ways to avoid technical "hiccups" (to be generous), if the event was scaled back a little to something you know you can handle, wire to wire, I think it would be just fine.

Also whoever said that you should use headsets for mics was absolutely on the money. Nobody cares that the runner will be wearing a piece of plastic on their head, especially when they're going to be looking at the game being run 90% of the time.
Quote from frozentreasure:

Bigger doesn't automatically equate to more money raised, and more money raised does not automatically mean things have to get bigger. Some questions I have just out of curiosity, since I just don't know: was there an attendee cap on the marathon? Are there any plans for one? I assume the hotel changes each year to try and give people who can't afford the travel expenses to one location might be able to make it somewhere else; are there any hotels that have been whitelisted that you could use a second time, knowing that they are capable of handling the load a GDQ brings?

There was an attendance cap of i think 920 people for this AGDQ, and it was almost hit (remaining 80 for emergency last-minute runners+volunteers). The organizers can't do much about the growing size of the GDQs besides setting some attendance cap. Face it, the majority of people going don't even care about the marathon, they just want to go and hang out (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that). Soon enough, though, this attendance cap will be hit, and people will start being super salty about not being able to go. It's not going to stop growing, yet the manpower to handle the management isn't growing enough to accommodate for that unfortunately. I'm not sure what you can really do about this besides maintain the attendance cap and be stricter about those who can attend, because obviously just not having a cap will lead to management issues down the road.
Quote from kirbymastah:
There was an attendance cap of i think 920 people for this AGDQ, and it was almost hit (remaining 80 for emergency last-minute runners+volunteers). The organizers can't do much about the growing size of the GDQs besides setting some attendance cap. Face it, the majority of people going don't even care about the marathon, they just want to go and hang out (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that). Soon enough, though, this attendance cap will be hit, and people will start being super salty about not being able to go. It's not going to stop growing, yet the manpower to handle the management isn't growing enough to accommodate for that unfortunately. I'm not sure what you can really do about this besides maintain the attendance cap and be stricter about those who can attend, because obviously just not having a cap will lead to management issues down the road.

I think you misunderstood me; if the answer had been "no cap" I would have advocated for one, because I think constraining it is all-but necessary. People get salty about missing out on conventions, etc. Usually the response is either a second convention at some other time of the year in another locale, or for the person to just try again the next year. Which one GDQ attendees will be faced with is pretty obvious. I assume attendees get a reduced fee for the hotel rooms, right? But it's not like people who really want to hang out with fellow runners wouldn't be able to just treat it as a holiday and spend a few days or week hanging out outside the areas the GDQ has hired, right? A stupid answer, I know.

I suppose we'll just have to see how online-only registrations will work out; I don't know how many people bought a pass in-person. While it will likely still upset people, asking people who aren't "nearby" (whatever that would be defined as) for either of the marathons to not register unless they are confirmed to run a game could also help keep things from being super crowded. But then, that's me trying to think of ideas to actively stop all growth.

On the other hand, if a certain audience size works (1000, for example) then they could still stick with that and just not increase the cap. People missing out on being there in person, in the case of non-speedrunners, could result in more people tuning in or generating buzz and wanting to get in for the next year. I'm mainly trying to think of ways to keep the event/s from trying to be more than they're capable of. It's not that the GDQs and GDQ (the company) are growing, it's the size of the audience that's growing. But they're pretty clearly in a problematic transitional phase where they have a big audience that wants to get bigger yet they don't have anywhere near the funds to accommodate them. They barely have funds to accommodate a GDQ itself, it seems like. In my extremely limited knowledge of this sort of thing, they should probably be focusing on making sure they can afford to comfortably run a marathon (and that means paying people who know what they're doing to help run things) before trying to expand.
Global Yoshi's Cookie League
My comments relating to volunteering on the tech station have already been addressed, but I have a few comments about my time volunteering on the host station.

- As has been mentioned, having a mute button for the host's microphone is important.
- When a host is about to begin their shift, it would be good to make sure that they are aware of current donation incentives so that these can be mentioned on air.
- Although the computer interface used by the host to manage donation comments was easy to use, I would have liked to have seen it ahead of time rather than seeing it for the first time as I was about to begin my shift. This should be an included part of training/orientation for host volunteers.

In response to an earlier discussion about reading sponsor information, if we want to change the situation of "every hosts reads the same information word-for-word" into "hosts can ad-lib as long as they mention all items on the list about the sponsor", it would be useful if this information was provided to hosts in advance so they could practice it.
@ kirbymastah & frozentreasure - gdqs aren't gaming conventions

imho people shouldn't go if they aren't playing, couching, or volunteering, but i know a lot of people disagree with this mentality. I think less "fans" would decrease costs and drama (e.g. the guy who was banned for touching projectors and stuff)

i said this jokingly in one irc channel, but a "+1" thing like for weddings might be a decent "audience" size limiter.
Quote from Reed:
depressing donation comments: i appreciate that people want to remember their loved ones and the charity is for cancer prevention, but it has long since gotten to the point that it detracts from the spirit of the marathon. this is an event where speedrunners get to see their friends once every 6/12 months, it's raising money for a good cause. it's not a dirge, and there should never be 3-4 'death from cancer' comments read out in a row, it's really unfitting in the middle of a run and nobody knows how to react.

I really disagree with this.  I don't think those kind of comments are awkward at all.  I find them touching and I appreciate hearing them.  Let's face it, in the grand scheme of things, people playing video games fast doesn't matter very much.  People living and dying matters.  Those kinds of comments connect the fun and awesome things we do and enjoy with something that really matters to people's lives.  I respect viewers willing to talk about their family and friends suffering or dying from cancer and it makes me feel proud to support the event.  Without these sorts of comments I really wouldn't care as much about donating.

So I hope they are not discouraged in any way.
Talk to the Hand
Quote from medibot:
In response to an earlier discussion about reading sponsor information, if we want to change the situation of "every hosts reads the same information word-for-word" into "hosts can ad-lib as long as they mention all items on the list about the sponsor", it would be useful if this information was provided to hosts in advance so they could practice it.

I agree with the sentiment here. That said, staff can correct me on this, but I don't think it was explicitly said that you HAD to stick to the script. I believe the exact direction during orientation was "If you do not 100% for a fact know something is true about a sponsor, don't say it." Yes, for a lot of people, this translated to the same thing (IE "To be safe, just read the script"), but the actual instruction was similar yet very different.
Quote from Cronikeys:
@ kirbymastah & frozentreasure - gdqs aren't gaming conventions

imho people shouldn't go if they aren't playing, couching, or volunteering, but i know a lot of people disagree with this mentality. I think less "fans" would decrease costs and drama (e.g. the guy who was banned for touching projectors and stuff)

I certainly don't disagree completely with that mentality; I think the point where the majority of people attending the marathon aren't running, volunteering or commentating is where the line should be drawn in the sand, frankly (and I do realise how few attendees in total that would likely result in, with about 150 games being run giving us maybe 250 people contributing to the marathon in some way at best). However, my suggestions are coming from the assumption that romscout's response to that notion will be "Yeah…but nah", and that GDQs will continue to attempt to be more like gaming conventions without the business model to support it. I mean, unless I'm wrong, there are four rooms being hired right now, right? Main stream, practice room, casual room, tournament room? That's half of the marathon having nothing to do with the part that raises money.

This is kind of what I mean by the ambition outstripping the ability. Right now it comes across like GDQ wants to be all things to all gamers; and it's not.
The problem with adlibbing sponsor messages is that some of the sponsors might want specific wording, in order to keep consistency in branding and message.
Edit history:
Napstrpsx: 2015-01-27 08:42:23 am
Napstrpsx: 2015-01-27 08:41:52 am
Napstrpsx: 2015-01-27 08:40:25 am
I think all the talk about attendance is important. The event is really about 2 things, right? Runners having fun (where the real entertainment is) and raising money for charity. The size of the crowd is irrelevant. Something I imagine *will* stay consistent from here out is GDQ's being a week-long marathon. i.e., the # of runners participating tops off around a familiar point. Making concessions to accommodate more people, being in bigger venues, etc. will do more harm than good.

I don't want my criticism of the camera showing so few people to be taken the wrong way... I just thought it was weird it looked like AGDQ 2012. On the other hand I have no desire or need to see MEGA CROWD+HYPE.
Quote from Cronikeys:
@ kirbymastah & frozentreasure - gdqs aren't gaming conventions

I'm not exactly sure where you thought I said it's a gaming convention, and I kinda hope it doesn't become one; my point was that there's an uncontrollable growth for the GDQs happening, whether we like it or not, and it's only going to keep growing.
Why does it have to be "uncontrollable growth"? I think attendance cap would be a great idea.

I think efforts for "growth" should be stream-related. Bigger venue, more people, etc. seems like going down the wrong path.
Quote from kirbymastah:
there's an uncontrollable growth for the GDQs happening, whether we like it or not, and it's only going to keep growing.

I don't buy that for a second. Of course it's controllable; it's just the standard mentality of any business in the western world that they're falling prey to, even if they don't realise it. Get big, get bigger, get huge. GDQ has a lot of control over it, and they absolutely choose to encourage more growth, because growth == money until they get proven otherwise. Acting like they couldn't put their foot down and say "600 people for the next year of GDQs, priority goes to runners and people helping contribute", and just deal with the fact that some people would be salty about it like some people are always salty about something, or that any event which would do something like that would never be as successful as the alternative, is folly.
I guess "uncontrollable" was the wrong worth, I meant that it's continuously growing and won't stop growing.
Edit history:
Napstrpsx: 2015-01-27 09:10:52 am
I agree with what frozentreasure said. Prioritize the runners and volunteers. No one should be making assumptions everything about the event will have to keep growing.

No matter what happens, GDQ should always be fun. If the physical attendance never grows, so be it. If it doesn't bring in more and more money every year, it doesn't mean it's a failure!
Quote from kirbymastah:
I guess "uncontrollable" was the wrong worth, I meant that it's continuously growing and won't stop growing.

That sounds like the same thing to me; you mean how GDQs are increasing in popularity? 'Cause that makes sense. Speedrunning and the marathons in particular appear to have had a massive surge in widespread interest, and there should certainly be talks of how to capitalise on that without letting it shape the marathons themselves.
I don't think having an attendance cap is a bad idea per se, but the talk of only allowing runners+volunteers seems a bit overkill and would definitely way cut down the amount of people that go and seem almost kind of elitist. On the other hand, I think it's fine if, next year, we maintain the same 'cap' we did this year. Considering how this year's doubled from last year, if the trend continues, we wouldn't even be able to fit into a hotel. We've got to draw the line somewhere, I do agree. AGDQ is not ready to support a crowd of 2000 people.
I don't see why GDQs shouldn't continue to grow as gatherings/conventions as long as the hobby is growing to support it?

I mean, the main practice room, with that sponsored equipment, was a very nice benefit for paying attendees.  The pinball competition. The tournaments.  People have been saying for as long as I've been going that the real fun at the events is off camera, and it's really still true.

Sure, in any given year there's going to have to be an attendance cap, because a venue will be chosen and that will cap the number of attendees that can be reasonably supported. But why not keep growing that as long as the interest is there?
Quote from presjpolk:
But why not keep growing that as long as the interest is there?

I think the question is where the interest is coming from. The tech crew and runners are the backbone of the event and their satisfaction should be top priority.

I imagine there are runners who don't want to be the one to voice preferences that may sound "elitist". Just saying decisions should not be made for the sake of growing. From all I've heard people are having a blast at AGDQ. But I have this image in my head that while the increasing # of non-runners are having a great time mingling, the tech crew and runners are increasingly stressed out.
If there's an attendance cap based on only allowing X% of attendees to be non-volunteers (volunteers being runners in addition to other volunteer roles) then maybe it's not a bad thing. I'm planning on attending SGDQ 2015 and if volunteering for a "shift" or two helps me get there then great. It's almost like "Hey, if you help us out you get to come have a lot of fun!" which granted, might be a bit silly (some people don't do well under directions, and some just don't know when they'll be available to help) but overall would probably increase volunteering.

As a side note, I feel that now that everyone's back, the thread about the stream layout should be reopened or a new one created.
Formerly known as Skullboy
I attended the event in its entirety save for Bonus Stream (had to be back home for college)

I really preferred the layout of the stream room this year compared to AGDQ 2014. Both room designs provide the opportunity for quiet conversation, which the 4H Center wasn't able to. While this may seem like a small thing, it is huge, as these marathons are more of a social event for the attendees, runners, staff, etc then just watching a run and getting hyped. Was the room a bit dead for the first day or two? Yes. Has this happened at most marathons, even the smaller ones (thinking AGDQ 2011)? Yes.  These marathons are not designed purely around hype like races. Sustaining that energy for a week would be impossible with all of the different games being ran.

Setup times have been talked about. The only thing I'd like to suggest is to not have a 15 minute PC game between two console games, even if it falls into a block. Avoiding extraneous switching between console and PC will cut down on some setup times. What exactly goes into setup between runs now aside from getting the runner and commentator mic'd up and running plus ads and donation comments? I know we're past the point where setup is runner jumps on couch, checks controls, and says go.

Aside from the one run where I was on the couch, the visual sight lines for the other five or six runs I saw in the couch area varied from watchable to seeing just a corner of the screen (Sonic 3 & Knuckles). I'm ok with this, as sitting behind the couch during AGDQ 2014 provided the same view. One thing I noticed was that during Vice City was that the monitor that usually had the audience cam on it was showing the video for the run. Maybe having a dedicated monitor in the couch area showing the game video would be useful for the viewers in that area. Also, it was impossible to make out anything Adam said during the run if you were sitting behind him. I'm quasi-familiar with the run so it wasn't a big deal for me but I wonder if the other PC runs were like that (aside from FFVII. I could hear and understand Puwexil fine during that run)

I'm not too picky about stream layouts and designs (mine are usually made in Paint) and I actually liked the line between the game videos during the two player races. I also liked the former layouts too though.

I would not complain if we returned to the Hilton. I liked the hotel and I think it's size and layout served us well. I'm used to walking a lot to get where I'm going in the hotel (go to a convention or conference at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville,TN and you'll be used to walking). Food wasn't an issue for me because I had a car there. We should really have a designated and marked  area for people to meet up if they want to go out for food and socialize. Meeting people is not the easiest thing to do for some people and food runs are a great way to do so.  We talk about having something like that every year but I don't think it's actually happened since we had a dry erase board at the 4H Center.

As much as I'd rather see us not need sponsors (that's the writer/artist in me) I think we need to be careful with how much advertising we end up doing. If a company wants to dominate the air time with long scripted ads, or they start telling us what we can and cannot run, I think we may need to reevaluate the sponsors. I'm not saying to get rid of them, just exercise caution when signing contracts with them.

Last thing: We had a solid Sega block (even if SNES Sparkster, which is a good game, was in the middle of it) and I hope it returns. I know it depends on runners and run submitted. I didn't feel as Ninteno'd out as previous marathons though so schedule spacing is better.

Great marathon, great times. Keep it up everyone.

Dapper as fuck.
While I don't think the attendance cap is a bad thing at all, I don't understand what having attendees has any bearing with the below at all:
Quote from Napstrpsx:
the tech crew and runners are increasingly stressed out

The amount of attendees has little bearing on the tech crew with maybe the exception of setting up a couple of places to view the marathon from and a crowd mic/cam.  As for runners?  What's stressful about attendees?  Having random people introduce themselves to you?  Being bothered during practice?  There was a runner only practice room if they were super worried about being bothered while practicing. 

I guess I'd love to hear why you think any number of attendees is stressful for those particular people.  I would have argued for attendee growth being more stressful for the staff than I would tech or runners. 
Quote from philosoraptor42:
I guess I'd love to hear why you think any number of attendees is stressful for those particular people.

I guess it's not so much about the # of attendees, but the size and scope of the event. And by tech, I meant staff as well.
It's a quick and stupid thought, and it's only been brought up a few times by a few people (and I wasn't there, so I can't vouch for it), but regarding the large number of people deal, smell was a problem. More crowds generally correlates to worse smell/heat.

However, there is the positive of more crowds means larger audience.
Dapper as fuck.
Quote from Napstrpsx:
I guess it's not so much about the # of attendees, but the size and scope of the event. And by tech, I meant staff as well.

Yeah I would agree larger event = more stress for staff. 

Quote from doicm:
It's a quick and stupid thought, and it's only been brought up a few times by a few people (and I wasn't there, so I can't vouch for it), but regarding the large number of people deal, smell was a problem. More crowds generally correlates to worse smell/heat.

However, there is the positive of more crowds means larger audience.

Having been there, I didn't encounter that much in the way of smelly people.  I heard that at some points the tournament room had that issue, but I didn't spend much time in there, and the few times I did, it wasn't smelly.